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Write definitions of disaster

A disaster is an event or occurrence that causes damage, ecological disruption, loss of human life, and distortion of health and health services that is sufficient to elicit an extraordinary response from people outside the affected community or area. ~ WHO 1995

A disaster is an event which may be natural or man-made which causes human suffering i.e. human trip and creates human need and cannot be overcome without victim assistance. Cannot alleviate without assistant) ~ American Red Cross (ARC)

A disaster is a sudden, catastrophic event that causes significant disruption, damage, and destruction, potentially resulting in loss of life.

A disaster is a natural or man-made event that causes widespread human loss as well as loss of livelihood, property and life.

Write meaning of disaster

D – detection
I – incident command
S – safety & security
A – assess
S – support
T – triage & treatment
E – evaluation
R – recovery

Write effects of disaster



Increase in Communicable Diseases

A psychological problem

Food Shortage

Socioeconomic Loss

Shortage of Drug and Medical Supplies

Environmental Disruption

Write types of disaster There are two main types of disaster:

Natural disaster

Manmade Disaster

Natural disaster

Natural disasters are also known as natural calamities. In which there is significant damage, loss of life and disruption due to weather or environmental events.

Earthquake: Sudden and violent shaking of the ground due to movement in tectonic plates. Due to which building collapse, infrastructure damage, landslides are observed.

Volcanic Eruption: Explosive or effusive magma, ash and gas escape from volcanoes which are known as volcanic eruptions. Due to which lava flow, ash cloud, pyroclastic flow, air travel disruption and health hazard are seen.

Tsunamis: A series of large waves are seen in the ocean due to underwater disturbances. This leads to coastal flooding, infrastructure disruption, significant loss of life.

Flood (Pur): Over flow of water on dry land. That is to be covered by land and water. Due to which water damage, property destruction, water supply is contaminated.

Cyclone, Tufan, Hurricane: Powerful topical storms that produce high winds and heavy rainfall.

Tornado: A tornado is a violently rotating column of air attached to the surface of the Earth and cumulonimbus clouds.

Drought: Shortage of water due to prolonged non-rainfall. Due to which crop failure, water scarcity, wild fire are seen.

Landslide and Mudslide: Downhill movement of rock, soil and debris is known as landslide. Due to which property damage, road blockage, fatality and injury are seen.

Wildfires: Uncontrolled fires in forests are known as wildfires. Due to which there is forest destruction, property loss, air quality degradation and loss of life.

Blizzard and Snowstorm: Severe snowstorms are accompanied by high winds and low visibility. Due to which transportation disturbance, hypothermia and infrastructure damage are seen.

Heatwave: Excessive high temperature is observed for a long period of time which is known as heatwave. Due to which heatstroke, agricultural damage is seen.

Dust Storm: Due to strong wind, large amount of dust is seen in the air. Due to which reduced visibility, respiratory health issues are seen.

Manmade disaster

Manmade disasters are known as anthropogenic disasters. Which is a type of event that occurs as a result of human action and negligence. Due to which it has significant impact on human health, infrastructure and environment.

Industrial Accidents: Accidents such as chemical spills, explosions, toxic releases have significant impact on human life due to conditions. Like Bhopal Gas Tragedy (1984)

Nuclear accident: A nuclear power plant failure releases radioactive material. For example Chernobyl disaster – Ukraine

Environmental Pollution: Deforestation, improper waste disposal, air and water pollution cause long-term environmental degradation.

Transportation Accidents: Major accidents such as accidents involving vehicles, trains, ships and airplanes cause significant casualty and property damage.

Structural failure: Collapse of buildings, bridges and other structures due to design failure, maintenance failure and poor construction. Like the Morbi bridge disaster

Conflict and Terrorism: Mass Destruction, Displacement due to Wars, Terrorism Act

Write phases of disaster management

There are mainly four phases used for disaster management which are as follows:

1) Mitigation Phase
2) Preparedness Phase
3) Response phase
4) Recovery phase

1) Mitigation Phase :

In the mitigation phase, efforts are made to prevent disaster occurrence and reduce the severity of the hazards that develop from the disaster. In which activities like building code, land use planning, environmental management are done.

2) Preparedness Phase :

In this phase, measures are taken to ensure that individuals and communities are prepared for disaster response. In which activities like emergency plan development, training exercises, public education campaigns and keeping necessary supplies and equipment in stock are done.

3) Response Phase :

In this phase, immediate action is taken immediately after the disaster to save lives and prevent damage caused by the disaster. So that safety can be ensured and emergency services can be provided. Activities like search and rescue operations, emergency sheltering and medical care are done in this phase.

4) Recovery Phase:

In the recovery phase, activities are carried out to recover the affected area and community. During this phase, the community repairs, rebuilds, and relocates damaged homes and businesses, and the health and economic vitality of the community is restored. This is a long term process in which activities like rebuilding infrastructure, providing ongoing social services, economic redevelopment are done.

Emergency preparedness

Emergency preparedness means planning and preparation to ensure safety and resilience in a potential emergency situation.

Emergency preparedness includes activities like planning, organizing resources, taking protective measures.

Following are the key steps used for emergency preparedness.

✓ Risk Assessment:

To identify potential emergencies or potential hazards (natural disaster, technological incident, pandemic).

Assessing the impact of this hazard on the community and organization.

✓ Emergency Plant Development:

Creating a comprehensive emergency plan for different types of emergencies.

Including evacuation routes, communication strategies, roles and responsibilities.

The plan should cover the special needs of the community (including children, elderly, people with disabilities) to be insured.

✓ Communication Plan:

Establish clear communication channels before an emergency, during an emergency and after an emergency.

Including methods of contacting family members, employees and emergency services.

Using multiple platforms for communication such as phone, email, social media.

✓ Emergency Kit:

Prepare an emergency kit with necessary supplies. Like food, water, medication, first aid supplies, flashlight, batteries.

Providing customized kits for home, car and work place.

Ensure that the kit is easily accessible and updated.

✓ Training and Education:

Conduct training sessions and drills regularly.

Educate the community about emergency procedures and safety measures.

To provide first aid and CPR training to the people of the community.

✓ Partnership and Coordination:

Collaborating with local authorities, emergency services and other organisations.

Participating with community emergency planning committees and networks.

Sharing information and resources to support overall preparedness.

✓ Review and Update Plan:

Regular review of the emergency plan and updating it regularly.

Conduct after-action reviews after drills and actual emergencies.

Write nurses role in disaster management

Nurses play a critical role in disaster management. The nurse performs the following roles during preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation:

Training and Education Provider:

The nurse should have received specialized training in disaster response. Like first aid, triage, emergency care. In addition, the nurse should be providing education to others about it.


Nursing is planning properly for disaster preparedness. Participating in developing disaster response plans.

Community Education:

Nurses provide education about disaster preparedness to the community. Like personal safety measure, emergency procedure

✓ Response :

Triage and Immediate Care Provider:

The nurse should be performing triage so that priority vice care can be provided and immediate care can be provided based on the severity of the injury.

Resources Management:

Nurses must manage medical supplies and ensure efficient use of resources.


Nurses should collaborate with other healthcare personnel, emergency services, disaster response teams.

Psychological Supporter:

To provide psychological support to the family members of the victims affected by the disaster.

✓ Recovery:

Care Provider:

Providing ongoing medical care to disaster survivors.

Support Services Provider:

Nurses connect each individual to resources and support services.

Community Health:

To monitor community health trends and prevent disease outbreaks in post-disaster settings.


To assist people with long-term injuries and disabilities in their rehabilitation efforts.

✓ Mitigation :

Risk Assessment:

Assessing community vulnerabilities and identifying disaster related potential health risks.

Public Health Initiatives:

Nurses promote public health initiatives such as vaccination campaigns, health education. By which the disaster risk can be reduced.


Becoming an advocate for nurse policy and practice. So that community resilience can be enhanced and disaster response infrastructure can be improved.

✓ Skill and Competencies:

Clinical Skills:

Must have clinical skills to provide emergency care and trauma care.


Must have the ability to lead and coordinate with a multidisciplinary team.


A nurse must have the communication skills to convey critical information quickly and clearly.


A nurse should be able to adapt to any environment and should be flexible in her work.

Cultural Competence:

A nurse must understand and respect cultural differences and provide culturally appropriate care.


Define triage

Triage is derived from the French word ‘trier’ which means ‘to short out’ or ‘to suck’.

Triage is a process used in emergency and medical settings in which patients are prioritized based on the severity of their condition.

In triage, early treatment is provided by separating patients who require early treatment using color codes.

Write types of triage

1) Simple triage:

Simple triage is used when there is a mass casualty incidence, patients need to be assessed and categorized quickly based on their needs, and resources are limited. Simple triage uses methods like START (Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment) method as well as color code system (red, yellow, green and black).

2) Advance Triage:

Advanced triage is used primarily in the hospitalized setting where more resources are available to perform an examination in more detail. Advance triage primarily uses the Emergency Severity Index (ESI) method. In which patients are categorized from level 1 (most urgent) to level 5 (least urgent).

Write about color code of triage

Red Color:

Red Mins Emergency. Red color indicates ‘immediate word’. That is, victims with life threatening conditions are given red color. That means such people need immediate intervention. For example severe respiratory depression, brain haemorrhage

Yellow Color :

Yellow Means Urgent. Such people have a serious condition but not life threatening, hence immediate intervention is not required.

Green Color :

Green Means Delayed. Green color is given for minor injuries like wounds.

Black Color :

Black Mins Decided (Dead) or Expectant. Black color is given to people who have died or who are severely injured and cannot survive.

Write advantages of triage

Patients are prioritized based on their severity and urgency so that they can be treated early.

Useful in making difficult decisions easy.

Rapid initial assessment is facilitated.

It ensures that resources are used effectively and waste is prevented.

Minimizes critical service waiting time.

Define obstruction of airway

This is a life threatening emergency. In which the respiratory passage is blocked due to airway obstruction which obstructs the free flow of the airway.

Write causes of airway obstruction

Foreign Object: Inhaling or ingesting a foreign object. that block the airway such as food pieces, toys or small items

Infection: Epiglottitis and infection in the larynx and pharynges can cause edema and spasm. This causes airway blockage.

Trauma: Obstruction in the upper airway is seen due to injuries to the face and neck. such as fracture and dislocation

Allergic Reaction: Severe allergic reactions cause swelling of the airways leading to obstruction.

Tumors: Abnormal growths and tumors in the upper airways cause blockage of the air passages.

Write clinical manifestations of airway obstruction

Choking is the main sign due to upper airway obstruction.

Choking: The universal sign for choking is ‘hand clutches to the throat’ i.e. a person clutches his throat during choking.

Difficulty in breathing

Cuffing or gagging




Difficulty in speaking


Respiratory distress and death

Write management of airway obstruction

Assessment: Assess the severity of the obstruction. Checking for signs of respiratory distress are present.

Clear the airway: Give the Heilmeich maneuver to clear the airway.

Standing on the back of the adult patient. Keep one foot slightly ahead of the other to create balance. If there is a child, sit behind him with legs folded.

Hold the arm next to the patient’s waist.

  • Then make a fist with one hand and place the thumb side of that fist against the person’s stomach, above the navel and below the ribs.

Grasp the fist with the help of the other hand and provide rapid upward thrusts in the abdomen.

To provide repeated thrusts if the object is not yet ejected.

Applying less pressure to the child.

If the patient is pregnant and the arm is not around the stomach, provide chest thrusts to the patient. Chest thrusts involve placing the hand on the breast bone and providing thrusts.

To provide back blow to newborn and infant.

In which placing the baby in the forearm and giving Joe five black blows with the grip hand.

Open the airway: If the patient is conscious and has difficulty in breathing, ask the patient to forcefully exhale the cough to clear the obstruction.

Call for help: If the obstruction does not clear and the patient’s condition worsens, call for emergency services.

Oxygen therapy: Provide supplemental oxygen to improve oxygen levels if oxygen is available.

Define Hemorrhage

Hemorrhage Means Bleeding. In which blood loss occurs from damaged blood vessels. which is found inside or outside the body.

Write types of hemorrhage

Hemorrhage is mainly divided into two types:
1) External hemorrhage
2) Internal hemorrhage

1) External Hemorrhage :

External hemorrhage is bleeding from a wound, abrasion, or injury site that is outside the body and is visible.

2) Internal Haemorrhage :

Bleeding occurs inside the body in internal hemorrhage. Which cannot be immediately visible like external hemorrhage. It includes intracranial hemorrhage, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, pulmonary hemorrhage.

✓ Arterial Hemorrhage: Bleeding in the arteries is known as arterial hemorrhage. Which is seen in bright red color. Arterial hemorrhage is severe and life threatening. Which is difficult to control (because the blood pressure in the artery is high.

✓ Venous Haemorrhage: Bleeding from a vein is known as ‘Venous Haemorrhage’. Which is seen in dark red color. Venous hemorrhage is less severe than arterial hemorrhage.

✓ Capillary Haemorrhage: Bleeding seen in the smallest blood vessels capillaries is known as Capillary Haemorrhage. Capillary hemorrhage involves small amounts of bleeding from minor cuts and abrasions.

Write causes of hemorrhage

Trauma or injury (accident, fall down, violence)

Medical conditions (hemophilia, blood clotting disorders, liver disease)

Medications (blood thinners – warfarin, aspirin)



High blood pressure



Child birth

Write sign and symptoms of hemorrhage

✓ External bleeding

Bleeding from an open wound

Visible bleeding


Discoloration of skin

Swelling around the affected area

✓ internal hemorrhage :

Intracranial Hemorrhage:

A severe headache

Confusion or Altermental Status

Vision problem


Weakness or numbness on one side of body

Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage:

Blood in vomiting

Blood in stool

Abdominal pain and swallowing

Pulmonary Haemorrhage:

Blood on cough

Chest pain

Breathing difficulty

✓ general symptoms:

Rapid and shallow breathing

Rapid pulse


Pale or calami skin





Write diagnostic evaluation of hemorrhage

History Collection

Physical Examination

Complete blood count

Coagulation study


CT scan




Write management of hemorrhage

✓ Immediate First Aid Care:

Apply pressure: Apply pressure to the bleeding site using a clean cloth or bandage. So that bleeding can be controlled.

Elevate the area: If bleeding is from a limb, elevate it to heart level. So that the blood flow of that area can be reduced.

Immobilize Area: Immobilize the injured area. So that further damage can be prevented.

✓ Medical Management:

Minor Haemorrhage:

Topical hemostatic agent: Apply hemostatic agent with gauze to control minor bleeding.

Sutures or Staples: Small cuts and lacerations are treated with sutures or staples.

Major Hemorrhage:

Tourniquet: Apply a tourniquet over the injury site in cases with severe limb bleeding. So that the blood flow can be controlled.

Blood Transfusion: If necessary, replace the blood with blood transfusion.

Intravenous Fluid: Administer intravenous fluid to maintain blood pressure and organ perfusion.

Medication: Administer medicine such as tranexamic acid to control bleeding.

✓ Surgical Intervention:

Ligation or clamping: tying or clamping of bleeding vessels.

Repair of injured tissue:

To surgically remove a damaged organ or tissue.

✓ Monitoring and Support:

Vital Sign Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of patient’s blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate and oxygen level.

Critical Care Support: Keeping the patient in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in severe cases. So that close monitoring of the patient can be done and advance intervention can be done.

Define shock

Shock is a life threatening condition. In which the body does not get enough blood supply means cells and tissues do not get enough oxygen and nutrients due to which they do not function properly and due to this severe damage is seen.

Write types of shock

1) Hypovolemic shock:

A condition of hypovolemia occurs due to significant blood or fluid loss and the resulting shock is known as hypovolemic shock.

2) Cardiogenic shock :

Due to conditions like heart attack or heart failure, the heart cannot pump enough blood and the resulting shock is known as cardiogenic shock.

3) Distributive shock:

Blood vessels in distributive shock lose their tone and capacity to dilate. Which is seen due to the following reasons.

Septic shock: A condition of systemic inflammation occurs due to severe infection and leads to septic shock.

Anaphylactic shock: Blood vessels constrict due to anaphylactic reaction and the condition of anaphylactic shock is observed.

Neurogenic shock: Injury to the spinal cord leads to loss of vascular tone leading to the condition of neurogenic shock.

4) Obstructive shock:

A physical obstruction in the blood flow results in inadequate blood supply to cells and tissues, resulting in a condition of obstructive shock. such as pulmonary embolism

Write sign and symptoms of shock

Low blood pressure (hypotension)

Rapid pulse (tachycardia)

Rapid breathing (tachypnea)

Shortness of breath


Cold and clammy skin

Ineffective tissue perfusion

Thirst and dry mouth


Loss of Consciousness


Weakness or fatigue

Decreases urine output

Dilated pupil




Write management of shock

Vasoconstrictors: Vasoconstrictors contract the smooth muscles in the blood vessels. So blood vessels constrict and blood pressure increases. For this use epinephrine, norepinephrine drug.

Isotrope: Use of isotrope medicine to increase cardiac output in cases with cardiogenic shock. such as dobutamine

Fluid Resuscitation: Administer IV fluids in cases with hypovolemic as well as distributive shock. Like normal saline, ringer lactate

Specific treatment: Knowing the type of grief and what cause (cause) is responsible for grief and treating that cause.

Hemodynamic monitoring: Continuous ECG, blood pressure, central venous pressure monitoring.

Define anaphylactic reaction

An anaphylactic reaction is a severe and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction that occurs shortly after exposure to an allergen.

Write sign and symptoms of anaphylactic reaction

✓ Skin Reaction :




Swallowing in face and eyes

✓ Respiratory symptoms:

Breathing difficulty



Chest tightness

✓ Cardio Vascular Symptoms :

Rapid or irregular heartbeat


Low blood pressure




✓ Gastro Intestinal Symptoms :

Abdominal pain




✓ Other symptoms:



slur speech


Write diagnostic evaluation of anaphylactic reaction

History Collection

Physical Examination

Serum tryptase

Skin prick test

Allergen Specific IgE Testing

Complete blood count

Write management of anaphylactic reaction

Call for Emergency: To call for emergency services.

Epinephrine Administration: Epinephrine is the drug of choice for anaphylactic reactions. Hence, epinephrine is administered to control the anaphylactic reaction.

Positioning: Lay the patient on a flat surface with leg elevation if possible and maintain airway patency.

Oxygen therapy and ventilation: Provide supplemental oxygen to the patient and provide mechanical ventilation if required.

Corticosteroid: Provide corticosteroid drugs to reduce inflammation and prevent biphasic reactions.

Antihistamines: Provide medicines of the antihistamine group to relieve E Ching and hives.

Fluids: Administer intravenous iv fluids to manage hypotension.

Monitoring: Continuous vital sign monitoring as well as monitoring for treatment response.

Define abdominal trauma

Injury or trauma to the abdominal cavity is known as abdominal trauma. In which organs in the abdominal cavity are affected. Like Stomach, Liver, Spleen, Intestine, Kidney, Bladder

Write types of abdominal trauma

  • Blunt trauma:

Blunt trauma involves force on the abdomen that causes internal organ damage but does not break the skin. Like falling down. Direct Blow (Kick)

Penetrating trauma:

Penetrating trauma breaks the skin and abdominal wall, so it penetrates and damages the internal organs. Like Knives, Bullets.

Write sign and symptoms of abdominal trauma

Abdominal pain and tenderness

Distension or swelling


Nausea and vomiting

Rapid pulse

Low blood pressure

Palm and clammy skin

Blood in stool and urine

Difficulty in breathing

Write diagnostic evaluation of abdominal trauma

History Collection

Physical Examination

Ultra sound

CT scan


Blood Test (CBC)

Write management of abdominal trauma

First assess the patient for ABCDE.

A – Airway

B – Breathing

C – Circulation

D – Disability

E – Exposure

Clear the airway if the airway is not clear.

Then provide supplemental oxygen or mechanical ventilation if needed.

Securing an IV line.

Applying pressure to the bleeding site.

To check the accuracy of injury using CT scan and X-ray.

Laparotomy is performed in cases with intra-abdominal injuries. With the help of which the injury in the organ can be repaired.

✓ Supportive care:

Fluid Resuscitation: Use crystalloids and blood products for fluid replacement.

Pain Management: Using analgesic drugs to relieve pain.

Antibiotics: In cases with penetrating injuries, the chances of infection increase so providing antibiotics group of drugs to prevent infection.

Define multiple injury

Multiple injuries are multiple injuries caused by any single traumatic event. Like car accident, multiple bone broken due to fall down, laceration, internal organ damage.

Write causes of multiple injury

Vehicle accident (car, motorcycle and bicycle accident

Phallus from height or sleep

Sport injuries

Violence or Assault

Industrial accident

Disaster (Earthquake)

Write diagnostic evaluation of multiple injury

History Collection

Physical Examination

x ray

CT scan



Complete blood count

Coagulation study

Kidney function test

Liver function test

Urine analysis

Write management of multiple injury

First assess the patient for ‘ABCDE’.

A – Airway

B – Breathing

C – Circulation

D – Disability

E – Exposure

Clear the airway if the airway is not clear.

Then provide supplemental oxygen or mechanical ventilation if needed.

Securing an IV line.

Applying pressure to the bleeding site.

Managing head injuries as well as spinal injuries.

Use a splint where necessary.

Immediately adjacent to the patient
Transfer to a trauma center.

Administer IV fluids to the patient and perform blood transfusion if blood loss is severe.

Treat life threatening conditions immediately. Like cardiac tamponade, pneumothorax, massive hemothorax.

To carry out specific management of the area which is injured or the area which is damaged. Management of rib fracture, hemothorax, pneumothorax in case of chest injury.

Administering tetanus toxoid vaccine to the patient.

Administering analgesic medicine to the patient.

Define poisoning

A condition of poisoning occurs when a person comes in contact with or is exposed to any substance harmful to health.

Poisoning occurs when a substance interferes with normal body function.

These harmful substances are introduced into the body through ingestion, inhalation, injection, or skin (absorption).

Types of positioning (type of poisoning)

I) Chemical poisoning:

Chemical poisoning occurs due to exposure to household cleaners, pesticides, industrial chemicals, or other toxic chemicals.

II) Drug poisoning :

Drug poisoning can occur due to overdose of prescription medicine, over the counter drops as well as illegal substances.

III) Food poisoning:

Food poisoning occurs due to ingesting contaminated food or beverages.

IV) Alcohol poisoning:

Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to alcohol poisoning.

V) Carbon Monoxide Poisoning :

Carbon monoxide poisoning occurs due to inhaling carbon monoxide gas.

VI) Plant and Animal Poisoning :

Poisoning conditions also occur due to ingesting toxic plants or animal bites or stings.

Define inhaled poisoning

Inhalation poisoning occurs due to inhalation of toxic substances. Due to which there is potential damage in the respiratory system and other organs.

Inhaled poisoning includes carbon monoxide poisoning, chemical fumes or vapor poisoning, smoke inhalation, ammonia and chlorine gas poisoning, asbestos poisoning, radon gas poisoning, hydrogen sulphide gas, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide poisoning.

Write sign and symptoms of inhaled poisoning

✓ Respiratory symptoms:


Shortness of breath


Chest pain

Rapid breathing

✓ Neurological symptoms:

Head one




Loss of Consciousness


✓ Cardiovascular symptoms:

Rapid or irregular heart beat


Chest pain


✓ Gastro-intestinal symptoms:



✓ Eye and Skin Symptoms :

Irritation or redness in the eye

Burning sensation in nose, throat and lungs

Skin irritation or rash


✓ General symptoms:





Write first aid for inhaled poisoning

Move to fresh air: Immediately move the patient to an area with fresh air.

Call Emergency Services: Call for emergency services immediately.

CPR If Necessary: ​​To provide CPR to the patient if breathing is not present.

Provide Oxygen: Provide supplemental oxygen if oxygen is available.

Remove Contaminated Clothing: If poisoning condition is observed due to chemical contact, remove contaminated clothing.

Transfer in Health Center: Transfer the patient to the nearest health center area and provide medical care.

Define food poisoning

Food poisoning is also known as ‘foodborne illness’. which is caused by consuming contaminated food or beverages.

Contaminants can be bacteria, viruses, parasites or toxins.

Write causes of food poisoning

Food poisoning is caused by consuming food or beverages contaminated with harmful microorganisms and toxins.

Bacteria (Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria)

Viruses (norovirus, hepatitis A)

Parasite (Toxoplasma, Cryptosporidium, Giardia)


Chemical (exposure to pesticide, heavy metal and other chemicals)

Write sign and symptoms of food poisoning




Abdominal pain and cramps


Head one

One of the muscles

Weakness or fatigue



Dry mouth

Loss of appetite

Write diagnostic evaluation of food poisoning

History Collection

Physical Examination

Blood test

Stool sample analysis

Urine test

Write management of food poisoning

✓ Medication:

Antidiarrheal drug: Provide over the counter medicine loperamide drug to control loose motion in mild cases.

Antiemetic drug: Provide antiemetic drug to control nausea and vomiting. such as ondansetron

Antibiotics: Providing drugs of the antibiotics group to treat bacterial infections.

Antiparasitic: Providing medicines of the antiparasitic group to treat parasite infections.

✓ Hydration:

Ask the patient to intake plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Like water, ORS, juice.

Administer intravenous fluids in cases with severe dehydration.

✓ Rest :

Provide enough rest for the body to recover.

✓ Diet:

If vomiting and diarrhea have subsided, provide easily digestible food to the patient. Like rice, khichdi, curd

Reintroduce solid food if the patient can tolerate it.

Avoiding dairy products, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and fatty foods.

Define chemical burns

Contact with harmful chemicals causes skin and tissue damage known as chemical burns.

Harmful chemicals include strong acids, alkalis, paint thinners, drain cleaners, gasoline, corrosive materials, etc.

Write sign and symptoms of chemical burns

The signs and symptoms seen in chemical burns depend on the concentration of the chemical and the duration of exposure.

Redness and irritation

Pain and burning

Formation of Balister and Piling

Discoloration of skin




Respiratory issues (coughing, shortness of breath – in inhalation burns)

Eye damage (pain, redness, vision loss – in case of eye burns)

Systemic symptoms (nausea, dizziness)

Write first aid for chemical burns

Remove the chemical:

Promptly and carefully remove contaminated cloth and jewellery.

Rhines the Area:

Rinse the affected area with full water for 20 minutes. Avoid hard spray of water. Because it can cause tissue damage.

Protect Your Self:

Use gloves and cloth to avoid chemical contact.

Do not apply neutralizing substances:

Do not use any other type of chemical to neutralize the chemical. Because it can cause a reaction.

Cover the Burn:

Cover the burn with a clean and dry cloth or sterile bandage after flushing.

Seek Medical Attention:

Seek immediate medical help in case of severe chemical burn, breathing difficulty and in case of unknown chemical.

Write prevention of chemical burns

Always use protective wear when handling chemicals.

Chemicals should be stored properly and out of reach of children.

To follow the safety precautions and warnings associated with the chemical product.

Avoid prolonged contact with chemicals.

Properly labeling the outside of chemical containers.

Avoid storing chemical products in food or drink containers.

Environmental emergencies

Define heat stroke

A stroke is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition. A body temperature greater than 41°C or 104°F.

Which is mainly seen due to prolonged exposure to high temperature or physical exertion during hot weather.

Write causes of heat stroke

Prolong exposure to high temperature


Wear heavy tight clothing

Medication (diuretic, beta blocker, antihistamine)

Medical condition

Drug and Alcohol Use

Sudden temperature changes

Full ventilation

Write sign and symptoms of heat stroke

High body temperature (>104°F / 41°C)

Alter mental status or behavior

Confusion, agitation, slurred speech, irritability, delirium, seizures, coma


Nausea and vomiting

Flushed skin

Rapid breathing

Rapid heart rate

Head one

Write first aid for heat stroke

Call emergency services: Call 911 or call the local emergency number if a person has suspected heat stroke.

Move to Cooler Environment: Place the patient in an open space with total air.

Drape the Person: Remove excess cloth and drape the patient with whatever is available. Such as placing the patient in a tub filled with water or using a fan filled with water.

Monitor Body Temperature: Continuous body temperature monitoring after a cooling effort.

Rehydrate: Encouraging the patient to drink plenty of water. Avoiding alcohol and caffeinated drinks.

Write prevention of heat stroke

Stay Hightread: Intake plenty of fluid. So that hightread can be kept. Avoid alcohol and caffeinated substances.

Avoid Strenuous Activity in the Heat: Avoid working in hot areas. Work in a cooler area.

Wear Appropriate Clothing : Wear loose fitting, light weight and light colored clothes.

Protect against sunburn: Use sun screen, sun glasses and hat to prevent sunburn.

Asclimate to the Heat : Asclimate Means Adaptation. Gradual exposure to high temperature over a number of days so that the mate can acclimatise.

Define frost bite

Frost bite is a type of injury that occurs due to freezing of the skin and underlying tissue.

Skin injury caused by exposure to extremely cold temperatures is known as frost bite. In which mainly small parts of the body like fingers, toes are affected.

Frostbite is primarily caused by exposure to temperatures of 23° F or less.

Write causes of frost bite

Prolong exposure to cold weather

Wet clothing or skin

Inadequate Clothing

Pur circulation

Alcohol and Drug Use

Fatigue and dehydration

High Altitude


Medical conditions (diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, Raynaud’s phenomenon)

Write sign and symptoms of frost bite

Cold skin

Numbness (Loss of sensation in affected area)

Redness or pain

Hard or waxy skin

Blister formation in severe cases

Discoloration of skin

Scheme may appear white, grayish yellow or blue

Swelling at affected area

Muscle and Joint Stiffness

In severe cases tissue becomes dyed (gangrene) leading to potential loss of limb.

Write management of frost bite

Get to a warm place: First remove the patient from the cool environment and transfer him to a warm place.

Remove Wet Clothing: Wet clothing can cause frostbite to worsen, so replace wet clothing with warm and dry clothing.

Avoid Rubbing: Avoid rubbing the affected area as it can cause more damage.

Warm the area: Gently warm the area with frostbite with warm water. Avoid using direct heat sources. Like fires, hot water, heating pad

Protect the area: Gently wrap the affected area with a clean cloth or bandage.

Define near drowning

This is a situation in which respiratory impairment occurs due to submersion or immersion in water. But if immediate care is provided, the patient can survive.

This is a medical emergency. Due to which conditions like serious medical complications, respiratory distress and pneumonia can be seen.

Write causes and risk factor of near drowning

Near drowning is caused by many factors. which are as follows:

Lake of Swimming Ability

Alcohol and Drug Use

Risky Behavior

Attempt suicide

Lake of Safety Measures

Environmental Factors (Current Tide, Waves and Weather Conditions)


Accident (boating accident, falling through ice)

Write sign and symptoms of near drowning

The signs and symptoms seen in near drowning depend on the severity of the incident and the length of time the person has been submerged in the water.

Abdominal distension

Breathing difficulty

Chest pain



Cold skin

Foaming at the mouth (white, frothy foam around the mouth


Confusion and disorientation



Write management of near drowning

✓ Immediate Action :

Ensure Safety : To ensure that the given area is safe for rescue or not. Don’t put yourself at risk.

Call for Help: Call for emergency services immediately.

Rescue the Person: Removing the person from safe water.

Check for Responsiveness: Gently shake the person and check the person’s response.

✓ If the person is unresponsive :

Open the airway: Tilt the head back and lift the chin to open the airway.

Check for Breathing: Assess the patient for breathing. Provide CPR if breathing is absent.

Perform CPR: Provide CPR if breathing is not present.

Use of AED: Use of automated external defibrillator if present.

✓ If the person is breathing :

Positioning: Placing the person in the recovery position. So that the airway can be kept open and vomit can be prevented from aspirating.

Keep Warm: Cover the patient with a cloth or blanket to prevent hypothermia.

Monitor: Monitor the patient for breathing and responsiveness until emergency services are available.

✓ Hospital Management :

Oxygen therapy: Provide supplemental oxygen to maintain oxygen levels.

Ventilation Support: Provide mechanical ventilation if conditions of severe respiratory distress are present.

Monitor for Complications: Monitor the patient for secondary drowning, infection and other complications.

Chest X-ray: A chest X-ray is done to check for water accumulation in the lung and any other injuries.

Blood Test: Blood tests for electrolyte imbalance, oxygen levels and other metabolic issues.

Temperature Management: Treat hypothermia if needed.

Define hanging

Hanging means hanging or hanging.

Hanging Mins Act of Suspension by Neck.

A hanging injury occurs when the neck constricts between a ligature (such as a rope).

Write physical sign of hanging injury

Ligature Mark



Protruding tongue

Saliva dribbling

Swellon Face

Congested eyes

Fracture of neck structure

Write mechanism of hanging injury

During hanging, the ligature (rope, wire) compresses the soft tissue in the neck, thereby compressing the vein in the neck. Then the body hangs on the rope which causes more compression on the neck as the whole weight of the body comes on the rope and due to this the weight increases so that the artery (main coronary) in the neck is compressed and the blood supply to the brain is cut off. Due to which death is seen.

Write causes of hanging

Mental health issues (depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety)

Acute stress (financial problem, loss of love one, relationship breakdown)

Subtense Abuse (Alcohol and Drug Addiction)

Trauma and Abuse (Experience of Physical, Emotional and Sexual Abuse)

Chronic pain or illness

Social Isolation (Loneliness and Lack of Social Support)

Family history

History of Self Harm

In case of execution (punishment by hanging in some countries)

Write management of hanging

✓ Initial Assessment and Resuscitation :

Immediate Response: Call for emergency medical services immediately. Carefully lower the patient with support and lower him onto a flat surface.

Airway Management: If cervical spine injury is present, provide thrust maneuver to open the airway.

Breathing: Check breathing and provide rescue breathing if needed. If oxygen is available, administer oxygen.

Circulation: Then check the circulation including checking the pulse. Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if no pulse is felt.

Spinal precaution: Presuming a spinal cord injury until it is proven that there is no spinal injury. thereby immobilizing the cervical spine.

✓ Emergency Department Care:

Advanced Airway Management: Perform intubation to secure the airway.

Breathing Support: Provide mechanical ventilation if respiratory failure is present.

Circulation Support: Administer vasopressors and intravenous fluids to maintain blood pressure.

Neurological Assessment: Perform a comprehensive neurological examination. CT scan and MRI of head and neck to check if any kind of injury is present or not.

Wound Care: Checking for any kind of injury on the neck. If an injury is present, treat it. Clean the wound properly to prevent infection.

Supportive Care: Provide supportive care such as pain management nutritional support.

Categorized as MSN 2 FULL COUSE SECOND YEAR, Uncategorised