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ENGLISH UNIT-3-ENVIRONMENT-Community organizations to promote environmental health-(UPLOAD)

🌟 Community organizations to promote
environmental health

Community organizations to promote
environmental health
a) Levels and types of agencies:

National, state, local

Government, voluntary and social
b) Legislations and acts regulating the
environmental hygiene.

Enumerate the importance of national level health organization:

🌟 National level health organization:

Environment is a global issue.

In the modern age of life environmental problems play an important role on the health status of men, family or country.

There are many organizations or organizations that are working in the field of environmental protection, because nowadays the environmental indicators are deteriorating day by day.
🌟 Enlist the national level organization:

Ministry of environment and forest

Department of environment and forest

Central pollution control board established in 1974

National museum and natural sciences

Central Ganga authority

Ecological development board

Indian national human, animal kingdom and

environment research society

National water board authority

Assessing and monitoring the quality of water, air and traffic pollution board

Center for environmental education
🌟 Describe the function of national level organization:

Planning and implementing policies for environmental protection

Legislate for the violence of environmental policies

To review environmental policies

Allocation of budget for environmental protection
🌟 illustrate the overview on the state and local level environmental health hygiene:

🌟 State and local environmental health organization:

Growing cities, rapidly increasing traffic, rapid economic development and industrialization, and high levels of energy consumption have resulted in pollution loads.

So the state government establishes boards, ministries and agencies at various levels to control pollution in the environment.
🌟 Enlist the organization which are working at State and local level:

  1. State level:

State pollution control board

Forest and environment department

Transport department

Public health and engineering

Department of health

Local level:

Municipal corporation

Gram panchayat
🌟 Describe the role of organization and agencies related to environmental health:

To resolve the issue of licensing any new industry or hospital.

Arranging studies on environmental issues.

Cancellation of approval of industries affecting public health.

Monitoring and evaluation of pollution situation.

Department of Forest and Environment –
Planning and policy making

Implement new policies

Transport department-

Certification of vehicles to validate pollution under control

Introducing criteria to detect vehicles that are not compliant.


Provide safe drinking water

Conservation of water sources

Health department-

To control infections and vector borne diseases, bio waste management

To conduct surveys and research related to health and environment

To spread awareness among people regarding environmental health

Municipal Corporation and Gram Panchayat-

To maintain drainage and sanitation

Organizing camps on health and environment related issues.
🌟 list of govt. Organization which have been working in the field of environment

govt. Organization which have been working in the field of environmental protection health:

Ministry of environment and forest

Department of environment

Central pollution control board

National museum of natural sciences New Delhi

Environment protection authority

Indian national human, animal kingdom and environmental research society

Ecological development board

Central Ganga authority

Town planning

Urban housing and transport
🌟 Explain each organization of promoting environmental health:

Ministry of environment and forest:
It was established in 1985 by the Government of India for the conservation of environment, forest and wild life.

department of authority:
It is a central authority to plan, promote and coordinate environmental programmes.

Central pollution control board:
It is the apex national authority to control environmental pollution and assist the State Pollution Control Boards.

National Museum of Natural Science, New Delhi:
The museum educates people and makes them aware of environmental issues

environmental protection authority:
This takes care of all environmental aspects of the National Capital Region.

Indian National Human, Animal Kingdom and Environmental Research Society:
The society promotes environmental education and research.

Ecological development board:
This board creates environmental awareness among students, youth (rural areas) and women.

Central Ganga Authority:
It was established in 1985 to make the Ganges pollution free through the Ganga Action Plan.

Town planning:
For environmental cleanliness and pollution free

urban housing and transport:
The agency works with closed drainage systems in housing and safety transport to control environmental pollution by CNG, city buses and three-wheelers.
🌟 List various social and voluntary agencies working in environmental health:

Bombay natural history society

World wide fund for nature India

Center for science and environment

Center for environment and education

Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan Institute of Environmental Education and Research Pune

Uttarakhand sewanidhi Almora

Ranthambhore Foundation – Sawai Madhopur

Bharat sewak samaj (bss)

Saint John Ambulance Association

Indian red cross society
🌟 Explain each voluntary health agency which have been working in the field of environmental sanitation:

Bombay natural history society:
It is an all India wildlife research organisation, which conserves nature through research, education and public awareness.

world wide fund for nature -india:
It was founded in 1961 and works in the field of wildlife conservation and reducing human impact on the environment.

center for science and environment:
It was founded in 1980 and serves as a think tank on environmental development issues in India.

center for environment and education:
It was established in 1984. It works to raise awareness about the environment.

Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan Institute of Environmental Education and Research, Pune:
It trains teachers to develop environmental education and impart awareness.

uttarakhand sewanidhi, almora:
It was focusing on village land rehabilitation and sustainable management of natural resources, water and sanitation.

Ranthambhore Foundation, Sawaimadhopur:
It is a treat for every wildlife and nature lover

Bharat Sewak Samaj (BSS):
This organization carries out its activities of environmental sanitation improvement in rural areas.

Saint John Ambulance Association:
This association provides emergency services like earthquake, mine explosion

Indian Red Cross Society:
It provides immediate relief to victims of natural calamities like floods, cyclones, earthquakes and workshops for workers on disaster management.
🌟 To know the meaning of legislation for environmental hygiene:

Government of India launched several programs for prevention of occupational diseases, prevention of water and air pollution.

All this shows the government’s commitment to a safe environment.

As we know that environmental damage causes many problems like global warming, acid rain, destruction of biodiversity, etc.
🌟 To know the act for environmental protection:

Environmental protection act- 1986, authorized the central government to improve environmental quality control and reduce pollution from all sources and prohibit industries on environmental grounds.

Hazardous waste (management and handling) rules – 1989, aims to regulate the generation, collection, treatment, import, storage and handling of hazardous waste.

The public liability insurance act and rules 1991- – It was enacted to provide public liability insurance for the purpose of providing immediate relief to persons affected by accidents while handling any dangerous substance.

National environmental tribunal act, 1995: It is designed to provide compensation for damage to person, property and environment arising out of hazardous substance activity.

Biomedical waste (management and handling) rules 1998: It is legally binding on the health care institution. Streamline the process of proper management of hospital waste. such as segregation, disposal, storage and treatment.
🌟 Wild life act and forest act:

The Indian Forest Act 1927 and Amendment 1984 were enacted to consolidate the laws relating to forests.
Transport of forest produce and timber and then for duty on forest produce.

Wild Life Protection Act 1972:
Provides protection for birds and animals and everything associated with them, whether it is their habitat or the forest that sustains them.

Forest (Conservation) Act and Rules 1980: It provides for protection and conservation of forest water.
The river board act, 1956:
It enables states to register with the central government. Assists in the establishment of Advisory River Boards for problem solving in interstate cooperation.

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974 establishes an institutional framework for the prevention and control of water pollution.

Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules 1978- contain standard definitions and indicate the type and location and need of each consumer of water.
The Factories Act 1948 and the 1987 amendment were the first to express concern for the working environment of workers. The 1987 amendment sharpened its environmental focus and expanded its application to hazardous processes.

The Atomic Energy Act 1962 deals with radioactive waste.

The Air (Prevention and Control) Act 1981 provides for the control and promotion of air pollution. It delegates the power to enforce the Act to the Central Pollution Control Board. It was amended in 1987.

The Motor Vehicle Act 1988 states that all hazardous waste must be transported properly labeled.
