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UNIT 3 Assessment and management of normal pregnancy(ante- natal)

🩺 Assessment and Management of Normal Pregnancy (Antenatal Care)

Antenatal care (ANC) is systematic, regular monitoring of a pregnant woman and her fetus from the time of conception until the onset of labor to ensure the wellbeing of both.

🌸 Objectives of Antenatal Care

  1. Ensure the birth of a healthy baby.
  2. Maintain the health of the mother during pregnancy.
  3. Recognize high-risk pregnancies and provide early interventions.
  4. Provide health education (nutrition, hygiene, childbirth preparation).
  5. Prepare the mother and family for labor, delivery, and parenthood.

I. 👩‍⚕️ Initial Assessment (First Visit)

Usually occurs around 6–12 weeks of gestation.

🔍 A. History Collection

  1. Personal details: Name, age, address, occupation.
  2. Obstetric history:
    • Gravida (G), Para (P), Abortions (A), Living children (L) – e.g., G3P2A0L2.
  3. Menstrual history:
    • Last Menstrual Period (LMP)
    • Expected Date of Delivery (EDD) = LMP + 9 months + 7 days.
  4. Medical/surgical history: Diabetes, hypertension, asthma, surgeries.
  5. Family history: Genetic disorders, twin pregnancy.
  6. Socioeconomic status: Income, education, housing.
  7. Dietary habits, addictions (smoking, alcohol, etc.).

🩻 B. Physical Examination

  1. General Examination:
    • Height and weight (baseline).
    • BMI calculation.
    • Blood pressure (rule out preeclampsia).
    • Pallor, edema, jaundice, thyroid, lymph nodes.
  2. Breast Examination:
    • To detect lumps or nipple retraction.
    • Educate about breast care.
  3. Abdominal Examination:
    • Palpation of uterus (fundal height).
    • Lie, presentation, and fetal heart sounds after 20 weeks.
  4. Pelvic Examination:
    • Done only if needed (bleeding, discharge, etc.)

🧪 C. Investigations

  1. Hemoglobin (Hb): To detect anemia.
  2. Blood group and Rh typing.
  3. Blood sugar (Fasting/Random): For gestational diabetes.
  4. Urine test: For albumin, sugar, and infection.
  5. HIV, HBsAg, VDRL (mandatory tests).
  6. Ultrasound:
    • First trimester: Dating scan.
    • Second trimester: Anomaly scan (~18–22 weeks).
    • Third trimester: Growth and position.

II. 📅 Subsequent Antenatal Visits

WHO/INC Guidelines (Minimum Visits):

  1. 1st visit: By 12 weeks (1st trimester)
  2. 2nd visit: Between 14–26 weeks (2nd trimester)
  3. 3rd visit: Between 28–34 weeks
  4. 4th visit: After 36 weeks

(More visits if high-risk pregnancy)

✍️ Check-ups at Each Visit

  1. Weight and BP monitoring
  2. Urine test (sugar & albumin)
  3. Fundal height measurement (assess fetal growth)
  4. Fetal heart rate (120–160 bpm)
  5. Fetal movements after 20 weeks
  6. Look for danger signs:
    • Bleeding
    • Severe headache
    • Swelling of hands/face
    • Blurred vision
    • Reduced fetal movement

III. 💊 Management of Normal Pregnancy

✅ Routine Care and Advice

  1. Iron & Folic Acid (IFA):
    • 100 mg elemental iron + 500 mcg folic acid once daily after 14 weeks, for 180 days.
  2. Calcium Supplement:
    • 500 mg twice daily from 14 weeks till 6 months postpartum.
  3. Tetanus + Adult Diphtheria (Td) Injection:
    • 2 doses: 1st at 16 weeks, 2nd after 4 weeks (or booster if previously immunized).
  4. Deworming:
    • Single dose of Albendazole 400 mg after 2nd trimester.
  5. Nutrition:
    • High protein, iron, calcium, and fiber diet.
    • 300 kcal extra per day.
  6. Hygiene:
    • Personal cleanliness, avoid infections.
  7. Rest and Sleep:
    • Minimum 8 hours at night + rest during day.
  8. Exercise:
    • Light physical activity (walking, yoga).
  9. Sexual activity:
    • Safe unless contraindicated by doctor.

🧘‍♀️ Health Education

  • Danger signs in pregnancy
  • Birth preparedness
  • Institutional delivery
  • Postnatal care and breastfeeding
  • Family planning options after delivery

IV. 🚨 When to Refer to Higher Centre (Danger Signs)

  1. Bleeding per vagina
  2. Severe headache/visual disturbances
  3. Swelling of face and limbs
  4. Severe abdominal pain
  5. High fever
  6. No fetal movement >6 hours
  7. Convulsions, unconsciousness
  8. Blood pressure >140/90 mmHg

V. 🤱 Preparation for Labor and Delivery

  1. Encourage hospital delivery (Janani Suraksha Yojana / PMMVY schemes in India).
  2. Identify transportation.
  3. Arrange for blood donor if needed.
  4. Keep emergency contact numbers ready.
  5. Keep delivery kit ready after 36 weeks.

Summary Table 📋

Assessment AreaManagement/Action
History takingIdentify risks, plan care
Physical examinationMonitor health, detect abnormalities
Lab investigationsIdentify anemia, infections, gestational diabetes
Nutritional adviceBalanced diet + supplements
Routine medsIFA, Calcium, Albendazole, Td injection
Health educationDanger signs, birth preparedness, breastfeeding
Referral criteriaDanger signs or complications
Preparation for birthInstitutional delivery, emergency planning

🌸 Pre-Pregnancy Care – Review of Sexual Development

Pre-pregnancy (preconception) care involves a comprehensive health assessment and guidance given to a woman or couple before conception to optimize maternal and fetal outcomes.

One key part of this is the Review of Sexual Development, which helps healthcare providers understand the biological, physical, hormonal, and psychological readiness of a woman for pregnancy.

🌼 I. Purpose of Reviewing Sexual Development in Pre-Pregnancy Care

  1. To assess normal pubertal and reproductive development.
  2. To identify any abnormalities in sexual or reproductive anatomy.
  3. To ensure hormonal balance for conception.
  4. To provide timely treatment for any sexual development disorders.
  5. To address psychosocial readiness for sexual activity and pregnancy.

🌺 II. Normal Sexual Development – A Brief Overview

Sexual development occurs in five major stages, mainly during adolescence and early adulthood:

1. Infancy and Childhood (0–8 years)

  • Gender identity develops.
  • No reproductive capability.
  • Minimal sexual hormone activity.

2. Pre-Puberty (8–11 years)

  • Subtle physical changes begin (breast budding in girls).
  • Hormonal axis starts to mature.

3. Puberty (Average: Girls – 10–14 years)

Triggered by the Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Gonadal (HPG) Axis:

  • Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) from hypothalamus stimulates:
    • FSH and LH from anterior pituitary.
    • These act on ovaries to produce estrogen and develop ova.

In Girls:

  • Thelarche – Breast development.
  • Pubarche – Appearance of pubic hair.
  • Menarche – First menstrual period (usually by 12–13 years).
  • Growth spurt – Peak height velocity.

4. Reproductive Maturity (15–45 years)

  • Ovulatory cycles become regular (about 2 years after menarche).
  • Fertility potential is optimal.
  • Menstrual cycles are usually 28±7 days with ovulation around day 14.

5. Perimenopause and Menopause

(Not directly relevant for pre-pregnancy, but important for long-term reproductive planning.)

🌹 III. Key Areas of Review in Pre-Pregnancy Sexual Development Assessment

AreaKey Points to Assess
Menstrual historyAge at menarche, regularity, cycle length, flow amount.
Secondary sexual characteristicsBreast development, pubic/axillary hair – Tanner Staging.
Hormonal statusFSH, LH, estrogen, prolactin, thyroid hormones, if needed.
Anatomy of reproductive systemUterus, ovaries, vagina – via pelvic exam or ultrasound.
Sexual activity historyOnset, frequency, use of contraception, sexual dysfunction.
Psychosocial maturityEmotional readiness for sexual life and pregnancy.
Infections/STIsHistory of UTIs, STDs, or genital tract infections.
Partner historySexual history, fertility, infections.

🌿 IV. Abnormalities to Be Ruled Out

  1. Delayed puberty – No thelarche by age 13 or no menarche by 16.
  2. Primary amenorrhea – No menstruation by 16 years of age.
  3. Secondary amenorrhea – Cessation of periods for 3–6 months.
  4. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) – Irregular menses, hirsutism, obesity.
  5. Thyroid dysfunction – Can delay menarche or cause irregular cycles.
  6. Congenital anomalies – E.g., Müllerian agenesis, imperforate hymen.
  7. Sexual dysfunction or abuse history – Requires psychological support.

💡 V. Nursing Responsibilities in Reviewing Sexual Development

  1. Maintain privacy and ensure non-judgmental attitude.
  2. Take detailed history with empathy and confidentiality.
  3. Educate the woman/couple about normal sexual development.
  4. Counsel on fertility, safe sex practices, and menstrual health.
  5. Refer to specialist if abnormalities are found.
  6. Involve the partner when appropriate for joint decision-making.

🌈 VI. Importance of Review for Fertility & Safe Pregnancy

  • Ensures optimal physical and hormonal health for conception.
  • Helps identify and treat conditions like PCOS, hypothyroidism, or anatomical barriers to conception.
  • Promotes timely interventions to support reproductive health.
  • Reduces the risk of complications during pregnancy like infertility, miscarriage, or preterm labor.

🌏 Socio-Cultural Aspects of Human Sexuality

Human sexuality is not just a biological or physical concept. It is also deeply influenced by social, cultural, religious, moral, and psychological factors. These aspects shape how individuals understand, express, and behave in relation to their sexuality.

🌸 I. Definition of Human Sexuality

Human sexuality refers to a person’s capacity for sexual feelings, orientation, identity, behavior, roles, and relationships. It includes biological sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, intimacy, reproduction, and eroticism.

🌍 II. Socio-Cultural Aspects of Human Sexuality

These aspects define how sexuality is perceived, accepted, and practiced in different societies.

🔹 1. Cultural Beliefs and Norms

  • Each culture has specific values, rules, and expectations regarding sexuality.
  • What is acceptable in one culture may be taboo in another.
  • Example: Premarital sex may be accepted in Western cultures but discouraged in traditional societies.

🔹 2. Gender Roles and Expectations

  • Societies assign gender-based behaviors (e.g., men expected to be dominant, women passive).
  • These roles influence how men and women express sexuality.
  • In some cultures, women are discouraged from speaking openly about sexual needs.

🔹 3. Religion and Morality

  • Religions often guide sexual behavior with rules regarding:
    • Marriage
    • Contraception
    • Masturbation
    • Homosexuality
    • Abortion
  • Example: Islam and Christianity promote chastity before marriage.

🔹 4. Family and Social Influence

  • Family upbringing impacts sexual understanding.
  • Societies where open discussion is encouraged lead to better sexual health awareness.
  • In conservative families, sexual matters may be considered shameful or private.

🔹 5. Media and Technology

  • Exposure to TV, films, internet, and social media has changed sexual attitudes, especially in youth.
  • Promotes both awareness and sometimes unrealistic expectations or risky behavior.

🔹 6. Education and Literacy

  • Educated individuals are more likely to:
    • Understand safe sex
    • Use contraception
    • Prevent STIs
  • In areas with low literacy, myths and misconceptions about sexuality may persist.

🔹 7. Sexual Orientation and Identity

  • Social and cultural settings affect the acceptance or rejection of LGBTQ+ individuals.
  • Discrimination, stigma, or even violence may occur in societies with rigid gender norms.

🔹 8. Myths and Misconceptions

  • Beliefs such as:
    • “Masturbation causes weakness”
    • “Only men have strong sexual desire”
    • “First intercourse must involve pain/bleeding”
  • These myths affect attitudes, self-esteem, and relationships.

🔹 9. Marriage and Sexuality

  • Some cultures associate sexuality strictly with marriage and reproduction.
  • Others see it as part of individual expression and pleasure.

📊 III. Examples of Socio-Cultural Impact on Sexual Health

Taboos around discussing sexLack of knowledge, unsafe practices
Religious restrictionsDelayed or suppressed sexual expression
Gender inequalitySexual violence, reproductive health issues
Media influenceBody image issues, early sexual exposure
Stigma on LGBTQ+Mental health problems, isolation

🧠 IV. Nursing/Healthcare Implications

👩‍⚕️ Nurses should:

  1. Respect cultural and personal values.
  2. Offer non-judgmental, confidential sexual health counseling.
  3. Promote scientific education to counter myths.
  4. Advocate for sexual rights and gender equality.
  5. Encourage parent-child and teacher-student communication on sexuality.

🌸 Preconception Care (PCC)

Preconception care refers to a set of preventive, promotive, and curative health services provided before conception to improve maternal and fetal outcomes. It prepares a woman (and couple) for healthy pregnancy and childbirth by addressing health issues and promoting positive health practices.

🎯 Objectives of Preconception Care

  1. Optimize the health of the woman before conception.
  2. Identify and manage risk factors (medical, genetic, behavioral).
  3. Promote healthy lifestyle and nutrition.
  4. Educate the couple about fertility, pregnancy planning, and birth spacing.
  5. Reduce the risk of adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes.

🩺 Key Components of Preconception Care

1️⃣ Health and Medical Assessment

  • Detailed personal, obstetric, menstrual, and family history.
  • Past complications: miscarriages, stillbirths, cesarean, hypertension, diabetes.
  • Current health status: Chronic diseases (e.g., thyroid, asthma, epilepsy, etc.).

2️⃣ Physical Examination

  • General examination: Height, weight, BMI, blood pressure.
  • Check for anemia, goiter, infections, or physical abnormalities.
  • Pelvic exam (if needed): Assess reproductive organs.

3️⃣ Laboratory Investigations

  • Hemoglobin level
  • Blood group and Rh typing
  • Blood sugar (to detect diabetes)
  • Thyroid function test
  • Urine test (for albumin, sugar, and infection)
  • Screening for STIs, HIV, Hepatitis B & C, Rubella immunity, etc.

4️⃣ Nutritional Assessment & Intervention

  • Check for undernutrition or obesity.
  • Folic acid supplement (400 mcg/day at least 1 month before conception to prevent neural tube defects).
  • Iron and calcium if anemic or malnourished.
  • Advise balanced diet, plenty of fluids, fruits, vegetables, and proteins.

5️⃣ Immunization Status

  • Ensure vaccines are updated:
    • Rubella (if non-immune; avoid pregnancy for 1 month after vaccine).
    • Hepatitis B, Tdap, COVID-19, etc., as per guidelines.

6️⃣ Genetic Counseling

  • For couples with:
    • Family history of genetic disorders
    • Repeated pregnancy losses
    • Known inherited diseases (e.g., Thalassemia, Sickle cell anemia)
  • Screening and testing may be advised.

7️⃣ Lifestyle Modification

  • Stop smoking, alcohol, and drug use.
  • Encourage exercise and weight management.
  • Manage stress and promote mental well-being.

8️⃣ Psychosocial Assessment

  • Check for mental health issues (depression, anxiety).
  • Evaluate family support, intimate partner violence, stressors.
  • Promote healthy relationships and emotional readiness.

9️⃣ Sexual and Reproductive Health Counseling

  • Educate about:
    • Menstrual cycle and fertile period.
    • Safe sex practices and STI prevention.
    • Spacing between pregnancies.
    • Fertility and ovulation tracking.

🔟 Environmental and Occupational Exposure

  • Assess exposure to:
    • Chemicals, radiation, pesticides.
    • Harmful workplace substances.
  • Guide for protective measures.

📌 Role of Nurse/Health Worker in Preconception Care

EducationEducate couples on health, pregnancy planning, and family life.
ScreeningConduct tests and identify risk factors.
CounselingOn nutrition, contraception, substance abuse, STDs.
ReferralRefer to higher center if needed (e.g., geneticist, obstetrician).
Follow-upRegular check-ins to ensure readiness for pregnancy.

🚫 Risk Factors Addressed in PCC

  • Diabetes, hypertension, thyroid disease
  • Anemia, obesity, underweight
  • Poor nutrition, infections, uncontrolled chronic diseases
  • Genetic diseases
  • Psychological stress, domestic violence
  • Environmental exposures

Benefits of Preconception Care

  1. Reduces maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity.
  2. Prevents neural tube defects and congenital anomalies.
  3. Helps achieve planned, wanted pregnancies.
  4. Promotes health-seeking behavior and early antenatal care.
  5. Enhances knowledge of reproductive health and rights.

🌸 Pre-conception Counseling.

🔹 Definition:

Pre-conception counseling is the process of providing information, education, and support to couples (especially women) before conception occurs, to ensure a healthy pregnancy and optimal outcomes for the mother and baby.

It is an essential aspect of reproductive and maternal health care, especially in the field of midwifery and gynecology nursing.

🔹 Objectives of Pre-conception Counseling in Midwifery:

  1. Assess and optimize the woman’s health before pregnancy.
  2. Identify and manage any risk factors that may affect conception, pregnancy, or childbirth.
  3. Promote awareness of normal birth, its process, benefits, and how to prepare for it.
  4. Encourage healthy lifestyle modifications.
  5. Educate about fertility and conception timing.
  6. Empower women to make informed choices about their reproductive health.

🔹 Components of Pre-conception Counseling (Midwifery Focus):

1️⃣ Comprehensive Health Assessment:

  • Medical history (chronic diseases, infections, etc.)
  • Menstrual history (cycle regularity, dysmenorrhea, etc.)
  • Obstetric and gynecological history
  • Family history (genetic or hereditary disorders)
  • Lifestyle and nutrition
  • Psychosocial evaluation

2️⃣ Nutritional Counseling:

  • Balanced diet, rich in iron, calcium, folic acid.
  • Start Folic acid (400 mcg/day) supplementation to prevent neural tube defects.
  • Address anemia or malnutrition if present.

3️⃣ Fertility Awareness & Timing:

  • Educate about ovulation period (usually days 12–16 of cycle).
  • Teach fertility tracking methods (BBT, cervical mucus method).
  • Inform about healthy sexual practices to enhance conception.

4️⃣ Immunization Status:

  • Check for immunity to Rubella, Hepatitis B, Varicella, Tetanus, COVID-19, etc.
  • Administer vaccines if needed before conception.

5️⃣ Infection Screening and Treatment:

  • Screen for STIs, HIV, Hepatitis B & C, TORCH infections.
  • Treat infections prior to conception.

6️⃣ Chronic Disease Management:

  • Control of diabetes, hypertension, epilepsy, thyroid disorders, etc.
  • Adjust medications to pregnancy-safe alternatives.

7️⃣ Lifestyle Modifications:

  • Quit smoking, alcohol, and drugs.
  • Encourage regular exercise and stress management.
  • Avoid environmental toxins and hazards.

8️⃣ Genetic Counseling (if needed):

  • For couples with family history of genetic conditions.
  • In cases of consanguineous marriage, advanced maternal age, or previous child with genetic defect.

9️⃣ Psychological Preparation:

  • Address mental health issues (anxiety, depression).
  • Support through counseling or therapy if needed.
  • Discuss emotional readiness for parenthood.

🔹 Counseling Regarding Normal Birth:

Awareness and Preparation for Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD):

🌼 What to Cover:

  • Benefits of normal birth: Less complications, quicker recovery, early bonding.
  • Stages of labor and delivery: Latent, active, transition, pushing, delivery of placenta.
  • Coping techniques: Breathing exercises, movement, massage, hydrotherapy.
  • Support system: Role of birth partner/doula/midwife.
  • Hospital vs home birth: Pros and cons, based on risk assessment.

🌼 Promotion of Normal Birth:

  • Avoid unnecessary medical interventions (like elective C-sections).
  • Educate on birth plans and women’s rights during childbirth.
  • Encourage skin-to-skin contact and early breastfeeding.
  • Use midwifery-led care model to reduce interventions.

🌼 Danger Signs to Watch:

  • Preterm labor signs
  • Bleeding
  • High BP symptoms
  • Abnormal fetal movements
  • Prolonged or painful labor

🔹 Role of Midwifery and Gynecology Nurse in Pre-conception Counseling:

EducatorTeach women/couples about health, fertility, and normal birth.
CounselorProvide emotional and mental health support.
Care ProviderPerform assessments, refer to specialists if needed.
AdvocatePromote women’s rights to informed, respectful maternity care.
CommunicatorCoordinate between obstetrician, pediatrician, and woman.

🔹 Importance in Reducing Maternal and Neonatal Morbidity/Mortality:

  • Early interventions reduce complications during pregnancy and labor.
  • Encourages planned and safe pregnancies.
  • Improves maternal and neonatal outcomes.

🧬 Genetic Counseling.

🔷 Definition:

Genetic counseling is a communication process that deals with the occurrence or risk of a genetic disorder in a family. It includes risk assessment, education, support, and guidance to individuals or families who are at risk for or affected by genetic conditions.

WHO Definition: Genetic counseling is the process through which individuals or families receive advice and information about genetic disorders, their consequences, and the chances of recurrence.

🔷 Objectives of Genetic Counseling:

  1. To assess the risk of recurrence of genetic disorders.
  2. To provide accurate and updated information on genetic conditions.
  3. To offer emotional support and coping strategies.
  4. To guide on available tests and management options.
  5. To support informed decision-making about reproduction.

🔷 Types of Genetic Counseling:

Prospective CounselingFor couples planning to marry or conceive.
Retrospective CounselingGiven after birth of an affected child.
Carrier CounselingFor individuals who carry a gene for a disorder.
Prenatal CounselingFor a woman already pregnant, with high-risk results.
Postnatal CounselingAfter delivery if a baby is born with a genetic condition.
Cancer Genetic CounselingFor those with family history of cancers.

🔷 Indications for Genetic Counseling (When it is needed):

  1. Family history of inherited disorders (e.g., thalassemia, sickle cell).
  2. Consanguineous marriage (marriage between close relatives).
  3. Advanced maternal age (>35 years).
  4. Previous child with congenital anomalies.
  5. History of multiple miscarriages or stillbirths.
  6. Carrier screening (e.g., cystic fibrosis, Tay-Sachs).
  7. Abnormal prenatal test results (ultrasound, amniocentesis).
  8. Newborn screening abnormalities.
  9. Suspected X-linked or autosomal disorders.
  10. Infertility or subfertility due to genetic causes.

🔷 Steps in Genetic Counseling Process:

  1. Referral – from obstetrician, pediatrician, or nurse.
  2. Collection of information:
    • Family history (pedigree chart)
    • Medical and reproductive history
  3. Risk assessment:
    • Determine inheritance pattern (dominant, recessive, X-linked)
  4. Education:
    • Explain the condition, cause, prognosis, and management
    • Explain screening and diagnostic options
  5. Support and Decision-making:
    • Help in understanding reproductive options
    • Provide emotional support
  6. Follow-up and referrals:
    • Refer to specialists (geneticist, psychologist)
    • Plan next steps (testing, pregnancy planning, etc.)

🔷 Common Genetic Disorders Encountered in Counseling:

DisorderInheritance Type
ThalassemiaAutosomal Recessive
Sickle Cell AnemiaAutosomal Recessive
Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21)Chromosomal Nondisjunction
HemophiliaX-linked Recessive
Turner Syndrome (XO)Chromosomal Disorder
Cystic FibrosisAutosomal Recessive
Duchenne Muscular DystrophyX-linked Recessive
Tay-Sachs DiseaseAutosomal Recessive

🔷 Role of Nurse in Genetic Counseling (Midwifery and Gynecology Context):

EducatorTeach couples about inheritance, risk factors, testing.
CounselorProvide emotional support and non-directive guidance.
AdvocateRespect clients’ rights and decisions, promote informed choice.
CommunicatorBridge communication between client and geneticist.
Care CoordinatorSchedule and arrange necessary referrals and follow-ups.
Prenatal supportAssist in prenatal screening (NT scan, triple marker, amniocentesis).
Health PromoterEducate community on consanguinity, carrier screening, and healthy conception.

🔷 Ethical Considerations in Genetic Counseling:

  • Confidentiality
  • Informed consent
  • Non-directiveness (the counselor should not impose personal views)
  • Respect for autonomy
  • Right to know and right not to know
  • Cultural and religious sensitivity

🔷 Genetic Testing Options Explained in Counseling:

Carrier TestingChecks if a person carries a gene for a condition.
Prenatal TestingDetects genetic conditions during pregnancy (e.g., amniocentesis).
Newborn ScreeningAfter birth to detect treatable conditions early.
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)Testing embryos before IVF implantation.
Predictive TestingFor adult-onset conditions (e.g., Huntington’s).

🔷 Impact of Genetic Counseling:

  • Reduces birth of babies with severe genetic defects.
  • Helps in early diagnosis and management.
  • Reduces emotional and financial burden on families.
  • Empowers couples with reproductive choices (e.g., IVF with PGD, adoption, etc.)

🌸 Planned Parenthood.

🔷 Definition:

Planned Parenthood is the practice of deciding when and how many children to have, through the use of education, counseling, and family planning services, including contraception. It aims to promote reproductive health, maternal well-being, child health, and empowered family life.

It enables couples to achieve their desired number of children and determine the spacing and timing of their births.

🔷 Objectives of Planned Parenthood:

  1. To prevent unplanned or unwanted pregnancies.
  2. To improve maternal and child health outcomes.
  3. To help in spacing pregnancies, allowing the woman’s body to recover.
  4. To empower couples with choices regarding reproduction.
  5. To reduce the incidence of unsafe abortions.
  6. To support women’s physical, emotional, and financial health.

🔷 Scope of Planned Parenthood Services:

AreaServices Provided
Family PlanningContraceptive education and provision
Maternal HealthAntenatal, intranatal, and postnatal care
Infertility ServicesCounseling, basic investigations, referral
STD/HIV PreventionScreening, prevention, education
Cancer ScreeningCervical and breast cancer screening
Youth CounselingAdolescent sex education and menstrual health
Safe Abortion ServicesMTP as per law and guidelines

🔷 Role of Nurse in Planned Parenthood (Midwifery & Gynae):

Nursing RoleResponsibilities
Health EducatorTeach about reproductive health, contraception, menstrual hygiene
CounselorOffer pre- and post-family planning counseling
Service ProviderDistribute contraceptives, assist in IUCD insertion, monitor side effects
Care ProviderOffer antenatal/postnatal care and referrals for infertility
AdvocatePromote women’s rights in reproductive decisions
Record KeeperMaintain records of contraceptive use, follow-ups, outcomes

🔷 Family Planning Methods Under Planned Parenthood:

🔹 Temporary Methods:

BarrierCondoms, diaphragms
Hormonal PillsMala-N, Mala-D
InjectablesAntara (DMPA)
IUCDsCopper-T 380A, Multiload
Emergency ContraceptiveTaken within 72 hours of unprotected sex
Natural MethodsRhythm method, lactational amenorrhea method (LAM)

🔹 Permanent Methods:

Female SterilizationTubectomy
Male SterilizationVasectomy

🔷 Importance of Planned Parenthood in Public Health:

  • Reduces maternal and infant mortality.
  • Promotes safe motherhood and child survival.
  • Controls population growth.
  • Supports economic and social development.
  • Prevents unsafe abortions and complications.
  • Empowers women through control over fertility.

🔷 Challenges in Planned Parenthood Implementation:

  • Myths and misconceptions
  • Cultural and religious barriers
  • Lack of male participation
  • Limited access in rural areas
  • Poor health infrastructure
  • Fear of side effects

🔷 Nursing Strategies to Promote Planned Parenthood:

  1. Health education in community & clinics
  2. Postpartum family planning counseling
  3. Involving male partners in counseling
  4. Organizing Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARSH) sessions
  5. Door-to-door outreach by ANMs/ASHA workers
  6. Collaborating with government schemes like:
    • Mission Parivar Vikas
    • National Family Welfare Programme

🔷 Planned Parenthood and Midwifery Practice:

Midwives and gynecology nurses are frontline workers in:

  • Educating women during antenatal visits about spacing.
  • Providing postnatal contraception counseling.
  • Supporting safe abortion and reproductive rights.
  • Integrating family planning into MCH (Mother and Child Health) services.

Pregnancy assessment and antenatal care (I, II & III Trimesters)

🌸 Assessment of Pregnancy.

🔷 Definition:

Assessment of pregnancy is the systematic evaluation of a woman to confirm the presence of pregnancy, determine its viability, establish gestational age, and identify any potential risks or complications.

It is the first and essential step in antenatal care, where the midwife or nurse plays a key role in early detection and support.

🔷 Objectives of Pregnancy Assessment:

  1. To confirm pregnancy accurately.
  2. To establish gestational age.
  3. To detect any early complications or high-risk conditions.
  4. To initiate early antenatal care (ANC).
  5. To provide appropriate health education and counseling.

🔷 Components of Pregnancy Assessment:

🔶 1️⃣ History Taking:

a. Personal & Demographic Information:

  • Name, age, address, marital status, education, occupation

b. Menstrual History:

  • Last Menstrual Period (LMP)
  • Cycle regularity
  • Estimated Due Date (EDD) using Naegele’s Rule:
    ➤ EDD = LMP + 9 months + 7 days

c. Obstetric History (GTPAL):

  • G = Gravida (number of pregnancies)
  • T = Term births
  • P = Preterm births
  • A = Abortions (spontaneous or induced)
  • L = Living children

d. Medical & Surgical History:

  • Diabetes, hypertension, epilepsy, thyroid, surgeries

e. Family History:

  • Hereditary diseases (e.g., thalassemia, hemophilia)

f. Psychosocial History:

  • Stress, domestic violence, support system, mental health

🔶 2️⃣ Physical Examination:

a. General Examination:

WeightBaseline, nutrition status
HeightShort stature may relate to CPD
Blood pressureEarly detection of PIH/pre-eclampsia
PulseCirculatory status
EdemaNutritional status, PIH
JaundiceLiver disorders

b. Breast Examination:

  • Look for enlargement, tenderness, darkened areola, Montgomery tubercles

c. Abdominal Examination (from 12 weeks onward):

  • Fundal height (to assess gestational age)
  • Abdominal girth
  • Fetal parts (palpation in 2nd & 3rd trimester)
  • Fetal heart sounds (FHS) – heard by Doppler after 10–12 weeks

d. Pelvic Examination (if needed):

  • Softening of cervix (Goodell’s sign)
  • Softening of lower uterine segment (Hegar’s sign)
  • Bluish discoloration of vagina (Chadwick’s sign)
  • Size and position of uterus

🔶 3️⃣ Laboratory Investigations:

Urine Pregnancy Test (UPT)Detects hCG to confirm pregnancy
Blood group and Rh typingTo prevent Rh incompatibility
Hemoglobin (Hb%)Detects anemia
VDRLSyphilis screening
HIV, HBsAgInfectious disease screening
Random Blood Sugar (RBS)Diabetes screening
Urine RoutineProtein, sugar, infection
Thyroid profileTSH abnormalities

🔶 4️⃣ Ultrasound (USG):

6–9 weeks (early scan)Confirm intrauterine pregnancy, viability, gestational age
11–13 weeks (NT scan)Detect chromosomal abnormalities
18–22 weeks (Anomaly scan)Detect fetal anomalies
Third trimesterAssess growth, amniotic fluid, placenta

🔷 Signs of Pregnancy Noted in Assessment:

🔹 Presumptive Signs (experienced by woman)

  • Missed period (amenorrhea)
  • Morning sickness
  • Breast changes
  • Frequent urination
  • Quickening

🔹 Probable Signs (noted by examiner)

  • Enlarged abdomen
  • Positive urine pregnancy test
  • Changes in cervix and uterus (Goodell’s, Hegar’s, Chadwick’s signs)

🔹 Positive Signs (confirmative)

  • Fetal heart sounds
  • Visualization of fetus on ultrasound
  • Palpation of fetal parts

🔷 Tools Used in Pregnancy Assessment:

  • Stethoscope / Doppler for FHS
  • Measuring tape for fundal height
  • Weighing scale
  • Sphygmomanometer
  • Speculum and sterile gloves (for pelvic exam)
  • Urine pregnancy kit
  • Ultrasound machine

🔷 Role of Midwife/Nurse in Pregnancy Assessment:

Care ProviderConduct examinations, administer tests
EducatorCounsel on diet, rest, danger signs
CounselorSupport emotionally and psychologically
Health PromoterPromote early ANC registration
ReferrerRefer high-risk pregnancies to specialists
Record KeeperMaintain MCP card, ANC register, lab reports

🔷 Importance of Early and Accurate Assessment:

  • Ensures early detection of complications
  • Helps in timely interventions
  • Improves maternal and fetal outcomes
  • Builds trust and rapport with the health system
  • Promotes safe motherhood

🌸 Normal Pregnancy – Assess and Confirm Pregnancy.

🔷 Definition of Normal Pregnancy:

A normal pregnancy is a physiological condition where a fertilized ovum (zygote) implants in the uterine endometrium, grows and develops into a fetus over approximately 40 weeks (280 days), resulting in the birth of a healthy baby without complications.

🔷 Duration of Pregnancy:

  • Measured from the first day of the Last Menstrual Period (LMP).
  • Divided into three trimesters:
    • First Trimester: 0–12 weeks
    • Second Trimester: 13–28 weeks
    • Third Trimester: 29–40 weeks

🔷 Assessing and Confirming Pregnancy:

Confirming pregnancy is the first step in antenatal care. It involves a combination of subjective symptoms, objective signs, and diagnostic tests.

🔶 1. Presumptive Signs of Pregnancy (Subjective – reported by the woman)

AmenorrheaAbsence of menstruation is usually the first sign.
Nausea and Vomiting (Morning Sickness)Due to increased hCG levels.
Breast changesTenderness, enlargement, darkened areola.
Urinary frequencyDue to hormonal changes and uterine pressure on bladder.
FatigueEarly pregnancy leads to tiredness.
Quickening (by 16–20 weeks)First fetal movements felt by mother.

🔹 Note: These signs are not conclusive. They may be due to other conditions (e.g., stress, illness).

🔶 2. Probable Signs of Pregnancy (Objective – observed by examiner)

Chadwick’s signBluish discoloration of vaginal mucosa.
Goodell’s signSoftening of cervix.
Hegar’s signSoftening of lower uterine segment.
Abdominal enlargementProgressive uterine growth.
Positive pregnancy test (urine or serum hCG)Detects hCG in body fluids.
Braxton Hicks contractionsIrregular, painless uterine contractions.
Uterine souffleSoft blowing sound over uterus (maternal blood flow).

🔹 These signs are stronger indicators but not 100% diagnostic.

🔶 3. Positive (Definitive) Signs of Pregnancy

These signs confirm the presence of a fetus and can be detected only by a skilled examiner or specific instruments.

SignDetected By
Fetal heartbeat (110–160 bpm)Doppler (by 10–12 weeks), Fetoscope (by 18–20 weeks)
Fetal movements felt by examinerBy 20 weeks
Ultrasound visualization of gestational sac, fetus, and heartbeatTransvaginal USG (5–6 weeks), Transabdominal (6–8 weeks)
Palpation of fetal partsDuring abdominal examination in 2nd or 3rd trimester

🔷 Pregnancy Confirmation Methods in Clinical Practice:

✅ a. Urine Pregnancy Test (UPT):

  • Home test kits or done in clinics.
  • Detects hCG hormone.
  • Best done with first morning urine (more concentrated).
  • Can be positive as early as 6–10 days after conception.

✅ b. Serum β-hCG Test:

  • More sensitive than urine test.
  • Can confirm pregnancy earlier (as soon as 7–9 days after ovulation).
  • Used to assess ectopic pregnancy or molar pregnancy.

✅ c. Ultrasound (USG):

  • Transvaginal USG:
    • Detects gestational sac as early as 4.5–5 weeks.
    • Fetal heartbeat seen by 6–7 weeks.
  • Transabdominal USG:
    • Useful from 6–8 weeks onward.

🔷 Steps of Pregnancy Assessment by Nurse/Midwife:

  1. History Taking:
    • Menstrual history (LMP)
    • Symptoms of early pregnancy
    • Sexual and obstetric history
  2. Physical Examination:
    • General exam (weight, BP, edema)
    • Abdominal palpation
    • Pelvic examination (if needed)
  3. Laboratory Tests:
    • UPT
    • Blood hCG test (if needed)
    • Baseline investigations (CBC, blood group, VDRL, HIV, HBsAg)
  4. Ultrasound Scan:
    • First scan (6–9 weeks) to confirm viability, location (intrauterine), and gestational age.
  5. Documentation:
    • Enter pregnancy details in Mother and Child Protection (MCP) Card
    • Register in ANC register and schedule antenatal visits.

🔷 Nurse’s Role in Pregnancy Confirmation:

EducatorTeach about signs of pregnancy and when to seek care.
CounselorSupport emotional aspects of pregnancy discovery.
Care providerPerform UPT, assess vitals, arrange for USG and labs.
AdvocatePromote early ANC registration and safe motherhood.

🔷 Importance of Early Pregnancy Confirmation:

  • Initiate early antenatal care (ANC).
  • Identify high-risk pregnancies.
  • Prevent complications (e.g., anemia, PIH, GDM).
  • Provide nutritional support (Iron, Folic acid).
  • Educate on birth preparedness and danger signs.

🌸 Diagnosis of Pregnancy

🔷 Definition:

Diagnosis of pregnancy is the process of determining whether a woman is pregnant through the identification of specific signs, symptoms, physical changes, laboratory tests, and imaging studies.

It helps to confirm pregnancy, determine gestational age, and initiate antenatal care at the earliest.

🔷 Importance of Diagnosing Pregnancy Early:

  1. To confirm viable intrauterine pregnancy
  2. To establish the Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD)
  3. To begin early antenatal care (ANC)
  4. To identify high-risk pregnancies
  5. To educate the woman about pregnancy, nutrition, and danger signs

🔷 Categories of Signs Used for Diagnosis of Pregnancy:

The diagnosis of pregnancy is based on three categories of signs:

CategoryType of Sign
1️⃣ Presumptive SignsSubjective symptoms reported by the woman
2️⃣ Probable SignsObjective signs observed by the clinician
3️⃣ Positive SignsConclusive evidence of pregnancy

🔶 1️⃣ Presumptive Signs of Pregnancy

(These are not diagnostic because they may occur due to other conditions)

AmenorrheaAbsence of menstruation
Nausea/VomitingCommon in early pregnancy (Morning sickness)
Breast changesTenderness, enlargement, darkened areola
Urinary frequencyDue to hormonal changes and pressure on bladder
FatigueGeneral tiredness
QuickeningFirst fetal movement felt by the mother (16–20 weeks)
Food cravings or aversionsAltered taste preferences

🔸 These signs are suggestive but not confirmative.

🔶 2️⃣ Probable Signs of Pregnancy

(These are stronger indicators but not 100% reliable)

Chadwick’s signBluish discoloration of vaginal mucosa
Goodell’s signSoftening of the cervix
Hegar’s signSoftening of lower uterine segment
Enlarged abdomenDue to growing uterus
Braxton Hicks contractionsIrregular painless uterine contractions
Positive urine pregnancy test (hCG detection)Commonly used screening test
BallottementRebounding of fetus when tapped per vagina

🔸 These signs may still occur in non-pregnant conditions (e.g., tumors, hormonal disorders).

🔶 3️⃣ Positive (Confirmative) Signs of Pregnancy

(These signs confirm pregnancy without doubt)

Fetal heart sounds (110–160 bpm)Heard via Doppler (10–12 weeks) or fetoscope (18–20 weeks)
Fetal movements felt by examinerPalpated after 20 weeks
Ultrasound detection of gestational sac, fetal pole, or heartbeatTransvaginal USG (5–6 weeks), Transabdominal (6–8 weeks)
X-ray (not preferred in pregnancy)Used only in rare late cases where ultrasound not available

🔹 These signs are conclusive evidence of pregnancy.

🔷 Laboratory and Diagnostic Methods to Confirm Pregnancy:

1. Urine Pregnancy Test (UPT):

  • Detects hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) hormone.
  • Best done using first morning urine.
  • Positive as early as 6–10 days after conception.

2. Serum β-hCG Test (Blood Test):

  • More sensitive and quantitative.
  • Used in early pregnancy or in suspected ectopic pregnancy or molar pregnancy.
  • hCG levels double every 48–72 hours in normal early pregnancy.

3. Ultrasonography (USG):

  • Transvaginal USG: Detects gestational sac at 4.5–5 weeks, fetal heartbeat at 6–7 weeks.
  • Transabdominal USG: Visible sac and fetus from 6–8 weeks.
  • Most accurate method for early and definitive diagnosis.

🔷 Role of Nurse/Midwife in Diagnosis of Pregnancy:

Care providerPerform UPT, assist with pelvic exam
Health educatorEducate on early signs, testing methods, and healthy habits
CounselorProvide emotional support after confirmation
CommunicatorExplain test results and coordinate follow-up
ANC RegistrarRegister the mother for antenatal care services
ReferrerRefer high-risk or complicated cases to physician/specialist

🔷 Key Points to Remember:

  • Diagnosis ≠ Just testing – It includes full clinical judgment, history, and observation.
  • Urine test is usually the first step, but ultrasound gives final confirmation.
  • Misdiagnosis may occur in cases of pseudocyesis (false pregnancy), tumors, or hormonal imbalances.
  • Early diagnosis is crucial for safe motherhood, early interventions, and antenatal care.

🌸 Signs of Pregnancy.

🔷 Definition:

Signs of pregnancy are the observable changes in a woman’s body that suggest or confirm that she is pregnant. These are grouped based on their diagnostic reliability into presumptive, probable, and positive signs.

🔷 Classification of Signs of Pregnancy:

CategoryDescriptionDiagnostic Value
1️⃣ Presumptive SignsFelt by the woman herselfLeast reliable
2️⃣ Probable SignsObserved by a healthcare providerMore reliable
3️⃣ Positive SignsDefinitive signs confirming pregnancyAbsolutely reliable

🔶 1️⃣ Presumptive Signs of Pregnancy

(Subjective signs – experienced by the woman; not confirmative)

AmenorrheaAbsence of menstruation (first and most common sign)
Morning sicknessNausea and vomiting, usually during first trimester
Breast changesTenderness, enlargement, darkening of areola
Urinary frequencyIncreased urination due to hormonal and uterine changes
FatigueTiredness and low energy levels
QuickeningFirst perception of fetal movement (felt around 16–20 weeks)
Food cravings/aversionsUnusual desires or dislikes toward certain foods
Mood swingsEmotional instability due to hormonal changes

🔸 These signs can be caused by other conditions (stress, illness, hormonal imbalance), so they are not confirmative.

🔶 2️⃣ Probable Signs of Pregnancy

(Objective signs – observed by nurse/midwife; more suggestive but still not confirmative)

Chadwick’s signBluish coloration of the vaginal mucosa due to increased vascularity
Goodell’s signSoftening of the cervix
Hegar’s signSoftening of the lower uterine segment
Abdominal enlargementProgressive increase in abdominal size due to growing uterus
BallottementFetus rebounds when cervix is tapped during a vaginal exam
Braxton Hicks contractionsIrregular, painless uterine contractions felt after 16 weeks
Positive pregnancy test (UPT/serum hCG)Detects presence of hCG hormone in urine or blood

🔸 These signs may still be present in conditions like uterine tumors, hormonal changes, or pseudocyesis (false pregnancy).

🔶 3️⃣ Positive (Confirmative) Signs of Pregnancy

(Absolutely confirm the presence of a fetus)

SignDetected by
Fetal heart sounds (FHS)Heard using Doppler by 10–12 weeks or fetoscope by 18–20 weeks
Fetal movements felt by examinerPalpated after 20 weeks
Ultrasound visualization of fetusGestational sac visible by 5–6 weeks; heartbeat by 6–7 weeks

These signs are conclusive and can only occur in pregnancy.

🔷 Summary Table: Signs of Pregnancy

PresumptiveAmenorrhea, nausea, breast tenderness, fatigue, quickening
ProbableUterine enlargement, positive hCG test, cervical softening
PositiveFetal heartbeat, fetal movements (felt by examiner), ultrasound findings

🔷 Role of Nurse/Midwife in Identifying Signs of Pregnancy:

  • Take complete history and assess signs and symptoms.
  • Perform physical examination and interpret findings.
  • Conduct and interpret UPT and lab investigations.
  • Refer for ultrasound for confirmation.
  • Provide health education and counseling based on gestational age.

🌸 Differential Diagnosis and Confirmatory Tests of Pregnancy.

🔷 Definition:

  • Differential diagnosis refers to the process of distinguishing pregnancy from other medical conditions that may mimic the signs and symptoms of pregnancy (especially in early stages).
  • Confirmatory tests are diagnostic tools used to definitively confirm pregnancy, especially when presumptive or probable signs are misleading or inconclusive.

🔶 Why is Differential Diagnosis Important?

  • Because presumptive and probable signs of pregnancy (e.g., missed periods, nausea, breast tenderness, abdominal enlargement) may also occur in other conditions.
  • It helps avoid misdiagnosis and ensures appropriate care.

🔷 Conditions Mimicking Pregnancy (Differential Diagnosis)

ConditionReason it Mimics Pregnancy
Pseudocyesis (False pregnancy)Emotional or psychological cause leads to signs of pregnancy without actual conception.
Uterine fibroids (leiomyoma)Can cause abdominal enlargement, amenorrhea, and uterine mass.
Ovarian cysts/tumorsMay mimic a growing abdomen and pelvic mass.
Ectopic pregnancyEarly pregnancy symptoms present, but implantation occurs outside the uterus (e.g., in fallopian tube).
Hormonal imbalanceCauses amenorrhea, breast tenderness.
MenopauseIrregular periods, hot flashes, mood swings can be mistaken for pregnancy signs.
ObesityMay lead to misinterpretation of abdominal enlargement.
Molar pregnancy (Hydatidiform mole)Rapid uterine growth, positive hCG but no viable fetus.
Ascites or abdominal tumorsCause visible and palpable abdominal enlargement.
Stress or psychological disordersMay alter menstruation and mimic other pregnancy signs.

🔷 Confirmatory Tests for Pregnancy

These are used to confirm or rule out pregnancy with certainty.

1. Pregnancy Test – Detection of hCG

Test TypeDescription
Urine Pregnancy Test (UPT)Detects hCG hormone in urine. Simple, quick, and used in clinics or at home. Becomes positive around 6–10 days after conception.
Serum β-hCG TestMore sensitive and quantitative than UPT. Detects very early pregnancy. Useful in suspected ectopic or molar pregnancy. Normal pregnancy shows doubling of hCG every 48–72 hrs in early weeks.

2. Ultrasonography (USG)

Transvaginal USGConfirms pregnancy as early as 4.5–5 weeks (gestational sac), fetal heartbeat by 6–7 weeks.
Transabdominal USGVisible gestational sac from 6–8 weeks. Used for dating pregnancy, fetal well-being, and ruling out ectopic/molar pregnancy.

🔹 Ultrasound is the gold standard for confirmatory diagnosis.

3. Clinical Examination Findings (Positive Signs)

Fetal Heart Sounds (FHS)Heard via Doppler (10–12 weeks), fetoscope (18–20 weeks)
Fetal movements felt by examinerPalpable from around 20 weeks
Palpation of fetal partsDone in 2nd and 3rd trimester during abdominal examination

4. Additional Investigations (in special cases)

TVS (Transvaginal Sonography)To rule out ectopic pregnancy or confirm early intrauterine pregnancy
Complete Blood Count (CBC)To assess anemia, infections
Thyroid ProfileTo rule out hypothyroidism-related amenorrhea
Pelvic MRI/CT scanIn case of pelvic masses, suspected tumors (not routine)
Histopathological examinationFor molar pregnancy diagnosis (grape-like vesicles on USG and high hCG levels)

🔷 Comparison Chart: Differential Diagnosis vs Confirmatory Tests

AspectDifferential DiagnosisConfirmatory Tests
PurposeRule out other conditions mimicking pregnancyProve the presence of an intrauterine fetus
Based onClinical signs, history, and other diseasesHormone levels, imaging, fetal activity
ExamplesPseudocyesis, fibroid uterus, PCOD, molar pregnancyUPT, serum hCG, ultrasound, fetal heart sounds
OutcomeAvoid misdiagnosis, treat other causesConfirms viable pregnancy

🔷 Nurse/Midwife’s Role:

AssessmentIdentify presumptive, probable, and positive signs
TestingPerform or assist in urine pregnancy test
ReferralRefer for ultrasound or specialist opinion if suspicious findings
EducationInform client about interpretation of test results
SupportEmotional counseling in false pregnancy, abnormal pregnancy, or unexpected outcomes
DocumentationRecord all findings accurately in ANC records

🌸 Review of Maternal Nutrition & Malnutrition.

🔷 Definition of Maternal Nutrition:

Maternal nutrition refers to the nutritional status of a woman before conception, during pregnancy, and after childbirth. It includes the intake of essential macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) required to support the health of both the mother and the developing fetus.

🔷 Importance of Maternal Nutrition:

For MotherFor Fetus/Infant
Prevents anemia, infections, fatigueSupports brain development
Reduces risk of pre-eclampsia and GDMPrevents intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR)
Promotes healthy weight gainReduces risk of preterm birth, LBW
Aids postpartum recoveryEnsures adequate birth weight and organ formation

🔷 Daily Nutritional Requirements During Pregnancy:

NutrientRecommended Intake & Role
Energy+300 kcal/day (extra in 2nd & 3rd trimester)
Protein+23g/day; for tissue building, fetal growth
Iron35–60 mg/day; prevent anemia, support blood volume
Folic Acid400–600 mcg/day; prevent neural tube defects
Calcium1000–1200 mg/day; fetal bones and teeth
Iodine150 mcg/day; prevent cretinism, brain development
Vitamin AEssential for vision and immunity (but excess is teratogenic)
Water2.5–3 liters/day; to support increased blood volume and prevent dehydration

💊 Iron + Folic Acid (IFA) tablets are given as per national guidelines during pregnancy.

🔷 Balanced Diet for Pregnant Women:

Should include:

  • Cereals (rice, wheat, millets)
  • Pulses and legumes
  • Green leafy vegetables (iron, folate, calcium)
  • Fruits (vitamins, fiber)
  • Milk and dairy products (calcium, protein)
  • Meat, fish, eggs (if non-vegetarian)
  • Oils and fats (in moderation)
  • Water (adequate hydration)

🔷 Malnutrition in Pregnancy:

🔶 Definition:

Maternal malnutrition refers to deficiency or imbalance of essential nutrients in pregnant women. It includes undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, or overnutrition (obesity).

🔶 Types of Maternal Malnutrition:

UndernutritionLow BMI (<18.5), low weight gain, fatigue
Micronutrient deficienciesIron, folic acid, iodine, vitamin A/D deficiency
Overnutrition/ObesityExcessive weight gain, risk of GDM, hypertension

🔷 Effects of Malnutrition During Pregnancy:

On the Mother:

  • Anemia
  • Weakness, fatigue
  • Increased susceptibility to infections
  • Pre-eclampsia, eclampsia
  • Postpartum hemorrhage
  • Delayed wound healing
  • Maternal mortality

On the Fetus/Baby:

  • Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR)
  • Low birth weight (LBW)
  • Preterm birth
  • Congenital anomalies (due to folate deficiency)
  • Stillbirth or neonatal death
  • Developmental delays
  • Poor immune function

🔷 Common Nutritional Deficiencies in Pregnant Women:

Nutrient DeficiencyClinical Effects
IronAnemia, fatigue, poor oxygen supply
Folic acidNeural tube defects, anemia
CalciumLeg cramps, osteoporosis, preeclampsia
IodineGoiter, cretinism in newborn
Vitamin ANight blindness, weak immunity
Vitamin DBone weakness, poor fetal bone growth
ProteinEdema, poor fetal tissue growth

🔷 Assessment of Maternal Nutrition:

AnthropometricWeight, height, BMI, MUAC
Clinical examinationPallor, edema, mouth/skin/nail changes
Dietary history24-hour recall, food frequency
Lab investigationsHb%, serum proteins, calcium, iron, etc.

🔷 Nutritional Interventions for Pregnant Women:

  1. Iron-folic acid supplementation (IFA)
  2. Deworming in 2nd trimester
  3. Calcium tablets in 2nd & 3rd trimester
  4. Nutrition education and counseling
  5. Extra meal support (in ICDS/Anganwadi centers)
  6. Monitoring weight gain during ANC visits
  7. High-protein, high-calorie diet for undernourished women
  8. Salt iodization for iodine intake

🔷 Government Programs Supporting Maternal Nutrition in India:

POSHAN AbhiyaanNational nutrition mission for pregnant and lactating mothers
ICDS (Integrated Child Development Scheme)Provides supplementary nutrition, health check-up, education
Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY)Encourages institutional deliveries and maternal care
IFA Supplementation GuidelinesUnder National Iron+ Initiative (NIPI)

🔷 Role of Nurse and Midwife:

EducatorTeach about balanced diet, meal planning
Screening agentIdentify undernourished women during ANC
CounselorProvide individualized diet advice
Supplement providerDistribute IFA, calcium, deworming tablets
ReferralSend severe cases to dietician or specialist
MonitoringTrack weight gain, Hb%, dietary compliance
AdvocatePromote use of government nutrition schemes

🤝🌸 Building Partnership with Women Following RMC Protocol.

🔷 What is RMC?

RMC – Respectful Maternity Care is an approach that ensures women are treated with dignity, respect, and compassion during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care. It is a fundamental human right and a key principle of quality maternal health care.

🔷 Definition of Building Partnership with Women:

Building partnership with women means establishing a mutual, trusting, respectful relationship between the health provider (nurse, midwife, doctor) and the woman. It involves collaborative decision-making, open communication, and the recognition of the woman’s rights, preferences, and values.

🔷 Principles of RMC (Respectful Maternity Care):

Based on White Ribbon Alliance’s Charter of Rights for Women and Newborns.

  1. Freedom from harm and ill-treatment
  2. Right to information, informed consent and refusal, and respect for choices
  3. Confidentiality and privacy
  4. Dignity and respect
  5. Equitable care (non-discrimination)
  6. Timely and quality care
  7. Freedom from abuse and neglect
  8. Right to companionship
  9. Continuity of care

🔷 Steps in Building Partnership with Women under RMC Protocol:

🔶 1️⃣ Establishing Trust and Rapport

  • Greet the woman respectfully using her name.
  • Introduce yourself and your role.
  • Make her feel safe, valued, and comfortable.

🔶 2️⃣ Providing Complete Information

  • Explain all procedures in simple, understandable language.
  • Encourage questions and clarify doubts.
  • Use visuals or local language aids when needed.

🔶 3️⃣ Informed Consent and Shared Decision-Making

  • Always seek informed consent before examinations or interventions.
  • Respect her right to refuse or accept care.
  • Support her decisions regarding birth plan, pain relief, feeding, etc.

🔶 4️⃣ Maintaining Privacy and Confidentiality

  • Ensure privacy using curtains, screens, or private areas.
  • Do not discuss her personal health information publicly.
  • Handle her documents and reports confidentially.

🔶 5️⃣ Allowing Birth Companions

  • Encourage a supportive person (husband, mother, friend) to stay during labor and delivery, as per the woman’s preference.

🔶 6️⃣ Culturally Sensitive Care

  • Respect her cultural practices and values, as long as they do not harm her or the baby.
  • Adjust care plans to align with her beliefs when possible.

🔶 7️⃣ Empowering the Woman

  • Encourage her to express pain, ask for comfort, change positions during labor.
  • Support her participation in baby care and breastfeeding decisions.
  • Appreciate her role and effort during childbirth.

🔷 Nurse/Midwife’s Role in Building Partnership:

CommunicatorUse empathetic, non-judgmental communication
AdvocateStand up for her rights and preferences
EducatorTeach her about her body, baby care, and options
SupporterOffer emotional support during labor and postpartum
ProtectorPrevent disrespect, discrimination, or abuse
Care ProviderDeliver safe, evidence-based care with kindness

🔷 Examples of RMC in Practice:

SituationRespectful Care Approach
Woman asks about labor pain reliefExplain all options and allow her to choose
Woman from rural area feels shySpeak gently, ensure female staff, maintain privacy
Woman wants to sit or walk in laborAllow mobility unless medically contraindicated
Woman refuses a vaginal examRespect refusal, explain purpose, and seek consent again later
Woman cries or shows fearConsole, encourage, and offer continuous support

🔷 Benefits of Building Partnership with Women in Maternity Care:

For the WomanFor the Health System
Feels safe, respected, and confidentHigher satisfaction and institutional delivery rates
More likely to return for future careBetter maternal and newborn outcomes
Reduces birth trauma and depressionBuilds community trust in health services
Improves cooperation and communicationReduces staff burnout and conflict
Promotes positive childbirth experienceEncourages adherence to care recommendations

🔷 Barriers to Building Partnership:

  • Staff shortage or high workload
  • Lack of training in RMC
  • Poor infrastructure (privacy issues)
  • Cultural bias or judgmental attitudes
  • Language barriers

🔷 Overcoming Barriers – What Nurses Can Do:

  • Practice empathy and active listening
  • Participate in RMC training programs
  • Use IEC materials to explain procedures
  • Advocate for infrastructure improvements (e.g., screens for privacy)
  • Collaborate with community health workers (ASHA/ANM)

👨‍👩‍👧 Father’s Engagement in Maternity Care.

🔷 Definition:

Father’s engagement in maternity care refers to the active involvement of the male partner (father) in all phases of maternity — pre-conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and postnatal care — to promote the health and well-being of the mother, baby, and family.

🔷 Why is Father’s Engagement Important?

Benefits to MotherBenefits to BabyBenefits to Father
Emotional support, reduced stressBetter bonding, improved healthBuilds attachment and confidence
Shared responsibilityBetter breastfeeding outcomesPromotes shared parenting
Encourages ANC visitsLower neonatal morbidityImproves relationship with partner
Decreased maternal depressionSafer delivery environmentInformed decision-making

🔷 Stages Where Father’s Engagement is Needed:

1. Pre-Conception Phase:

  • Family planning decisions
  • Health screening (e.g., STDs)
  • Discussing spacing between children
  • Supporting lifestyle changes (e.g., quitting tobacco)

2. Antenatal Period (ANC):

  • Attending ANC check-ups with the mother
  • Participating in health education sessions
  • Emotional support during pregnancy
  • Assisting in dietary and medication compliance
  • Helping with household chores to reduce maternal workload

3. Intra-Natal (Labour & Delivery):

  • Acting as a birth companion if permitted
  • Providing moral support during labor
  • Being present during normal delivery or C-section (where allowed)
  • Assisting in transport and logistics for institutional delivery

4. Postnatal Period (PNC):

  • Supporting mother in breastfeeding and rest
  • Helping with newborn care (bathing, changing, comforting)
  • Monitoring postpartum danger signs
  • Ensuring timely immunizations and PNC visits
  • Preventing postpartum depression through shared responsibility

🔷 Barriers to Father’s Engagement:

Belief that maternity is “women’s domain”Work responsibilities, time constraintsLack of male-friendly hospital policies
Gender norms & stigmaLack of awarenessNo private space for fathers in labor rooms
Shyness or discomfortIlliteracyPoor communication from health workers

🔷 Strategies to Promote Father’s Engagement:

Health educationConduct joint counseling sessions for couples during ANC
Birth preparedness sessionsInvolve fathers in planning transport, hospital bag, birth plan
Male involvement campaignsCommunity awareness using media, posters, videos
Policy supportEncourage health facilities to allow birth companions
Father-friendly spacesSeating area and involvement in child immunization clinics
Role modelingEncourage male CHWs or satisfied fathers to share experiences

🔷 Role of Nurses and Midwives in Promoting Father’s Engagement:

EducatorExplain the importance of male involvement in ANC, PNC
FacilitatorWelcome fathers during check-ups, encourage questions
AdvocatePromote respectful inclusion of men in birth preparedness
SupporterGuide them in emotional and practical support to the mother
Bridge BuilderReduce hesitation or cultural barriers between fathers and health staff
Record KeeperInvolve father’s contact in documentation for follow-up

🔷 Examples of Father Involvement Activities:

  • Husband attending health talks with wife at PHC
  • Partner providing daily iron/folic acid tablets at home
  • Father encouraging exclusive breastfeeding
  • Father accompanying mother during labor for emotional support
  • Sharing postnatal duties like baby’s immunization visits

🔷 National & Global Guidelines Promoting Father’s Engagement:

RMNCH+A Approach (India)Encourages male involvement in maternal and child health
WHO RecommendationsPromote birth companionship and family-centered care
National Population PolicyAdvocates male participation in reproductive health
LaQshya Program (India)Encourages birth companion of choice (including father)

🌸 Physiological Changes During Pregnancy.

🔷 Introduction:

Pregnancy is a physiological state, not a disease. To support the growth and development of the fetus, a woman’s body undergoes numerous changes across different systems. These changes are mainly influenced by pregnancy hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, hCG, hPL, and relaxin.

These changes begin as early as conception and continue until delivery and postpartum.

🔷 System-Wise Physiological Changes During Pregnancy:

✅ 1️⃣ Reproductive System Changes

a. Uterus

  • Increases in size from 50g (non-pregnant) to ~1000g at term
  • Capacity increases from 10 mL to ~5 liters
  • Shape changes from pear-shaped to ovoid
  • Increased blood flow (up to 500–800 mL/min at term)

b. Cervix

  • Softening (Goodell’s sign)
  • Bluish discoloration (Chadwick’s sign)
  • Increased mucus production → forms mucus plug (operculum)

c. Vagina and Vulva

  • Increased vascularity → bluish color
  • Increased vaginal secretions → leukorrhea

d. Ovaries

  • Ovulation stops
  • Corpus luteum secretes progesterone until placenta takes over (~12 weeks)

✅ 2️⃣ Endocrine System Changes

PituitaryEnlarges, increases prolactin secretion for milk production
ThyroidEnlarges slightly; increased thyroid hormones (T3, T4)
ParathyroidIncreases → maintains calcium balance
PancreasIncreased insulin production (to overcome insulin resistance from hPL)
PlacentaActs as a temporary endocrine gland – secretes hCG, hPL, estrogen, progesterone

✅ 3️⃣ Cardiovascular System Changes

Blood volumeIncreases by 40–50% → helps with uteroplacental perfusion
Cardiac outputIncreases by 30–50%
Heart rateIncreases by 10–15 bpm
BPSlight drop in 2nd trimester, returns to normal by term
Physiological anemiaPlasma volume increases more than RBC → hemodilution
Systolic murmurMay occur due to increased blood flow
Supine hypotension syndromeCompression of inferior vena cava when lying flat

✅ 4️⃣ Respiratory System Changes

Oxygen demandIncreases by 20–30% to support fetal growth
Tidal volumeIncreases by ~40%
Respiratory rateSlightly increases or remains same
Shortness of breathCommon in late pregnancy due to upward displacement of diaphragm

✅ 5️⃣ Gastrointestinal (GI) System Changes

ProgesteroneSlows GI motility → constipation, bloating
Nausea and vomitingDue to hCG (especially in 1st trimester)
Heartburn (pyrosis)Due to relaxed lower esophageal sphincter
PtyalismIncreased salivation
GumsMay become soft and bleed easily (gingivitis)

✅ 6️⃣ Urinary System Changes

Kidney sizeSlightly increases to meet increased filtration needs
GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate)Increases by 50%
Urinary frequencyDue to increased blood flow and pressure on bladder
Risk of UTIIncreased due to urinary stasis and dilated ureters

✅ 7️⃣ Musculoskeletal System Changes

Relaxin hormoneSoftens ligaments and joints for childbirth
LordosisIncreased curvature of spine → back pain
Waddling gaitDue to relaxed pelvic joints
Leg crampsDue to pressure on nerves, calcium/phosphate imbalance

✅ 8️⃣ Integumentary System Changes

Linea nigraDark line from pubic area to umbilicus
Striae gravidarumStretch marks (abdomen, breasts, thighs)
Melasma (Chloasma)“Mask of pregnancy” – dark patches on face
Increased hair and nail growthDue to hormonal changes
Sweat and oil glandsBecome more active → acne, oily skin

✅ 9️⃣ Breast Changes

Breast enlargementDue to estrogen and progesterone
Tenderness and tinglingCommon early sign
Areola darkening and enlargementDue to increased pigmentation
Montgomery’s tuberclesSmall glands on areola become prominent
ColostrumYellowish pre-milk secretion from 16 weeks onward

✅ 🔟 Hematological Changes

HemoglobinMay slightly decrease (due to hemodilution)
WBC countIncreases mildly (normal pregnancy leukocytosis)
PlateletsMay decrease slightly
Coagulation factorsIncrease → pregnancy is a hypercoagulable state (risk of thrombosis)

🔷 Psychological Changes

TrimesterEmotional State
FirstAmbivalence, mood swings, anxiety
SecondAcceptance, increased body image awareness
ThirdImpatience, anxiety about labor and baby’s health

🔷 Role of Nurse/Midwife in Managing Physiological Changes:

EducatorTeach about normal changes and self-care
CounselorProvide reassurance and emotional support
Health PromoterSuggest diet, rest, and exercise for relief of discomforts
Care ProviderMonitor vitals, labs, and screen for complications
ReferrerAlert physician if changes indicate pathology (e.g., hypertension, bleeding)

🌸 Physiological Changes in the Reproductive System During Pregnancy.

🔷 Introduction:

During pregnancy, the reproductive system undergoes significant anatomical, hormonal, and functional changes to support implantation, fetal development, labor, and postpartum recovery. These changes are primarily driven by pregnancy hormones like estrogen, progesterone, hCG, relaxin, and hPL.

🔶 1️⃣ Uterus

Size and WeightUterus enlarges from 7.5 cm to ~30 cm; weight increases from 50 g to 1000 g by term.
ShapePear-shaped → spherical (early) → ovoid (late pregnancy).
PositionRises out of the pelvis into abdominal cavity by 12–14 weeks.
CapacityIncreases from 10 mL to 5–10 liters.
Muscle hypertrophyMyometrial cells enlarge and stretch, not multiply.
Blood supplyIncreases up to 500–800 mL/min at term (90% goes to placenta).
ContractilityBraxton Hicks contractions (painless, irregular) begin ~2nd trimester – help tone the uterus.

🔶 2️⃣ Cervix

SofteningKnown as Goodell’s sign – due to increased vascularity and hormonal effect.
Color changeBecomes bluish-purple due to increased blood flow – called Chadwick’s sign.
Glandular activityIncreases and forms a mucus plug (operculum) to seal cervical canal and protect fetus from infections.
Increased vascularityLeads to edema, softening, and increased friability.

🔶 3️⃣ Vagina and Vulva

Increased vascularityBluish discoloration (part of Chadwick’s sign), congestion, and edema.
Softening of tissuesDue to estrogen and relaxin → allows stretching during delivery.
Increased vaginal dischargeThick, white, non-foul smelling leukorrhea – protective but may increase infection risk if hygiene is poor.
Acidic pHpH decreases (~3.5–6.0) due to increased lactic acid production – inhibits bacterial growth but favors Candida albicans (fungal infections).

🔶 4️⃣ Ovaries

Ovulation ceasesSuppressed due to high estrogen and progesterone levels.
Corpus luteumMaintains early pregnancy by secreting progesterone until placenta takes over (~12 weeks).
No follicular developmentFollicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels are suppressed.

🔶 5️⃣ Fallopian Tubes

Congestion and edemaOccur due to increased estrogen levels.
No active role after conceptionTransported ovum reaches uterus in early pregnancy; after that, tubes are relatively inactive.

🔶 6️⃣ Breasts (Though not reproductive organs, they’re part of reproductive system functionally)

Enlargement and tendernessCaused by estrogen and progesterone.
Increased blood flowVeins become more prominent.
Darkening of areola and nippleDue to increased melanocyte activity.
Montgomery’s tuberclesSebaceous glands become prominent on the areola.
Colostrum productionBegins as early as 16 weeks (thick, yellow pre-milk).
Preparation for lactationProlactin from the anterior pituitary increases gradually.

🔷 Summary Table: Reproductive System Changes During Pregnancy

OrganKey Changes
UterusEnlargement, increased blood flow, Braxton Hicks contractions
CervixGoodell’s sign, Chadwick’s sign, mucus plug
VaginaLeukorrhea, acidic pH, increased elasticity
OvariesCorpus luteum sustains early pregnancy, no ovulation
BreastsEnlargement, colostrum secretion, areolar changes

🔷 Clinical Significance of These Changes:

  • Helps in early diagnosis of pregnancy (Goodell’s and Chadwick’s signs).
  • Supports fetal growth and placental perfusion.
  • Prepares the body for labor, delivery, and postpartum lactation.
  • Nurses should differentiate normal physiological changes from pathological signs (e.g., infection vs leukorrhea).

🔷 Nurse/Midwife’s Role in Monitoring Reproductive Changes:

EducatorExplain normal changes and how to manage discomforts.
ExaminerAssess for cervical changes, vaginal discharge, uterine growth.
Care providerEnsure maternal hygiene, prevent infections, provide supplements.
CounselorReassure women about body changes and address concerns.
ReferrerIdentify abnormal findings (e.g., bleeding, abnormal discharge) and refer.

❤️ Cardiovascular System – Physiological Changes During Pregnancy.

🔷 Introduction:

During pregnancy, the cardiovascular system adapts significantly to meet the increased metabolic demands of the mother and the growing fetus. These changes begin early in pregnancy and peak in the second trimester, remaining until delivery.

They are mainly influenced by hormonal changes, especially estrogen, progesterone, relaxin, and increased blood volume.

🔷 Major Cardiovascular Changes in Pregnancy:

✅ 1️⃣ Blood Volume Increases

Total blood volumeIncreases by 40–50% (approx. 1500 mL extra)
Plasma volumeIncreases more than red cell mass → causes hemodilution
Red cell massIncreases by ~20–30% with iron supplementation
Clinical effectLeads to physiological anemia of pregnancy (Hb may drop to 10.5–11 g/dL)

✅ 2️⃣ Cardiac Output Increases

Cardiac outputIncreases by 30–50% due to increased stroke volume and heart rate
PeakReaches peak around 20–24 weeks
Heart rateIncreases by 10–15 beats/min
Stroke volumeIncreases due to increased preload (blood return)

✅ 3️⃣ Blood Pressure Changes

Systolic BPMay remain same or slightly decrease
Diastolic BPDrops in second trimester (~10–15 mmHg), returns to normal by term
ReasonDue to vasodilation from progesterone and relaxin
Clinical TipPersistent rise in BP after 20 weeks may indicate pre-eclampsia

✅ 4️⃣ Vascular Resistance and Vasodilation

Peripheral vascular resistanceDecreases due to progesterone and increased blood volume
VasodilationLeads to warm skin, nasal congestion, and sometimes dizziness

✅ 5️⃣ Heart Position and Sounds

Heart displacementSlightly upward and to the left due to enlarging uterus
Auscultation changesMay hear systolic murmurs or louder heart sounds – physiological and benign
ECG changesMay show left axis deviation or slight changes, usually normal

✅ 6️⃣ Supine Hypotension Syndrome (Aortocaval Compression)

CauseWhen lying flat in late pregnancy, the gravid uterus compresses inferior vena cava
SymptomsDizziness, pallor, hypotension, nausea, sweating, fainting
ManagementAdvise woman to lie in left lateral position to relieve pressure

✅ 7️⃣ Venous Circulation and Varicosities

Venous pressure in lower limbsIncreases due to pressure from the uterus
Varicose veinsMay appear in legs, vulva, or rectum (hemorrhoids)
Risk of thrombosisPregnancy is a hypercoagulable state due to increased clotting factors – risk of DVT and embolism

🔷 Summary Table: Cardiovascular Changes in Pregnancy

ParameterChange During Pregnancy
Blood volume↑ by 40–50%
Cardiac output↑ by 30–50%
Heart rate↑ by 10–15 bpm
Blood pressure↓ in 2nd trimester, normal at term
Vascular resistance↓ due to vasodilation
MurmursSystolic murmur may be heard
Clotting tendency↑ (hypercoagulability)
Supine hypotensionRisk increases after 20 weeks

🔷 Clinical Significance:

Early detection of preeclampsiaMonitor BP trends in each trimester
Iron supplementationTo prevent or correct physiological anemia
Avoid supine positionEspecially in 3rd trimester – left lateral recommended
Monitor for varicose veins or thrombosisElevate legs, advise light exercise

🔷 Role of Nurse and Midwife:

Monitor vital signsBP, HR, signs of anemia
Educate womanAbout position changes, warning signs (e.g., dizziness, palpitations)
Assess for edema and varicose veinsSuggest support stockings and leg elevation
Check for signs of thrombosisLeg pain, swelling, redness
Provide iron and folic acidPrevent anemia
Emergency referralIf symptoms of pre-eclampsia or cardiac distress are seen

🌬️ Physiological Changes in the Respiratory System During Pregnancy.

🔷 Introduction:

During pregnancy, the respiratory system undergoes several physiological adaptations to meet the increased oxygen demands of both the mother and the growing fetus. These changes begin early in pregnancy and are influenced by hormones (especially progesterone and estrogen) and mechanical pressure from the growing uterus.

🔷 Goals of Respiratory Changes in Pregnancy:

  • To increase oxygen availability for the fetus
  • To remove excess carbon dioxide from the fetus through maternal lungs
  • To maintain acid-base balance
  • To adapt to mechanical changes in the thorax due to uterine enlargement

🔶 Major Respiratory Changes in Pregnancy:

✅ 1️⃣ Increased Oxygen Demand

Oxygen consumptionIncreases by 20–30%
Basal metabolic rate (BMR)Rises due to fetal growth and maternal tissue metabolism
ReasonTo supply oxygen to placenta, uterus, fetus, and maternal organs

✅ 2️⃣ Tidal Volume Increases

Tidal volumeIncreases by ~40%
Minute ventilationIncreases by 30–50%
Respiratory rateMay slightly increase or remain unchanged
Alveolar ventilationIncreases due to deeper breathing

✅ 3️⃣ Chest and Diaphragm Adaptations

Diaphragm elevationRises by ~4 cm due to enlarging uterus
Chest circumferenceIncreases by 5–7 cm
Rib cage expansionRibs flare outward due to relaxin and estrogen
EffectThough the lungs are compressed, total respiratory function is maintained through increased efficiency of breathing

✅ 4️⃣ Respiratory Alkalosis

Progesterone effectActs as a respiratory stimulant on the respiratory center
ResultLeads to mild respiratory alkalosis (↓ PaCO₂) and increased pH
Clinical importanceFacilitates CO₂ removal from fetal to maternal blood via placenta (feto-maternal gas exchange)

✅ 5️⃣ Nasal and Upper Respiratory Tract Changes

Capillary engorgementNasal mucosa becomes more vascular and congested
Nasal stuffiness & epistaxisCommon complaints due to estrogen effects
Voice changes or snoringMay occur due to swelling in vocal cords or nasal passages

🔷 Summary Table: Respiratory Changes in Pregnancy

Oxygen consumption↑ by 20–30%
Tidal volume↑ by ~40%
Minute ventilation↑ by ~50%
Respiratory rateSlight ↑ or unchanged
Diaphragm positionElevated by ~4 cm
Rib cage mobility↑ due to hormone-mediated relaxation
Nasal mucosaCongested → nasal stuffiness/bleeding
ABG (Arterial Blood Gas)Mild respiratory alkalosis (↓ PaCO₂, ↑ pH)

🔷 Common Respiratory Discomforts During Pregnancy:

Shortness of breath (dyspnea)Increased tidal volume and upward diaphragm displacement
Nasal congestionEstrogen-induced mucosal swelling
Mild hyperventilationDue to progesterone’s effect on respiratory center
SnoringWeight gain and mucosal edema

📝 These symptoms are usually physiological and non-pathological, but they should be differentiated from respiratory diseases (e.g., asthma, pulmonary embolism).

🔷 Role of Nurse and Midwife:

EducatorExplain that shortness of breath is common and usually not dangerous
ReassurerReduce anxiety about breathing changes in pregnancy
Health PromoterEncourage sleeping in propped-up or semi-Fowler’s position
MonitorObserve for signs of respiratory distress, cyanosis, or abnormal breath sounds
ReferrerRefer to physician if breathlessness is sudden, severe, or associated with chest pain or cough

🔷 Clinical Alert Signs (Not Normal):

While most changes are physiological, watch for:

  • Persistent or worsening breathlessness
  • Tachypnea (>20 breaths/min)
  • Chest pain
  • Cough with sputum or blood
  • Cyanosis or wheezing
  • Signs of pulmonary embolism or asthma

🌊 Physiological Changes in the Urinary System During Pregnancy.

🔷 Introduction:

During pregnancy, the urinary system undergoes various structural and functional changes to accommodate the increased metabolic and circulatory demands of the mother and fetus. These changes are influenced by hormones (mainly progesterone and relaxin) and the mechanical pressure from the enlarging uterus.

🔷 Why Urinary Changes Are Important:

  • To eliminate increased waste products from the mother and fetus
  • To maintain fluid and electrolyte balance
  • To support plasma volume expansion
  • To adapt to mechanical compression from the gravid uterus

🔶 Key Structures Affected:

  1. Kidneys
  2. Ureters
  3. Urinary bladder
  4. Urethra

🔶 1️⃣ Kidney Changes

SizeSlight increase in kidney length (by 1–1.5 cm)
Renal plasma flow (RPF)Increases by ~50–70% in early pregnancy
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)Increases by ~40–50% → leads to more urine formation
Functional adaptationEnhances clearance of urea, creatinine, and waste from fetus and mother
Serum urea/creatinineSlightly lower than normal due to increased excretion
Mild glycosuria/proteinuriaMay occur due to increased GFR → should be monitored to rule out gestational diabetes or pre-eclampsia

🔶 2️⃣ Ureteral Changes

Dilation (Hydroureter)Progesterone causes relaxation of smooth muscles → ureters become dilated, especially on the right side
Urinary stasisIncreased risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and pyelonephritis
Length and tonePeristalsis decreases, ureters elongate and become tortuous

🔶 3️⃣ Bladder Changes

Bladder capacityMay reduce due to pressure from the growing uterus
Increased frequency of urinationEspecially in 1st and 3rd trimesters
NocturiaCommon in later pregnancy
Urinary incontinenceCan occur due to relaxed pelvic floor muscles and pressure on the bladder
Risk of infectionStagnation of urine increases risk of cystitis and ascending infections

🔶 4️⃣ Urethral Changes

SofteningDue to estrogen and progesterone
LengtheningUrethra becomes slightly elongated due to bladder displacement
Increased sensitivityMay lead to burning sensation or frequency even without infection

🔷 Common Urinary Complaints in Pregnancy:

FrequencyEnlarged uterus pressing on bladder
UrgencyHormonal effects and pressure
NocturiaIncreased renal perfusion in lying position
Mild stress incontinenceRelaxed pelvic muscles and pressure
Burning micturitionMay be due to infection or mucosal sensitivity
UTIsDue to urinary stasis and dilated ureters

🔷 Clinical Significance:

  • Increased risk of asymptomatic bacteriuria, which can progress to pyelonephritis if untreated
  • Changes must be monitored to distinguish between normal physiology and pathology
  • UTIs during pregnancy can lead to preterm labor, low birth weight, and other complications

🔷 Urine Tests in Pregnancy Monitoring:

Routine urine examinationCheck for albumin (protein), sugar, pus cells
Urine cultureFor detecting asymptomatic or symptomatic infections
ProteinuriaIndicates risk of pre-eclampsia if persistent
GlycosuriaMay suggest gestational diabetes – needs further evaluation

🔷 Nurse/Midwife’s Role in Urinary Care During Pregnancy:

EducatorTeach hygiene, hydration, and signs of UTI
MonitorObserve urinary symptoms and perform regular urine testing
Care ProviderEncourage pelvic floor exercises to prevent incontinence
ReferrerRefer if there is persistent proteinuria, hematuria, or UTI symptoms
Health PromoterEncourage at least 2.5–3 liters of fluid intake daily (unless contraindicated)

🔷 Self-Care Advice for Pregnant Women:

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Empty bladder regularly
  • Wipe front to back after urination
  • Avoid holding urine for long periods
  • Wear breathable, cotton underwear
  • Practice Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles

🍽️ Gastrointestinal System – Physiological Changes During Pregnancy.

🔷 Introduction:

During pregnancy, the gastrointestinal (GI) system undergoes multiple anatomical and functional changes to support fetal growth and adapt to hormonal and mechanical influences. These changes are primarily caused by:

  • Progesterone: Smooth muscle relaxant
  • Estrogen: Increases vascularity and affects liver function
  • Mechanical pressure from the enlarging uterus

🔷 Major Gastrointestinal Changes in Pregnancy:

✅ 1️⃣ Oral Cavity and Esophagus

Gingivitis & gum bleedingDue to increased vascularity and estrogen effect (common in 1st trimester)
Ptyalism (excessive salivation)Often seen in early pregnancy
Dental cariesMay increase due to acid reflux and poor oral hygiene
Esophageal reflux (Heartburn/Pyrosis)Caused by relaxation of lower esophageal sphincter and increased intra-abdominal pressure → allows gastric acid to reflux into esophagus

✅ 2️⃣ Stomach

Nausea and vomitingCommon in 1st trimester due to hCG and estrogen – called morning sickness
Delayed gastric emptyingDue to progesterone-induced smooth muscle relaxation
Increased risk of gastritis or refluxEspecially in later pregnancy due to pressure from the uterus

✅ 3️⃣ Intestines

ConstipationDue to decreased peristalsis and water absorption; worsened by iron supplements
Flatulence and bloatingCaused by slowed digestion and increased gas formation
Hemorrhoids (Piles)Caused by constipation and increased pelvic pressure; common in 3rd trimester

✅ 4️⃣ Liver and Gallbladder

LiverNo size change, but slight changes in liver enzyme levels (alkaline phosphatase ↑ due to placental production)
GallbladderBecomes hypotonic → bile stasis → risk of gallstones and cholestasis
Cholestasis of pregnancyCauses itching (pruritus), especially on palms and soles; may affect fetal outcome

✅ 5️⃣ Appetite and Food Preferences

Increased appetiteOften from 2nd trimester onward
Food cravings and aversionsCommon, possibly due to hormonal changes
PicaCraving for non-food substances (e.g., clay, ice, chalk) – indicates iron/zinc deficiency

🔷 Common GI Symptoms in Pregnancy:

SymptomLikely Cause
Morning sicknesshCG, estrogen
ConstipationProgesterone, iron
HeartburnRelaxed LES and uterine pressure
HemorrhoidsConstipation, pelvic pressure
BloatingSlowed digestion
Nausea/Vomiting1st trimester hormones
Excess salivation (ptyalism)Increased estrogen
Itching (in cholestasis)Bile stasis in liver

🔷 Clinical Significance:

  • Must differentiate between normal and abnormal (e.g., hyperemesis gravidarum = excessive vomiting with dehydration and weight loss)
  • Monitor for signs of liver dysfunction in cholestasis
  • Ensure nutritional adequacy despite nausea, vomiting, or food aversions

🔷 Nurse/Midwife’s Role in GI Care During Pregnancy:

EducatorTeach dietary habits, hydration, iron-rich foods
CounselorReassure about symptoms like nausea, heartburn
MonitorAssess bowel habits, weight gain, appetite
ReferrerIn case of persistent vomiting, jaundice, or bleeding piles
Care providerSuggest remedies for constipation, prescribe iron with stool softeners if needed

🔷 Self-Care Advice for GI Health in Pregnancy:

  • Eat small, frequent meals
  • Avoid spicy, oily, acidic foods
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Eat fiber-rich foods (fruits, vegetables, whole grains)
  • Avoid lying down immediately after meals
  • Practice gentle exercise or walking
  • Sit in a comfortable position while eating

🔷 When to Seek Medical Help:

  • Persistent vomiting with dehydration (hyperemesis gravidarum)
  • Constipation lasting >5 days
  • Severe or bleeding hemorrhoids
  • Intense itching (possible intrahepatic cholestasis)
  • Upper abdominal pain or jaundice

🔥 Metabolic Changes During Pregnancy.

🔷 Introduction:

Pregnancy is a hypermetabolic state. The body undergoes significant metabolic adaptations to:

  • Support fetal growth and development
  • Prepare the mother for labor, delivery, and lactation
  • Ensure survival during fasting or stress

These changes are driven by hormones such as hPL (human placental lactogen), progesterone, estrogen, cortisol, insulin, and thyroid hormones.

🔷 Key Metabolic Changes in Pregnancy:

✅ 1️⃣ Increased Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

BMR increases by 20–30%Due to the increased energy needs of mother and fetus
Increased oxygen consumptionTo meet fetal metabolic demands
Heat production risesPregnant women feel warm or may sweat more

✅ 2️⃣ Carbohydrate Metabolism

First trimester↑ Insulin sensitivity → mild hypoglycemia in fasting state
Second & Third trimestersPlacental hormones (especially hPL) cause insulin resistance → ensures glucose is available to the fetus

🔹 The mother becomes slightly insulin-resistant in later pregnancy — this is physiological but may lead to gestational diabetes in some women.

✅ 3️⃣ Protein Metabolism

Positive nitrogen balancePromotes fetal tissue growth, uterus, breasts, placenta
Protein demand increasesEspecially in 2nd and 3rd trimester for fetal development
SourcesDietary protein and maternal stores are mobilized

✅ 4️⃣ Fat Metabolism

Early pregnancyFat storage increases in maternal adipose tissues (estrogen & insulin effect)
Late pregnancyFat is mobilized to meet increased maternal energy demands and fetal needs
Increased lipolysisLeads to higher levels of free fatty acids and triglycerides in maternal blood

🔹 This adaptation ensures glucose is reserved for the fetus while the mother uses fat as energy.

✅ 5️⃣ Mineral and Electrolyte Metabolism

CalciumIncreased absorption from the gut; needed for fetal bones & teeth
Iron↑ requirement for fetal hemoglobin & maternal blood volume → risk of anemia if diet is inadequate
Sodium & WaterRetained → contributes to plasma volume expansion and physiological edema
IodineNeeded for fetal brain development → deficiency may cause cretinism

✅ 6️⃣ Water Metabolism

Fluid retention↑ total body water by ~6–8 liters (plasma, amniotic fluid, tissues)
EdemaCommon in feet and legs due to sodium retention and pressure on veins
Risk of dehydrationDespite fluid retention, increased demand means mother must stay hydrated

🔷 Summary Table: Metabolic Changes in Pregnancy

Type of MetabolismChange
BMR↑ by 20–30%
Glucose↑ insulin resistance (2nd & 3rd trimester)
ProteinPositive nitrogen balance, increased demand
FatEarly storage → late mobilization
Iron & calciumIncreased absorption and demand
WaterRetained → ↑ plasma volume, slight edema

🔷 Clinical Significance:

  • Gestational diabetes can develop due to insulin resistance
  • Nutritional counseling is essential to meet protein, iron, calcium, and calorie requirements
  • Anemia and hypoglycemia must be monitored, especially in undernourished women
  • Weight gain monitoring is important:
    ➤ Normal BMI women should gain 11–16 kg during pregnancy
  • Fluid intake and edema management are part of antenatal care

🔷 Role of Nurse/Midwife:

EducatorTeach about balanced diet and nutrient needs
MonitorWeight gain, blood sugar, edema, anemia
SupporterProvide emotional and dietary support
Care providerDistribute iron, calcium, IFA tablets
ReferrerRefer for gestational diabetes screening if risk factors are present

🦴 Skeletal Changes During Pregnancy.

🔷 Introduction:

During pregnancy, the skeletal system undergoes various structural and postural changes to accommodate the growing fetus, support increased maternal weight, and prepare the body for labor and delivery. These changes are mostly due to the action of hormones such as relaxin, estrogen, and progesterone, and mechanical stress caused by the enlarging uterus.

🔷 Why Skeletal Changes Occur:

  • To allow enlargement of the uterus and abdominal cavity
  • To adjust posture and balance due to weight gain
  • To loosen joints and ligaments for childbirth
  • To support fetal nutrient requirements, especially calcium

🔶 Key Skeletal and Postural Changes During Pregnancy:

✅ 1️⃣ Postural Alterations

Lumbar lordosisIncreased inward curve of the lower back to balance the shifting center of gravity → leads to backache
Waddling gaitDue to relaxation of pelvic joints and ligaments
Forward tilting of pelvisUterus pulls the pelvis forward, changing alignment
Rounded shouldersCaused by breast enlargement and posture compensation

✅ 2️⃣ Pelvic Joint and Ligament Softening

Relaxation of ligamentsDue to hormone relaxin → increases flexibility of pelvic joints
Sacroiliac joint looseningPelvic bones move slightly apart to prepare for delivery
Symphysis pubis wideningSlight separation of pubic symphysis (can cause pain and instability)
BenefitAllows pelvis to expand during childbirth (facilitates vaginal delivery)

✅ 3️⃣ Calcium and Bone Metabolism

Increased calcium demandFor fetal bone and teeth formation
Maternal calcium absorption↑ intestinal absorption of calcium under influence of vitamin D and parathyroid hormone
Bone densityMay reduce temporarily if calcium intake is insufficient
RiskIn severe deficiency, maternal bones may demineralize → osteomalacia or bone pain

✅ 4️⃣ Rib Cage Expansion

Rib flareRibs widen outward and upward to allow lung expansion
Subcostal angle increasesFrom ~68° to 103°
ReasonCompensates for diaphragm elevation due to enlarged uterus

🔷 Common Skeletal Discomforts in Pregnancy:

Back painDue to increased lumbar lordosis and weight gain
Pelvic painLoosening of pelvic joints and pubic symphysis
Leg crampsPossibly due to calcium/magnesium deficiency or nerve compression
Foot pain or flat feetDue to relaxed ligaments and weight gain

🔷 Preventive & Supportive Measures:

Posture correctionSit and stand with back support, avoid high heels
Pelvic exercisesE.g., pelvic tilts, squats to strengthen back and pelvis
Calcium supplementationAs per ANC guidelines (usually 1000–1200 mg/day)
Light exerciseWalking, prenatal yoga to reduce stiffness and pain
Back support beltsFor late pregnancy to relieve back pain
Avoid prolonged standing or sittingTo reduce musculoskeletal strain

🔷 Nurse/Midwife’s Role in Managing Skeletal Changes:

EducatorTeach posture, movement, and exercise techniques
CounselorReassure that mild discomfort is common and temporary
Care ProviderRecommend calcium and vitamin D supplements
ReferrerRefer for physiotherapy if severe back or pelvic pain
SupporterProvide ergonomic tips during daily activities and work

🔷 Summary Table: Skeletal Changes in Pregnancy

↑ Lumbar lordosisBackache
↑ Joint laxityPelvic flexibility, waddling gait
↑ Symphysis pubis widthPelvic pain, instability
Rib cage expansionAids respiratory adaptation
↑ Calcium requirementRisk of deficiency if diet is poor

🌺 Skin Changes During Pregnancy.

🔷 Introduction:

Pregnancy brings about many cutaneous (skin) changes, most of which are physiological and caused by hormonal fluctuations, increased vascularity, and stretching of the skin due to the enlarging uterus and breasts.

These changes vary in intensity and visibility from woman to woman and are influenced by genetics, ethnicity, and skin type.

🔷 Causes of Skin Changes in Pregnancy:

HormonesEstrogen, progesterone, and melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)
Increased blood volumeCauses vascular skin changes
Mechanical stretchingLeads to marks and thinning of skin
Immune changesCan affect pre-existing skin conditions

🔶 Common Physiological Skin Changes During Pregnancy:

✅ 1️⃣ Pigmentation Changes

Skin ChangeDescription
Linea nigraDark vertical line from pubic area to umbilicus (or above); more prominent in darker-skinned women
Melasma (Chloasma/Mask of pregnancy)Brown patches on cheeks, forehead, upper lip; triggered by sun exposure
Darkening of nipples, areola, genitaliaDue to increased melanin production
Nevi and frecklesMay become darker or increase in size (should still be monitored for abnormal changes)

✅ 2️⃣ Striae Gravidarum (Stretch Marks)

AppearancePink, red, or purple lines over abdomen, breasts, thighs, or buttocks
CauseSkin stretching + breakdown of elastic tissue
WhenTypically appear after 2nd trimester
After deliveryFade to silvery or white lines over time (not completely disappear)

✅ 3️⃣ Vascular Changes

Spider angiomasSmall, red, spider-like blood vessels on face, neck, chest
Palmar erythemaRedness of palms due to estrogen effect
Varicose veinsIn legs, vulva, or rectum (hemorrhoids) due to pressure and vascular congestion
Increased warmth of skinDue to increased blood flow

✅ 4️⃣ Hair and Nail Changes

Hair growthMay increase due to estrogen (scalp, body hair); some may experience less hair fall during pregnancy
Hair loss after deliveryCommon (called postpartum telogen effluvium) – usually temporary
NailsMay grow faster, become more brittle or soft

✅ 5️⃣ Sweat and Oil Gland Changes

Sweat glandsMore active → increased sweating (hyperhidrosis)
Sebaceous glands↑ oil secretion → acne may worsen or improve
Montgomery’s tuberclesEnlarged sebaceous glands on areola – normal and protective for breastfeeding

✅ 6️⃣ Itching (Pruritus)

Skin stretchingCommon over abdomen, breasts
Hormonal changesCan make skin drier or more sensitive
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancyA pathological cause; causes intense itching, especially on palms and soles → needs urgent medical attention

🔷 Summary Table: Skin Changes in Pregnancy

Type of ChangeExamples
PigmentationLinea nigra, melasma, darkened nipples
StructuralStretch marks, spider veins, varicose veins
GlandularIncreased sweating, oiliness, acne
Hair/NailIncreased hair growth, faster nail growth
OtherPalmar erythema, Montgomery’s tubercles

🔷 Clinical Significance:

  • Most changes are harmless and temporary
  • Some may cause cosmetic concerns or discomfort
  • Important to differentiate normal changes from skin disorders (e.g., rashes, infections, or pregnancy-specific dermatoses)

🔷 Nurse/Midwife’s Role:

EducatorReassure that skin changes are normal and usually fade postpartum
SupporterProvide emotional support if woman feels self-conscious
Care ProviderSuggest safe skin care tips – moisturizers, mild cleansers, sun protection
MonitorWatch for abnormal skin conditions like pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) or cholestasis-related itching
ReferrerSend to dermatologist if suspicious skin lesions, severe itching, or signs of allergy appear

🔷 Skin Care Advice During Pregnancy:

  • Use mild, non-irritating cleansers and moisturizers
  • Avoid harsh cosmetics or bleaching agents
  • Wear sunscreen to reduce melasma worsening
  • Apply cocoa butter or vitamin E lotions to improve skin elasticity (limited evidence, but may help)
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Use loose, breathable clothing to avoid sweat rash
  • Seek help if itching is severe or affecting sleep

🧬 Endocrine System Changes During Pregnancy.

🔷 Introduction:

The endocrine system plays a central role in pregnancy. It undergoes dramatic changes to support:

  • Fetal growth and development
  • Maternal adaptation
  • Labor, delivery, and lactation

Multiple hormonal glands either increase their activity or produce new hormones via the placenta.

🔷 Major Endocrine Glands Involved in Pregnancy:

  1. Pituitary gland
  2. Thyroid gland
  3. Parathyroid gland
  4. Pancreas
  5. Adrenal glands
  6. Placenta (temporary endocrine organ)

🔶 1️⃣ Pituitary Gland Changes

HormoneChange & Function
Prolactin (from anterior pituitary)↑ dramatically to prepare for lactation
Oxytocin (from posterior pituitary)Stored for labor (uterine contractions) and milk ejection reflex
FSH & LH↓ suppressed during pregnancy due to high estrogen & progesterone
ACTH & MSH↑ mildly, contributing to skin pigmentation changes

🔶 2️⃣ Thyroid Gland Changes

SizeSlight enlargement (↑ vascularity and activity)
T3 and T4↑ levels due to stimulation by hCG (especially in early pregnancy)
TSH↓ mildly in 1st trimester; normalizes later
FunctionSupports fetal brain development and maternal metabolism

🔸 Iodine requirement increases to meet fetal thyroid needs.

🔶 3️⃣ Parathyroid Gland Changes

Mild hypertrophy↑ Parathyroid hormone (PTH) to regulate calcium levels
EnsuresAdequate calcium transfer to fetus (for bones and teeth)

🔶 4️⃣ Pancreatic Changes

Early pregnancy↑ insulin sensitivity → may cause mild hypoglycemia
Later pregnancy (2nd–3rd trimester)Insulin resistance increases due to hPL, estrogen, progesterone
OutcomeMaternal blood glucose ↑ → glucose available to fetus
RiskGestational diabetes in some women due to poor insulin compensation

🔶 5️⃣ Adrenal Gland Changes

Cortisol↑ due to estrogen; helps in metabolism and stress response
Aldosterone↑ to help in sodium and water retention → contributes to plasma volume expansion
Androgens (DHEA-S)Secreted by fetal adrenal gland → converted to estrogen by placenta

🔶 6️⃣ Placenta as an Endocrine Organ

The placenta acts as a temporary endocrine gland and produces key pregnancy hormones:

hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)Maintains corpus luteum in early pregnancy; used in pregnancy tests
hPL (human placental lactogen)Causes insulin resistance, mobilizes maternal fat for energy, promotes breast development
EstrogenStimulates uterine growth, breast changes, blood flow
ProgesteroneMaintains uterine lining, prevents contractions, supports implantation
RelaxinSoftens ligaments and cervix for labor preparation

🔷 Summary Table: Endocrine Changes in Pregnancy

GlandHormonal ChangeFunction
Pituitary↑ Prolactin, OxytocinLactation, labor
Thyroid↑ T3, T4Metabolism, fetal brain development
Parathyroid↑ PTHCalcium regulation
Pancreas↑ Insulin resistanceGlucose supply to fetus
Adrenal↑ Cortisol, AldosteroneMetabolism, fluid retention
Placenta↑ hCG, hPL, Estrogen, ProgesteronePregnancy maintenance

🔷 Clinical Significance:

ConditionRelated Hormone
Gestational diabeteshPL, insulin resistance
Pregnancy goiter / Hyperthyroidism symptoms↑ thyroid hormones
Hypocalcemia in motherHigh fetal calcium demand
Preterm laborImbalance in progesterone, oxytocin
Postpartum depressionSudden drop in estrogen and progesterone after birth

🔷 Nurse/Midwife’s Role in Managing Endocrine Changes:

MonitorWeight, glucose levels, thyroid function, signs of hormonal imbalance
EducatorTeach about gestational diabetes, dietary management
Care providerEnsure supplementation (e.g., iron, calcium, iodine)
ReferrerSuspected thyroid or endocrine disorders to endocrinologist
SupporterCounsel about emotional and behavioral changes due to hormones

🧠🌸 Psychological Changes During Pregnancy.

🔷 Introduction:

Pregnancy is not only a physical journey but also a psychological and emotional transformation. A woman undergoes a wide range of mental, emotional, and behavioral changes as she adjusts to the demands of pregnancy, impending motherhood, and changes in identity, relationships, and life roles.

These changes are influenced by:

  • Hormones (estrogen, progesterone)
  • Social factors (family support, financial situation)
  • Previous pregnancy experiences
  • Cultural expectations

🔷 Phases of Psychological Adaptation During Pregnancy (Trimester-Wise)

1️⃣ First Trimester: “Ambivalence and Adjustment”

Emotional StatesDescription
AmbivalenceMixed feelings – excitement, fear, disbelief, anxiety
Mood swingsDue to hormonal shifts (estrogen & progesterone)
Fatigue and irritabilityCommon, may feel overwhelmed
Concern about miscarriageCommon fear in early pregnancy
Body image awareness beginsEspecially with nausea or bloating

2️⃣ Second Trimester: “Acceptance and Attachment”

Emotional StatesDescription
Better moodHormonal balance improves; physical discomforts lessen
Acceptance of pregnancyBegins to feel more “real” as body changes and fetal movements begin
Fetal bonding startsTalking to baby, imagining baby’s future
Feeling attractive or unattractiveBased on body changes and cultural norms
Focus shifts to baby and motherhoodBegins forming maternal identity

3️⃣ Third Trimester: “Preparation and Anticipation”

Emotional StatesDescription
Anxiety about laborWorry about pain, complications, hospital stay
Fear of parenthoodWill I be a good mother? Can I manage everything?
Impatience and irritabilityDue to physical discomfort, fatigue, restlessness
Increased dependence on partner/familyMay need emotional and physical support
Nesting behaviorUrge to prepare home and surroundings for baby (common in late pregnancy)

🔷 Factors Influencing Psychological Response to Pregnancy:

Planned vs unplanned pregnancyPlanned = more acceptance; Unplanned = denial, stress
Support systemPartner and family support improve psychological well-being
Socioeconomic statusFinancial insecurity → stress and anxiety
Age and maturityTeen pregnancy may bring more confusion; older women may have more pressure
Past pregnancy experiencePrevious miscarriage or complications → increased worry
Cultural beliefs and expectationsMay affect emotional response and behaviors

🔷 Common Psychological Issues in Pregnancy:

AnxietyWorry about baby, labor, parenting, finances
DepressionLow mood, sleep disturbance, poor appetite, fatigue, hopelessness
Pregnancy denialRare; woman doesn’t acknowledge pregnancy
Obsessive thoughtsAbout baby’s health, cleanliness, safety
Fear of labor (Tokophobia)Can affect decision on delivery method (e.g., request for elective C-section)

🔷 Role of Nurse and Midwife in Supporting Mental Health:

ObserverWatch for signs of depression, anxiety, fear, or emotional withdrawal
CounselorProvide nonjudgmental emotional support and listening
EducatorTeach normal psychological changes and coping strategies
SupporterEncourage involvement of family or birth partner
ReferrerRefer to mental health professional if needed
AdvocateEnsure privacy, respect, and dignity for the pregnant woman

🔷 Mental Health Screening Tools:

Used in ANC clinics to detect perinatal depression/anxiety:

  • Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS)
  • PHQ-9 (Patient Health Questionnaire)
  • GAD-7 (for anxiety disorders)

🔷 Psychological Preparation for Childbirth:

  • Antenatal classes – to reduce fear and increase confidence
  • Breathing exercises & relaxation techniques
  • Involving birth partner in support
  • Clarifying doubts about labor and hospital stay
  • Empowering woman to make informed choices

🔷 Summary Table: Emotional Changes by Trimester

TrimesterKey Emotions
1stAmbivalence, anxiety, mood swings
2ndAcceptance, bonding, emotional stability
3rdFear, anticipation, restlessness

Ante-natal care: I Trimester.

🤰 Antenatal Assessment.

🔷 Introduction:

Antenatal assessment is the systematic evaluation of a pregnant woman during her pregnancy (antenatal period) to ensure the well-being of both the mother and fetus, identify risk factors or complications, and provide timely interventions. It is an essential component of antenatal care (ANC).

It includes physical, psychological, and laboratory assessments at regular intervals throughout pregnancy.

🔷 Aims of Antenatal Assessment:

  • Confirm and monitor progress of pregnancy
  • Identify high-risk pregnancies (e.g., diabetes, hypertension)
  • Monitor fetal growth and well-being
  • Educate and prepare the mother for childbirth
  • Prevent, detect, and manage complications early

🔷 Timing of Antenatal Visits (As per Indian Guidelines):

1st visitWithin 12 weeks (preferably as soon as pregnancy is suspected)
2nd visitBetween 14–26 weeks
3rd visitBetween 28–34 weeks
4th visitAfter 36 weeks (or more frequent if high-risk)

Minimum 4 visits are essential (WHO recommends 8 for better outcomes).

🔷 Components of Antenatal Assessment:

✅ 1️⃣ History Collection

a. Personal History

  • Name, age, address, education, occupation
  • Diet, lifestyle, substance use (smoking, alcohol)

b. Obstetric History (G-P-A-L)

  • Gravida, para, abortions, live births
  • Previous pregnancies, complications, mode of delivery

c. Menstrual History

  • Last menstrual period (LMP)
  • Expected date of delivery (EDD) using Naegele’s Rule: EDD = LMP + 9 months + 7 days

d. Medical & Surgical History

  • Hypertension, diabetes, tuberculosis, asthma
  • Previous surgeries (e.g., C-section, appendectomy)

e. Family History

  • Genetic disorders, twin pregnancies, diabetes

f. Psychosocial History

  • Support system, mental health, domestic violence

✅ 2️⃣ Physical Examination

General AppearanceNutritional status, hygiene, anemia signs
Height & WeightAssess BMI, monitor weight gain
PallorIndicates anemia
Jaundice/CyanosisSuggest liver or heart disease
EdemaCommon in feet (normal), face (warning sign)
Pulse & BPDetect hypertension/pre-eclampsia
Respiratory rateMonitor for breathlessness or infection
Breast ExaminationFor symmetry, lumps, and nipple readiness for breastfeeding

✅ 3️⃣ Abdominal Examination (from 16–20 weeks onward)

InspectionShape, size, striae, fetal movements
Fundal height: To assess fetal growth
Leopold’s maneuvers: To determine lie, presentation, and position
AuscultationFetal Heart Sound (FHS) with fetoscope/Doppler (~120–160 bpm is normal)
MeasurementFundal height in cm = roughly gestational age in weeks after 24 weeks

✅ 4️⃣ Pelvic Examination (if indicated)

  • Done in late pregnancy or when needed (e.g., bleeding, labor signs)
  • Assess pelvic adequacy, cervix condition

✅ 5️⃣ Laboratory Investigations

Hemoglobin (Hb%)Detect anemia
Blood group & RhPrepare for complications like Rh incompatibility
Urine (Albumin/Sugar)Screen for UTI, pre-eclampsia, diabetes
Blood sugar (FBS/PPBS or GCT)Screen for gestational diabetes
HIV, HBsAg, VDRLScreen for infections
Thyroid profile (TSH)Screen for thyroid disorders
Ultrasound (USG)Confirm gestational age, fetal anatomy, placental location

✅ 6️⃣ Fetal Assessment

UltrasoundGrowth, amniotic fluid, anomalies
Fetal Heart Sound (FHS)Reassure fetal well-being
Kick CountMaternal monitoring of fetal movement (after 28 weeks)

10 kicks in 12 hours = normal

✅ 7️⃣ Health Education & Counseling

NutritionBalanced diet, iron/calcium-rich food
Rest and exerciseImportance of sleep, light physical activity
Danger signsBleeding, blurred vision, convulsions, severe headache
Personal hygieneVulval, breast care, clothing
BreastfeedingEarly initiation and exclusive breastfeeding
Birth preparednessTransportation, delivery kit, place of delivery
Family supportEmotional and physical support from husband/family

🔷 Documentation in Antenatal Card / MCP Card (Mother-Child Protection Card)

  • All findings should be recorded systematically
  • Helps in continuity of care and decision-making during delivery

🔷 Nurse/Midwife’s Role in Antenatal Assessment:

ExaminerConduct physical and abdominal exams
MonitorTrack vital signs, fetal growth, and well-being
EducatorTeach about nutrition, rest, hygiene, and danger signs
CounselorAddress anxiety, emotional needs, birth planning
Care providerProvide supplements (IFA, calcium), TT immunization
ReferrerHigh-risk cases referred to medical officer or specialist

🔷 Danger Signs to Watch During ANC:

🚨 Immediate referral required if woman reports:

  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Swelling of face or hands
  • Severe headache or blurred vision
  • No fetal movement
  • Convulsions or fever

📝 History Taking During Antenatal Assessment.

🔷 Introduction:

History taking is the first and most crucial step in antenatal assessment. It involves systematically collecting relevant information about the pregnant woman’s past and present health, lifestyle, obstetric history, and risk factors. A thorough history helps in:

  • Identifying high-risk pregnancies
  • Planning individualized antenatal care
  • Establishing a trusting relationship with the mother

🔷 Objectives of History Taking:

  • To confirm pregnancy and calculate gestational age
  • To detect risk factors and complications
  • To assess maternal and fetal well-being
  • To plan further investigations and care
  • To educate and prepare the woman for safe motherhood

🔷 Components of Antenatal History Taking:

✅ 1️⃣ Identifying Data:

NameFull name of the woman
AgeIn completed years
AddressFor follow-up and home visits
Registration numberFor hospital/clinic record
Religion & casteMay influence diet and beliefs
Marital statusMarried/single/divorced
Date of registrationFirst antenatal visit date

✅ 2️⃣ Chief Complaints:

Ask the woman about any current symptoms (e.g.):

  • Missed periods
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Breast tenderness
  • Fatigue
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Abdominal pain

Also ask if she has no complaints, to record well-being.

✅ 3️⃣ Menstrual History:

Age at menarcheAge at first period
Cycle regularity and duration28-day cycle, 4–5 days bleeding?
Last menstrual period (LMP)To calculate EDD (Expected Date of Delivery) using Naegele’s Rule
Any menstrual problemsHeavy flow, dysmenorrhea, irregular periods

✅ 4️⃣ Obstetric History (G-P-A-L)

G (Gravida)Total number of pregnancies (including current)
P (Para)Number of deliveries after 20 weeks
A (Abortions)Number of spontaneous or induced abortions (<20 weeks)
L (Living children)Number of currently living children

For each past pregnancy, ask about:

  • Year of delivery
  • Gestational age at delivery
  • Mode of delivery (normal/C-section)
  • Sex of baby and birth weight
  • Any complications (e.g., PPH, preeclampsia, stillbirth)

✅ 5️⃣ Medical and Surgical History:

Ask about:

  • Chronic illnesses: Hypertension, diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, tuberculosis, thyroid disorders
  • Previous surgeries: C-section, myomectomy, appendectomy, etc.
  • Allergies to drugs, food
  • Medications currently being taken

✅ 6️⃣ Family History:

  • Genetic diseases: Thalassemia, sickle cell, hemophilia
  • Multiple births (twins/triplets)
  • Diabetes, hypertension, epilepsy
  • History of maternal deaths, congenital anomalies in the family

✅ 7️⃣ Personal History:

Dietary habitsVegetarian/non-vegetarian, likes/dislikes, nutrition awareness
Appetite & sleepChanges during pregnancy
Bowel and bladderConstipation, urinary frequency
AddictionsSmoking, tobacco, alcohol (ask sensitively)
OccupationPhysical labor, workplace stress, exposure to chemicals
Exercise & restRoutine activities and fatigue level
Travel historyRecent long journeys, malaria-endemic areas

✅ 8️⃣ Psychosocial and Emotional History:

  • Support from husband/family
  • Fear, anxiety, mood swings
  • History of domestic violence or stress
  • Willingness to continue the pregnancy
  • Cultural or spiritual beliefs about pregnancy

✅ 9️⃣ Immunization and Supplement History:

TT vaccinationNumber of doses, date
Iron/Folic Acid intakeDuration, compliance
Calcium supplementsOngoing or planned
Deworming (Albendazole)Taken in 2nd trimester?

🔷 Documentation Tool: Antenatal/ANC Card or MCP Card

All findings should be documented in:

  • Antenatal card at health facility
  • Mother and Child Protection (MCP) card (India) for community tracking

🔷 Nurse/Midwife’s Role in History Taking:

ListenerEncourage open communication and trust
ObserverNote verbal and non-verbal cues
RecorderAccurately document findings
EducatorStart health education based on findings
ReferrerIdentify high-risk pregnancies for early referral

🔷 Red Flag Findings in History (High-Risk Indicators):

  • Previous C-section or complicated delivery
  • Chronic diseases (diabetes, hypertension)
  • History of stillbirth, miscarriage
  • Teenage (<18) or elderly (>35) pregnancy
  • History of multiple pregnancies
  • Bleeding or severe vomiting in current pregnancy
  • No antenatal checkups till 2nd trimester

👩‍⚕️ Physical Examination During Antenatal Assessment.

🔷 Introduction:

Physical examination during pregnancy is a systematic head-to-toe assessment of the expectant mother to evaluate her general health, detect physical changes, and monitor pregnancy progress. It helps in identifying high-risk conditions and ensures early interventions to promote safe motherhood and fetal well-being.

🔷 Objectives of Physical Examination:

  • To establish baseline health status
  • To detect signs of pregnancy and monitor progression
  • To screen for complications (e.g., anemia, hypertension, edema)
  • To assess maternal and fetal well-being
  • To provide a basis for further care and investigations

🔷 Preparation Before Examination:

  • Ensure privacy and good lighting
  • Use clean, disinfected equipment (e.g., stethoscope, BP apparatus, weighing machine)
  • Ask woman to empty bladder before abdominal exam
  • Position her comfortably on a flat surface (supine or semi-Fowler’s)
  • Ensure verbal consent and gentle approach

🔷 Components of Physical Examination:

✅ 1️⃣ General Appearance

ObservationWhat to Look For
General healthAlertness, posture, fatigue
HygienePersonal cleanliness
Body buildThin, average, obese
Facial expressionAnxious, pale, puffy (could indicate anemia or pre-eclampsia)
GaitNormal or waddling gait (in late pregnancy)

✅ 2️⃣ Vital Signs

ParameterNormal Range & Importance
TemperatureNormal or low-grade rise in early pregnancy
Pulse↑ 10–15 bpm is normal
Respiratory rateMild increase due to oxygen demand
Blood pressureShould be <140/90 mmHg; elevated BP suggests pre-eclampsia

✅ 3️⃣ Height and Weight

HeightShort stature (<145 cm) may suggest cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) risk
WeightMonitor weight gain throughout pregnancy (normal gain: 11–16 kg for average BMI)

✅ 4️⃣ Skin and Mucosa

PallorIndicates anemia
JaundiceMay indicate liver disorder
CyanosisSuggests hypoxia
EdemaNormal in feet; facial or hand edema = warning sign
Skin pigmentationLinea nigra, chloasma (normal)

✅ 5️⃣ Head-to-Toe Examination

🔸 Head and Scalp

  • Hair texture, dandruff, lice
  • Headaches → may indicate pre-eclampsia

🔸 Eyes

  • Pale conjunctiva → anemia
  • Blurred vision → possible pre-eclampsia
  • Pupil response, sclera (for jaundice)

🔸 Ears, Nose, Throat

  • Check for nasal congestion (common), throat infections

🔸 Mouth and Gums

  • Bleeding gums → due to estrogen
  • Oral hygiene status
  • Dental caries → risk of infection

✅ 6️⃣ Neck and Thyroid

What to AssessImportance
Thyroid enlargementMild is normal; significant swelling suggests hyper/hypothyroidism
Neck nodesEnlarged lymph nodes may indicate infection

✅ 7️⃣ Breast Examination

What to CheckSignificance
Size, symmetryEnlarges during pregnancy
Areola and nippleDarkening, Montgomery’s tubercles (normal), inverted nipples (may affect breastfeeding)
Colostrum secretionBegins ~16 weeks onward
Lumps or massesShould be ruled out for breast conditions

✅ 8️⃣ Abdominal Examination (after ~16–20 weeks gestation)

InspectionLook for size, shape, fetal movement, scars, stretch marks
PalpationFundal height (in cm ≈ gestational age in weeks after 24 weeks)
Leopold’s maneuvers to assess:
– Fundal presentation
– Fetal lie
– Position
– Engagement
AuscultationFetal heart sound (FHS): Normal = 120–160 bpm

✅ 9️⃣ Pelvic Examination (only when indicated)

PerineumCheck for hygiene, infections, varicosities
Vaginal examPerformed in 3rd trimester or if complications arise (e.g., bleeding)
Assesses cervical effacement, dilation, and pelvic adequacy

✅ 🔟 Extremities and Spine

EdemaPitting/non-pitting, localized or generalized
Varicose veinsIn legs or vulva
Spinal curvatureLordosis due to growing uterus
Clonus/reflexesHyperreflexia may suggest pre-eclampsia

🔷 Common Abnormal Findings to Monitor:

FindingPossible Cause
Severe pallorModerate/severe anemia
Facial puffiness & hand swellingPre-eclampsia
High BPGestational hypertension
Absent FHSIntrauterine fetal death
Excessive weight gain (>2 kg/month)Risk of PIH or pre-eclampsia

🔷 Nurse/Midwife’s Role in Physical Examination:

AssessorConduct the full head-to-toe and obstetric exam
EducatorExplain normal vs. warning signs to the woman
SupporterEnsure privacy, comfort, and dignity during the exam
ReferrerRefer to medical officer if abnormal signs are detected
RecorderDocument all findings in ANC/MCP card accurately

🩺 Breast Examination During Pregnancy.

🔷 Introduction:

Breast examination is a vital part of the physical examination during pregnancy, as it helps to assess the mother’s readiness for breastfeeding, identify abnormal findings, and educate her on breast care and lactation.

Performed during antenatal visits (preferably early in pregnancy and again later), this examination also builds the foundation for successful early initiation of breastfeeding.

🔷 Objectives of Breast Examination:

  • Assess breast development and changes in pregnancy
  • Identify conditions that may affect breastfeeding (e.g., inverted nipples)
  • Detect any abnormalities, lumps, infections
  • Educate mother on breast hygiene and care
  • Promote confidence in breastfeeding and early lactation practices

🔷 Timing of Breast Examination:

  • Initial examination: During the first antenatal visit
  • Follow-up: During third trimester or if any complaints arise (pain, discharge, lumps)

🔷 Preparation for Breast Examination:

  • Explain the procedure to the woman and take verbal consent
  • Provide privacy and ensure a comfortable, warm room
  • Ask the woman to lie down or sit with her upper clothing removed
  • Ensure warm hands, clean gloves if needed

🔷 Steps of Breast Examination:

✅ 1️⃣ Inspection (Look)

Observe both breasts in the following positions:

  • Arms by the side
  • Hands on hips
  • Arms raised above the head
What to Look ForSignificance
Size and symmetryMild asymmetry is normal; marked difference may need attention
ShapeNormal round/pendulous or flat
Skin changesRedness, dimpling, shiny skin, peau d’orange (orange peel appearance = cancer suspicion)
VeinsMay be more prominent in pregnancy (normal)
Areola and nipplesDarkening, enlargement (normal)
Montgomery’s tuberclesRaised sebaceous glands on areola – normal during pregnancy

✅ 2️⃣ Palpation (Feel)

Ask the woman to lie on her back with one arm behind her head.

Palpate each breastUsing flat fingers in a circular or up-down motion from outer to inner breast
Check all quadrantsEspecially upper outer quadrant (common site of breast lumps)
Feel for lumps, massesNote size, mobility, tenderness, borders
Check axillary (underarm) areaFor lymph nodes (swollen nodes may indicate infection or malignancy)
Check nipple dischargeSqueeze gently – colostrum (thick yellow) may be seen after 16 weeks (normal)

Bloody or purulent discharge is abnormal

✅ 3️⃣ Assess Nipple Type:

TypeEffect on Breastfeeding
Normal/ProtrudingGood for feeding
FlatMay need exercises/stimulation
InvertedMay make latching difficult → needs early correction

Test for Inverted Nipple (Pinch Test):
Gently pinch the areola – if nipple retracts inward → inverted nipple.

🔷 Common Normal Breast Changes During Pregnancy:

Breast enlargementDue to hormonal effects (estrogen, progesterone, prolactin)
Areola darkeningDue to increased melanin
Increased tendernessEspecially in early pregnancy
Colostrum secretionMay start by 2nd trimester
Visible veinsDue to increased blood flow

🔷 Abnormal Findings to Report or Refer:

  • Hard, fixed lumps
  • Painful swelling or redness
  • Cracked, bleeding nipples
  • Discharge that is bloody or foul-smelling
  • Peau d’orange appearance
  • Rapid nipple retraction or ulceration

🔷 Breast Care Advice for Pregnant Women:

Wash breasts daily with plain waterKeep nipples clean and infection-free
Avoid strong soaps or scrubbingPrevent dryness and cracking
Wear a supportive cotton braPrevent sagging and reduce discomfort
Practice nipple rolling/stretchingFor flat or inverted nipples (if needed)
Report any pain, lump, or dischargeEarly detection of infection or issues
Learn about early initiation and exclusive breastfeedingFor successful lactation

🔷 Role of Nurse and Midwife:

ExaminerConduct proper and gentle breast exam
EducatorTeach about breast care and feeding techniques
SupporterPrepare mother emotionally for breastfeeding
ReferrerIn case of abnormal findings or feeding issues
AdvocatePromote early breastfeeding and skin-to-skin contact after birth

🧪 Laboratory Investigations During Pregnancy.

🔷 Introduction:

Laboratory investigations during pregnancy are a crucial part of antenatal care (ANC). They help in the early detection and management of medical, nutritional, and infectious conditions that may affect the health of the mother and fetus.

These tests are done during the first visit and repeated as per clinical need or protocol, especially in high-risk pregnancies.

🔷 Aims of Laboratory Investigations:

  • Confirm pregnancy and monitor progress
  • Detect anemia, infections, gestational diabetes, and Rh incompatibility
  • Assess renal, hepatic, and thyroid function if needed
  • Screen for congenital infections and STDs
  • Identify high-risk conditions early

🔷 Essential Lab Investigations During Pregnancy:

TestPurpose / Interpretation

✅ 1️⃣ Hemoglobin (Hb%)

  • Detects anemia
  • Normal value in pregnancy: ≥11 g/dL
  • <11 g/dL → mild anemia, <7 g/dL → severe anemia

✅ 2️⃣ Blood Grouping and Rh Typing

  • Detects ABO and Rh incompatibility
  • If mother is Rh-negative and father is Rh-positive, risk of isoimmunization
  • May require anti-D immunoglobulin (Rhogam)

✅ 3️⃣ Urine Examination

a. Urine Routine & Microscopy

  • Check for albumin (proteinuria → may suggest pre-eclampsia)
  • Sugar (glycosuria → may suggest gestational diabetes)
  • Pus cells (UTI)

b. Urine Culture

  • If symptomatic or bacteriuria suspected
  • Important to prevent pyelonephritis or preterm labor

✅ 4️⃣ Blood Sugar Testing

a. Random Blood Sugar (RBS)
b. Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS)
c. Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT / GCT)

  • Done between 24–28 weeks
  • To screen for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)
  • Normal fasting sugar: <95 mg/dL; 2-hr post-glucose <140 mg/dL

✅ 5️⃣ VDRL Test (Venereal Disease Research Laboratory)

  • Detects syphilis (a sexually transmitted disease)
  • Positive cases are treated with penicillin to prevent fetal infection

✅ 6️⃣ HIV Test (with Pre- and Post-Counseling)

  • Mandatory under PPTCT (Prevention of Parent-To-Child Transmission) program
  • Helps plan ARV therapy and safe delivery if positive

✅ 7️⃣ HBsAg (Hepatitis B Surface Antigen)

  • To detect hepatitis B infection
  • Positive mothers → newborn must receive HBV vaccine + immunoglobulin at birth

✅ 8️⃣ Thyroid Function Test (TSH, T3, T4)

  • Especially important in areas with iodine deficiency or if symptoms present
  • Hypothyroidism → risk of fetal brain development issues
  • Normal TSH in first trimester: ~0.1–2.5 mIU/L

✅ 9️⃣ Sickling Test / Hemoglobin Electrophoresis

  • For detecting sickle cell anemia or thalassemia trait
  • Done if there’s family history or regional risk (tribal areas)

✅ 🔟 TORCH Screening (if indicated)

Includes testing for:

  • Toxoplasmosis
  • Others (Hepatitis B, Syphilis, HIV)
  • Rubella
  • Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
  • Herpes simplex virus

→ Only done if history of recurrent abortions, congenital anomalies, or IUGR

✅ 1️⃣1️⃣ COVID-19 Testing (As per current local guidelines)

🔷 Optional/Additional Tests (Based on Risk or Symptoms):

Liver Function Test (LFT)If cholestasis, jaundice, or pre-eclampsia suspected
Renal Function Test (RFT)If hypertension, proteinuria
Serum FerritinIf severe anemia
Ultrasound (USG)Early dating scan, anomaly scan, fetal well-being
Pap SmearIf not done in last 3 years

🔷 When Are Tests Repeated?

HemoglobinAt booking, 24–28 weeks, and 36 weeks
Blood sugarBetween 24–28 weeks or earlier if high-risk
Urine routineEvery ANC visit or monthly
HIV/VDRL/HBsAgOnce during pregnancy, or more if indicated

🔷 Nurse/Midwife’s Role in Lab Investigations:

EducatorExplain importance of tests to mother
CounselorProvide pre/post-test counseling (HIV, VDRL)
Sample collectorCollect or assist in proper sample collection
RecorderDocument results in ANC card / MCP card
ReferrerNotify doctor if abnormal results are found
Follow-upEnsure repeat testing or treatment as required

🔷 Documentation:

All test results must be recorded clearly in:

  • ANC Register
  • Mother and Child Protection (MCP) Card
  • Hospital or PHC Records

🔷 Summary Table: Key Lab Investigations

Hb%Detect anemia
Blood Group & RhIdentify incompatibility
Urine RoutineDetect protein, sugar, UTI
Blood Sugar (GCT/OGTT)Screen for gestational diabetes
VDRLDetect syphilis
HIVFor PPTCT management
HBsAgScreen for hepatitis B
TSHAssess thyroid function
USGConfirm gestational age, anomalies

🤰🩺 Identification and Management of Minor Discomforts of Pregnancy.

🔷 Introduction:

During pregnancy, women experience a variety of minor physiological discomforts due to hormonal changes, anatomical adaptations, and mechanical pressure from the growing fetus.
These discomforts are common and usually not dangerous, but they can affect a pregnant woman’s quality of life, sleep, and emotional well-being.

Midwives and nurses must:

  • Identify them early
  • Provide non-pharmacological remedies
  • Educate the woman about normal vs. warning signs

🔷 Common Minor Discomforts of Pregnancy – Trimester-wise:

✅ 1️⃣ First Trimester Discomforts (0–12 weeks):

Nausea and vomiting (morning sickness)hCG, estrogen, gastric sensitivitySmall frequent meals, avoid spicy/oily foods, dry toast/crackers in morning, drink fluids between meals
Breast tendernessHormonal changes (estrogen, progesterone)Wear supportive bra, avoid tight clothing
Frequent urinationPressure of uterus on bladderEncourage fluid intake; avoid caffeine; empty bladder regularly
FatigueHormonal changes, increased BMRRest, adequate sleep, iron-rich diet
Mood swingsHormonal changes, stressEmotional support, relaxation techniques

✅ 2️⃣ Second Trimester Discomforts (13–28 weeks):

Heartburn (acid reflux)Relaxed LES (progesterone) + uterine pressureEat small meals, avoid lying flat after meals, avoid spicy/fried food, elevate head while sleeping
Constipation↓ peristalsis, iron supplementsHigh-fiber diet, warm water, light exercise, stool softeners if prescribed
Flatulence/bloatingHormonal + slow digestionAvoid gas-forming foods, eat slowly, light walking
BackacheWeight gain, postural changes, lordosisGood posture, pelvic tilt exercises, support belt, rest
Varicose veinsIncreased venous pressure, hormonesElevate legs, avoid prolonged standing, use support stockings
Skin changes (e.g., melasma, linea nigra, itching)Increased melanin, estrogenReassurance, avoid harsh soaps, moisturize skin, sunscreen for melasma

✅ 3️⃣ Third Trimester Discomforts (29–40 weeks):

Shortness of breathDiaphragm pushed up by uterusSit upright, sleep with extra pillow, avoid tight clothes
Ankle/leg edemaFluid retention, pressure on veinsRest with legs elevated, avoid prolonged standing, hydration
Leg crampsMineral deficiency, poor circulationCalf-stretching, massage, increase calcium & magnesium
InsomniaAnxiety, discomfortSleep hygiene, warm bath before bed, left-side lying
Frequent urinationFetal head pressing on bladderReassurance, fluid restriction at bedtime
Braxton-Hicks contractionsUterine muscle practiceNormal unless regular/painful; rest, hydration, observe pattern
Hemorrhoids (piles)Constipation, pelvic pressureHigh-fiber diet, sitz bath, avoid straining, prescribed ointments

🔷 General Guidelines for Managing Discomforts:

  • Educate the mother on expected normal changes
  • Encourage healthy diet and hydration
  • Promote regular antenatal exercises
  • Emphasize personal hygiene and rest
  • Offer emotional reassurance and support
  • Identify when to refer (in case discomfort turns into danger sign)

🔷 Danger Signs Needing Referral (Not Minor Discomforts):

SymptomMay Indicate
Vaginal bleedingThreatened abortion or placenta previa
Severe headache, blurred visionPre-eclampsia
Painful contractions before 37 weeksPreterm labor
Decreased fetal movementsFetal distress
Severe abdominal painEctopic pregnancy or placental abruption
Persistent vomitingHyperemesis gravidarum

🔷 Role of Nurse and Midwife:

ObserverIdentify and assess discomforts
EducatorTeach self-care, posture, nutrition, warning signs
SupporterProvide emotional reassurance
Care providerGive remedies, monitor response
ReferrerIf symptoms worsen or danger signs appear

🤰🗣️ Antenatal Care and Counseling (Lifestyles in Pregnancy).

🔷 Introduction:

Antenatal care (ANC) is the care provided to a pregnant woman from the time of conception until the onset of labor. It includes routine checkups, screening, health education, counseling, and support to ensure the well-being of both mother and fetus.

A major part of ANC is counseling the mother about healthy lifestyle practices, which helps in preventing complications, promoting positive pregnancy outcomes, and empowering women to take charge of their health.

🔷 Objectives of Antenatal Care and Lifestyle Counseling:

  • Promote healthy behavior during pregnancy
  • Prevent maternal and fetal complications
  • Ensure proper fetal growth and development
  • Educate women about pregnancy changes and self-care
  • Prepare the woman for labor, delivery, breastfeeding, and motherhood
  • Detect and manage high-risk conditions early

🔷 Core Components of ANC Counseling on Lifestyle in Pregnancy:

✅ 1️⃣ Nutrition and Diet Counseling

AspectCounseling Tips
Balanced dietTeach about including cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits, dairy, meat (if non-veg), and healthy fats
Calorie intakeIncrease by ~300 kcal/day in 2nd and 3rd trimesters
ProteinMinimum 60–70 gm/day; crucial for fetal growth
Iron & Folic acidPromote iron-rich foods (green leafy veg, jaggery, dates); counsel on IFA tablets (100 mg iron + 0.5 mg folic acid)
CalciumAdvise calcium-rich foods and supplements
HydrationAt least 8–10 glasses/day
AvoidJunk food, excess salt/sugar, unpasteurized dairy, raw meat, and caffeine

✅ 2️⃣ Rest, Sleep, and Physical Activity

AspectCounseling Tips
RestMinimum 8 hours of night sleep + 1–2 hrs of daytime rest
PositionEncourage left-side lying in later pregnancy for better uterine blood flow
ExerciseModerate walking, antenatal yoga, pelvic tilts; avoid heavy lifting or risky activities
Avoid prolonged standing or sittingEncourage position changes, stretching

✅ 3️⃣ Personal Hygiene

AspectCounseling Tips
Daily bathingTo prevent skin infections, maintain cleanliness
Genital hygieneUse clean, dry undergarments; wipe front to back
Breast careGentle cleaning with water, avoid harsh soaps, wear supportive bras
Oral hygieneBrush twice daily, dental check-up if needed
Hair and nailsKeep clean and trimmed

✅ 4️⃣ Clothing and Footwear

AspectCounseling Tips
ClothingLoose, breathable cotton clothes; avoid tight wear
FootwearLow-heeled, non-slippery shoes; avoid heels and tight shoes to reduce fall risk and swelling

✅ 5️⃣ Sexual Activity

AdviceCounseling Tips
Safe in normal pregnancyWith comfortable positions and hygiene
AvoidIf history of miscarriage, bleeding, placenta previa, or ruptured membranes

✅ 6️⃣ Avoidance of Harmful Substances

SubstanceCounseling Message
TobaccoIncreases risk of low birth weight, miscarriage, stillbirth
AlcoholCan cause fetal alcohol syndrome (mental & physical defects)
DrugsAvoid self-medication; many are teratogenic
CaffeineLimit tea/coffee to <2 cups/day

✅ 7️⃣ Mental and Emotional Health

Counseling FocusTips
Emotional changes are normalDue to hormones, body changes
Encourage family supportEspecially from husband
Teach stress managementDeep breathing, meditation, rest
Identify signs of depression/anxietyRefer if needed

✅ 8️⃣ Immunization Advice

Tetanus & Diphtheria (TT/TD)2 doses: First as early as possible, second after 4 weeks
COVID-19 vaccine (as per policy)If not completed earlier
Influenza vaccine (if recommended)To protect mother and newborn

✅ 9️⃣ Supplementation Counseling

Iron & Folic Acid (IFA)1 tablet daily after 1st trimester for 180 days
Calcium2 tablets daily from 2nd trimester onwards
DewormingAlbendazole 400 mg once after 12 weeks if indicated

✅ 🔟 Travel and Work Advice

TopicCounseling Tips
TravelAvoid long, bumpy rides; use seat belts below the belly
WorkSafe to work unless complications; avoid standing too long or heavy lifting
Maternity leaveExplain benefits and legal rights

✅ 1️⃣1️⃣ Danger Signs Counseling

Educate about warning signs that require immediate medical attention:

🚨 Red flags:

  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Severe headache or blurred vision
  • Convulsions
  • Fever
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Reduced fetal movement
  • Swelling of hands/face

🔷 Role of Nurse/Midwife in Counseling:

EducatorProvide accurate lifestyle and health education
SupporterOffer emotional reassurance
AdvocatePromote healthy practices in home and community
CommunicatorUse culturally sensitive, easy-to-understand language
ReferrerIdentify and refer for special counseling or complications

🥗🤰 Nutrition in Pregnancy.

🔷 Introduction:

Nutrition during pregnancy plays a crucial role in ensuring the health of the mother and fetus. Adequate and balanced nutrition promotes:

  • Normal fetal growth and development
  • Reduced complications in pregnancy and childbirth
  • Enhanced maternal strength and postpartum recovery
  • Better outcomes in lactation and newborn health

Pregnant women have increased needs for energy, proteins, vitamins, and minerals, especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

🔷 Goals of Nutrition in Pregnancy:

  • Ensure appropriate weight gain
  • Prevent anemia, low birth weight, and congenital defects
  • Maintain maternal immunity and energy
  • Prepare for breastfeeding
  • Prevent nutritional deficiencies and malnutrition

🔷 Daily Nutritional Requirements During Pregnancy:

NutrientRecommended IncreaseSources
Calories+300 kcal/day (2nd & 3rd trimester)Cereals, pulses, dairy, fruits
Protein60–70 g/dayMilk, eggs, meat, legumes, soy, paneer
Iron40–60 mg/dayGreen leafy vegetables, dates, jaggery, liver, IFA tablets
Folic Acid0.5 mg/dayLeafy greens, nuts, citrus fruits, supplements
Calcium1200–1500 mg/dayMilk, curd, cheese, ragi, sesame
Iodine250 mcg/dayIodized salt, seafood
Vitamin A800 mcg/dayCarrots, mango, pumpkin, liver
Vitamin C80 mg/dayAmla, citrus fruits, tomatoes
Zinc12 mg/dayWhole grains, meat, nuts

🔷 Weight Gain in Pregnancy:

Pre-pregnancy BMIRecommended Weight Gain
Underweight (<18.5)12.5–18 kg
Normal (18.5–24.9)11.5–16 kg
Overweight (25–29.9)7–11.5 kg
Obese (>30)5–9 kg

🔸 Weight gain should be gradual:

  • ~1–2 kg in 1st trimester
  • ~0.5 kg/week in 2nd and 3rd trimesters

🔷 Principles of Healthy Eating During Pregnancy:

  1. Eat a balanced diet including all food groups
  2. Include small frequent meals (5–6 times/day) to avoid nausea and heartburn
  3. Drink at least 8–10 glasses of water per day
  4. Avoid skipping meals, especially breakfast
  5. Choose fresh, home-cooked food
  6. Ensure clean and safe food handling to avoid infections

🔷 Special Considerations:

ConditionDietary Advice
Nausea/VomitingDry crackers, small meals, avoid spicy/fatty foods
ConstipationHigh fiber diet, fruits, vegetables, warm water
HeartburnSmall frequent meals, avoid lying down after eating
VegetariansEnsure protein from pulses, soy, nuts, dairy
Underweight mothersHigh-energy snacks: banana, nuts, peanut butter
Overweight mothersAvoid junk food, sweets; opt for light, low-fat meals

🔷 Foods to Encourage:

✅ Whole grains
✅ Leafy greens (spinach, fenugreek)
✅ Milk and milk products
✅ Seasonal fruits (banana, papaya, guava, orange)
✅ Eggs, fish, lean meat
✅ Nuts and seeds (almonds, sesame, flax)

🔷 Foods to Avoid:

🚫 Raw/undercooked meat, eggs
🚫 Unpasteurized milk or cheese
🚫 Excess caffeine (>2 cups/day)
🚫 Alcohol, smoking, tobacco
🚫 Junk/fast food, excess salt/sugar
🚫 Papaya and pineapple in early pregnancy (controversial; better to avoid)

🔷 Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation:

As per Indian guidelines:

  • IFA tablets: 1 tablet daily after 1st trimester (100 mg elemental iron + 0.5 mg folic acid) for 180 days
  • Continue post-delivery for 180 days more
  • Take after meals with water (not tea/milk)

🔷 Calcium Supplementation:

  • 2 tablets/day of 500 mg calcium from 2nd trimester onward
  • Taken separately from iron tablets (e.g., iron in morning, calcium at night)

🔷 Nutrition Education by Nurse/Midwife:

EducatorExplain nutritional needs and healthy food choices
CounselorHandle food taboos, cultural practices, poor appetite
MotivatorEncourage compliance with supplements
ObserverMonitor weight gain, signs of deficiency
ReferrerFor nutritionist support if severely undernourished or obese

🔷 Pregnancy Nutrition Counseling Tips:

🔹 Use the “Rainbow plate” concept – variety of colors = variety of nutrients
🔹 Involve family members in counseling for better support
🔹 Address myths and misconceptions (e.g., “eat for two”)
🔹 Explain importance of exclusive breastfeeding preparation.

🤝 Shared Decision-Making (SDM) in Antenatal and Maternity Care.

🔷 Introduction:

Shared Decision-Making (SDM) is a collaborative process in which the pregnant woman and the health care provider (nurse, midwife, or doctor) work together to make decisions about her care, based on:

  • The best available medical evidence,
  • The woman’s preferences, values, needs, and
  • Her individual context (social, emotional, cultural).

It empowers women to actively participate in their pregnancy care and strengthens respectful maternity care (RMC).

🔷 Definition:

Shared decision-making is a patient-centered approach where clinical decisions are made jointly by the health care provider and the pregnant woman, taking into account both clinical evidence and the woman’s informed preferences.

🔷 Key Principles of SDM:

  1. Respect for woman’s autonomy
  2. Two-way communication
  3. Mutual respect and trust
  4. Informed choice with unbiased information
  5. Partnership in care planning

🔷 Steps of Shared Decision-Making:

1. Introduce ChoiceLet the woman know she has a say in her care (e.g., “There are different options available…”)
2. Explain OptionsPresent risks, benefits, alternatives in simple language
3. Explore PreferencesAsk about her values, fears, expectations (e.g., natural birth vs. C-section)
4. Support DecisionGuide without pressure; use visuals, pamphlets if needed
5. Confirm and PlanRespect her choice, document it, and develop a care plan together

🔷 Examples of Shared Decision-Making in Maternity Care:

SituationChoices Involved
Birth PlanNatural birth, epidural, water birth, home vs. hospital
Mode of DeliveryVBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) vs. elective C-section
Pain ReliefBreathing exercises, epidural, TENS, natural methods
Labor InductionInduction vs. expectant management
Feeding OptionsBreastfeeding vs. formula (if medical issues)
VaccinationsCOVID-19 or influenza vaccine in pregnancy
Antenatal TestingWhether or not to do non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), amniocentesis

🔷 Benefits of Shared Decision-Making:

✅ Increases maternal satisfaction and trust
✅ Improves compliance with care
✅ Reduces anxiety and fear
✅ Respects cultural and personal values
✅ Builds partnership and respectful care
✅ Helps in risk understanding and realistic expectations

🔷 Barriers to SDM in Maternity Care:

Low literacy or language barriersUse pictures, interpreters, simple words
Power imbalanceMidwife must create a safe, respectful space
Lack of time in busy OPDsPrioritize key decisions, schedule follow-up
Cultural factorsRespect beliefs while gently explaining evidence
Provider biasStay neutral and avoid judgment in counseling

🔷 Role of Nurse/Midwife in SDM:

EducatorProvide clear, unbiased information about all options
FacilitatorCreate a respectful, open environment
SupporterEncourage questions, validate concerns
AdvocateEnsure woman’s choice is respected by the team
CommunicatorDocument decisions in ANC card or birth plan
EmpowererHelp woman understand her rights and voice them confidently

🔷 Tools to Support SDM:

  • Decision aids (charts, comparison tables)
  • Visual guides (infographics, videos)
  • Printed leaflets or booklets
  • Birth plan templates
  • Checklists for preferences

⚠️ Risky Behaviors in Pregnancy.

🔷 Introduction:

Certain lifestyle behaviors or exposures during pregnancy are considered risky because they can harm the mother, fetus, or both. These behaviors increase the chances of complications such as miscarriage, birth defects, preterm labor, low birth weight, and even stillbirth.

Midwives and nurses play a vital role in identifying, counseling, and supporting women to avoid or stop such behaviors during antenatal care.

🔷 Definition:

Risky behaviors in pregnancy are actions, habits, or exposures that negatively impact maternal and fetal health and increase the risk of poor pregnancy outcomes.

🔷 Common Risky Behaviors During Pregnancy:

✅ 1️⃣ Smoking (Tobacco Use)

🚬 Smoking (cigarettes, bidi, hookah) or chewing tobaccoCauses intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), placental abruption, low birth weight, preterm labor, stillbirth, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
🔹 Passive smoking is also harmful
🔸 Reduces oxygen supply to fetus due to carbon monoxide exposure

✅ 2️⃣ Alcohol Consumption

🍷 Even small amounts of alcohol during pregnancy are unsafe
May cause Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD):
– Mental retardation
– Facial deformities
– Behavioral issues
Leads to miscarriage, stillbirth, poor neurodevelopment

✅ 3️⃣ Illicit Drug Use

DrugsPossible Effects
Cocaine, heroin, marijuana, methamphetamineMiscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight, neonatal withdrawal syndrome (NAS), congenital anomalies, stillbirth
May also cause placental abruption, poor bonding, and neonatal addiction

✅ 4️⃣ Excessive Caffeine Intake

High caffeine (>200 mg/day) linked to miscarriage, low birth weight
Limit to 1–2 cups of tea/coffee per day

✅ 5️⃣ Unsafe Sexual Practices

Unprotected sex with multiple partnersIncreases risk of STIs (HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B) that can be transmitted to fetus
Can lead to premature rupture of membranes, miscarriage, congenital infections

✅ 6️⃣ Poor Nutrition or Eating Disorders

Skipping meals, crash dieting, eating junk foodLeads to nutrient deficiencies, anemia, poor fetal growth
Eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia) worsen pregnancy outcomes

✅ 7️⃣ Self-medication and Use of Unsafe Drugs

Taking unprescribed medicines or herbal drugsMay cause birth defects, miscarriage
Some antibiotics, acne meds, painkillers (e.g., NSAIDs) are teratogenic

✅ 8️⃣ Exposure to Environmental Hazards

Chemical exposures at work or home (e.g., pesticides, paint, cleaning agents)May affect fetal brain development, cause miscarriage
Radiation (X-rays) in early pregnancyCan lead to congenital anomalies if unprotected

✅ 9️⃣ Sedentary Lifestyle / Lack of Physical Activity

Leads to excessive weight gain, gestational diabetes, back pain, poor circulation
Moderate activity like walking or prenatal yoga is encouraged

✅ 🔟 Stress and Mental Health Neglect

Chronic stress, anxiety, depressionIncreases risk of preterm labor, low birth weight, postpartum depression
Also affects mother-infant bonding and breastfeeding

🔷 Nurse/Midwife’s Role in Preventing Risky Behaviors:

EducatorInform the woman and family about risks and healthy alternatives
SupporterProvide emotional support and safe space to talk
CounselorAddress addiction, stress, family problems
ReferrerRefer to psychiatrist, de-addiction, or support groups if needed
MotivatorEncourage compliance with health-promoting behavior

🔷 Effective Counseling Techniques:

  • Use non-judgmental approach
  • Build trust and rapport
  • Use visual aids or real stories
  • Involve family members in behavior change
  • Use 5 A’s model: Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, Arrange (follow-up)

🔷 Summary Table: Risky Behaviors and Consequences

SmokingLow birth weight, IUGR, stillbirth
AlcoholFetal alcohol syndrome
DrugsNeonatal withdrawal, preterm birth
Unprotected sexSTIs, congenital infections
Poor dietAnemia, fetal malnutrition
Self-medicationBirth defects
Caffeine excessMiscarriage
StressPreterm labor
Lack of exerciseGDM, obesity

💞 Counseling Regarding Sexual Life During Pregnancy.

🔷 Introduction:

Sexual activity is a normal and important part of a couple’s relationship, including during pregnancy. However, hormonal, emotional, and physical changes may affect a woman’s sexual desire and comfort. Many couples have concerns or misconceptions about sex during pregnancy, which can cause stress or avoidance.

Therefore, sexual counseling during antenatal care is essential for promoting healthy relationships, emotional bonding, and safe practices.

🔷 Objectives of Sexual Counseling During Pregnancy:

  • To educate couples about the safety and normalcy of sex in pregnancy
  • To reduce fear, guilt, or anxiety about intercourse
  • To promote emotional closeness and communication
  • To clarify when sex is safe or unsafe
  • To address cultural beliefs, taboos, or myths
  • To screen for and prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

🔷 Physiological and Psychological Changes Affecting Sexual Life:

TrimesterChanges in Sexual Desire
1st trimester↓ due to nausea, fatigue, breast tenderness, mood swings
2nd trimester↑ due to improved energy, increased blood flow to genitals
3rd trimester↓ due to physical discomfort, back pain, anxiety about labor

Partner’s understanding and emotional support are important throughout.

🔷 Is Sex Safe During Pregnancy?

YES – In normal, low-risk pregnancies, sex is safe

  • The baby is well protected in the uterus by the amniotic sac and strong uterine muscles
  • The mucus plug in the cervix prevents infection
  • Orgasms and penetration do not cause miscarriage in a healthy pregnancy

🔷 When to Avoid Sexual Intercourse (High-Risk Cases):

History of miscarriageRisk of recurrence
Placenta previaRisk of bleeding
Preterm labor or contractionsMay trigger early labor
Leaking of amniotic fluid (PROM)Risk of infection
Vaginal bleeding or unexplained spottingRequires investigation
Cervical insufficiencyRisk of early labor
Multiple pregnancy with complicationsMore cautious approach
Active sexually transmitted infection (STI)Risk of transmission to fetus
Painful intercourse or discomfortMay require medical evaluation

🔷 Counseling Topics for Couples:

✅ 1️⃣ Normalize the Conversation

  • Assure them that many couples have similar concerns
  • Use sensitive, non-judgmental language
  • Create a private and supportive environment

✅ 2️⃣ Discuss Safe Practices

PositionsEncourage comfortable, non-pressure positions (e.g., side-lying, woman on top) especially in late pregnancy
LubricationCan be used if vaginal dryness occurs
Gentle intimacyKissing, cuddling, massage to maintain connection
Use protection if neededEspecially if partner has STIs or multiple partners

✅ 3️⃣ Dispel Myths

Sex harms the babyBaby is safe in the womb unless complications exist
Sex causes miscarriageNot in normal pregnancy
Sex should be stopped after 5th monthNot necessary unless advised by doctor
All women lose sexual desireChanges vary—some may feel increased or decreased desire

✅ 4️⃣ Promote Communication Between Partners

  • Encourage open sharing of feelings
  • Address changes in desire or body image
  • Emphasize emotional closeness and mutual respect

🔷 Nurse/Midwife’s Role in Sexual Counseling:

EducatorProvide facts about sex and safety in pregnancy
CounselorAddress myths, fears, discomforts
SupporterPromote communication and intimacy in couple
ReferrerRefer to doctor or psychologist if dysfunction, trauma, or STI is suspected
AdvocateEnsure privacy, dignity, and cultural sensitivity

🔷 Counseling Tips:

  • Use simple language
  • Respect cultural and personal beliefs
  • Avoid making assumptions about the couple’s sexual preferences
  • Involve the partner, if appropriate and acceptable
  • Provide written material or leaflets if available
  • Always document the counseling session if part of antenatal education

🚨 Danger Signs During Pregnancy.

🔷 Introduction:

Pregnancy is generally a physiological process, but complications can arise at any time. Some symptoms, if not identified and treated early, can lead to serious maternal or fetal morbidity or mortality.

Therefore, it is vital to educate every pregnant woman and her family about the danger signs of pregnancy so they can seek immediate medical attention when necessary.

🔷 Definition:

Danger signs during pregnancy are symptoms or signs that indicate potential complications that can threaten the life of the mother, fetus, or both, and require immediate medical evaluation and intervention.

🔷 Major Danger Signs During Pregnancy (According to WHO and RCH Guidelines):

✅ 1️⃣ Vaginal Bleeding

Possible CausesRisks
Threatened abortion, placenta previa, placental abruptionMiscarriage, hemorrhage, fetal death

🔸 Any amount of bleeding is abnormal during pregnancy and must be reported.

✅ 2️⃣ Severe Headache

Possible CausesRisks
Pre-eclampsia (pregnancy-induced hypertension)Risk of seizures (eclampsia), stroke, fetal growth restriction

✅ 3️⃣ Blurred Vision / Dimming of Vision / Spots Before Eyes

Possible CauseRisk
Pre-eclampsiaIndicates risk of seizures or cerebral edema

✅ 4️⃣ Severe Abdominal Pain

Possible CausesRisks
Ectopic pregnancy, placental abruption, uterine ruptureLife-threatening bleeding, maternal shock

✅ 5️⃣ Convulsions or Fits

Possible CauseRisk
EclampsiaMaternal and fetal death if untreated

✅ 6️⃣ High Fever with Chills

Possible CausesRisks
Malaria, urinary tract infection, sepsisPreterm labor, maternal infection, fetal distress

✅ 7️⃣ Loss of Fetal Movement (No Fetal Kicks After 28 Weeks)

May indicate fetal distress or intrauterine fetal death (IUFD)Needs immediate fetal monitoring and ultrasound

🔹 Normal fetal movement: 10 kicks in 12 hours

✅ 8️⃣ Swelling of Face, Hands, and Feet (Sudden or Severe)

Possible CauseRisk
Pre-eclampsiaMay lead to seizures, low birth weight, preterm birth

🔸 Mild leg swelling is common, but facial or hand edema is abnormal.

✅ 9️⃣ Leaking of Amniotic Fluid Before Labor (PROM)

Indicates rupture of membranes before labor beginsIncreases risk of infection, cord prolapse, preterm birth

✅ 🔟 Painful or Regular Uterine Contractions Before 37 Weeks

Suggests preterm laborPremature delivery, neonatal complications

✅ 1️⃣1️⃣ Difficulty in Breathing / Chest Pain / Palpitations

Possible CausesRisks
Severe anemia, cardiac disease, pulmonary embolismRespiratory failure, fetal hypoxia

🔷 Other Warning Signs:

SignPossible Problem
Excessive vomitingHyperemesis gravidarum → dehydration, electrolyte imbalance
Itching all over body, especially palms/solesCholestasis of pregnancy (risk to fetus)
Burning urinationUrinary tract infection
Painful swollen legsDVT (deep vein thrombosis)
Unconsciousness or confusionSeizure, stroke, metabolic imbalance

🔷 Immediate Action When Danger Signs Are Observed:

  1. Do NOT delay in seeking help
  2. Refer to the nearest healthcare facility/hospital
  3. Inform the ANM/ASHA worker for transportation or support
  4. Monitor vital signs if in clinical setting
  5. Record all symptoms and timings

🔷 Role of Nurse and Midwife:

EducatorTeach every pregnant woman about these signs during antenatal care
ObserverIdentify early danger signs during routine checkups
SupporterProvide emotional and physical support during emergency
ReferrerEnsure timely referral to higher centers
DocumenterRecord observations and interventions in ANC card or register

🔷 Health Education Tips for Pregnant Women (in Simple Language):

👉 “If you have bleeding, swelling of face, no baby movement, or severe headache, go to hospital immediately.”
👉 Use flipcharts, posters, videos during ANC clinics
👉 Involve family members/husbands in education
👉 Use MCP Card to write and explain danger signs

👶👜 Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness (BPCR).

🔷 Introduction:

Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness (BPCR) is a key component of safe motherhood programs. It ensures that the pregnant woman, her family, and health care providers are well-prepared for normal delivery and are also ready to handle emergencies.

It promotes timely use of skilled maternal and neonatal care, especially during the critical time of labor, delivery, and the immediate postpartum period.

🔷 Definition:

BPCR is a strategy that helps a pregnant woman and her family to plan for a safe delivery and to be ready for any obstetric complications or emergencies that may arise before, during, or after childbirth.

🔷 Objectives of BPCR:

  • To reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality
  • To ensure skilled birth attendance
  • To facilitate timely care-seeking in emergencies
  • To empower women and families to take decisions
  • To improve communication between families and health providers

🔷 Key Components of Birth Preparedness:

Identify a skilled birth attendantDoctor, nurse-midwife, or trained ANM
Choose a place of deliveryPHC, CHC, sub-center, hospital, private or government facility
Arrange transportKnow the nearest transport options, keep contact numbers ready
Save moneyFor transport, medicine, food, emergency care
Pack a birth kitClothes, sanitary pads, baby clothes, soap, towel, ID, MCP card
Arrange a birth companionSomeone to accompany the woman during labor
Prepare for home care after deliveryClean room, rest arrangements, newborn care supplies
Ensure nutrition and restFor energy during labor and recovery afterward

🔷 Key Components of Complication Readiness:

Know danger signsBleeding, high fever, convulsions, no fetal movement, severe headache, labor >12 hours
Identify nearest referral centerWhere emergency obstetric and newborn care (EmONC) is available
Arrange emergency transportLocal driver, ambulance services (like 108 in India)
Have blood donor availableIn case of hemorrhage, anemia, or C-section
Involve key decision-makersEnsure family members are informed and supportive
Keep emergency contacts readyHospital, midwife, ASHA, ANM, local health worker

🔷 WHO Recommended Danger Signs for Counseling (Antenatal and Postnatal):

🔴 During Pregnancy:

  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Severe headache
  • Blurred vision
  • Abdominal pain
  • Swelling of face/hands
  • High fever
  • Loss of fetal movement

🔴 During Labor/Postpartum:

  • Prolonged labor (>12 hours)
  • Heavy vaginal bleeding
  • Convulsions
  • Retained placenta
  • Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
  • High fever

🔴 For Newborn:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Poor feeding
  • Cold or hot to touch
  • Yellow skin (jaundice)
  • Inactivity

🔷 Role of Nurse and Midwife in BPCR:

EducatorTeach BPCR during every antenatal visit, especially in the 3rd trimester
PlannerHelp mother make a personalized birth plan
FacilitatorAssist in linking with health services and referral centers
SupporterEmpower family to make informed decisions
ObserverMonitor compliance with the plan
ReferrerPrompt referral in case of complications

🔷 Tools to Support BPCR:

  • Mother and Child Protection (MCP) Card – space to document birth plan
  • Flipcharts and Posters – for community education
  • Birth Preparedness Checklist – simple tool for field health workers
  • ASHA Home Visits – in 3rd trimester for counseling and preparation

🔷 Benefits of BPCR:

✅ Timely arrival at health facility
✅ Reduction in delays (Three Delays Model):

  1. Delay in deciding to seek care
  2. Delay in reaching care
  3. Delay in receiving care at the facility

✅ Improved maternal and neonatal outcomes
✅ Empowered families and communities
✅ Strengthened health system linkages

🤝🌸 Respectful Care and Compassionate Communication in Maternity Services.

🔷 Introduction:

Respectful maternity care (RMC) and compassionate communication are fundamental rights of every woman during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. These principles ensure that care is provided in a dignified, supportive, and empathetic manner, free from abuse, neglect, or discrimination.

Midwives and nurses are at the frontline of maternal care, and their communication style and attitude can directly impact a woman’s health, trust, and birth experience.

🔷 Definition:

Respectful care is the delivery of maternal care that is human rights-based, woman-centered, and culturally appropriate, ensuring dignity, privacy, and informed consent at every stage.

Compassionate communication involves actively listening, empathizing, and responding to the physical and emotional needs of the woman using kindness and respect.

🔷 Key Principles of Respectful Maternity Care (RMC):

  1. Dignity and Respect
  2. Privacy and Confidentiality
  3. Informed Consent and Decision-making
  4. Non-discrimination (irrespective of caste, class, religion, economic status)
  5. Freedom from abuse, neglect, and coercion
  6. Companionship and emotional support
  7. Right to information and communication in understandable language

🔷 Importance of RMC and Compassionate Communication:

  • Builds trust between provider and woman
  • Improves maternal satisfaction and mental health
  • Promotes positive health-seeking behavior
  • Encourages institutional delivery and follow-up
  • Reduces birth trauma, depression, and violence
  • Supports early breastfeeding and bonding

🔷 Practical Examples of Respectful Care:

SituationRespectful Action
During examinationAlways seek verbal consent, explain the procedure
During laborAllow birth companion, provide reassurance and encouragement
Personal privacyCover with clean drapes, close doors/curtains
CommunicationUse her name, speak gently, make eye contact
Decision-makingExplain options (e.g., normal birth vs. C-section), ask for her choice
Pain or fearAcknowledge feelings, offer comfort and coping techniques
DischargeProvide complete information about postnatal care and newborn care

🔷 Common Disrespect and Abuse in Maternity Settings (To Be Avoided):

🚫 Scolding, shouting, blaming the woman
🚫 Performing procedures without consent
🚫 Not allowing a birth companion
🚫 Leaving the woman unattended during labor
🚫 Ignoring complaints of pain
🚫 Breach of confidentiality
🚫 Discrimination based on caste, age, or literacy
🚫 Threatening or forcing treatment

🔷 Skills for Compassionate Communication:

Active listeningGive full attention, nod, and respond empathetically
EmpathyTry to understand what the woman is feeling (e.g., “I can see you’re scared. I’m here to help you.”)
Gentle tone and body languageCalm voice, open posture, eye contact
Clear explanationUse simple, local language and check understanding
Respect personal space and cultural normsAsk before touching, adjust to customs if safe
Encouragement and reassuranceUse phrases like: “You are doing well,” “You’re strong,” “I am with you.”

🔷 Role of Midwife/Nurse in Ensuring RMC and Compassionate Care:

AdvocateStand for women’s rights in maternity care
CommunicatorBuild trust, rapport, and openness
ProtectorPrevent mistreatment, abuse, or neglect
EducatorInform the woman about her care, procedures, and options
SupporterOffer emotional and physical support during labor and delivery
Team memberPromote respectful culture among staff and junior workers

🔷 National and Global Initiatives Supporting RMC:

  • WHO framework on quality maternal and newborn care
  • LaQshya Program (India) – focuses on respectful and quality care during labor
  • White Ribbon Alliance – promotes Respectful Maternity Care Charter
  • Suman Program (India)Surakshit Matritva Aashwasan for dignified care

📋🖊️ Recording and Reporting of Clinical Procedures as per Government of India (GoI) Guidelines

(Midwifery and Gynecology Nursing Perspective – as per RCH, RMNCH+A, and NHM norms)

🔷 Introduction:

Accurate recording and reporting of clinical procedures is a legal, ethical, and professional requirement in nursing and midwifery practice. It ensures continuity of care, supports monitoring and evaluation, guides policy-making, and improves accountability in maternal and child health services.

The Government of India (GoI), through the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW), has laid down standardized formats and protocols under various programs like:

  • RCH Program
  • RMNCH+A (Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child & Adolescent Health)
  • NHM (National Health Mission)

🔷 Objectives of Recording and Reporting in Clinical Practice:

  • To ensure systematic documentation of all services provided
  • To support referral, follow-up, and evaluation
  • To provide legal evidence of procedures performed
  • To ensure supply chain (logistics) planning
  • To track key health indicators for planning and policy

🔷 What Should Be Recorded in Clinical Practice:

✅ During Antenatal Care (ANC):

What to RecordWhere to Record
ANC registration detailsANC register, MCP card
Obstetric history (G-P-A-L)ANC card, register
Physical exam findingsANC case sheet
Investigations (Hb, BP, urine, USG)ANC lab records
IFA/Calcium tablet distributionSupplementation record
Immunization (TT/TD doses)MCP card, immunization register
Birth preparedness counselingANC checklist or BPCR plan
Danger signs taughtMCP card notes
High-risk identificationHigh-risk ANC register

✅ During Intrapartum (Labor and Delivery):

What to RecordTool/Format
Date & time of admissionLabor room register
Partograph entriesIndividual partograph chart
Fetal heart rate, BP, contractionsPartograph
Interventions (ARM, oxytocin, episiotomy)Case sheet
Delivery details (time, mode, sex of baby, APGAR)Delivery register
Maternal complicationsComplication register
Referral details (if any)Referral slip, register
Essential newborn care (ENBC)Newborn care register

✅ During Postnatal Care (PNC):

What to RecordWhere
Postnatal vitalsPNC register, home visit format
Lochia, uterine involutionPostnatal assessment sheet
Breastfeeding statusPNC visit checklist
Newborn conditionNewborn register
Family planning counselingEligible couple register
Discharge detailsCase sheet, discharge slip

✅ During Clinical Procedures (Perineal care, catheterization, injections, IUCD insertion):

Each procedure should include:

  • Date and time
  • Indication for procedure
  • Procedure performed (with technique used)
  • Consent (if applicable)
  • Complications (if any)
  • Follow-up advice

📝 Use standard procedure logbooks, nursing notes, or GoI registers (IUCD insertion register, injection register, etc.)

🔷 GoI Specified Registers and Formats:

ANC RegisterFor ANC registration and visits
Delivery RegisterRecords of all institutional births
Postnatal RegisterMother & baby check-ups after delivery
High-Risk Pregnancy RegisterTracking special cases
MCP Card (Mother and Child Protection Card)Hand-held record given to every mother
PartographTo monitor labor progression
Referral SlipUsed when referring to higher facility
Family Planning RegisterIUCDs, OCPs, injectable contraception
HMIS (Health Management Information System)Monthly online reporting by ANM/ASHA/PHC
ANM Monthly Report (Form 6)For sub-center-level reporting under NHM

🔷 Essential Elements of Good Recording:

AccuracyNo false data; based on actual observation
ClarityUse clear handwriting or digital entry
LegibilityEasy to read and understand
ConfidentialityKeep patient data private
TimelinessEnter data as soon as procedure is done
CompletenessAll required fields must be filled
Signature & DateAlways sign after entry

🔷 Legal and Ethical Importance:

  • Medical records are legal documents
  • Can be used in court or audits
  • Incomplete or false entries may cause legal or professional action
  • Respect for client confidentiality and informed consent is critical

🔷 Nurse/Midwife’s Role in Recording and Reporting:

RecorderAccurately write all procedures, findings, and outcomes
ReporterSubmit monthly reports to supervisor/PHC
VerifierDouble-check calculations, lab reports, medication doses
EducatorTeach patients about the information in MCP card
CommunicatorReport abnormal findings immediately to MO
CoordinatorLink with ASHA/AWW for follow-up and community reporting

🔷 Digital Tools & e-Reporting (GoI Initiatives):

  • e-Mamta (for mother and child tracking in Gujarat and other states)
  • RCH Portal – web-based platform for service tracking
  • ANMOL App – tablet-based application for ANMs
  • HMIS Portal – national-level health service reporting system

🩺 Government of India (GoI) – Current Model of Antenatal Care (ANC) Provision

(As per RMNCH+A Strategy, LaQshya Guidelines, and latest MoHFW norms)

(Midwifery and Gynecology Nursing Perspective)

🔷 Introduction:

The Government of India has standardized the Antenatal Care (ANC) model to improve maternal and fetal outcomes, especially under the umbrella of the Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCH+A) strategy.

The model aims at universal, quality ANC services, focusing on early registration, risk identification, timely interventions, and continuity of care.

🔷 Current Model of ANC Provision – Key Highlights:

1. Early Registration of Pregnancy

  • Within 12 weeks of gestation
  • At any Sub-center, PHC, CHC, UPHC, or private facility
  • Recorded in MCP Card and RCH Portal
  • Allows early screening for risk factors like anemia, hypertension, diabetes

2. Recommended Minimum 4 ANC Visits

1st VisitBy 12 weeks (first trimester)
2nd VisitBetween 14–26 weeks
3rd VisitBetween 28–34 weeks
4th VisitBetween 36 weeks and term

🔹 In high-risk pregnancies, more frequent ANC visits are advised.

3. Monthly Village Health and Nutrition Day (VHND)

  • Held at Anganwadi Center
  • Services include ANC check-ups, IFA distribution, immunization, counseling
  • Conducted by ANM, ASHA, and AWW collaboratively

4. Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA)

  • Conducted on 9th of every month
  • Free and quality ANC services to all pregnant women
  • Includes examination by specialists and MBBS doctors
  • Focus on identifying high-risk pregnancies

5. Key Services Provided in ANC Model:

CategoryServices Included
AssessmentHeight, weight, BP, abdominal exam, fetal heart sound
LaboratoryHb%, blood group & Rh, urine (sugar/protein), HIV, VDRL, HBsAg, blood sugar, thyroid if needed
Immunization2 doses of TT/TD or 1 booster if vaccinated in last pregnancy
– IFA tablets (100 mg Iron + 0.5 mg Folic Acid) – 180 days
– Calcium 500 mg – twice daily
– Albendazole 400 mg (single dose after 2nd trimester)
– Early USG (before 12 weeks) for dating
– Anomaly scan at 18–20 weeks
– Growth scan if needed
CounselingNutrition, danger signs, birth preparedness, family planning, breastfeeding, rest

6. Identification and Management of High-Risk Pregnancy (HRP)

Common HRP indicators include:

  • Age <18 or >35
  • Severe anemia (Hb <7 gm/dL)
  • Hypertension, diabetes
  • Previous C-section, stillbirth
  • Malpresentation
  • Twin pregnancy

🩺 HRPs are tracked and referred using High-Risk ANC Register.

7. Record Keeping & Monitoring

MCP CardCarried by the woman; records all services
ANC RegisterMaintained at sub-center/PHC
RCH Portal (Mother Tracking System)Digital entry of services provided
ANMOL AppTablet-based tool for ANMs
LaQshya DashboardFor quality monitoring in labor rooms and maternity OTs

🔷 New GoI Initiatives Strengthening ANC Model:

🌟 LaQshya Program

  • Ensures quality ANC, intrapartum, and postpartum care
  • Focus on dignified and respectful care
  • Monitors labor room and maternity OT standards

🌟 SUMAN (Surakshit Matritva Aashwasan)

  • Provides free, quality, respectful maternal and newborn care
  • Includes zero cost delivery, drugs, diagnostics, and transport

🔷 Role of ANM/Staff Nurse/Midwife in ANC Model:

Service ProviderConduct ANC checkups, physical exams, distribute supplements
CounselorEducate women and family on diet, danger signs, and birth preparedness
Record KeeperMaintain ANC register, MCP card, and digital records
Risk IdentifierScreen for and refer high-risk pregnancies
Community LinkCoordinate with ASHA and AWW for VHND and follow-ups

🌸👩‍⚕️ Role of Doula and ASHA in Maternal and Newborn Care

(Midwifery and Gynecology Nursing Perspective – Respectful Maternity Care and Community-Based Services)

🔷 Who is a Doula?

A Doula is a trained, non-medical support person who provides continuous physical, emotional, and informational support to a woman before, during, and after childbirth.

  • The term “Doula” comes from the Greek word meaning “a woman who serves.”
  • While not a common designation under GoI programs yet, Doula-based care is being promoted in some states and private settings under respectful maternity care (RMC) initiatives.
  • Doulas are not clinical staff (do not perform deliveries or administer medications), but offer psychosocial and physical comfort.

Role of a Doula:

During Pregnancy
  • Provide education on labor and delivery
  • Help with birth planning
  • Offer emotional support and reduce anxiety
  • Accompany to antenatal visits (if permitted) | | During Labor |
  • Give continuous presence and encouragement
  • Support breathing, massage, position changes
  • Act as a link between woman and care provider
  • Ensure woman’s voice is heard | | After Birth |
  • Assist in early initiation of breastfeeding
  • Support emotional transition to motherhood
  • Help with newborn care and comfort measures

🌟 Research shows that having a doula can reduce C-section rates, shorten labor, and improve maternal satisfaction.

🔷 Who is an ASHA? (Accredited Social Health Activist)

  • Introduced under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), now part of NHM (National Health Mission)
  • ASHA is a trained female community health volunteer
  • Selected from the same village/community, usually married/widowed/divorced women aged 25–45 years

ASHA means “hope,” and she serves as the bridge between the community and the public health system.

Role of ASHA in Maternal and Newborn Care:

StageKey Activities
Before Pregnancy
  • Promote family planning
  • Distribute condoms, OCPs
  • Counsel newlyweds about reproductive health | | During Pregnancy
  • Register pregnant women at sub-center/PHC
  • Escort women to ANC clinics and PMSMA days
  • Home visits to educate on diet, rest, danger signs
  • Promote birth preparedness and complication readiness (BPCR)
  • Track high-risk pregnancies and support referral
  • Ensure women get TT/TD injections, IFA tablets, calcium
  • Distribute MCP cards | | During Labor |
  • Accompany woman to delivery center
  • Ensure institutional delivery at public facility
  • Provide emotional support and comfort
  • Ensure birth companion policy is implemented | | After Delivery |
  • Make 6 postnatal home visits (as per HBNC guidelines)
  • Monitor mother’s health, uterine involution, bleeding, breastfeeding
  • Educate on exclusive breastfeeding and newborn care
  • Identify danger signs in mother or baby
  • Assist in birth registration and linking to nutrition services | | Child Health |
  • Promote immunization
  • Track growth and development
  • Counsel on complementary feeding
  • Mobilize for VHND (Village Health and Nutrition Day) |

🔷 ASHA Incentives (GoI Performance-Based):

ActivityIncentive (approximate)
Early registration of pregnancy₹100
Accompanying woman for ANC₹250
Ensuring institutional delivery (JSY)₹600 (rural) / ₹400 (urban)
Postnatal visits (HBNC)₹250–350
Full immunization₹100–200

(Incentive amounts may vary by state)

🔷 Comparison: Doula vs ASHA

Trained in childbirth supportYes (non-medical)Yes (community health)
Belongs to communitySometimesAlways
Paid incentive by GoINo (usually private/NGO)Yes
Clinical responsibilityNoNo (but links with ANM/PHC)
Emotional labor supportStrong roleLimited
Continuity of careAntenatal to postpartumYes
Formal recognition by GoINo (yet)Yes

II Trimester.

Education and Management of Physiological Changes & Discomforts in 2nd Trimester of Pregnancy (14–28 weeks)


The second trimester is often referred to as the “honeymoon phase” of pregnancy. Many women feel more energetic and experience fewer symptoms compared to the first trimester. However, new physiological changes and minor discomforts may emerge, which require proper nursing assessment, anticipatory guidance, and interventions.


1. Reproductive System Changes

ChangeDiscomfortManagement/Nursing Interventions
Uterus enlarges (rises above the pelvis)Abdominal stretching, round ligament pain➤ Teach abdominal support techniques
➤ Use maternity belt
➤ Encourage side-lying position
Increased vaginal discharge (leukorrhea)May cause discomfort or concern➤ Reassure it’s normal unless foul-smelling or itchy
➤ Teach perineal hygiene
➤ Wear cotton underwear, avoid douching

2. Cardiovascular System Changes

ChangeDiscomfortManagement/Nursing Interventions
Increased blood volume and cardiac outputPalpitations, dizziness, dependent edema➤ Reassure unless persistent
➤ Encourage rest with legs elevated
➤ Avoid prolonged standing
➤ Monitor BP regularly (for gestational hypertension)

3. Musculoskeletal System

ChangeDiscomfortManagement/Nursing Interventions
Softening of ligaments, weight gainBackache, postural changes➤ Advise good posture
➤ Use firm mattress
➤ Pelvic tilt exercises
➤ Avoid high heels

4. Gastrointestinal System

ChangeDiscomfortManagement/Nursing Interventions
Progesterone slows GI motilityConstipation, bloating, heartburn➤ High fiber diet, increase fluid intake
➤ Gentle physical activity
➤ Small, frequent meals for heartburn
➤ Avoid spicy/fatty foods

5. Urinary System

ChangeDiscomfortManagement/Nursing Interventions
Uterus presses on bladderFrequency of urination (less than 1st trimester)➤ Reassure
➤ Encourage adequate hydration
➤ Teach UTI prevention (wiping front to back)

6. Skin Changes

ChangeDiscomfortManagement/Nursing Interventions
Melasma, linea nigra, striae gravidarumCosmetic concern, itching➤ Reassure – usually fades postpartum
➤ Use mild moisturizers for itching
➤ Avoid excessive sun exposure

7. Breasts

ChangeDiscomfortManagement/Nursing Interventions
Enlargement, areolar darkening, colostrum secretionBreast tenderness, tightness➤ Wear supportive maternity bra
➤ Teach about colostrum being normal
➤ Avoid expressing milk


DiscomfortCauseNursing Education and Management
Leg crampsPressure on pelvic nerves, calcium deficiency➤ Leg elevation during rest
➤ Calf-stretching exercises
➤ Ensure calcium/magnesium intake
Varicose veinsDecreased venous return due to uterine pressure➤ Avoid standing for long
➤ Wear compression stockings
➤ Leg elevation
Nasal congestion/epistaxisEstrogen-induced vascular engorgement➤ Use saline drops
➤ Humidifier use
➤ Avoid nasal sprays with medication unless prescribed
Mood swingsHormonal shifts➤ Emotional support
➤ Encourage communication with partner/family
➤ Refer to counselor if needed


  1. Fetal Movement Monitoring
    • Starts to be felt around 18–22 weeks.
    • Teach how to identify and record movements.
  2. Warning Signs to Report Immediately
    • Vaginal bleeding
    • Severe abdominal pain
    • Severe headache or visual disturbances
    • Sudden swelling of hands/face
    • Absence of fetal movements
  3. Dietary Education
    • Iron, calcium, protein-rich foods
    • Iron + folic acid supplementation
    • Adequate hydration
  4. Importance of Antenatal Check-ups
    • Monitor fetal growth, BP, weight, urine protein, hemoglobin
    • Immunization: Tetanus Toxoid (as per schedule)
  5. Safe Physical Activity
    • Moderate walking, pelvic floor exercises
    • Avoid heavy lifting or unsafe postures
  6. Sexual Activity
    • Safe unless contraindicated by doctor (e.g., placenta previa, bleeding)
  7. Birth Preparedness
    • Start discussing place of delivery, emergency plans, transportation


  • Provide empathetic communication and address individual concerns
  • Offer culturally sensitive health education
  • Maintain documentation of changes and teaching given
  • Encourage family involvement and support
  • Screen for mental health issues or intimate partner violence

🌸 MIDWIFERY NURSING: Rh-Negative Mother & Prophylactic Anti-D Immunoglobulin


  • Rh factor (Rhesus factor) is a protein found on red blood cells.
  • People who have it are Rh-positive (Rh⁺).
  • Those who do not have it are Rh-negative (Rh⁻).


➤ Problem arises if:

  • The mother is Rh-negative, and
  • The baby is Rh-positive (inherited from Rh-positive father),
  • Then fetal Rh⁺ red blood cells may enter mother’s bloodstream (called fetomaternal hemorrhage or FMH),
  • Mother’s immune system sees Rh⁺ cells as “foreign” and produces antibodies against them (called anti-D antibodies).

➤ These antibodies:

  • Don’t usually affect the first pregnancy.
  • But in subsequent pregnancies, they can cross the placenta and destroy fetal Rh⁺ red blood cells, causing:
    • Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn (HDFN) or
    • Erythroblastosis fetalis – a life-threatening condition for the baby.


  • Anti-D (Rho(D) immune globulin) is a passive antibody injection that destroys fetal Rh-positive cells in the mother’s bloodstream before her body can react and make antibodies.


🔹 1. Antenatal prophylaxis

Around 28 weeksTo prevent sensitization due to silent FMH in late pregnancy
After any event that can cause fetal cells to enter maternal blood:– Bleeding during pregnancy
– Amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling
– External cephalic version
– Trauma or abdominal injury
– Miscarriage, abortion, ectopic pregnancy, MTP

🔹 2. Postnatal prophylaxis

Within 72 hours after deliveryIf baby is confirmed Rh-positive


SituationUsual Dose
Antenatal (28 weeks)300 µg IM (protects against 30 mL fetal blood)
Postnatal (within 72 hrs)300 µg IM
After miscarriage or invasive procedures50–300 µg depending on gestational age & risk


  • Mother’s blood group & Rh typing
  • Indirect Coombs test (ICT): to detect if the mother is already sensitized.
    • ➤ If ICT is negative → give Anti-D
    • ➤ If ICT is positive → she is already sensitized → no benefit of Anti-D
  • Kleihauer–Betke test (if available): Measures the amount of fetal blood in maternal circulation to calculate Anti-D dose (especially in large fetomaternal hemorrhage)


🌼 Nursing Assessment:

  • Identify Rh-negative mothers early
  • Take detailed obstetric and transfusion history
  • Monitor for bleeding, trauma, or procedures

🌼 Nursing Education:

  • Educate mother on importance of Anti-D injection
  • Explain risk of not taking prophylaxis
  • Inform about potential reactions (minor like soreness, rare allergic reaction)

🌼 Administration:

  • Give IM in deltoid or gluteal muscle
  • Document batch number, dose, time, and site
  • Monitor for 15–30 mins post-injection for any allergic reaction


  • Mother becomes Rh-sensitized (permanently)
  • Future pregnancies at high risk of HDFN
  • May require:
    • Intrauterine transfusion
    • Early delivery
    • Neonatal intensive care
    • Risk of stillbirth or neonatal death


  • Anti-D is only effective if the mother has not yet formed her own anti-D antibodies
  • Anti-D does not harm the baby or the mother
  • Always check baby’s Rh type after delivery before deciding on postnatal Anti-D
  • Anti-D is not a vaccine; it provides temporary protection

🌸 MIDWIFERY NURSING: Second Trimester Tests (14 to 28 Weeks)

📆 Overview:

The second trimester is a critical time to:

  • Monitor fetal growth and development
  • Detect congenital anomalies
  • Identify maternal risks like gestational diabetes and anemia
  • Ensure early interventions


TestTimingPurposeNurse’s Role

1. Ultrasound – Level II (Anomaly Scan)

| Usually at 18–22 weeks | | To assess: Fetal anatomy, congenital malformations, amniotic fluid, placental position, fetal heart & spine | | ➤ Explain procedure <br> ➤ Ensure full bladder if transabdominal <br> ➤ Provide emotional support |

2. Triple Marker or Quadruple Marker Test

| Between 15–20 weeks, ideally 16–18 weeks | | Triple Marker: Measures AFP, hCG, Estriol <br> Quad Marker: Adds Inhibin-A <br> Screens for Down syndrome, Trisomy 18, Neural tube defects | | ➤ Explain it’s a screening, not diagnostic <br> ➤ Refer for genetic counseling if abnormal <br> ➤ Ensure correct gestational age for accurate results |

3. Glucose Challenge Test (GCT) / Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)

| Usually at 24–28 weeks | | Screens for gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) | | ➤ 50g glucose given orally, check sugar after 1 hour (GCT) <br> ➤ If abnormal, confirm with OGTT (75g/100g) <br> ➤ Instruct fasting, explain procedure clearly |

4. Hemoglobin/Hematocrit

| Any time, but repeated at 24–28 weeks | | Detects anemia | | ➤ Educate on iron-rich foods <br> ➤ Reinforce compliance with iron + folic acid tablets |

5. Blood Pressure Monitoring

| At every antenatal visit | | Early identification of pregnancy-induced hypertension | | ➤ Teach warning signs (headache, swelling, vision changes) <br> ➤ Refer if elevated BP (>140/90 mmHg) |

6. Urine Routine and Microscopy

| Every visit | | Checks for proteinuria (PIH), glucosuria (GDM), UTI | | ➤ Explain clean-catch method <br> ➤ Collect sample properly <br> ➤ Educate on UTI prevention |

7. Indirect Coombs Test (If Rh-negative mother)

| At 28 weeks | | Detects Rh sensitization | | ➤ If negative → Administer Anti-D immunoglobulin <br> ➤ Monitor further exposure risks |

8. Fetal Movement Assessment

| Starts around 18–22 weeks | | Indicates fetal wellbeing | | ➤ Teach mother to feel for movements <br> ➤ Encourage “kick count” later in pregnancy |


  • Educate the mother about the purpose and importance of each test.
  • Prepare her physically and emotionally for invasive or anxiety-provoking tests.
  • Ensure proper timing of tests according to gestational age.
  • Follow up on abnormal results and coordinate with physicians.
  • Provide non-judgmental support, especially if birth defects are suspected.
  • Maintain accurate documentation of all test results.

🚨 Special Cases That May Need Additional Tests:

  • Multiple pregnancy
  • Previous congenital anomalies
  • Advanced maternal age (≥35 years)
  • Family history of genetic disorders
  • Previous gestational diabetes or PIH

🌸 MIDWIFERY NURSING: Health Education in Second Trimester (14–28 Weeks)


This is the phase where the woman:

  • Feels more stable physically and emotionally
  • Begins to feel fetal movements
  • Is receptive to learning about pregnancy and childbirth
  • May start experiencing some physical discomforts

🧠 Hence, health education during this trimester focuses on:

  • Promoting maternal and fetal well-being
  • Early detection of complications
  • Preparing for birth and parenthood


1. ✅ Antenatal Check-ups

  • Regular visits every 4 weeks
  • Monitoring BP, weight, fundal height, fetal heart rate, and urine tests
  • Importance of follow-up tests (anomaly scan, GDM screening)

2. 🥗 Nutrition

  • Balanced diet with adequate calories, proteins, calcium, iron, and vitamins
  • Increase iron-rich foods (green leafy vegetables, jaggery, dates)
  • Folic acid and iron supplementation
  • Avoid junk food and excessive caffeine

3. 💊 Medications and Supplements

  • Compliance with Iron + Folic acid (IFA) tablets
  • Deworming (if advised)
  • Anti-D injection for Rh-negative mothers at 28 weeks

4. 🤰 Fetal Movement Awareness

  • Teach the mother to identify fetal movement (quickening usually starts around 18–22 weeks)
  • Educate on importance of fetal movement as a sign of fetal health

5. 🧘‍♀️ Exercise and Physical Activity

  • Encourage mild exercises like walking, stretching
  • Introduce antenatal yoga or breathing exercises (if no contraindication)
  • Avoid heavy lifting or sudden jerky movements

6. 💤 Rest and Sleep

  • Encourage 8 hours of night sleep and short daytime rest
  • Teach left lateral sleeping position for optimal uteroplacental blood flow
  • Use pillow support for back and legs

7. 🧴 Body Changes and Hygiene

  • Teach about normal physiological changes: breast enlargement, linea nigra, melasma
  • Promote daily bath, clean and dry undergarments, perineal hygiene
  • Address issues like leukorrhea, varicose veins, backache

8. 🧠 Mental and Emotional Wellbeing

  • Discuss mood swings, fears, and expectations
  • Involve family or partner for emotional support
  • Encourage joining antenatal support groups

9. 🍼 Preparation for Breastfeeding

  • Importance of exclusive breastfeeding
  • Care of breasts during pregnancy
  • Addressing myths or misconceptions

10. 🏥 Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness

  • Plan place of delivery (institutional delivery)
  • Keep birth companion and emergency contacts ready
  • Save money, arrange transport
  • Recognize danger signs:
    • Vaginal bleeding
    • Severe headache or blurred vision
    • Abdominal pain
    • Reduced fetal movement
    • Swelling of hands/face

11. ❤️ Sexual Activity

  • Safe unless contraindicated
  • Teach about safe positions, emotional understanding, and hygiene

12. 💉 Immunization

  • Tetanus Toxoid or Tdap as per local guidelines
  • Educate about timing and side effects

13. 🚭 Lifestyle Modifications

  • Stop smoking, alcohol, tobacco, or pan masala
  • Avoid self-medication
  • Maintain a clean, stress-free environment

14. 👨‍👩‍👧 Involve the Family

  • Educate spouse and family about mother’s needs
  • Encourage shared responsibility and emotional support


  • Conduct individual and group health education sessions
  • Use charts, models, flipbooks, videos for better understanding
  • Provide empathy and culturally sensitive care
  • Keep records and follow-up for high-risk mothers

🌸 MIDWIFERY NURSING: Interpreting Screening Results in Pregnancy (2nd Trimester Focus)


  • Screening tests are done to identify the risk of a condition (not to confirm it).
  • In pregnancy, they help detect potential fetal anomalies, maternal risks, or complications early.
  • If positive or abnormal, they must be followed up with diagnostic tests.


1. 🧪 Triple Marker Test (AFP, hCG, Estriol)

2. 🧪 Quadruple Marker Test (AFP, hCG, Estriol, Inhibin-A)

| Done at | 15–20 weeks gestation (ideal: 16–18 weeks) | | Purpose | Detect chromosomal abnormalities (like Down Syndrome, Trisomy 18) and Neural Tube Defects (NTDs) |

MarkerHigh Level IndicatesLow Level Indicates
AFPNeural tube defects, abdominal wall defectsDown syndrome
hCGDown syndromeTrisomy 18
EstriolLow in Down syndrome & Trisomy 18
Inhibin-A (in Quad test)High in Down syndrome


  • Normal result: Risk is low → no further testing needed.
  • Abnormal result: Risk is high → offer diagnostic test (e.g., amniocentesis).

🧑‍⚕️ Nurse’s Role:

  • Explain it’s a risk estimate, not a diagnosis.
  • Provide emotional support if abnormal.
  • Refer to fetal medicine specialist/genetic counselor.

3. 💉 Oral Glucose Challenge Test (GCT)

| Done at | 24–28 weeks | | Purpose | Screening for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) | | Method | 50g glucose → Blood sugar checked after 1 hour |

< 140 mg/dLNormal
≥ 140 mg/dLAbnormal – proceed to OGTT

4. 🧬 Indirect Coombs Test (ICT)

| For | Rh-negative mothers at 28 weeks | | Purpose | Detects if mother has developed antibodies against Rh⁺ blood |

NegativeNo antibodies → Give Anti-D
PositiveSensitization occurred → No benefit from Anti-D, monitor closely

5. 🔬 Hemoglobin (Hb)/Hematocrit

| Normal | Hb ≥ 11 g/dL | | Mild anemia | 10–10.9 g/dL | | Moderate anemia | 7–9.9 g/dL | | Severe anemia | < 7 g/dL |

🧑‍⚕️ Intervention:

  • Iron + folic acid tablets
  • Dietary advice
  • Deworming
  • IV iron or blood transfusion (if needed)

6. 🧫 Urine Routine & Microscopy

Protein +Possible PIH (Pre-eclampsia)
Glucose +May indicate GDM
Pus cellsSuggests urinary tract infection (UTI)

7. 🧍‍♀️ Blood Pressure Monitoring

| BP ≥ 140/90 mmHg | Hypertensive disorder in pregnancy | | BP < 90/60 mmHg | Hypotension – may cause fainting |

8. 🧼 Ultrasound – Anomaly Scan (Level II)

| Done at | 18–22 weeks | | Detects | Structural defects (heart, spine, brain, limbs, kidneys) | | Normal | No anomalies found | | Abnormal | Refer for detailed evaluation, genetic counseling, or fetal therapy |


  • Screening ≠ Diagnosis
  • Positive screening needs confirmatory diagnostic tests.
  • Early detection = better management and birth preparedness.


  • Educate pregnant women about purpose and process of screening tests.
  • Ensure screening is done at the correct gestational age.
  • Interpret reports along with the doctor and explain results simply to the mother.
  • Provide emotional support, especially if the result is abnormal.
  • Coordinate referrals to specialist clinics if needed.

🌸 MIDWIFERY NURSING: Health Education on IFA (Iron and Folic Acid)


IFA tablets are essential supplements given to pregnant women to prevent:

  • Anemia (due to iron deficiency)
  • Neural tube defects in the fetus (due to folic acid deficiency)
  • Low birth weight, preterm birth, and maternal complications


1. ✨ Importance of IFA During Pregnancy

IronForms hemoglobin, prevents anemia, supports oxygen supply to baby
Folic AcidPrevents neural tube defects (spina bifida), helps in cell growth and fetal development

2. 💊 Recommended Dosage (As per Government of India/WHO guidelines)

Pregnant women (second trimester onward)1 tablet daily (60 mg elemental iron + 500 mcg folic acid) for 180 days
Postnatal mothers1 tablet daily for 6 months after delivery
Adolescent girls/women of reproductive age1 tablet weekly for anemia prevention

3. 🕐 When and How to Take IFA Tablet

  • Time: Preferably after meals, not on empty stomach
  • With water (not tea, coffee, or milk)
  • Take at same time daily for consistency
  • Swallow whole tablet—do not crush or chew

4. ⚠️ Possible Side Effects (and their Management)

Side EffectManagement Advice
NauseaTake after food, at night if needed
ConstipationDrink plenty of fluids, eat fiber-rich foods
Dark stoolsNormal – reassure mother
Metallic tasteSuck on lemon candy, rinse mouth
VomitingReport to nurse or doctor if persistent

5. 🍲 Dietary Advice Along with IFA

  • Encourage iron-rich foods: green leafy vegetables, jaggery, dates, lentils, red meat
  • Enhance absorption by taking Vitamin C-rich foods (e.g., lemon, amla)
  • Avoid tea or coffee 1 hour before/after taking the tablet

6. 🩸 Signs of Anemia to Watch For

  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Pale skin, lips, or palms
  • Breathlessness or dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Palpitations

➡️ If these symptoms occur, consult health worker for evaluation.


  • Educate mother on importance of compliance
  • Demonstrate how and when to take the tablet
  • Dispel myths: IFA doesn’t make baby dark or heavy!
  • Follow up regularly: Ask about side effects, ensure compliance
  • Maintain records of IFA distribution and consumption
  • If hemoglobin < 7 g/dL → refer for higher care or injectable iron


  • Keep in cool, dry place, away from children
  • Check expiry date before use


  • “Taking your red tablet daily gives you strength and helps your baby grow healthy.”
  • “Don’t stop IFA if you have black stools—that means it’s working!”
  • “IFA is like a daily health tonic for you and your baby!”

🌸 MIDWIFERY NURSING: Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation


Calcium and Vitamin D are essential micronutrients required during pregnancy and lactation for:

  • Healthy bone and teeth development of the fetus
  • Muscle and nerve function
  • Prevention of pregnancy-related complications like preeclampsia, low birth weight, and maternal bone loss


Even with a good diet, most pregnant women do not meet the increased demands of calcium and Vitamin D due to:

  • Poor dietary intake
  • Low sun exposure (especially in covered dress cultures)
  • Increased fetal demands
  • Hormonal changes affecting calcium metabolism


  • Calcium and Vitamin D supplementation should begin from the second trimester (14–16 weeks) and continue throughout pregnancy and up to 6 months postpartum.


GroupCalciumVitamin D
Pregnant & lactating women1000–1200 mg/day400–600 IU/day (can go up to 1000 IU if needed)
As per Govt. of India (RCH Guidelines)500 mg elemental calcium + 250 IU Vitamin D twice dailyTotal: 1000 mg calcium + 500 IU Vitamin D


🍲 Dietary Sources of Calcium:

  • Milk, curd, paneer, cheese
  • Ragi (finger millet), soybeans
  • Green leafy vegetables (e.g., spinach, methi)
  • Nuts and seeds (e.g., almonds, sesame)
  • Fish with bones (e.g., sardines)

🌞 Sources of Vitamin D:

  • Sunlight exposure (best source) – at least 30 minutes/day on face, hands
  • Fortified foods (milk, cereals)
  • Fish (salmon, tuna), eggs


In Mother:

  • Leg cramps, backache, fatigue
  • Osteomalacia (bone softening)
  • Preeclampsia
  • Risk of fractures (in long-term)

In Baby:

  • Low birth weight
  • Rickets
  • Poor bone and tooth development


Calcium DeficiencyVitamin D Deficiency
Muscle cramps/spasmsBone pain, fatigue
Weak nails, tooth decayDelayed milestones in baby
Tingling in fingersIncreased risk of preeclampsia


📍 On Supplementation:

  • Take 2 tablets/day (morning and evening), each with 500 mg calcium + 250 IU vitamin D
  • Avoid taking with Iron tablet – gap of 2 hours is important (iron and calcium compete for absorption)
  • Take with food to improve absorption
  • Continue even during breastfeeding period

📍 On Diet:

  • Include milk/milk products daily
  • Encourage sunlight exposure—preferably morning sun
  • Increase physical activity for better calcium utilization


  • Store tablets in a cool, dry place
  • Check for expiry date
  • Keep out of reach of children


  1. Assessment:
    • Identify women at risk (poor diet, multiple pregnancies, underweight, vitamin D deficiency)
  2. Education:
    • Explain benefits of calcium and vitamin D for mother and baby
    • Teach proper timing of intake with other supplements
    • Emphasize diet + sunlight
  3. Distribution & Monitoring:
    • As per government programs, give calcium tablets free under RCH or PMSMA
    • Ensure compliance and follow-up
    • Record and report side effects (e.g., constipation, nausea)


“Milk alone is enough”No, supplementation is still needed to meet full requirement
“Sunlight exposure causes tanning”Only early morning sunlight is needed for Vitamin D synthesis
“Too much calcium will make baby big”Not true – calcium supports healthy bones, not baby weight

🌸 MIDWIFERY NURSING: Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) in Pregnancy


The Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) is used to:

  • Screen and diagnose gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) during pregnancy
  • Detect how well the body metabolizes glucose


Screening test (GCT)24–28 weeks gestation for all pregnant women
Early testing (before 24 weeks)If high risk (obese, PCOS, history of GDM, family history of diabetes)


1. 💉 Glucose Challenge Test (GCT) – Screening Test

PurposeTo screen for GDM
Procedure– No fasting needed
– Give 50g glucose orally
– Blood sample taken after 1 hour
Interpretation– < 140 mg/dL → Normal
– ≥ 140 mg/dL → Abnormal → proceed to OGTT

2. 💉 Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) – Diagnostic Test

Based on WHO/IADPSG Guidelines (75g OGTT – one-step test)

| Preparation | – Fasting required (8–10 hours) <br> – Avoid heavy exercise or sugary foods 1 day prior | | Procedure | – Take fasting blood sample <br> – Administer 75g glucose orally (dissolved in 250–300 mL water) <br> – Collect blood at: <br> ➤ Fasting <br> ➤ 1 hour <br> ➤ 2 hours |

📊 WHO/IADPSG Criteria (2020):

TimeNormal ValueGDM if ≥
Fasting≤ 92 mg/dL92 mg/dL
1 hour≤ 180 mg/dL180 mg/dL
2 hour≤ 153 mg/dL153 mg/dL

➡️ If any one of the above values is equal or more, GDM is diagnosed.


🌼 Before the Test:

  • Educate the woman on purpose and preparation
  • Ensure fasting for 8–10 hours
  • Take detailed history of risk factors (obesity, PCOS, previous GDM, macrosomic baby, family history)
  • Prepare glucose solution (75g glucose in 250–300 mL water)
  • Check for any vomiting tendencies or discomforts

🌼 During the Test:

  • Take fasting sample
  • Administer glucose solution within 5 minutes
  • Monitor for nausea or vomiting
  • Ensure the woman does not eat, drink (except water), or walk around during test period
  • Take blood samples at 1 and 2 hours post-glucose

🌼 After the Test:

  • Give light meal
  • Record and document all results
  • Communicate findings with doctor
  • If abnormal: refer to dietician, diabetic counselor, or endocrinologist


  • Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) – diet plan
  • Daily glucose monitoring
  • Exercise and lifestyle modification
  • Insulin therapy if uncontrolled
  • Close monitoring of fetal growth
  • Plan for safe delivery


  • Importance of taking the test even if no symptoms
  • GDM can affect both mother and baby:
    • Macrosomia (big baby)
    • Shoulder dystocia
    • Preeclampsia
    • Neonatal hypoglycemia
  • GDM usually resolves after delivery, but increases the risk of:
    • Type 2 diabetes later in life
    • GDM in future pregnancies


  • Single step test (Non-fasting)
  • 75g oral glucose → Blood sugar checked after 2 hours
  • If ≥ 140 mg/dL → GDM diagnosed

🔸 This method is used widely in community and rural settings.



Immunization during pregnancy plays a critical role in:

  • Protecting mother from infectious diseases
  • Providing passive immunity to the newborn
  • Reducing maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality


  1. Enhances maternal immunity
  2. Provides transplacental transfer of antibodies to fetus
  3. Prevents neonatal infections (e.g., neonatal tetanus, pertussis)
  4. Reduces complications from infections in pregnancy


VaccineWhen GivenDoseRoutePurpose
Tetanus + Diphtheria (Td) (formerly TT)– First dose: As early as possible after 12 weeks
– Second dose: 4 weeks after the 1st dose
0.5 mL IMIntramuscular (Deltoid)Prevents maternal and neonatal tetanus & diphtheria
Booster doseIf Td taken in last pregnancy within 3 years1 dose onlyIMMaintains immunity

🔹 New Addition (Optional in India, Mandatory in Some Countries)

VaccineWhen GivenPurpose
Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis)Between 27–36 weeks (preferably before 32 weeks)Protects mother and baby from whooping cough (pertussis)
Influenza VaccineAny trimester, preferably early in flu seasonProtects against seasonal flu – reduces risk of preterm labor and complications
Hepatitis B (HBV)If mother is at high risk or HBsAg negativePrevents perinatal transmission of hepatitis B


  • Live attenuated vaccines should NOT be given:
    • Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
    • Varicella (Chickenpox)
    • Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV)
    • HPV Vaccine

🔴 If accidentally given, counseling should be done. No need for termination.


  • Explain why immunization is necessary
  • Assure that Td and other recommended vaccines are safe in pregnancy
  • Inform about mild side effects (fever, pain at injection site)
  • Encourage to bring and maintain the MCH card (Mother and Child Health card)
  • Stress on timing and compliance with both doses


  1. Assessment:
    • Check immunization history
    • Determine eligibility for Td/Tdap/Influenza
  2. Education:
    • Counsel on benefits and safety of vaccines
    • Clear myths and misconceptions
  3. Administration:
    • Use correct aseptic technique
    • Maintain cold chain and expiry date checks
    • Give IM injection in deltoid muscle
  4. Documentation:
    • Record in ANC register and MCH card
    • Note date, vaccine type, batch number, and site
  5. Follow-up:
    • Remind mother for 2nd dose or booster
    • Observe for any adverse reaction


  • Store vaccines between +2°C to +8°C
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight and freezing
  • Use vaccine carrier for field visits



Antenatal assessment is the systematic evaluation of the pregnant woman throughout the course of her pregnancy to monitor:

  • Maternal health
  • Fetal development
  • Early detection of complications
  • Health education and counseling

This is a core function of midwifery nursing in both hospital and community settings.


Visit NumberTiming
1st visitBefore 12 weeks (as early as possible)
2nd visitBetween 14–26 weeks
3rd visitBetween 28–32 weeks
4th visitBetween 36–38 weeks

🔹 High-risk pregnancies may require more frequent visits.


1. 👩‍⚕️ History Taking

A. Personal History

  • Name, age, marital status, address
  • Occupation, dietary habits, lifestyle

B. Obstetric History (GTPAL)

  • Gravida, Term, Preterm, Abortions, Living children
  • Previous pregnancy outcomes
  • Complications in past pregnancies

C. Medical/Surgical History

  • Hypertension, diabetes, asthma, heart disease
  • Surgeries (e.g., cesarean, fibroids, D&C)

D. Menstrual History

  • Age at menarche, cycle regularity
  • Last menstrual period (LMP)
  • Estimated date of delivery (EDD) using Naegele’s Rule:
    ➤ LMP + 9 months + 7 days

E. Family History

  • Genetic disorders, twins, hypertension, diabetes

F. Psychosocial History

  • Stress, domestic violence, mental health

2. 🧍‍♀️ General Physical Examination

ParameterWhat to Assess
AppearanceGeneral well-being
WeightInitial and progression
HeightFor BMI and pelvic assessment
Blood PressureRisk of preeclampsia
Pulse & RespirationsVital signs
PallorCheck for anemia
EdemaFace, hands, ankles
Breast ExamChanges, readiness for breastfeeding
Teeth & GumsNutritional status, bleeding gums

3. 📋 Obstetrical Examination

A. Abdominal Examination (after 16 weeks)

InspectionShape, size, fetal movements, scars
Palpation (Leopold’s Maneuvers)Determine lie, presentation, position, and engagement
Fundal Height (in cm)Correlates with gestational age (after 20 weeks: cm ≈ weeks)
AuscultationFetal heart sounds with fetal Doppler or stethoscope (after 20 weeks)

B. Pelvic Examination

  • Performed only when necessary or at term
  • Assess pelvic adequacy, vaginal infections, cervical status


Hemoglobin (Hb)Detect anemia
Blood Group & Rh TypingFor Rh incompatibility
VDRLSyphilis screening
HIV, HBsAgPrevent mother-to-child transmission
Urine (Albumin, Sugar, Microscopy)Detect proteinuria (PIH), glucosuria (GDM), UTI
Blood Sugar / OGTTScreening for GDM
UltrasoundDating scan, anomaly scan, fetal growth monitoring


  • Importance of ANC visits
  • Danger signs in pregnancy
  • Nutrition and supplements (IFA, Calcium)
  • Birth preparedness and complication readiness (BPCR)
  • Hygiene, sleep, physical activity
  • Breastfeeding and newborn care
  • Immunization (Tetanus, Influenza, Tdap if applicable)


Fundal heightEach visit after 20 weeks
Fetal movementsStarts ~18–22 weeks; mother to monitor daily
Fetal heart rate (FHR)After 20 weeks (Normal = 110–160 bpm)
UltrasoundFetal growth, placental position, anomalies


  1. Assessment:
    • Perform history-taking and full physical exam
    • Interpret findings and identify high-risk pregnancies
  2. Care and Monitoring:
    • Monitor vital signs, fetal development, lab reports
    • Refer to doctor if any abnormal findings are observed
  3. Health Education:
    • Provide targeted counseling based on the trimester
    • Discuss danger signs and emergency readiness
  4. Documentation:
    • Maintain ANC card and hospital record
    • Ensure completeness of test results and follow-ups
  5. Support:
    • Provide emotional support and family involvement
    • Encourage open communication about discomforts or concerns


  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Severe headache, blurred vision
  • Swelling of hands/face
  • Reduced or absent fetal movement
  • High blood pressure
  • High fever or signs of infection

🌸 MIDWIFERY NURSING: Abdominal Palpation in Pregnancy


Abdominal palpation is a non-invasive clinical method used to assess the size, position, and well-being of the fetus by manually examining the pregnant woman’s abdomen.

It is a key component of antenatal assessment, especially from 24 weeks onward, and helps the midwife/nurse plan appropriate care for labor and delivery.


  1. Estimate gestational age and fetal growth
  2. Determine the fetal lie, presentation, and position
  3. Check engagement of presenting part
  4. Assess fetal movement and well-being
  5. Detect uterine abnormalities (multiple pregnancy, polyhydramnios, IUGR)


ExplainPurpose and procedure to reduce anxiety
PrivacyProvide privacy and maintain dignity
PositionMother in supine position with knees flexed, head slightly elevated
Empty bladderAsk mother to void before exam
Expose abdomenOnly lower abdomen exposed, cover other parts for comfort
Warm handsUse warm hands to avoid discomfort
Stand on right sideAlways stand on mother’s right side


These are the standard steps used for abdominal palpation.

1️⃣ Leopold’s First Maneuver – Fundal Grip

PurposeIdentify the fetal part in the fundus (head or breech)
MethodUse both hands to palpate the upper abdomen (fundus)
  • Round, hard, ballotable: Head
  • Irregular, soft, bulky: Breech (buttocks)

2️⃣ Leopold’s Second Maneuver – Lateral Grip

PurposeIdentify the fetal back and limbs (Lie and Position)
MethodPlace hands on either side of the abdomen and palpate gently
  • Smooth, firm, curved surface: Back
  • Irregular, nodular parts (limbs): Front side

3️⃣ Leopold’s Third Maneuver – Pawlik’s Grip

PurposeIdentify the presenting part above the pelvic inlet
MethodGrasp the lower abdomen above the pubic symphysis with thumb and fingers
  • Hard, round, mobile: Head (not engaged)
  • Soft, irregular: Breech

4️⃣ Leopold’s Fourth Maneuver – Pelvic Grip

PurposeDetermine engagement of presenting part
MethodFace the mother’s feet, place both hands on lower abdomen, and press downwards
  • Deeply engaged: Head not easily movable
  • Floating: Head can be moved side to side


  • Use fetoscope or Doppler
  • Heard best over fetal back (after 20 weeks)
  • Normal FHR: 110–160 bpm
  • Always document and report abnormal FHR


LieRelationship of fetal long axis to mother’s long axis (Longitudinal, Transverse, Oblique)
PresentationPart of fetus that enters pelvis first (Cephalic – head, Breech – buttocks)
PositionFetal back in relation to mother’s side (LOA, ROA, LOP, etc.)
EngagementWhen widest part of fetal head enters the pelvic inlet


  • Transverse lie → may need cesarean
  • Breech presentation → refer for ECV or specialist opinion
  • Polyhydramnios/oligohydramnios
  • Multiple pregnancy
  • Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)


  1. Performing palpation skillfully and gently
  2. Educating the mother about fetal position
  3. Recording findings in ANC card
  4. Reporting abnormalities to doctor
  5. Reassuring the mother, especially if fetal movements are decreased
  6. Teaching mothers to monitor kick counts at home



Fetal assessment is the process of monitoring the growth, development, position, and well-being of the fetus during pregnancy. It ensures that the fetus is developing normally and helps detect any risks early to plan proper care.

Midwives and nurses play a vital role in regular fetal monitoring as part of antenatal care.


  • Monitor fetal growth and gestational development
  • Detect fetal distress, anomalies, or growth restriction
  • Assess fetal position and presentation for delivery planning
  • Evaluate placental function and amniotic fluid levels


1. 🗓️ Fundal Height Measurement

WhenFrom 20 weeks onward
HowMeasure from pubic symphysis to uterine fundus using tape
NormalFundal height in cm ≈ gestational age in weeks (± 2 cm)
AbnormalDiscrepancy may indicate IUGR, multiple pregnancy, or poly/oligohydramnios

2. 👶 Fetal Movement Monitoring (Quickening)

| Felt by mother | 18–22 weeks (earlier in multigravida) | | Purpose | Indicates fetal well-being | | Kick Count Method | 10 movements in 12 hours (or 4 in 1 hour) | | Nurse’s Role | Educate mother to monitor movements daily and report decreased movements |

3. 🧏‍♀️ Auscultation of Fetal Heart Rate (FHR)

| Instrument | Fetoscope or Doppler | | Heard from | Around 18–20 weeks with fetoscope, earlier with Doppler | | Normal Range | 110–160 bpm | | Abnormal | Bradycardia (<110), Tachycardia (>160) → may indicate fetal distress | | Nurse’s Role | Check FHR during each antenatal visit and report abnormalities immediately |

4. 🤰 Abdominal Palpation (Leopold’s Maneuvers)

| Purpose | Assess fetal lie, presentation, position, and engagement | | Useful for | Planning type of delivery | | Nurse’s Role | Perform palpation gently and interpret findings accurately |

5. 📺 Ultrasound Examination

| Early USG (dating scan) | 6–12 weeks: confirms gestational age, viability | | Anomaly Scan | 18–22 weeks: detects structural abnormalities | | Growth Scan | 28–34 weeks: checks fetal size, position, amniotic fluid, placenta | | Nurse’s Role | Prepare mother, provide emotional support, explain procedure |

6. 🩸 Biochemical Tests (Screening Tests)

| Triple/Quadruple Marker Test | Done between 15–20 weeks | | Purpose | Detect neural tube defects, Down syndrome, Trisomy 18 | | Nurse’s Role | Counsel mother on the purpose, ensure timely testing, and assist in follow-up for abnormal results |

7. 💉 Non-Stress Test (NST) – For High-Risk Pregnancies

| Done when | Reduced fetal movement, hypertension, diabetes, IUGR | | Method | Electronic fetal monitor records FHR in response to fetal movements | | Normal (Reactive) | 2 or more accelerations in 20 minutes | | Abnormal (Non-reactive) | May indicate fetal hypoxia or sleep cycle |

8. 💧 Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI)

| Done via | Ultrasound | | Normal Range | 8–18 cm | | < 5 cm | Oligohydramnios – risk of fetal distress, cord compression | | > 24 cm | Polyhydramnios – risk of preterm labor, congenital defects |

9. 🧪 Doppler Study (Advanced)

| Purpose | Measures blood flow in umbilical artery and placenta | | Used in | Suspected IUGR, hypertension, preeclampsia | | Nurse’s Role | Refer for timely scan, explain importance to mother |


  • Decreased or absent fetal movements
  • Abnormal fetal heart rate
  • Abnormal Doppler flow
  • Oligohydramnios
  • Abnormal NST

➡️ Immediate medical evaluation and management required.


  • Perform and record routine fetal assessments
  • Educate mother about kick counts and danger signs
  • Support during ultrasound, NST, and other procedures
  • Maintain accurate antenatal documentation
  • Refer to doctor if any abnormal fetal findings
  • Provide emotional reassurance to anxious mothers

🌸Auscultation of Fetal Heart Rate (FHR)


Auscultation of the fetal heart rate is a non-invasive, essential clinical skill used to assess fetal well-being during pregnancy and labor. It provides valuable information about the fetal condition and helps identify signs of distress early.


  • Confirm fetal viability
  • Monitor fetal well-being
  • Detect fetal distress or abnormal heart rate
  • Support decision-making regarding labor and delivery


PeriodWhen to Auscultate
Antenatal periodFrom 18–20 weeks (earlier with Doppler) at every ANC visit
During laborEvery 30 minutes in 1st stage, every 5–15 minutes in 2nd stage (or as per protocol)


Pinard FetoscopeTrumpet-shaped instrument used from 18–20 weeks onward
Handheld DopplerUses ultrasound waves; can detect FHR as early as 10–12 weeks
CTG (Cardiotocography)For continuous monitoring in high-risk pregnancies or labor


  • Explain the procedure to reassure and gain cooperation
  • Provide privacy
  • Position: Semi-recumbent or supine with knees flexed
  • Ensure the abdomen is exposed from the pubic area to the fundus
  • Ask the mother to empty her bladder


  • Best heard over the fetal back, depending on fetal position
  • Use Leopold’s maneuvers to determine fetal lie and position before auscultating
PresentationFHR Best Heard
Cephalic (LOA/ROA)Below umbilicus, left or right side
BreechAbove umbilicus
Transverse lieNear the flank


Using Pinard Fetoscope:

  1. Warm the fetoscope before use
  2. Place the wide end firmly on the mother’s abdomen
  3. Ask mother to remain quiet and still
  4. Listen for rhythmic “tick-tick” or “lub-dub” sound
  5. Count for 1 full minute
  6. Record the rate in beats per minute (bpm)

Using Handheld Doppler:

  1. Apply ultrasound gel to the area
  2. Turn on Doppler device
  3. Place probe over fetal back area
  4. Listen and adjust position until a clear heart sound is heard
  5. Count bpm or note device reading
  6. Clean the probe and remove gel after use


Normal FHR110–160 bpm
Tachycardia>160 bpm
Bradycardia<110 bpm

➡️ Abnormal values may indicate:

  • Fetal distress
  • Umbilical cord compression
  • Maternal fever, anemia, dehydration


  • Perform FHR auscultation at each ANC visit
  • Use Leopold’s maneuvers to locate fetal back
  • Document findings: rate, rhythm, clarity, and location
  • Educate mother on fetal movement and danger signs
  • Report abnormal FHR immediately to obstetrician
  • Monitor FHR closely during labor and high-risk situations


  • FHR consistently <110 or >160 bpm
  • Irregular rhythm
  • Absent FHR
  • Accompanied by decreased fetal movements or bleeding


(For Auscultation of Fetal Heart Rate)


Both the Doppler device and Pinard’s stethoscope are used to auscultate the fetal heart sounds during pregnancy and labor. They help assess fetal well-being and detect fetal distress.

Midwives and nurses must be skilled in using both, depending on the setting, availability, and gestational age.


📌 Description:

  • A non-electronic, trumpet-shaped instrument made of metal, wood, or plastic.
  • Used for manual auscultation of fetal heart sounds.

📅 When to Use:

  • After 18–20 weeks of gestation (when FHR is audible through the abdominal wall)

✅ Advantages:

  • No electricity or batteries required
  • Inexpensive and durable
  • Easy to clean and sterilize
  • Promotes close physical contact, improving mother–midwife bonding

❌ Limitations:

  • Requires training and skill to use properly
  • May be difficult in obese mothers, anterior placenta, or noisy environments
  • Cannot be used before 18 weeks
  • No visual display or printout


📌 Description:

  • A handheld ultrasound device that uses Doppler effect to detect and amplify fetal heart sounds.
  • Has a digital display and/or speaker.

📅 When to Use:

  • Detects FHR as early as 10–12 weeks
  • Useful throughout pregnancy and during labor monitoring

✅ Advantages:

  • Detects FHR early in pregnancy
  • Louder, clearer sound
  • Has digital display (bpm) for easy reading
  • More comfortable and reassuring for the mother
  • Effective in obese women or those with thick abdominal walls

❌ Limitations:

  • Requires batteries or power
  • More expensive than Pinard
  • Needs gel application
  • Less practical in low-resource/rural settings


FeaturePinard’s StethoscopeDoppler Fetal Monitor
Usable from18–20 weeks10–12 weeks
Power SourceNoneBattery/electric
CostVery lowModerate to high
Training RequiredModerateMinimal
Display of FHRNoYes (digital display)
Use in noisy settingsDifficultEasier
Useful in obese womenLess effectiveMore effective
Community/Rural UseExcellentLimited by power supply
Infection ControlEasy to disinfectRequires cleaning of probe and gel


  1. Know when and how to use each tool
  2. Educate mother about fetal heart sounds
  3. Maintain equipment hygiene and functionality
  4. Record:
    • FHR (beats per minute)
    • Time and date
    • Position of fetus (LOA, ROA, etc.)
  5. Report any abnormal FHR or absence of fetal heart sounds



Fetal well-being assessment refers to the evaluation of the health status of the fetus in the uterus to ensure that it is growing normally and not in distress. It is a vital component of antenatal care, helping to reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality.

Midwives and nurses play a crucial role in early detection of fetal compromise through clinical skills, observation, and proper use of tools and techniques.


  1. Confirm fetal viability and normal development
  2. Detect signs of fetal compromise or hypoxia
  3. Monitor growth and amniotic fluid volume
  4. Prevent complications such as stillbirth, IUGR, fetal distress
  5. Decide timing and mode of delivery in high-risk pregnancies


  • Routine assessments during every ANC visit
  • More frequent in high-risk pregnancies, including:
    • Hypertension
    • Diabetes
    • Previous stillbirth
    • IUGR
    • Rh incompatibility
    • Decreased fetal movements


1. 🧍‍♀️ Fundal Height Measurement

WhenFrom 20 weeks onward
HowMeasure from symphysis pubis to uterine fundus in cm
InterpretationFundal height (cm) ≈ gestational age (weeks) ±2
DeviationMay indicate IUGR, macrosomia, polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios

2. 🤰 Fetal Movement Monitoring (Kick Count)

| When Felt | ~18–20 weeks (earlier in multigravida) | | Method | Count fetal kicks: ≥10 movements in 12 hours or ≥4 in 1 hour | | Importance | Decreased movement can be an early sign of fetal hypoxia | | Nurse’s Role | Teach mother how to perform daily kick counts; report if <10 in 12 hrs |

3. 🩺 Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring (Auscultation)

| Instrument | Pinard stethoscope or Doppler | | Normal FHR | 110–160 bpm | | Abnormal | <110 (bradycardia), >160 (tachycardia) → Possible fetal distress | | Nurse’s Role | Auscultate FHR during each ANC visit and report abnormalities immediately |

4. 📺 Ultrasonography (USG)

a. Early Pregnancy Scan (Dating scan)

✔ Confirms viability, gestational age, and number of fetuses

b. Anomaly Scan (18–22 weeks)

✔ Detects congenital structural abnormalities

c. Growth Scan (28–34 weeks)

✔ Measures fetal weight, growth pattern, position, amniotic fluid

d. Biophysical Profile (BPP)

Assesses 5 parameters on USG:

ParameterNormal Score (2 points each)
Fetal movement≥3 movements
Fetal tone≥1 extension/flexion
Fetal breathing≥30 seconds
Amniotic fluid≥2 cm pocket
Non-Stress TestReactive

✔ Total score: 8–10 = Normal; 6 = equivocal; ≤4 = abnormal

5. 💧 Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI)

| Normal | 8–18 cm | | <5 cm | Oligohydramnios (risk of fetal distress, cord compression) | | >24 cm | Polyhydramnios (risk of macrosomia, preterm labor) |

✔ Measured via ultrasound

6. 📉 Non-Stress Test (NST)

| Purpose | Monitors FHR response to fetal movement | | Method | External monitor placed on mother’s abdomen for 20 minutes | | Reactive (Normal) | ≥2 accelerations of ≥15 bpm lasting ≥15 seconds | | Non-Reactive | No acceleration → may need further evaluation (BPP, Doppler) | | Use | Done in high-risk cases or after reduced fetal movement |

7. 🧪 Doppler Flow Studies

| Use | Measures blood flow in umbilical artery and fetal vessels | | Purpose | Detect placental insufficiency in cases like IUGR, preeclampsia | | Interpretation | Abnormal flow indicates fetal compromise or hypoxia |


  1. Assess fetal growth and development at every ANC visit
  2. Perform and interpret fundal height, FHR, fetal movement
  3. Educate the mother on fetal kick count and when to report abnormalities
  4. Assist with ultrasound, NST, Doppler as per doctor’s orders
  5. Record all findings accurately in ANC register/card
  6. Refer to higher center if signs of fetal compromise are present
  7. Provide emotional support to mother, especially in high-risk cases


  • Decreased or absent fetal movement
  • Abnormal FHR
  • Poor fundal height growth
  • Non-reactive NST
  • Reduced amniotic fluid
  • Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)

🌸DFMC – Daily Fetal Movement Count.


DFMC (Daily Fetal Movement Count) is a simple, non-invasive, and effective method used to assess fetal well-being by counting fetal movements felt by the mother. It helps detect early signs of fetal distress or hypoxia, especially in the third trimester.

It is one of the most cost-effective self-monitoring tools for pregnant women.


  • Detect decreased fetal activity, an early sign of fetal compromise
  • Promote maternal-fetal bonding
  • Empower the mother to be actively involved in fetal monitoring
  • Prevent stillbirth or intrauterine death


  • Generally recommended from 28 weeks of gestation onward
  • Especially important in high-risk pregnancies:
    • Hypertension, diabetes
    • IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction)
    • Oligohydramnios
    • Decreased fetal movements previously
    • Previous stillbirth


1️⃣ Cardiff “Count to Ten” Method (Most commonly used)

| Method | The mother counts fetal movements until 10 movements are felt | | Recommended Time | Same time daily (after a meal, when relaxed) | | Normal | 10 movements felt within 12 hours (usually within 1–2 hrs) | | Abnormal | Less than 10 movements in 12 hours → report to healthcare provider immediately |

2️⃣ Modified Count Method (2-Hour Method)

| Method | The mother lies on her side and counts movements for 2 hours after a meal | | Normal | At least 4 movements in 2 hours | | Abnormal | Less than 4 movements → further evaluation needed (NST or ultrasound) |


  • Choose a quiet time daily (after food or in the evening)
  • Sit comfortably or lie on left side
  • Count and record every kick, roll, or flutter
  • Maintain a kick count chart or notebook
  • If movements are less than normal or suddenly decrease → report immediately


DateStart TimeNo. of MovementsTime to Reach 10 KicksRemarks
01/04/20259:00 AM10By 10:45 AMNormal
02/04/20259:00 AM6Till 12:00 PMNeeds evaluation


  • Less than 10 movements in 12 hours
  • Gradual or sudden decrease in usual pattern
  • No movement felt for several hours
  • Accompanied by other danger signs (bleeding, pain, leaking, headache)

➡️ Refer immediately for NST, ultrasound, or further evaluation


  1. Educate pregnant women on how and why to do DFMC
  2. Demonstrate the correct way to count and record movements
  3. Provide chart or sample format to record daily movements
  4. Reinforce during each ANC visit
  5. Take immediate action if mother reports decreased or absent fetal movement
  6. Offer emotional support, especially if mother is anxious or unsure



The Biophysical Profile (BPP) is a comprehensive, non-invasive test used to assess fetal well-being, especially in the third trimester or in high-risk pregnancies. It combines ultrasound findings and fetal heart rate monitoring to evaluate if the fetus is receiving adequate oxygen and nutrition.


  • Detect fetal hypoxia or distress
  • Assess fetal central nervous system activity
  • Decide the timing of delivery in high-risk pregnancies
  • Prevent complications like stillbirth or intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)


  • Decreased fetal movement
  • Prolonged pregnancy (> 40 weeks)
  • Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)
  • Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH)
  • Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)
  • Oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios
  • Previous stillbirth
  • Rh incompatibility
  • Non-reactive NST (non-stress test)


Each parameter is assessed by ultrasound (except NST) and scored as either:

  • 2 points = Normal
  • 0 points = Abnormal
ComponentCriteria (Normal = 2 points)Abnormal = 0 points
1. Fetal Breathing MovementsAt least 1 episode of rhythmic breathing lasting 30 seconds in 30 minutesAbsent or less than 30 seconds
2. Gross Body MovementsAt least 3 discrete body/limb movements in 30 minutesLess than 3
3. Fetal ToneAt least 1 episode of extension/flexion of limbs or spineSlow extension, no flexion
4. Amniotic Fluid Volume (AFI or single pocket)At least 1 vertical pocket of fluid ≥ 2 cm or AFI ≥ 5 cmNo pocket or < 2 cm
5. Non-Stress Test (NST)Reactive – 2 accelerations in 20 minutesNon-reactive NST


Score (Out of 10)InterpretationAction
8–10NormalReassure, repeat weekly
6Equivocal/SuspiciousRepeat BPP in 12–24 hours or do further testing
4 or lessAbnormal (possible fetal distress)Immediate evaluation and consider delivery


  1. Ultrasound is used to assess 4 parameters (breathing, movement, tone, amniotic fluid)
  2. Non-Stress Test (NST) is done using external fetal monitors
  3. Entire test takes 30 minutes to 1 hour
  4. Performed in tertiary care or diagnostic centers by trained personnel


  1. Preparation:
    • Explain procedure to the mother and provide emotional support
    • Ensure she has eaten something light before the test (for better fetal activity)
    • Position mother comfortably
  2. During Procedure:
    • Assist radiologist or doctor during ultrasound
    • Help apply NST belts and monitor FHR for 20 minutes
    • Encourage mother to relax and remain still
  3. After Procedure:
    • Record and report the score
    • Provide guidance based on the result
    • If score is low, ensure referral and follow-up for emergency evaluation or delivery
  4. Educate the Mother:
    • Teach about the importance of fetal movement and timely testing
    • Reassure during normal results and counsel on warning signs


  • Total BPP score is 4 or less
  • Decreased fetal movement continues
  • Non-reactive NST
  • Abnormal amniotic fluid volume



The Non-Stress Test (NST) is a non-invasive, painless, and safe procedure used to assess fetal well-being by monitoring the fetal heart rate (FHR) in response to fetal movements.

It is called “non-stress” because no stress is applied to the fetus (like uterine contractions), unlike the contraction stress test.


  • Evaluate the oxygenation and neurological function of the fetus
  • Detect fetal hypoxia or distress early
  • Assess placental function
  • Help decide timing of delivery, especially in high-risk pregnancies


Usually performed in the third trimester (after 28 weeks), especially in:

  • Decreased fetal movements
  • Hypertension or preeclampsia
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Post-dated pregnancy (beyond 40 weeks)
  • Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)
  • Multiple pregnancy
  • Rh isoimmunization
  • Previous stillbirth or miscarriage
  • Oligohydramnios/polyhydramnios


  • Cardiotocograph (CTG) machine
    • With 2 external transducers:
      • Ultrasound transducer (for fetal heart rate)
      • Tocodynamometer (for uterine activity)
  • Gel, belts, watch/timer, bed or reclining chair


  • Explain the procedure and obtain consent
  • Ask the mother to eat a light meal before the test (to stimulate fetal activity)
  • Encourage her to empty her bladder
  • Position her in semi-Fowler’s or left lateral position
  • Apply gel and secure the transducers on the abdomen


  1. Attach the FHR transducer and uterine activity transducer to the abdomen.
  2. Ask the mother to press a button every time she feels fetal movement.
  3. Monitor and record the fetal heart rate and uterine activity for 20 minutes (may be extended to 40 minutes if needed).
  4. Save or print the CTG strip.


NST ResultCriteriaInterpretation
Reactive NST (Normal)– At least 2 accelerations in 20 minutes
– Each acceleration: ≥15 bpm above baseline, lasting ≥15 seconds
Normal fetal oxygenation
Non-Reactive NSTNo accelerations or
– Accelerations do not meet above criteria
⚠️ Needs further evaluation
May indicate fetal distress or sleep cycle
Unsatisfactory/Incomplete– Poor tracing quality
– Unable to interpret results
❌ Repeat NST or perform Biophysical Profile (BPP)


  • Baseline FHR: 110–160 bpm
  • Variability: Moderate variability (6–25 bpm) is normal
  • No decelerations: Late or variable decelerations may suggest hypoxia


🌼 Before the Test:

  • Explain the purpose, gain trust
  • Ensure privacy and comfort
  • Check that the mother has eaten
  • Ask about fetal movement and any recent concerns

🌼 During the Test:

  • Monitor fetal movements
  • Check the CTG machine for proper tracing
  • Reassure the mother throughout
  • If fetus is inactive, try gentle stimulation (change position, juice intake)

🌼 After the Test:

  • Interpret and record findings
  • Report non-reactive or abnormal NST immediately to the obstetrician
  • Document date, time, results, and mother’s condition
  • If reactive, reassure the mother and schedule the next follow-up
  • Advise kick counts and to report decreased fetal movement


FHR baseline140 bpm
Accelerations2 accelerations present
Fetal movements felt4
Action TakenNo further intervention needed


(Also known as Electronic Fetal Monitoring – EFM)


Cardiotocography (CTG) is a non-invasive procedure used to monitor fetal heart rate (FHR) and uterine contractions simultaneously. It helps assess fetal well-being, especially during the third trimester and labor.

It is a vital tool in high-risk pregnancies and labor monitoring to detect early signs of fetal distress.


  • Monitor baseline fetal heart rate
  • Evaluate fetal response to uterine contractions
  • Detect fetal distress/hypoxia
  • Monitor uterine contraction pattern
  • Help guide decisions about timing and mode of delivery


During Antenatal Period:

  • High-risk pregnancy (PIH, GDM, IUGR, Rh incompatibility)
  • Decreased fetal movement
  • Post-dated pregnancy (>40 weeks)
  • Non-reactive NST
  • Suspected placental insufficiency

During Intrapartum Period:

  • To monitor fetal response during labor
  • Induction of labor or oxytocin use
  • Meconium-stained liquor
  • Previous cesarean section
  • Multiple gestation


  • CTG Machine with:
    • Ultrasound transducer – to monitor FHR
    • Tocodynamometer – to monitor uterine contractions
  • Gel
  • Belts or straps


  1. Explain procedure to obtain consent
  2. Ensure the mother has emptied her bladder
  3. Position: Semi-recumbent or left lateral
  4. Apply gel to abdomen and fix both probes:
    • Ultrasound transducer over fetal back (detected via Leopold’s maneuvers)
    • Toco probe over uterine fundus (where contractions are felt)


1. Fetal Heart Rate (FHR)

| Normal Baseline | 110–160 bpm | | Tachycardia | >160 bpm | | Bradycardia | <110 bpm |

2. Baseline Variability

(The beat-to-beat fluctuation of FHR)

| Normal | 6–25 bpm variability | | Absent or Minimal | <5 bpm → Possible hypoxia/sleep | | Marked | >25 bpm → May be due to fetal activity or distress |

3. Accelerations

  • Sudden ↑ in FHR by ≥15 bpm lasting ≥15 seconds
  • Sign of fetal well-being

4. Decelerations

  • Drop in FHR; may indicate cord compression or hypoxia
EarlyNormal, due to head compression
LateAbnormal, due to uteroplacental insufficiency
VariableCord compression – may need intervention

5. Uterine Contractions

  • Frequency, duration, intensity (measured in mmHg on monitor)


CTG CategoryFeaturesClinical Action
NormalBaseline 110–160 bpm, moderate variability, no late decelsContinue routine monitoring
SuspiciousOne abnormal feature (e.g., mild bradycardia, reduced variability)Closer observation, repeat test
PathologicalPersistent bradycardia, absent variability, late decelsUrgent intervention or delivery


  1. Preparation:
    • Explain and reassure the mother
    • Ensure comfortable positioning
    • Apply transducers correctly
  2. Monitoring:
    • Monitor FHR and contractions for at least 20–30 minutes
    • Observe and record any abnormal patterns
    • Note fetal movements during the trace
  3. Documentation:
    • Record date, time, FHR, variability, accelerations, decelerations, uterine activity
    • Keep printed CTG strip in patient’s file
  4. Action:
    • Inform obstetrician immediately if abnormal CTG
    • Assist with further evaluation (BPP, emergency delivery)
    • Provide emotional support to anxious mothers


  • FHR <110 or >160 bpm
  • No variability
  • Late decelerations
  • Prolonged contractions or hyperstimulation

🌸 USG – Ultrasonography in Pregnancy


Ultrasonography (USG) is a safe, non-invasive, and widely used imaging technique in obstetrics. It uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of the developing fetus, placenta, uterus, and surrounding structures.

USG is an essential tool in antenatal care for assessing fetal development, detecting abnormalities, and guiding decisions throughout pregnancy.


  • Confirm pregnancy and viability
  • Determine gestational age and EDD
  • Monitor fetal growth and position
  • Detect congenital anomalies
  • Assess placental location and amniotic fluid
  • Diagnose multiple pregnancy
  • Identify complications (IUGR, ectopic, molar pregnancy, etc.)


Dating Scan (Early Pregnancy Scan)6–9 weeksConfirm viability, rule out ectopic pregnancy, assess crown-rump length (CRL) for dating
NT Scan (Nuchal Translucency)11–14 weeksScreen for chromosomal abnormalities (Down syndrome, Trisomy 18)
Anomaly Scan (Level II)18–22 weeksDetect structural abnormalities (brain, heart, spine, kidneys, limbs)
Growth Scan28–32 weeksAssess fetal size, weight, growth pattern, and well-being
Term Scan36–38 weeksConfirm fetal position, placental site, and amniotic fluid volume
Other USGsAs neededFor complications like bleeding, pain, IUGR, PIH, or previous history of loss


Transvaginal USG (TVS)Early pregnancy, cervical length
Doppler USGAssesses blood flow in umbilical artery and fetal vessels
3D/4D USGBetter visualization of fetal anomalies and movement


ParameterWhat It Shows
Fetal HeartbeatViability (usually visible by 6–7 weeks)
Gestational AgeBased on CRL, BPD, FL, HC, AC
Fetal NumberSingleton or twins/triplets
Fetal PositionCephalic, breech, transverse
Fetal Weight and GrowthAssessed in later trimesters
Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI)Normal: 8–18 cm
Oligohydramnios: <5 cm
Polyhydramnios: >24 cm
Placental LocationAnterior, posterior, fundal, low-lying (placenta previa)
Structural AnomaliesCleft lip, neural tube defects, cardiac anomalies, limb deformities


🌼 Before the USG:

  • Educate the mother about the purpose of the scan
  • Instruct about bladder filling if needed (for early transabdominal USG)
  • Provide emotional support, especially in anxious mothers
  • Review any prior test reports

🌼 During the USG:

  • Assist in positioning the mother
  • Help apply gel and ensure privacy
  • Support the radiologist or sonographer if needed
  • Calm and reassure the mother throughout the procedure

🌼 After the USG:

  • Ensure mother understands results (as appropriate)
  • Document USG findings in ANC card and records
  • Guide next steps if abnormalities are suspected (referral, follow-up scans)
  • Reinforce kick count monitoring and follow-up appointments


  • No fetal heartbeat after 7 weeks
  • Low-lying placenta or placenta previa
  • Major congenital anomalies
  • Abnormal growth or IUGR
  • Reduced amniotic fluid
  • Non-cephalic presentation near term


  • No ionizing radiation
  • Safe in all trimesters
  • Can be repeated as clinically indicated
  • Transvaginal USG is safe and more accurate in early pregnancy



Vibroacoustic Stimulation (VAS) is a non-invasive procedure used to stimulate the fetus using sound and vibration to provoke a fetal heart rate (FHR) acceleration. It is mainly used to assess fetal well-being and confirm fetal reactivity during a non-stress test (NST).


  • To stimulate fetal movement during a non-reactive NST
  • Confirm the presence of fetal reactivity
  • Reduce the need for extended monitoring or more invasive tests
  • Differentiate between fetal sleep and hypoxia
  • Assist in intrapartum fetal assessment


  • During a non-reactive NST (no accelerations within 20 minutes)
  • In high-risk pregnancies where quick reassurance of fetal well-being is needed
  • To stimulate fetal activity for better FHR evaluation
  • Sometimes during labor to assess fetal response


  • VAS device (artificial larynx or acoustic stimulator)
  • CTG/NST machine (cardiotocograph)
  • Conductive gel (if needed)
  • Watch/timer


  • Explain the purpose of the procedure
  • Ensure the mother is in a semi-recumbent or left lateral position
  • Ask the mother to report fetal movements
  • Place the FHR transducer using Leopold’s maneuver to locate fetal back


  1. Apply the CTG transducer and ensure baseline FHR tracing is obtained.
  2. Place the VAS device over the fetal head area (usually over the fetal back) on the maternal abdomen.
  3. Deliver sound stimulus for 1–3 seconds.
  4. Repeat stimulus up to 3 times, at 1-minute intervals, if no response is noted.
  5. Monitor the fetal heart rate for 5–10 minutes after stimulation.


Fetal ResponseInterpretation
Acceleration of FHR ≥15 bpm lasting ≥15 seconds within 15–20 minutesReactive – reassuring
No acceleration or poor variability even after 3 attempts⚠️ Non-reactive – possible hypoxia or fetal compromise
Requires further evaluation (BPP, Doppler, delivery if needed)


  • Known fetal hearing loss
  • Preterm pregnancy (<32 weeks) due to immature auditory system
  • Known congenital malformations
  • Placenta previa, unexplained vaginal bleeding
  • Intrauterine infection or chorioamnionitis


🌼 Before the Procedure:

  • Explain the procedure and gain cooperation
  • Ensure CTG setup is functioning
  • Perform Leopold’s maneuver to locate fetal back

🌼 During the Procedure:

  • Correctly apply VAS device and limit stimulation to <3 seconds
  • Observe and record FHR response
  • Do not overuse stimulation to avoid fetal stress

🌼 After the Procedure:

  • Continue CTG tracing for 10–20 minutes
  • Interpret findings: Was the NST reactive after VAS?
  • Record in ANC/labor record
  • Report non-reactive VAS results to the obstetrician


  • Quick and safe test
  • Reduces false-positive non-reactive NSTs
  • Improves accuracy of fetal surveillance
  • Non-invasive and easy to perform


  • May not be effective if the fetus is compromised
  • Can cause temporary fetal tachycardia if overused
  • Should not be used indiscriminately



Biochemical tests during pregnancy are essential for:

  • Monitoring the health of the mother
  • Screening for fetal abnormalities
  • Detecting maternal infections and metabolic disorders
  • Guiding timely medical or obstetric interventions

These tests typically involve analysis of blood, urine, and other body fluids to evaluate physiological changes and screen for diseases.


🩸 FIRST TRIMESTER (Up to 12 weeks)

Hemoglobin (Hb%)Detect anemia
Blood Group & Rh TypingIdentify Rh incompatibility
Blood Sugar (FBS/RBS)Screen for undiagnosed diabetes
HIV, HBsAg, VDRLScreen for infections (as per PPTCT guidelines)
Urine Routine & MicroscopyDetect proteinuria, UTI, glucose
Thyroid Function Test (TSH, T3, T4)Assess thyroid health (especially in high-risk pregnancies)
Serum Creatinine & UreaAssess kidney function
Serum Bilirubin, LFTsIf liver disease is suspected
Rubella IgG, Toxoplasma IgM, CMV, HSV (TORCH Panel) (if indicated)Screen for infections causing fetal malformations

🧪 SECOND TRIMESTER (13–28 weeks)

Triple Marker Test (AFP, hCG, Estriol)Screening for Down syndrome, Trisomy 18, Neural Tube Defects
Quadruple Marker Test (Adds Inhibin-A)More accurate screening than triple marker
Glucose Challenge Test (GCT) or Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)Detect Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)
Repeat Hb and Urine TestsMonitor anemia and UTIs
Indirect Coombs Test (ICT) (for Rh-negative mothers)Detect Rh sensitization before Anti-D administration

💉 THIRD TRIMESTER (29 weeks onward)

Repeat Hb, Blood Sugar, and Urine TestsMonitor maternal condition
HIV, HBsAg, VDRL (Re-test in some protocols)Ensure infection control during delivery
Serum Uric AcidMonitor preeclampsia
Liver and Renal Function TestsIn suspected PIH or HELLP syndrome
NST, Biophysical Profile, or DopplerAssess fetal well-being (though not biochemical, often done alongside)


Serum FerritinAssess iron stores
Vitamin D & Calcium LevelsEvaluate in cases of bone pain or muscle cramps
HbA1cGlycemic control over 3 months (for known diabetics)
Serum Progesterone / Beta-hCGEvaluate early pregnancy viability
Cervical Fetal Fibronectin (fFN)Predict risk of preterm labor


🌼 Before Testing:

  • Educate the mother on purpose and preparation (e.g., fasting for GTT)
  • Verify identity and test requirements
  • Ensure consent and comfort

🌼 During Testing:

  • Assist with sample collection (blood/urine)
  • Maintain asepsis and proper labeling
  • Ensure cold chain/storage for sample transport (if needed)

🌼 After Testing:

  • Interpret and report abnormal values to the doctor
  • Document results in ANC card and records
  • Counsel the mother on results and necessary precautions/treatments
  • Ensure compliance with treatment (e.g., iron, insulin, antibiotics)



Antenatal Care (ANC) refers to the supervised care of a pregnant woman from conception to the onset of labor. It is a crucial part of maternal and child health services and aims to ensure a healthy pregnancy outcome for both mother and baby.


  1. Promote and maintain the health of the mother and fetus
  2. Detect and manage high-risk pregnancies and complications
  3. Prepare the woman for labor, birth, and postpartum care
  4. Educate about nutrition, hygiene, newborn care, and breastfeeding
  5. Reduce maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality


Visit NumberWhen
1st visitBefore 12 weeks
2nd visit14–26 weeks
3rd visit28–34 weeks
4th visit36–38 weeks
➡️ High-risk pregnancies may require more frequent visits.


1. 📝 History Taking

  • Personal history: name, age, marital status, address
  • Obstetric history: Gravida, Para, Abortions, Living children (G-P-A-L)
  • Menstrual history: LMP, EDD (Naegele’s Rule)
  • Medical/surgical history: diabetes, hypertension, asthma
  • Family history: genetic disorders, twin pregnancy
  • Dietary and lifestyle habits
  • Socioeconomic status and support system

2. 🧍‍♀️ General Physical Examination

  • Height and weight (BMI)
  • Blood pressure
  • Pulse and respiration
  • Temperature
  • Signs of anemia (pallor)
  • Edema (face, hands, feet)
  • Breast examination
  • Oral hygiene and dental status

3. 🤰 Obstetric Examination

a. Abdominal Examination (from 16 weeks)

  • Inspection: shape, size, movements, scars
  • Palpation (Leopold’s Maneuvers):
    • Fundal height (correlates with gestational age)
    • Fetal lie, presentation, and position
    • Engagement of the presenting part
  • Auscultation of Fetal Heart Rate (FHR):
    • Normal: 110–160 bpm

b. Pelvic Examination

  • Done only if indicated (late pregnancy or in complications)
  • Assess pelvic adequacy, cervical changes, vaginal infections

4. 🧪 Routine Laboratory Investigations

Hemoglobin (Hb%)Detect anemia
Blood Group & Rh TypingRh incompatibility
Urine Routine & MicroscopyDetect UTI, proteinuria, glycosuria
HIV, HBsAg, VDRLInfections screening
Random Blood Sugar / OGTTDetect gestational diabetes
UltrasoundConfirm dating, fetal anomalies, growth monitoring
Indirect Coombs Test (ICT)In Rh-negative mothers

5. 💊 Supplementation & Immunization

Iron + Folic Acid (IFA)1 tablet/day from 14–16 weeks for 180 days
Calcium + Vitamin D2 tablets/day from 14 weeks
Deworming (Albendazole 400 mg)After first trimester
Tetanus + Diphtheria (Td) Vaccine2 doses 4 weeks apart, starting after 16 weeks
Or 1 booster dose if previously vaccinated

6. 📚 Health Education and Counseling

  • Balanced diet and hydration
  • Personal hygiene and adequate rest
  • Antenatal exercises and posture
  • Danger signs in pregnancy
  • Importance of regular check-ups
  • Birth preparedness and complication readiness (BPCR)
  • Breastfeeding and newborn care
  • Importance of institutional delivery
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking, and self-medication

7. 🩺 Assessment of Fetal Well-being

  • Fetal movement (kick count from 28 weeks)
  • Fetal heart rate monitoring
  • Ultrasound for growth and position
  • Non-Stress Test (NST), Biophysical Profile (BPP) if high-risk


  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Severe headache, blurred vision
  • Abdominal pain
  • Swelling of face and hands
  • Decreased or no fetal movements
  • Fever or foul-smelling discharge
  • Convulsions


  1. Provide holistic antenatal assessment
  2. Perform routine examinations and assist in investigations
  3. Counsel the mother and her family
  4. Ensure immunization and supplement compliance
  5. Identify high-risk pregnancies early
  6. Maintain proper documentation (ANC card/record)
  7. Refer complicated cases to higher centers
  8. Provide emotional support and continuity of care



Women-Centered Care (WCC) is a philosophy of care that respects and prioritizes the individual needs, preferences, rights, and autonomy of the woman throughout her reproductive, maternal, and postnatal journey. It is based on holistic, respectful, and collaborative care.

WCC shifts the focus from the medical system’s needs to the woman’s experience, empowering her to make informed choices about her health.


  1. Empower women to participate actively in their own health decisions
  2. Promote dignity, respect, and compassion in maternity care
  3. Ensure safe, satisfying, and culturally sensitive experiences during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum
  4. Prevent disrespect, discrimination, and abuse in healthcare
  5. Strengthen the woman’s physical, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being


Respect and dignityWomen are treated with courtesy, privacy, and respect regardless of background or choices
Autonomy and informed choiceWomen have the right to make decisions about their care based on accurate and full information
Holistic careAddresses physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and cultural needs
Continuity of careThe same team/provider follows the woman throughout pregnancy, labor, and postnatal care
Communication and supportOpen, non-judgmental, and compassionate communication
CollaborationWoman is considered a partner in care along with the midwife, doctor, and other healthcare providers


1. During Antenatal Care (ANC):

  • Respect the woman’s choices about tests, supplements, birth plans
  • Educate and support decision-making without forcing interventions
  • Offer culturally acceptable information
  • Recognize the importance of emotional well-being during pregnancy

2. During Labor and Delivery:

  • Allow choice of birth position, pain relief methods, and birth companions
  • Encourage physiological childbirth (natural unless medically indicated)
  • Respect her dignity, modesty, and need for privacy
  • Support delayed cord clamping and immediate skin-to-skin contact

3. During Postnatal Care:

  • Support her choices around breastfeeding, newborn care, and postpartum rest
  • Involve her in decisions about contraception and family planning
  • Screen for postnatal depression or anxiety, and provide mental health support


  1. Listen actively to the woman’s preferences, concerns, and values
  2. Provide evidence-based information in a clear, non-medical language
  3. Advocate for the woman’s rights in clinical settings
  4. Avoid judgment about personal, cultural, or reproductive choices
  5. Support informed consent before any procedure or intervention
  6. Promote shared decision-making with doctors and the woman
  7. Respect cultural practices as long as they are safe
  8. Ensure continuity of care and emotional support
  9. Protect against disrespect and abuse in maternity care
  10. Document clearly and truthfully about decisions made by the woman


  • Respectful Maternity Care (RMC) is a key component of women-centered care.
  • WCC is essential to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 3 – reducing maternal and neonatal mortality.
  • Promotes trust in the healthcare system, reducing home births without skilled attendants.


ScenarioWomen-Centered Approach
Woman requests not to be examined by male staffAssign female provider where possible
Woman wants to try vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC)Provide information, risks, and support choice
Refuses certain tests due to religious beliefsRespect decision and document accordingly
Experiencing fear of childbirthOffer emotional support, education, and reassurance


  • Improved maternal satisfaction and confidence
  • Better adherence to antenatal/postnatal care
  • Fewer unnecessary interventions (like cesarean)
  • Safer, more respectful birthing experiences
  • Strengthened mother-infant bonding and breastfeeding success

Respectful Maternity Care & Compassionate Communication


Respectful Care and Compassionate Communication are essential components of humanized maternal healthcare. They ensure that every woman receives care that is dignified, empathetic, culturally appropriate, and free from abuse, neglect, or discrimination.

They form the foundation of Women-Centered Care and are central to the World Health Organization (WHO) standards for quality maternal and newborn care.


  1. Preserve the dignity, privacy, and autonomy of women in healthcare settings
  2. Build trust and therapeutic relationships between women and caregivers
  3. Prevent disrespect and abuse in maternity care
  4. Improve health outcomes and maternal satisfaction
  5. Encourage women to seek timely and regular health services


(As per WHO framework)

🌼 Key Rights of Women in Maternal Care:

  1. Right to be treated with respect and dignity
  2. Right to information, informed consent, and choice
  3. Right to privacy and confidentiality
  4. Right to equitable care without discrimination
  5. Right to freedom from harm and abuse
  6. Right to companionship during labor (if desired)
  7. Right to timely and appropriate care


A skill that involves speaking and listening with empathy, kindness, and sensitivity.

🌸 Principles of Compassionate Communication in Maternity Care:

Active ListeningGive full attention, avoid interruptions, nod, and show interest
Use of Simple LanguageAvoid medical jargon; use words the woman can understand
EmpathyAcknowledge feelings; say “I understand this is difficult for you”
Non-verbal CuesMaintain eye contact, smile, soft tone, gentle touch
Validation of FeelingsRespect fears, concerns, and cultural beliefs
Respect for ChoiceSupport the woman’s decisions even if they differ from routine practice
Calmness and PatienceEspecially during labor, anxiety, or complications


🔹 In Antenatal Care:

  • Maintain privacy during examination
  • Listen actively to the woman’s concerns
  • Explain all procedures and seek consent
  • Provide education without judgment
  • Respect cultural practices as long as they are safe

🔹 In Labor and Delivery:

  • Introduce yourself and explain your role
  • Always ask before touching or performing any procedure
  • Allow birth companions if the woman desires
  • Use calming words and provide encouragement
  • Avoid shouting, scolding, or blaming the woman
  • Allow preferred birthing position if safe and possible

🔹 In Postnatal Care:

  • Offer emotional support to new mothers
  • Respect her choices about breastfeeding or infant care
  • Address her mental and emotional health
  • Encourage questions and offer guidance kindly


  • Yelling, scolding, or mocking the woman during labor
  • Performing procedures without consent
  • Leaving a woman unattended during labor
  • Refusing care due to caste, religion, age, or marital status
  • Denying pain relief without explanation
  • Not allowing a birth companion (when policy allows)


  • Increases maternal trust and satisfaction
  • Promotes positive birth experiences
  • Encourages women to return for future care
  • Reduces maternal stress and improves health outcomes
  • Builds respectful midwife-client relationships


  • “You are doing well. I’m here to help you.”
  • “Do you have any questions or concerns?”
  • “Would you like someone to be with you?”
  • “I’ll explain what I’m going to do before we begin.”
  • “Your feelings are valid. We will support you.”



A referral is the process of transferring a pregnant woman or neonate from one level of care to a higher-level facility for further assessment, treatment, or management when their condition goes beyond the available resources or skills at the primary care level.

Effective referrals are critical in preventing maternal and neonatal mortality, especially in high-risk or emergency situations.


  1. Provide timely and appropriate care at the correct level
  2. Ensure continuity of care
  3. Minimize delays in diagnosis and treatment
  4. Prevent complications and adverse outcomes
  5. Promote a functioning health system linkage between facilities


Routine ReferralPlanned referral for conditions like anemia, previous cesarean, high BP
Emergency ReferralUrgent referral for complications like bleeding, eclampsia, obstructed labor
Self-ReferralWhen the woman directly goes to a higher center without recommendation
Back-ReferralReferred patient sent back to original facility for follow-up care after stabilization


  • Severe anemia (Hb < 7 g/dL)
  • High-risk pregnancy (PIH, GDM, multiple pregnancy, IUGR)
  • Antepartum hemorrhage (APH)
  • Premature rupture of membranes (PROM)
  • Eclampsia or convulsions
  • Obstructed labor or prolonged labor
  • Malpresentation (breech, transverse lie)
  • Previous 2 or more cesarean deliveries
  • Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH)
  • Retained placenta or incomplete abortion
  • Severe infections or fever with chills


  • Low birth weight (<2 kg)
  • Birth asphyxia or poor Apgar score
  • Jaundice before 24 hours or very yellow skin
  • Breathing difficulty, seizures, or convulsions
  • Congenital anomalies
  • Refusal to feed or lethargy
  • Neonatal sepsis signs (fever, poor tone)


  1. Assessment: Confirm the need for referral
  2. Stabilization: Do initial treatment to prevent deterioration (e.g., IV fluids, oxygen, injections)
  3. Communication: Inform the referral center in advance
  4. Documentation: Complete a referral slip/form with clear clinical notes
  5. Transport: Arrange for safe, quick, and comfortable transport
  6. Accompaniment: Send an attendant or staff if necessary
  7. Back-Referral: Encourage feedback and follow-up from higher center


  • Patient name, age, gravida/para status
  • Reason for referral
  • Vital signs and examination findings
  • Investigations done
  • Treatment given before referral
  • Facility details and referring person’s name
  • Emergency contact or relative accompanying


IdentificationRecognize danger signs or high-risk cases early
Decision-makingConsult doctor/medical officer if unsure
CommunicationClearly explain reason for referral to the patient and family
StabilizationStart IV, give medication, monitor vitals before transfer
DocumentationWrite complete and accurate referral form
CounselingReassure the woman and reduce fear during the transfer
CoordinationArrange transport, call the referral center, inform higher facility


  • Lack of transport or delay in ambulance
  • Poor communication between facilities
  • Incomplete referral documentation
  • Family reluctance due to cost or distance
  • Lack of awareness among patients


  • Reduces maternal and newborn deaths
  • Promotes continuity and efficiency of care
  • Builds trust in the health system
  • Supports team-based care between nurses, doctors, and specialists



Collaboration in healthcare means working together across different professions and levels of care to provide the best possible outcomes for the mother, baby, and family. It involves mutual respect, shared responsibilities, and effective communication between midwives, nurses, doctors, specialists, families, and other care providers.


  1. Provide safe, comprehensive, and coordinated care
  2. Ensure early detection and timely management of complications
  3. Promote interdisciplinary decision-making
  4. Avoid duplication of services and delays in treatment
  5. Enhance patient satisfaction and healthcare provider efficiency


Midwife/NurseFirst point of contact, ongoing care, monitoring, education
Obstetrician/GynecologistHigh-risk pregnancy management, deliveries, surgical care
Pediatrician/NeonatologistNewborn resuscitation, neonatal care
AnesthetistLabor analgesia, C-section
DieticianNutritional counseling in pregnancy, anemia, GDM
Lab TechnicianTimely and accurate investigations
Social Worker/CounselorPsychosocial support, domestic violence cases
Family MembersSupport, decision-making, postnatal care


IntraprofessionalMidwives working together in a labor ward
InterprofessionalNurse-midwife collaborating with doctors and dieticians
MultidisciplinaryEntire team (OB-GYN, neonatologist, social worker) planning care for a high-risk mother
Client collaborationMother actively involved in decision-making about her birth plan


  1. Midwife identifies PIH → Refers to doctor → Doctor prescribes medication → Nurse monitors BP and educates mother
  2. High-risk pregnancy (GDM) → Nurse monitors sugar → Dietician plans meals → Physician adjusts insulin
  3. Obstructed labor → Midwife informs doctor → Doctor assesses and prepares for C-section → Anesthetist and OT team are involved
  4. Neonatal resuscitation needed → Midwife delivers → Pediatrician resuscitates → NICU nurse takes over care


Mutual RespectValue each team member’s skills and contributions
Open CommunicationShare relevant information clearly and promptly
Shared Decision-MakingAll team members contribute to care planning
Trust & AccountabilityEach person is responsible and dependable
Client-Centered ApproachKeep the woman and baby’s needs at the center


  1. Communicator: Share clinical findings and updates with the team
  2. Coordinator: Schedule appointments, ensure follow-ups
  3. Educator: Provide information to the mother and team members
  4. Advocate: Speak up for the woman’s rights and preferences
  5. Facilitator: Help bring the team together and resolve conflict if needed
  6. Observer: Monitor changes in condition and report promptly
  7. Documenter: Record all referrals, decisions, and outcomes clearly


  • Better maternal and neonatal outcomes
  • Increased efficiency and reduced medical errors
  • Enhanced staff satisfaction and professional growth
  • Faster and more coordinated responses to emergencies
  • Empowered mothers through shared decision-making


  • Delayed or inappropriate care
  • Miscommunication and medical errors
  • Increased maternal or neonatal morbidity
  • Staff frustration and burnout
  • Loss of trust by the patient/family



Empowerment in nursing and midwifery refers to the process of enabling women to take control over their own health, decisions, and lives. It involves educating, supporting, encouraging, and respecting women so they can make informed choices about their bodies, pregnancies, childbirth, and families.

Empowered women are more likely to have healthy pregnancies, seek timely care, and make decisions that benefit their own health and that of their babies.


  1. Increase a woman’s confidence and self-efficacy
  2. Promote informed decision-making in pregnancy and childbirth
  3. Encourage women to actively participate in their own care
  4. Improve maternal and neonatal health outcomes
  5. Reduce gender inequalities and health disparities
  6. Protect women’s rights, dignity, and autonomy


Health EmpowermentWomen understand their health conditions and know how to manage them
Emotional EmpowermentWomen feel supported, heard, and emotionally secure
Educational EmpowermentWomen are informed about their bodies, birth options, and baby care
Social EmpowermentWomen can access resources, support systems, and make decisions freely
Economic EmpowermentWomen have financial control and decision-making power regarding healthcare


PrincipleApplication in Practice
Respect for autonomySupport women in making their own health decisions
Access to informationEducate in simple language using visual aids or local languages
Active participationEncourage involvement in birth planning and self-care
Supportive careProvide emotional encouragement and non-judgmental communication
Skill-buildingTeach women about nutrition, hygiene, baby care, and breastfeeding


  1. Educator:
    • Provide antenatal and postnatal education
    • Use group teaching, demonstrations, flipcharts, and individual counseling
  2. Counselor:
    • Support women in emotional distress
    • Discuss fears and encourage confidence
  3. Advocate:
    • Stand up for the woman’s rights (e.g., informed consent, privacy)
    • Intervene if care is disrespectful or discriminatory
  4. Facilitator:
    • Encourage birth companions, birth plans, and choice of birthing positions
  5. Mentor:
    • Teach adolescent girls and women about reproductive health, menstrual hygiene, and family planning
  6. Supporter of Decision-Making:
    • Involve women in decisions regarding labor, delivery methods, pain relief, and newborn care


ScenarioEmpowered Action
Pregnant woman asks for birth planMidwife helps her create one
Woman requests to delay proceduresHer choice is respected unless urgent
First-time mother feels anxiousNurse reassures, explains stages of labor, breathing techniques
Mother asks for breastfeeding helpNurse shows proper latch and encourages her efforts


  • Improves maternal confidence and self-worth
  • Enhances compliance with health practices
  • Reduces maternal stress and anxiety
  • Leads to better birth outcomes and postpartum recovery
  • Fosters positive mother-infant bonding
  • Builds long-term trust in the healthcare system


  • Lack of education or health literacy
  • Gender-based discrimination
  • Cultural taboos or family restrictions
  • Healthcare workers who are disrespectful or unapproachable
  • Lack of privacy or choice in care settings

III Trimester



Maternal mental health is a critical component of overall maternal well-being. Pregnancy and the postpartum period bring significant physical, emotional, and social changes, making women vulnerable to mental health challenges.

Ongoing risk assessment is the continuous process of identifying, monitoring, and responding to mental health concerns in pregnant and postpartum women to ensure timely support and care.


  1. Detect early signs of emotional or psychological distress
  2. Identify risk factors for depression, anxiety, or other mental illnesses
  3. Promote timely referral and intervention
  4. Support the woman’s mental and emotional well-being
  5. Ensure a safe and nurturing environment for the baby


  • At every ANC and PNC visit
  • During home visits or community health check-ups
  • On hospital admission for labor and post-delivery
  • At the 6-week postpartum check-up
  • Whenever the woman or family reports behavioral changes


Antenatal Depression/AnxietyDuring pregnancy
Postpartum Depression (PPD)Within 6 weeks to 12 months after delivery
Baby BluesMild mood swings within 3–5 days of birth
Postpartum PsychosisSevere, rare condition, usually within 2 weeks of delivery


History of mental illnessDomestic violenceHormonal changes
Lack of emotional supportPoverty, unemploymentSleep deprivation
Low self-esteemUnplanned pregnancyNutritional deficiencies
Fear of childbirthTeenage pregnancyChronic medical illness
Previous perinatal lossMarital conflictMultiple pregnancy


Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS)10-question tool to detect depression; score >10 indicates concern
PHQ-9 (Patient Health Questionnaire)Screens for depression symptoms
GAD-7Screens for generalized anxiety disorder
Clinical interviewBased on behavior, appearance, mood, and speech


Sadness or tearfulnessWithdrawal from othersSleep disturbance
Anxiety or excessive worryNeglecting self-care or babyAppetite changes
Irritability or angerCrying spellsFatigue
Loss of interest or pleasureSuicidal thoughtsHeadaches/body pain

➡️ Red Flags: Suicidal ideation, hallucinations, severe withdrawal, or neglect of the baby → urgent referral needed


🌼 During Antenatal Care:

  • Ask open-ended questions about emotional health
  • Include mental health screening as part of ANC visits
  • Provide privacy and non-judgmental listening
  • Educate woman and family on common emotional changes in pregnancy
  • Identify high-risk cases and refer to mental health professionals

🌼 During Postnatal Care:

  • Assess mood and bonding with baby
  • Check for sleep, appetite, and coping behavior
  • Support breastfeeding and mother-infant attachment
  • Monitor for baby blues vs. postpartum depression
  • Arrange home visits or community follow-up when needed


  • “How have you been feeling emotionally lately?”
  • “Do you feel overwhelmed or anxious often?”
  • “Are you sleeping and eating well?”
  • “Do you have thoughts of harming yourself or your baby?”
  • “Would you like to talk to someone about your feelings?”


  • Educate family about warning signs and support methods
  • Encourage involvement of husband/partner or caregivers
  • Link with ASHA/ANM workers for home-based follow-up
  • Use peer support groups or community health programs


  • Mild symptoms: Counseling, emotional support, relaxation, yoga, self-care tips
  • Moderate to severe symptoms: Referral to psychiatrist, psychologist, or mental health counselor
  • Emergency (suicidal thoughts, psychosis): Immediate hospital admission and psychiatric care

Education and Management of Physiological Changes & Discomforts in the Third Trimester (28–40 weeks)


The third trimester marks the final phase of pregnancy (weeks 28 to delivery). The fetus undergoes rapid growth, and the mother’s body adapts to prepare for labor and birth. These changes can lead to physical discomforts, emotional stress, and the need for increased education and support.


  1. Prepare the woman for labor and delivery
  2. Help her cope with discomforts
  3. Promote fetal and maternal well-being
  4. Encourage birth preparedness and complication readiness (BPCR)
  5. Reinforce healthy habits and emotional support


1. Increased Abdominal Size & Uterine Pressure

ChangeDiscomfortNursing Advice
Growing uterus displaces internal organsShortness of breath, heaviness, pressure on bladder– Encourage upright posture
– Sleep with head elevated
– Wear loose, supportive clothing

2. Backache & Pelvic Pain

| Cause | Loosening of pelvic joints, increased weight | | Nursing Management |

  • Teach good posture and back support
  • Use maternity pillows for sleep
  • Suggest mild exercises/yoga (e.g., cat-cow pose)
  • Apply warm compresses
  • Wear low-heeled shoes

3. Frequent Urination

| Cause | Uterine pressure on bladder | | Nursing Advice |

  • Reassure that it’s common
  • Encourage regular voiding
  • Avoid caffeine and fluids close to bedtime
  • Monitor for UTI symptoms (burning, pain)

4. Constipation

| Cause | Progesterone slows bowel movement, iron supplements | | Nursing Advice |

  • High-fiber diet (fruits, vegetables, whole grains)
  • Adequate fluid intake (8–10 glasses daily)
  • Encourage walking or light activity
  • Avoid overuse of laxatives

5. Heartburn & Indigestion

| Cause | Relaxation of esophageal sphincter and pressure from uterus | | Nursing Advice |

  • Eat small, frequent meals
  • Avoid spicy, fried, or acidic foods
  • Don’t lie down immediately after meals
  • Elevate head during sleep

6. Leg Cramps

| Cause | Compression of blood vessels/nerves, calcium deficiency | | Nursing Advice |

  • Gentle leg stretching before bed
  • Massage and apply warm compresses
  • Ensure calcium + magnesium supplements
  • Stay hydrated

7. Edema (Swelling of Feet & Ankles)

| Cause | Fluid retention, pressure on veins | | Nursing Advice |

  • Elevate legs while resting
  • Avoid standing or sitting for long periods
  • Wear comfortable shoes
  • Rule out preeclampsia if swelling is sudden/severe with high BP

8. Fatigue and Sleep Disturbances

| Cause | Hormonal changes, fetal movements, anxiety | | Nursing Advice |

  • Encourage short naps during the day
  • Use pillows to support the abdomen and back
  • Practice breathing/relaxation techniques before bed
  • Light walking or prenatal yoga

9. Breast Changes & Colostrum Leakage

| Cause | Hormonal preparation for breastfeeding | | Nursing Advice |

  • Reassure the woman it is normal
  • Use soft breast pads if leaking
  • Wear supportive maternity bras
  • Educate about early signs of milk production

10. Braxton Hicks Contractions (False Labor)

| Feature | Irregular, mild, non-progressive contractions | | Nursing Advice |

  • Reassure that it prepares the uterus for labor
  • Encourage hydration and rest
  • Educate on the difference between true labor and false labor


Birth preparednessPack hospital bag, choose birth companion, transport plan
Danger signsVaginal bleeding, leaking fluid, severe headache, vision problems, no fetal movement
Fetal movement monitoring (DFMC)Count 10 kicks in 12 hours or 4 in 1 hour
Pre-labor signsLightening, mucus plug, regular contractions
Labor stages & pain managementBreathing exercises, massage, support techniques
BreastfeedingEarly initiation, exclusive breastfeeding, colostrum benefits
Postnatal care & newborn carePersonal hygiene, baby bathing, cord care, immunization


  • Assess: Monitor for high-risk signs at each ANC visit
  • Educate: Explain all changes in a reassuring and simple manner
  • Support: Address physical, emotional, and social concerns
  • Refer: High-risk cases (e.g., PIH, IUGR, decreased fetal movement)
  • Document: All assessments, education given, and interventions
  • Empower: Help women feel confident about their bodies and upcoming labor

Third Trimester Tests and Screening (28–40 Weeks)


The third trimester is a critical period for monitoring maternal health, fetal growth, and well-being, and to prepare for safe delivery. Various laboratory tests, imaging studies, and screenings are carried out to detect late pregnancy complications and guide decision-making for birth.


  1. Detect maternal and fetal complications (e.g., anemia, GDM, preeclampsia, IUGR)
  2. Monitor fetal growth and position
  3. Assess placental function and amniotic fluid
  4. Prepare for timely referral or intervention
  5. Ensure the mother is ready for safe labor and delivery


Hemoglobin (Hb%)Monitor for anemia~28–32 weeks
Urine Albumin and SugarDetect proteinuria (PIH), glucosuria (GDM)Every visit
Blood Sugar (RBS/FBS/OGTT)Detect or monitor gestational diabetes28–32 weeks
Ultrasound (Growth Scan)Check fetal growth, AFI, placenta28–34 weeks
Blood Grouping (if not done earlier)Confirm Rh statusBefore 32 weeks
Indirect Coombs Test (ICT)For Rh-negative mothers to detect alloimmunizationAt 28 weeks
HIV, HBsAg, VDRL (repeat in some protocols)Detect infections before delivery32–36 weeks
Complete Blood Count (CBC)Reassess anemia, infections28–32 weeks
Tetanus Toxoid Booster (Td)Immunization (1 or 2 doses depending on status)After 28 weeks


NST (Non-Stress Test)Decreased fetal movement, PIH, IUGR
Doppler StudySuspected IUGR, abnormal AFI, hypertensive disorders
Liver Function Test (LFT), Renal Function Test (RFT)If preeclampsia/HELLP is suspected
Serum Uric AcidHigh BP, preeclampsia
Cervical Swab Culture (if leaking or discharge)Suspected infection or PROM
GBS (Group B Streptococcus) Screening (optional or as per local policy)Vaginal swab at 35–37 weeks to prevent neonatal sepsis


Fetal BiometryEstimate fetal weight, growth parameters
Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI)Normal: 8–18 cm
Oligohydramnios: <5 cm
Polyhydramnios: >24 cm
Placental Location & MaturityRule out placenta previa or calcification
Fetal Position & PresentationBreech, cephalic, transverse
Biophysical Profile (BPP)Fetal well-being scoring (movement, tone, breathing, AFI, NST)


  1. Educate the mother about the importance of third-trimester tests
  2. Prepare the woman for each test (e.g., fasting for OGTT, hydration for USG)
  3. Assist in sample collection and ensure correct labeling
  4. Monitor and document test results
  5. Identify danger signs or abnormal reports
  6. Refer promptly if complications like anemia, GDM, preeclampsia, IUGR are detected
  7. Provide emotional support, especially if abnormal findings are discovered


  • High BP (PIH/Preeclampsia)
  • Reduced fetal movements
  • Excessive weight gain or swelling (edema)
  • Vaginal bleeding or watery discharge
  • Signs of infection (fever, foul discharge)

Fetal Engagement in Late Pregnancy


Fetal engagement is a term used to describe when the presenting part of the fetus (usually the head) descends into the maternal pelvic brim and becomes fixed in the pelvis in preparation for labor and delivery.

This typically occurs in late third trimester, especially in primigravida women (first-time mothers), often 2–4 weeks before labor begins. In multigravidas, engagement may occur closer to or during labor.


Fetal engagement is said to have occurred when the biparietal diameter (BPD) of the fetal head passes through the pelvic inlet and enters the true pelvis.


  • Prepares the fetus for descent through the birth canal
  • Indicates that the pelvis is adequate for vaginal delivery (especially in primigravida)
  • Suggests that labor may start soon


ParityEarlier in primigravida, later in multigravida
Fetal Lie and PresentationOnly occurs in longitudinal lie, cephalic presentation
Pelvic adequacyAdequate pelvis allows engagement
Uterine tone and fetal sizeOverdistension or large baby may delay engagement
Position of fetusFavorable (LOA, ROA) promotes easier engagement


LighteningWoman feels lighter as the fundus descends
Relief from breathlessnessLess pressure on diaphragm
Increased pelvic pressureHeaviness or pressure in lower pelvis and bladder
Frequent urinationDue to pressure on bladder
Changes in abdominal shapeUterus appears lower
BackacheDue to shifting of fetal weight
Improved appetiteDue to reduced pressure on stomach


1️⃣ Abdominal Palpation (Leopold’s Fourth Maneuver)

| Method | Midwife faces the woman’s feet and palpates just above the symphysis pubis to feel the presenting part | | Interpretation |

  • Engaged: Head is fixed and cannot be moved side to side
  • Not engaged: Head is still mobile or ballotable

2️⃣ Pelvic Examination (Per Vaginal – PV)

(Done by doctor or trained midwife in hospital setting)

| Method | Fingers assess how many fifths of the fetal head are palpable above the pelvic brim | | Interpretation |

  • Fully engaged: 0/5 head palpable (none above pelvis)
  • Partially engaged: 1/5 to 4/5 palpable
  • Not engaged: 5/5 palpable (whole head above brim)

3️⃣ Imaging (Ultrasound)

  • Confirms fetal position, engagement, and station of head
  • Useful when abdominal findings are inconclusive

⚖️ STATION OF THE PRESENTING PART (In relation to ischial spines)

0Head at the level of ischial spines (engaged)
+1 to +5Below spines – descending through birth canal
–1 to –5Above spines – not yet engaged


  1. Observe and assess for signs of engagement at each ANC visit after 36 weeks
  2. Reassure the woman about normal changes (lightening, increased urination)
  3. Differentiate engagement vs descent during labor
  4. Record findings in ANC card/partograph
  5. Encourage pelvic floor exercises and upright positions to aid engagement
  6. Refer for evaluation if engagement does not occur in primigravida by 38–39 weeks


  • Persistent high head in a primigravida at term
  • Large fetus or abnormal lie (breech, transverse)
  • Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD)
  • Pelvic tumor or placenta previa

➡️ Requires referral to an obstetrician for further evaluation and delivery planning.

3rd Trimester Antenatal Education Classes (Weeks 28–40)


Antenatal education classes during the third trimester aim to prepare the pregnant woman (and her family) physically, emotionally, and mentally for labor, childbirth, and newborn care. These classes also promote maternal confidence, reduce anxiety, and encourage positive health-seeking behavior.

Midwives and nurses are key educators in delivering this life-enhancing knowledge in both hospital and community settings.


  1. Prepare the woman for labor, delivery, and breastfeeding
  2. Promote self-care, fetal well-being, and complication awareness
  3. Educate on birth preparedness and complication readiness (BPCR)
  4. Encourage informed decision-making and mother-friendly birth practices
  5. Involve family and support persons in care and planning


1️⃣ Signs of Labor and When to Go to the Hospital

  • True vs. false labor pains
  • Show, rupture of membranes, regular contractions
  • Danger signs in late pregnancy (bleeding, severe pain, reduced fetal movement)
  • Hospital bag preparation

2️⃣ Stages of Labor & Delivery Process

  • First, second, and third stages of labor
  • Role of hormones
  • What to expect physically and emotionally
  • Labor room environment
  • How birth companions can support

3️⃣ Pain Relief During Labor

  • Natural methods (breathing techniques, massage, warm showers, position changes)
  • Medical options (epidural, analgesics)
  • Pros and cons of each

4️⃣ Birthing Positions & Delivery Choices

  • Benefits of upright or alternative birthing positions
  • Role of squatting, kneeling, water birth (if offered)
  • Decision-making about vaginal vs cesarean delivery

5️⃣ Breathing & Relaxation Techniques

  • Deep breathing, guided imagery
  • Exercises to reduce stress and anxiety
  • Support during contractions

6️⃣ Postpartum Self-Care & Recovery

  • Physical recovery from birth (vaginal or cesarean)
  • Perineal hygiene
  • Rest and nutrition after birth
  • Mental health awareness (baby blues, postpartum depression)

7️⃣ Breastfeeding Education

  • Importance of early initiation and colostrum
  • Proper latch and positioning
  • Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months
  • Overcoming challenges like sore nipples or engorgement

8️⃣ Newborn Care Essentials

  • First bath, diapering, clothing
  • Umbilical cord care
  • Danger signs in newborn
  • Immunization schedule
  • Mother-infant bonding and skin-to-skin contact

9️⃣ Nutrition in Late Pregnancy

  • Iron-rich foods, calcium, protein
  • Managing common discomforts (heartburn, constipation)
  • Hydration and portion control
  • Cultural and locally available nutritious food tips

🔟 Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness (BPCR)

  • Identify health facility for delivery
  • Arrange transport and funds
  • Choose a birth companion
  • Plan for emergency care
  • Know your blood group and Rh status


  • Pregnant women (especially 28+ weeks)
  • Husbands or partners
  • Mothers/mothers-in-law
  • Other caregivers or companions


EducatorUse simple language, visuals, and demonstrations
CounselorAddress fears, anxieties, myths, or misconceptions
SupporterEncourage woman’s autonomy and confidence
FacilitatorInvolve family in sessions to build a support system
AdvocatePromote respectful maternity care and informed choices


  • Group discussions and Q&A sessions
  • Role-play or drama (for danger signs, labor)
  • Video demonstrations
  • Flipcharts, posters, and models
  • Breathing and relaxation exercises
  • Peer sharing and storytelling
  • Distributing handouts or checklists


  • Reduced maternal anxiety and fear of childbirth
  • Increased knowledge and preparedness
  • Higher rates of exclusive breastfeeding
  • Better pain management during labor
  • Higher satisfaction with birth experience
  • Stronger family involvement and support

Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness (BPCR)


BPCR is a strategy recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India) to promote maternal and newborn survival by ensuring that women and their families are prepared for normal birth and can respond effectively to obstetric and newborn complications.

It is a key component of antenatal care (ANC), especially in the third trimester, and empowers women and their families to take informed, timely actions during labor and emergencies.


  1. Reduce delays in seeking, reaching, and receiving care
  2. Ensure safe delivery with a skilled birth attendant
  3. Encourage emergency readiness for maternal and newborn complications
  4. Promote community and family involvement in maternal health
  5. Improve institutional delivery rates and reduce maternal mortality


1️⃣ Identify a Skilled Birth Attendant & Health Facility

  • Choose the nearest healthcare facility with delivery and emergency services
  • Know the name of the doctor, midwife, or nurse who will attend the birth
  • Make prior visits to the facility if possible

2️⃣ Arrange Transport

  • Identify two or more reliable transportation options in advance
  • Arrange for fuel, contact numbers, and driver availability
  • Include backup options for night or bad weather emergencies

3️⃣ Save Money for Delivery and Emergencies

  • Allocate funds for delivery charges, medicines, tests, transport
  • Enroll in government schemes like:
    • Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY)
    • Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY)
    • Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK) – free transport, delivery, and treatment

4️⃣ Identify a Birth Companion

  • Select a supportive person (husband, mother, sister) to accompany the woman
  • Ensure the companion knows basic signs of labor and complications
  • They can provide emotional, physical, and logistical support

5️⃣ Know the Danger Signs (During Pregnancy, Labor, Postpartum, Newborn)


  • Severe abdominal pain or headache
  • Vaginal bleeding or leaking
  • High fever
  • Convulsions or unconsciousness
  • Decreased fetal movement


  • Difficulty breathing
  • Poor feeding
  • Cold to touch or fever
  • Yellow skin before 24 hours
  • Convulsions or limpness

➡️ Immediate referral is critical

6️⃣ Arrange for Blood Donor

  • Know your blood group in advance
  • Identify willing donors (family/friends) with matching blood group
  • Know the nearest blood bank or hospital providing transfusion services

7️⃣ Pack a Birth Preparedness Bag


  • ANC card
  • Two sets of clean clothes
  • Baby clothes and blanket
  • Sanitary pads
  • Toiletries and soap
  • Clean towel
  • ID proof and health documents
  • Mobile phone and charger

8️⃣ Family and Community Support

  • Involve family members in planning
  • Link with ASHAs, ANMs, or self-help groups (SHGs)
  • Join antenatal classes or mothers’ support groups


EducatorTeach women and families about BPCR during ANC visits and community sessions
FacilitatorHelp enroll in government benefit schemes
PlannerAssist in making a written BPCR plan
ObserverMonitor signs of risk or delay in preparation
CommunicatorCoordinate with ASHA, referral centers, and transport services
SupporterReassure and motivate the woman and family to prepare early

📋 BPCR PLAN FORMAT (Simple Table):

ComponentAction Planned
Health facilityPHC, CHC, or district hospital
TransportAuto, ambulance (108), neighbor’s car
Funds saved₹3000
CompanionHusband / sister
Blood donorCousin (B+)
Danger signs awarenessYes / No
Birth kit packedYes / No


  • Timely care in emergencies
  • Safe delivery with skilled attendance
  • Reduced maternal and neonatal complications
  • Increased family awareness and involvement
  • Fewer home deliveries and unsafe practices

Health Education on Exclusive Breastfeeding (EBF)


Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) means that the infant receives only breast milk — no other food or drink, not even water — for the first 6 months of life, except oral rehydration solution (ORS), drops, or syrups of vitamins, minerals, or medicines when medically needed.

EBF is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF, and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (India) for optimal infant health and development.


  1. Promote exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months
  2. Educate mothers on correct technique and timing
  3. Prevent common breastfeeding problems
  4. Encourage mother-baby bonding
  5. Improve infant survival and development


1️⃣ Start Breastfeeding Early

  • Begin within 1 hour of birth
  • First milk (colostrum) is rich in antibodies and nutrients – essential for immunity

2️⃣ Feed Only Breast Milk for 6 Months

  • No water, honey, animal milk, or food should be given
  • Breast milk contains everything the baby needs — even in hot weather

3️⃣ Feed Frequently and on Demand

  • Day and night, at least 8–12 times in 24 hours
  • Let the baby finish one breast before switching

4️⃣ Recognize Signs of Effective Breastfeeding

  • Baby latches well (mouth wide open, chin touching breast)
  • Rhythmic sucking and swallowing
  • Baby passes urine at least 6 times a day
  • Steady weight gain

5️⃣ Do Not Use Bottles or Pacifiers

  • They cause nipple confusion and can reduce milk supply

6️⃣ Continue Breastfeeding During Illness

  • Both mother and baby should continue
  • Breast milk provides protection from infection


To BabyTo Mother
Enhances immunity, prevents infectionsPromotes uterine involution (reduces bleeding)
Reduces risk of diarrhea, pneumoniaDelays return of menstruation (natural spacing)
Supports brain developmentLowers risk of breast and ovarian cancer
Prevents allergies and obesityCreates emotional bonding
Easy to digest, always clean and readyCost-effective and convenient


Proper Position:

  • Baby’s head and body aligned
  • Baby facing the breast, tummy to tummy
  • Mother supports breast with her hand
  • Bring baby to breast (not breast to baby)

Proper Latch:

  • Baby’s mouth covers areola, not just nipple
  • Lower lip turned outward
  • No clicking sounds or pain during feeding


  • Baby sleeps well between feeds
  • Gains weight after the first week
  • Passes soft, yellow stool
  • Satisfied and calm after feeds


Sore NipplesPoor latchCorrect the latch, apply breast milk to nipple
EngorgementInfrequent feedingFeed frequently, warm compress
Blocked Duct/MastitisIncomplete emptyingMassage, feed on affected side, pain relief
Low Milk SupplyStress, infrequent feedingIncrease frequency, skin-to-skin contact, hydration


  1. Educate: Antenatal and postnatal counseling on EBF
  2. Demonstrate: Correct positioning and latching
  3. Support: Encourage mothers who are tired or unsure
  4. Monitor: Baby’s feeding patterns and weight gain
  5. Empower: Help mothers overcome social or family pressures
  6. Involve family: Educate partners and caregivers about the importance of EBF
  7. Refer: Complicated cases to lactation consultants or pediatricians


  • Maa ka doodh, shishu ke liye amrit hai” (Mother’s milk is nectar for the baby)
  • Chhe mahine tak sirf maa ka doodh – na paani, na kuch aur”
  • Posters, flipcharts, mothers’ support groups
  • Counselling via ASHA, ANM, or health camps

Danger Signs of Pregnancy


Danger signs of pregnancy are warning symptoms that indicate potential complications which can threaten the health or life of the mother, fetus, or both. Prompt recognition and immediate medical care are critical to prevent maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality.

Midwives and nurses play a vital role in educating pregnant women and families about these signs and encouraging timely health-seeking behavior.


Danger SignPossible Complication
Severe vaginal bleedingMiscarriage, placenta previa, abruption
Severe abdominal painEctopic pregnancy, abruption, labor
Severe headache or blurred visionPreeclampsia, high blood pressure
Swelling of face and handsPreeclampsia
Fever and chillsInfection
Painful urination or burningUrinary tract infection
Foul-smelling vaginal dischargeInfection
Convulsions or fitsEclampsia
Loss of consciousnessSevere anemia, shock, eclampsia
Difficulty breathingAnemia, cardiac issues, embolism


🔹 First Trimester (0–12 weeks):

Danger SignPossible Indication
Vaginal bleeding or spottingThreatened or missed abortion
Severe lower abdominal painEctopic pregnancy, miscarriage
Fainting or dizzinessAnemia, ectopic pregnancy
High feverInfection (UTI, TORCH)
Persistent vomiting (Hyperemesis gravidarum)Dehydration, electrolyte imbalance

🔹 Second Trimester (13–27 weeks):

Danger SignPossible Indication
Bleeding or watery dischargeThreatened abortion, PROM
Abdominal pain or backachePreterm labor, UTI
Decreased fetal movement (after 20 weeks)Fetal distress or death
Sudden swelling of hands/facePreeclampsia
High blood pressure symptomsPIH, gestational hypertension

🔹 Third Trimester (28–40 weeks):

Danger SignPossible Indication
Vaginal bleedingPlacenta previa, placental abruption
Leaking fluid before 37 weeksPreterm PROM
Severe abdominal pain with bleedingAbruption placentae
Decreased or no fetal movementFetal hypoxia or death
Severe headache, visual disturbancesSevere preeclampsia
Difficulty breathingPulmonary embolism, severe anemia
Signs of labor before 37 weeksPreterm labor


  1. Educate all pregnant women and families about danger signs at each ANC visit
  2. Use simple language and visual aids (charts, posters)
  3. Encourage women to report symptoms immediately
  4. Monitor for these signs during home visits and health camps
  5. Refer urgently to higher-level health facilities if any danger sign is observed
  6. Document and follow up on all referred cases
  7. Involve ASHA/ANM for community support and emergency transport


  • “Bleeding anytime in pregnancy is not normal — go to the hospital immediately.”
  • “If the baby is not moving like usual — don’t wait, seek help.”
  • “Swelling of face, headache, and blurred vision can be signs of high BP — act fast.
  • “Labor pains before 9 months could mean preterm labor — go to the hospital.”

Recognition of Ruptured Membranes (Spontaneous Rupture of Membranes – SROM)


Rupture of membranes refers to the breaking of the amniotic sac (bag of waters), resulting in the leakage of amniotic fluid through the cervix and vagina. This can occur:

  • Spontaneously (on its own) before or during labor
  • Or be artificially induced (Amniotomy) by a healthcare provider

Recognizing spontaneous rupture of membranes (SROM) is essential for safe and timely labor management, and to prevent infection or complications.


Term PROMRupture after 37 weeks of gestation but before labor starts
Preterm PROM (PPROM)Rupture before 37 weeks of gestation
Prolonged ROMRupture of membranes lasting >18 hours before delivery
Premature Rupture of Membranes (PROM)Rupture before the onset of labor


1️⃣ Maternal Reported Symptoms:

  • Sudden gush or continuous trickle of clear or pale fluid from the vagina
  • Wetness in underwear that does not stop
  • May or may not be associated with labor pains
  • Fluid is odorless or slightly sweet in smell
  • No control over leakage (unlike urine)

2️⃣ Assessment Techniques by Nurse/Midwife:

MethodWhat to Observe
Visual inspectionUse a sterile speculum to check for fluid pooling in the vagina
Nitrazine TestLitmus paper turns blue if fluid is alkaline (amniotic fluid)
Fern TestA sample of fluid shows a fern-like pattern under microscope
AmniSure or ROM Plus test (if available)Detects specific amniotic proteins (used in hospital settings)

3️⃣ Characteristics of Amniotic Fluid:

  • Color: Clear to slightly milky
  • Odor: Mildly sweet (not foul)
  • Volume: May be a small leak or large gush
  • Consistency: Watery (not thick or sticky like vaginal discharge)

⚠️ Meconium-stained fluid (green or brown) suggests fetal distress and needs urgent attention.


  • Fever or foul-smelling discharge → Risk of infection
  • No uterine contractions within 24 hours → Risk of prolonged ROM
  • Cord prolapse (cord felt in vagina or visible outside) → Emergency
  • Preterm rupture (<37 weeks) → High risk to fetus (lungs immature)
  • Decreased fetal movement → Possible distress


🌼 On Recognition of Ruptured Membranes:

  1. Stay calm and reassure the woman
  2. Instruct her to lie on her side and limit movement (if not in labor)
  3. Avoid vaginal examinations unless sterile or indicated (to prevent infection)
  4. Use sterile pads or towels to observe color and amount of fluid
  5. Check fetal heart rate immediately
  6. Record:
    • Time of rupture
    • Color, amount, and odor of fluid
    • Associated symptoms (pain, bleeding, fever)

🌼 Actions Based on Situation:

Term with contractionsAdmit for labor monitoring
Term without contractionsObserve for 12–24 hours; induce if needed
Preterm (<37 weeks)Hospitalize, administer antibiotics, corticosteroids (per doctor)
Cord prolapseTrendelenburg position + emergency C-section
Foul-smelling discharge or feverSuspect infection; report immediately


  • “If you feel sudden wetness or trickling of water, report to the hospital immediately.”
  • “Do not insert anything into the vagina (no douching or intercourse).”
  • “Monitor for fever, pain, bleeding, or baby’s movements.
  • “Always carry your ANC card to the hospital.”

Ongoing Risk Assessment in Pregnancy


Ongoing risk assessment refers to the continuous and systematic evaluation of the mother and fetus during pregnancy to identify actual or potential risks that may complicate the course of pregnancy, labor, or delivery.

This process ensures early detection, timely referral, and appropriate intervention to reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality.


  1. Detect high-risk pregnancies early
  2. Prevent complications by timely management or referral
  3. Plan for safe delivery and postpartum care
  4. Ensure individualized care based on risk status
  5. Educate the woman and her family on signs that require attention


1️⃣ Maternal History Assessment:

FactorRisk Indicators
Obstetric historyPrevious cesarean, stillbirth, miscarriage, multiple pregnancies
Medical historyHypertension, diabetes, epilepsy, cardiac disease
Surgical historyUterine surgeries, pelvic surgery
Family historyGenetic disorders, twins, diabetes, hypertension
Lifestyle factorsSmoking, alcohol, poor nutrition, domestic violence

2️⃣ Physical Examination & Monitoring:

Check-upRisk Indicators
BP monitoringHigh BP (>140/90) indicates PIH or preeclampsia
Fundal heightDiscrepancy with gestational age → IUGR or poly/oligohydramnios
Fetal heart rateBradycardia or tachycardia → fetal distress
EdemaFace/hand swelling → sign of preeclampsia
Weight gainSudden excessive weight gain → fluid retention, PIH
Urine testProteinuria (PIH), glycosuria (GDM), infection

3️⃣ Laboratory Investigations:

  • Hemoglobin <10 g/dL → Anemia
  • Positive VDRL/HBsAg/HIV → Infections
  • Raised blood sugar → Gestational Diabetes
  • Abnormal USG findings → IUGR, anomalies
  • ICT positive (in Rh-negative mothers) → Risk of hemolytic disease

4️⃣ Psychosocial Assessment:

Mental healthDepression, anxiety, low self-esteem
Support systemIsolation, lack of family support
Domestic violenceSafety concerns for mother and fetus
Economic statusInability to access proper nutrition, transport, care


  • Teenage pregnancy (<18 years) or advanced maternal age (>35 years)
  • Multiple pregnancy (twins, triplets)
  • Malpresentation (breech, transverse)
  • Rh incompatibility
  • Antepartum hemorrhage
  • Preterm labor or PROM
  • Gestational hypertension, eclampsia
  • Polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios
  • IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction)
  • Previous cesarean section or uterine surgery


AssessmentRegularly evaluate vitals, fetal growth, symptoms
DocumentationUpdate ANC records, risk factors, referrals
CommunicationDiscuss findings with medical team
CounselingEducate mother about her condition and care needs
ReferralRefer promptly to higher center for complications
SupportProvide emotional support and reassurance


(Used in some settings for easy tracking)

Hb < 10 g/dL1
Age <18 or >35 years1
High BP or PIH2
Previous cesarean2

➡️ Total score guides the level of care:
0–2 = Low risk, 3–4 = Moderate risk, 5+ = High risk

Cultural Needs in Maternal and Newborn Care


Cultural needs refer to the beliefs, values, customs, traditions, and practices that influence how individuals and families experience pregnancy, childbirth, and healthcare. Meeting cultural needs in midwifery involves providing respectful, sensitive, and individualized care that honors the woman’s background, ethnicity, language, and spirituality.


  1. Provide respectful and dignified care to women from all backgrounds
  2. Enhance trust and communication between caregiver and client
  3. Prevent misunderstanding, discrimination, or discomfort
  4. Improve maternal satisfaction, health-seeking behavior, and outcomes
  5. Encourage family and community support by respecting cultural norms


1️⃣ Language and Communication

  • Use local language or an interpreter if needed
  • Use non-verbal cues, pictures, or models
  • Respect how the woman prefers to be addressed
  • Avoid medical jargon; explain terms clearly

2️⃣ Religious and Spiritual Beliefs

  • Respect practices like prayers, fasting, blessings
  • Allow religious articles or symbols during labor
  • Understand restrictions related to blood transfusions, medicines, or certain foods

3️⃣ Modesty and Privacy

  • Many cultures value modesty during examination
  • Provide female healthcare workers when possible
  • Use screens, drapes, and explain each step before touching

4️⃣ Family Involvement and Decision-Making

  • In some cultures, decisions are made by husband, elder women, or extended family
  • Include family members in discussions where appropriate
  • Respect family hierarchy while also protecting the woman’s autonomy

5️⃣ Food and Dietary Practices

  • Understand food taboos or preferences during pregnancy and postpartum
  • Support culturally accepted nutritious alternatives
  • Avoid forcing supplements or meals that go against beliefs

6️⃣ Traditional Beliefs and Practices

  • Postnatal rituals, confinement periods, massage, use of herbs, etc.
  • Allow safe practices as long as they do not harm the mother or baby
  • Gently educate or discourage harmful practices (e.g., delaying breastfeeding, giving honey to newborns)

7️⃣ Birthing Preferences

  • Preference for home birth vs hospital
  • Birth positions, use of chants, rituals, or oils
  • Role of birth companions (mother, husband, midwife, doula)


Indian subcontinentWarm food post-delivery, confinement for 40 days
Middle EasternPreference for female providers, modest clothing
AfricanStrong family involvement, preference for traditional birth attendants
East Asian“Sitting month” postpartum rest, avoiding cold foods
Christian/Muslim/JainDietary restrictions (e.g., no pork/beef), prayer needs


Cultural assessorAsk open-ended questions about beliefs and preferences
EducatorProvide respectful education on safe motherhood while valuing traditions
AdvocateEnsure woman’s cultural needs are met in hospital policies
SupporterListen actively and provide emotional comfort
CollaboratorInvolve family and community support systems in care planning


  • Language barriers
  • Lack of knowledge about diverse practices
  • Institutional policies not accommodating traditions
  • Time constraints in busy settings
  • Conflict between safety and beliefs (e.g., refusal of interventions)

➡️ Requires sensitivity, flexibility, and communication skills

Women-Centered Care (WCC)


Women-Centered Care (WCC) is a philosophy of care that places the needs, preferences, rights, and dignity of the woman at the center of all decision-making and care practices. It focuses on individualized care, empowerment, respect, and collaborative partnerships between the woman and healthcare providers.

This model is essential in maternity and reproductive health services, where the woman’s experience is as important as clinical outcomes.


  1. Promote autonomy and informed decision-making for women
  2. Ensure respect, dignity, and compassion in all care interactions
  3. Create a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment
  4. Improve maternal satisfaction and health outcomes
  5. Address the physical, emotional, psychological, social, and cultural needs of women


Respect for dignityTreat every woman with kindness, privacy, and without judgment
Informed choiceProvide clear, unbiased information to allow women to make decisions
Holistic careConsider emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and physical health
CollaborationWomen are partners in care, not passive recipients
Continuity of carePromote ongoing relationships with midwives or care teams
Individualized careRecognize that each woman has unique needs and preferences
Cultural sensitivityRespect cultural, religious, and personal beliefs and practices


1️⃣ Antenatal Care

  • Educate the woman about her pregnancy and choices
  • Provide respectful and private examinations
  • Discuss birth plans and preferences
  • Screen for mental health, domestic violence, and cultural needs

2️⃣ Intrapartum (Labor and Delivery) Care

  • Allow choice of birth position, pain relief, and birth companion
  • Offer emotional support and continuous presence
  • Obtain informed consent before procedures (e.g., episiotomy, vaginal exam)
  • Respect labor pacing unless there is a medical reason to intervene

3️⃣ Postnatal Care

  • Encourage rooming-in and skin-to-skin contact
  • Support breastfeeding choices without pressure
  • Screen for postpartum depression and mental well-being
  • Involve the woman in decisions regarding family planning and baby care


For WomenFor Health System
Increased satisfaction and trustImproved quality of care
Improved maternal and neonatal outcomesBetter communication and teamwork
Reduced anxiety and traumaFewer unnecessary interventions
Empowerment and confidenceEnhanced patient-provider relationships


  1. Listen actively to the woman’s values, beliefs, and wishes
  2. Build trust through empathy, honesty, and respectful communication
  3. Educate with clear, culturally sensitive information
  4. Support decision-making and do not impose personal or institutional bias
  5. Protect privacy and promote dignity in all care settings
  6. Advocate for the woman in the healthcare team
  7. Document preferences and concerns in the care plan
  8. Encourage family involvement (with the woman’s consent)


  • Over-medicalization of pregnancy and birth
  • Lack of time and staffing
  • Cultural or language barriers
  • Provider bias or judgment
  • Lack of training in communication and empathy

➡️ These can be overcome with education, awareness, and respectful practice.

Respectful and Compassionate Communication in Maternity Care


Respectful and compassionate communication is the foundation of quality, woman-centered maternity care. It involves interacting with pregnant and postpartum women in a way that is kind, empathetic, non-judgmental, and respectful of their dignity, beliefs, and choices.

In maternity care, communication must be both informative and emotionally supportive, especially as pregnancy and childbirth are sensitive and life-changing experiences.


  1. Build trust and comfort between the woman and caregiver
  2. Promote informed decision-making and autonomy
  3. Reduce fear, anxiety, and emotional distress
  4. Prevent disrespect and abuse in childbirth settings
  5. Improve maternal satisfaction, cooperation, and health outcomes


EmpathyUnderstand and acknowledge the woman’s feelings and fears
Active ListeningListen with full attention, without interrupting
ClarityUse simple, jargon-free language the woman can understand
Privacy & ConfidentialityMaintain personal boundaries and do not share private information
Non-Judgmental ApproachAccept all backgrounds, cultures, and choices without criticism
Emotional SupportOffer encouragement, reassurance, and kindness
Timely InformationProvide clear explanations before any procedure or action
Body LanguageMaintain eye contact, use a calm tone, and respectful gestures


SituationRespectful Response
Woman is in pain during labor“You are doing great. I am right here with you.”
Woman refuses a procedure“I understand your concern. Let me explain your options.”
Woman is anxious about delivery“Many mothers feel the same. Let’s talk about what will happen.”
Woman speaks a different languageUse an interpreter, visual aids, or local language support
Cultural or religious belief affects careRespect her practice unless it poses harm, and explain alternatives gently


🔹 Before a Procedure:

“I would like to check your blood pressure now. May I go ahead?”

🔹 During Examination:

“Let me know if you feel any discomfort. You can stop me anytime.”

🔹 When Discussing Diagnosis:

“Your blood pressure is a little high. I will explain what that means and how we can manage it together.”

🔹 When the Woman is Upset or Afraid:

“It’s okay to feel this way. You are not alone—we will support you every step.”


  1. Create a safe and respectful environment
  2. Introduce yourself clearly and explain your role
  3. Listen actively to the woman’s story, concerns, and feelings
  4. Provide health information in a calm, positive, and understandable way
  5. Ask for consent before exams or procedures
  6. Reassure and encourage throughout labor and postpartum
  7. Ensure privacy in the labor room, ANC clinic, and postnatal ward
  8. Include the family (with consent) in communication and decisions
  9. Document all care discussions and decisions made


  • Time constraints in busy hospitals
  • Language or cultural differences
  • Provider stress or burnout
  • Lack of training in communication skills
  • Provider bias or judgmental attitude

➡️ These can be overcome through training, awareness, and practice.


  • Increases maternal trust and satisfaction
  • Improves cooperation and adherence to care
  • Enhances safe childbirth experiences
  • Reduces complaints and conflicts
  • Builds positive professional relationships

Alternative Birthing Positions


Traditionally, many hospitals follow the supine (lying on the back) position for childbirth. However, alternative birthing positions are those non-supine positions that women may adopt during labor and delivery to enhance comfort, labor progress, and natural birthing mechanisms.

Allowing a woman to choose her preferred birthing position is part of respectful, women-centered care, and can improve both the physical and emotional experience of childbirth.


1️⃣ Squatting Position

  • Woman squats down with knees bent and hips open
  • May use squatting bar, support from companion, or a stool


  • Widens pelvic outlet
  • Uses gravity to aid fetal descent
  • Effective pushing and shorter second stage

2️⃣ Sitting Position

  • Woman sits on a birth stool, chair, or edge of bed


  • Promotes gravity
  • Comfortable and easy to monitor
  • Good for women with back pain

3️⃣ Kneeling or Hands-and-Knees (All-Fours) Position

  • Woman kneels on the floor/bed, leaning forward on hands or pillows


  • Relieves back pressure
  • Helps rotate posterior-positioned baby
  • Reduces risk of perineal tears

4️⃣ Side-Lying (Lateral) Position

  • Woman lies on her side with one leg supported


  • Good for rest and relaxation
  • Reduces pressure on perineum
  • Recommended for high BP or FHR abnormalities

5️⃣ Upright Standing or Walking

  • Woman stands or walks during early labor, may lean on support


  • Uses gravity for descent
  • Improves contractions
  • Helps in early labor stages

6️⃣ Water Birth Position

  • Woman labors or delivers in warm water tub


  • Soothes pain and relaxes muscles
  • Improves mobility and sense of control
  • Less need for pain medication

➡️ Requires trained staff and hygienic setup


EducatorTeach women about various positions during ANC and in labor
SupporterEncourage mobility and position changes during labor
FacilitatorProvide equipment (birth stools, mats, squatting bars)
Safety MonitorEnsure positions are safe and do not compromise fetal monitoring or maternal condition
EmpowererRespect the woman’s choice unless a medical reason prevents it
DocumenterNote the position used during delivery in the birth record


  • Squatting or upright positions: Avoid in high-risk cases with bleeding, cord prolapse, or preeclampsia
  • Water births: Avoid if infection, preterm labor, or meconium-stained liquor is present
  • Hands-and-knees: Caution in women with joint pain or limited mobility


  • Enhances comfort and sense of control
  • Uses gravity to support descent
  • Improves uterine contractions
  • Reduces duration of second stage
  • Lowers rates of episiotomy and assisted delivery
  • May reduce perineal trauma

Women’s Preferred Choices in Birthing Position


During childbirth, many women develop preferences for certain birthing positions based on comfort, cultural beliefs, body mechanics, and their sense of control. Respecting a woman’s choice in birthing position is a key component of women-centered, respectful maternity care and leads to better satisfaction and outcomes.


  1. Empower women to feel in control during childbirth
  2. Enhance comfort and effectiveness of labor and pushing
  3. Improve maternal satisfaction and birth outcomes
  4. Reduce unnecessary interventions (e.g., episiotomy, assisted delivery)
  5. Respect cultural, personal, or religious preferences


Women may prefer a birthing position based on pain relief, ease of movement, familiarity, or recommendations by caregivers.

1️⃣ Upright Positions (Squatting, Standing, Sitting)

Uses gravity to aid fetal descent
May be supported or with use of equipment (e.g., squatting bar, birth stool)
Often preferred by women seeking active, natural birth

✔️ Promotes faster descent and shorter second stage
✔️ Increases pelvic dimensions
✔️ Reduces need for assisted delivery

2️⃣ Hands-and-Knees (All-Fours) Position

Woman kneels with hands or arms resting on a support
Often chosen in cases of back pain or posterior baby position

✔️ Relieves backache
✔️ Helps rotate the fetus from posterior to anterior
✔️ Reduces perineal trauma

3️⃣ Side-Lying (Lateral) Position

Woman lies on her side with upper leg supported
Often preferred for comfort or when rest is needed

✔️ Good for women with high BP or fatigue
✔️ Prevents compression of vena cava
✔️ Helps conserve energy

4️⃣ Sitting or Semi-Sitting Position

Woman sits on a birthing chair, stool, or bed with back support
Allows both mobility and comfort

✔️ Uses gravity without too much strain
✔️ Allows good fetal monitoring
✔️ Preferred for controlled pushing

5️⃣ Supine or Lithotomy (on back with legs raised)

Most commonly used in hospitals but not usually the woman’s preferred choice.

LimitationWhy many women avoid
Less use of gravity
Can compress blood vessels
Often chosen by providers for ease, not by women

Higher risk of assisted delivery and perineal tears
Less comfortable for women during active labor


Cultural beliefsCertain positions may be considered more acceptable or effective
Previous birth experienceWomen may choose based on what worked for them before
Level of painPain relief or discomfort guides position changes
Support from midwife or doulaEncouragement can help women try upright or active positions
EnvironmentAvailability of tools (birthing balls, stools, clean floor space) affects choices
Freedom to moveWomen with IVs, monitoring, or epidural may have limited options


  1. Educate about different birthing positions during antenatal classes
  2. Encourage freedom of movement during labor
  3. Ask for the woman’s preferred position and explain all safe options
  4. Support her choice unless medically contraindicated
  5. Assist with equipment (birth stool, squatting bar, pillows)
  6. Provide continuous labor support and reassurance
  7. Monitor mother and fetus in all positions safely
  8. Respect cultural or personal values influencing her decision


  • Improves maternal satisfaction and confidence
  • Enhances labor progress and efficiency
  • Reduces perineal trauma and interventions
  • Strengthens trust and communication between the woman and provider
  • Promotes positive birth experience

Role of Doula / ASHA Worker in Maternal and Newborn Care


Both Doulas and ASHA workers are non-medical professionals who play a vital role in supporting pregnant women and new mothers, especially in low-resource or rural settings.

  • A Doula is a trained birth companion who provides emotional, physical, and informational support during pregnancy, labor, and the postpartum period.
  • An ASHA worker is a community-based health activist under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) in India, trained to motivate, assist, and link women to maternal and child health services.

Both work closely with nurses, midwives, and ANMs to ensure safe, respectful, and accessible care for every mother and baby.


A Doula is not a medical provider, but a trained support person for labor and birth.

🌼 During Antenatal Period:

  • Educates the mother about pregnancy changes, diet, and exercises
  • Helps in birth planning (positions, pain relief options, birth preferences)
  • Reduces anxiety and emotional stress
  • Promotes self-care and breastfeeding preparation

🌼 During Labor & Delivery:

  • Provides continuous emotional support
  • Suggests breathing techniques, massage, and relaxation
  • Encourages the mother in her preferred birthing position
  • Acts as an advocate for the mother’s choices and dignity
  • Keeps the birth environment calm and respectful

🌼 Postnatal Support:

  • Supports early breastfeeding and latching
  • Encourages rest, nutrition, and newborn care
  • Assists with emotional well-being and postpartum adjustment
  • Refers to professionals in case of complications or depression


  • Shorter labor duration
  • Reduced need for cesarean and interventions
  • Less pain medication required
  • Better mother-infant bonding
  • Higher rates of exclusive breastfeeding
  • Positive birth experience and emotional support

🌾 ROLE OF ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist):

ASHA is a female volunteer from the community, trained under NHM, and acts as a link between the community and health system.

🌼 During Antenatal Period:

  • Identifies and registers all pregnant women
  • Ensures 4 ANC check-ups and TT immunization
  • Counsels on diet, IFA, calcium, rest, and danger signs
  • Promotes birth preparedness and institutional delivery
  • Arranges transport and health facility referrals
  • Assists in Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) benefits

🌼 During Labor & Delivery:

  • Accompanies woman to the hospital
  • Provides emotional and basic physical support
  • Ensures woman has her ANC card, ID, and necessary items
  • Coordinates with ANM, nurse, or midwife during labor

🌼 Postnatal and Newborn Care:

  • Conducts home visits on Day 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28
  • Monitors lochia, uterine involution, breastfeeding, baby’s weight
  • Encourages immunization, exclusive breastfeeding, and family planning
  • Educates on newborn danger signs
  • Refers sick mother or baby to PHC or CHC
  • Mobilizes community for Village Health and Nutrition Day (VHND)


ActivityHow Doula / ASHA Helps
Antenatal check-upsBrings women to health center, educates about care
Birth preparednessHelps make plans for transport, money, hospital
Labor & deliveryProvides support, encourages respectful birth practices
Home careFollows up on mother’s and baby’s recovery
Health recordsMaintains or updates records for tracking and referral
Community healthConducts awareness programs on maternal and newborn care


  • Trustworthy and compassionate
  • Good listener and communicator
  • Patient and calm
  • Understands local language and culture
  • Committed to women’s dignity and safety
  • Willing to work closely with the health team