β Florence Nightingale is known as the “Founder of Modern Nursing.”
β The Nightingale Pledge is a modified version of the Hippocratic Oath for Nurses.
β The Nursing Process consists of Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADPIE).
β The first step in the Nursing Process is Assessment.
β The Nurse-Patient Relationship should be therapeutic and professional.
β Holistic Nursing focuses on physical, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being.
β Hand hygiene is the most effective way to prevent infections.
β Medical Asepsis (clean technique) reduces microorganisms, while Surgical Asepsis (sterile technique) eliminates them.
β Standard Precautions are used for all patients, regardless of infection status.
β Contact Precautions are needed for MRSA, C. difficile, and Scabies.
β Droplet Precautions are used for Influenza, Mumps, Rubella, Meningitis.
β Airborne Precautions are used for Tuberculosis (TB), Measles, and Chickenpox.
β N95 mask is mandatory for airborne precautions.
β The “Six Rights of Medication Administration” β Right Patient, Right Drug, Right Dose, Right Route, Right Time, Right Documentation.
β IM injection site for adults: Ventrogluteal or Deltoid muscle.
β IM injection site for infants: Vastus lateralis muscle.
β Z-track technique is used for IM injections to prevent irritation.
β Subcutaneous injections (e.g., Insulin, Heparin) are given at 45-90Β° angle.
β Intramuscular injections (e.g., Vaccines, Painkillers) are given at 90Β° angle.
β Intravenous (IV) route provides the fastest drug action.
β Primary Intention Healing β Surgical wounds with sutures.
β Secondary Intention Healing β Open wounds heal naturally.
β Tertiary Intention Healing β Delayed surgical closure due to infection.
β Serous drainage β Clear fluid, normal.
β Sanguineous drainage β Red, bloody drainage.
β Purulent drainage β Pus, indicates infection.
β Debridement is the process of removing dead tissue from wounds.
β Nasal Cannula (1-6 L/min) β FiOβ 24-44%.
β Simple Face Mask (5-10 L/min) β FiOβ 40-60%.
β Non-Rebreather Mask (10-15 L/min) β FiOβ 80-95%.
β Venturi Mask is best for COPD patients (delivers precise oxygen levels).
β Oxygen toxicity can cause lung damage and blindness in newborns (Retinopathy of Prematurity).
β Normal Serum Sodium (NaβΊ): 135-145 mEq/L
β Normal Serum Potassium (KβΊ): 3.5-5.0 mEq/L
β Normal Serum Calcium (CaΒ²βΊ): 8.5-10.5 mg/dL
β Hyperkalemia causes cardiac arrhythmias.
β Hypokalemia causes muscle weakness and cramps.
β Hypernatremia leads to dehydration and confusion.
β Hyponatremia leads to seizures and weakness.
β IV Fluids:
β Fowlerβs Position (45-60Β°) β Used for dyspnea, NG tube feeding.
β High Fowlerβs Position (90Β°) β Used for severe respiratory distress.
β Semi-Fowlerβs Position (30Β°) β Used for post-surgery, neurological patients.
β Lateral Position β Used for unconscious patients, seizure recovery.
β Trendelenburg Position β Used for hypotensive shock.
β Reverse Trendelenburg β Used for increased intracranial pressure (ICP).
β Temperature: 36.5-37.5Β°C (97.7-99.5Β°F)
β Heart Rate: 60-100 bpm (Adults), 100-160 bpm (Infants).
β Respiratory Rate: 12-20 breaths/min (Adults), 30-60 breaths/min (Infants).
β Blood Pressure (BP): 120/80 mmHg (Normal Adult).
β Pulse Oximetry (SpOβ): >95% (Normal), <90% (Hypoxia).
β CPR Ratio (Adults): 30:2 (Compressions: Breaths).
β CPR Ratio (Infants): 15:2 (Two rescuers).
β Defibrillation (AED) for cardiac arrest.
β Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) β€ 8 β Intubate the patient.
β First action in anaphylaxis: Give Epinephrine (0.3 mg IM).
β First action in hypoglycemia: Give 15g of glucose (Juice, Candy).
β Burn Management:
β Autonomy β Right to make own decisions.
β Beneficence β Doing good for the patient.
β Non-Maleficence β Do no harm.
β Justice β Fair treatment to all patients.
β Veracity β Truthfulness.
β Negligence β Failure to provide proper care.
β Malpractice β Professional negligence causing harm.
β Informed Consent β Patient agrees after understanding risks & benefits.
β Who is the founder of modern nursing? β Florence Nightingale.
β What is the normal range of BP? β 120/80 mmHg.
β What is the best position for a patient with dyspnea? β High Fowlerβs Position.
β Which IV fluid is used for dehydration? β 0.45% Normal Saline (Hypotonic).
β What is the first step in the nursing process? β Assessment.
β Which injection site is used for infants? β Vastus Lateralis.
β Which CPR ratio is used for adults? β 30:2.
β What is the universal donor blood group? β O Negative (Oβ).
β Back care should be given every 8 hours to prevent bedsores.
β The best way to prevent pressure ulcers (bedsores) is to reposition the patient every 2 hours.
β Oral care for an unconscious patient should be done using a suction toothbrush or swab.
β Denture care β Store dentures in cold water when not in use.
β The best way to prevent falls in elderly patients is to keep the bed in a low position with side rails up.
β First step in bed bath β Wash the face first to keep the patient comfortable.
β Perineal care should be provided from front to back to prevent UTIs.
β A patient with difficulty swallowing (Dysphagia) should be given semi-solid food.
β Normal Urine Output: 30 mL/hr (Minimum).
β Oliguria: Urine output <400 mL/day.
β Anuria: Urine output <100 mL/day.
β Polyuria: Excessive urination (>2500 mL/day).
β Urinary Retention: Inability to empty the bladder completely.
β Catheterization is done to relieve urinary retention.
β The best way to prevent UTIs in catheterized patients is frequent perineal care and proper catheter care.
β For constipation, increase fiber intake and hydration.
β Diarrhea can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance (especially potassium loss).
β Stool softeners (Docusate) are given to prevent straining in cardiac patients.
β Normal Body Temperature: 36.5 – 37.5Β°C (97.7 – 99.5Β°F).
β Hypothermia: Body temperature <35Β°C (<95Β°F).
β Hyperthermia (Fever): Body temperature >38.5Β°C (>101.3Β°F).
β Heat Stroke Signs: Hot dry skin, no sweating, confusion, tachycardia.
β Best way to reduce fever: Antipyretics (Paracetamol) + Tepid Sponge Bath.
β Normal Respiratory Rate: 12-20 breaths/min (Adults).
β Cheyne-Stokes Breathing: Alternating deep and shallow breaths with apnea, seen in dying patients.
β Kussmaulβs Breathing: Deep, labored breathing in metabolic acidosis (Diabetic Ketoacidosis).
β Pursed-lip breathing is best for COPD patients.
β Peak Flow Meter is used for Asthma patients to measure lung function.
β Best position for dyspnea: High Fowlerβs (90Β°).
β Postural Drainage is used to remove lung secretions in pneumonia patients.
β Suctioning should not exceed 15 seconds per attempt.
β Normal BP: 120/80 mmHg.
β Hypertension: BP β₯140/90 mmHg.
β Hypotension: BP <90/60 mmHg.
β Orthostatic Hypotension: BP drop when standing up β Causes dizziness.
β First action for a patient with chest pain: Administer oxygen.
β Auscultation of heart sounds should be done at the 5th intercostal space (Apical Pulse).
β Best way to check for fluid overload: Monitor daily weight.
β Informed Consent is mandatory before surgery or any invasive procedure.
β Negligence is failure to provide the standard level of care.
β Battery is touching a patient without consent.
β Assault is threatening a patient.
β False Imprisonment is restraining a patient without medical necessity.
β HIPAA ensures patient confidentiality and privacy.
β Best vein for IV cannulation: Cephalic or Basilic vein.
β Common IV complication: Phlebitis (inflammation of vein).
β Extravasation is leakage of IV fluid into surrounding tissue.
β IM Injection Needle Size: 22-25G, 1-1.5 inch.
β Subcutaneous Injection Needle Size: 25-30G, Β½-β
β IV Fluid for Dehydration: Normal Saline (0.9% NS) or Ringerβs Lactate.
β ECG (Electrocardiogram) is used to assess heart function.
β CT Scan is contraindicated in patients with iodine allergy.
β MRI is contraindicated in patients with metal implants.
β Chest X-ray is done before central line insertion.
β Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) should be taken before breakfast.
β First action in choking: Perform Heimlich maneuver.
β First action in burns: Cool with running water (No ice).
β First action in seizures: Turn patient to side and protect the head.
β First action in poisoning: Identify the toxin and call poison control.
β First action in bleeding: Apply direct pressure.
β First action in snakebite: Keep the limb still and lower than heart level.
β First action in drowning: Check breathing and pulse before starting CPR.
β What is the best way to prevent pressure ulcers? β Reposition every 2 hours.
β What is the best position for a patient with shock? β Trendelenburg.
β Which electrolyte imbalance causes muscle weakness? β Hypokalemia.
β Which electrolyte imbalance causes confusion? β Hyponatremia.
β What is the fastest route of medication administration? β Intravenous (IV).
β Which IM injection site is safest for adults? β Ventrogluteal.
β What is the normal SpOβ level? β >95%.
β Which infection control precaution is used for Tuberculosis? β Airborne precautions.
β How do you confirm placement of an NG tube? β X-ray (Gold standard).
β How do you position a patient for an enema? β Left lateral position.
β Which IV fluid is used for fluid resuscitation? β Ringerβs Lactate.
β Which device delivers the highest oxygen concentration? β Non-Rebreather Mask (NRM).
β What is the first sign of hypoxia? β Restlessness & confusion.