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ENGLISH Unit-1-Environmental hygiene-Introduction(Upload)


a) Components of environment

b) Importance of healthy environment

🌟 What is Environment-Environment???

Environment means the whole range of external physical, chemical and biological factors affecting the life and development of organisms. It includes soil, water, climate, energy and food supply, as well as social and cultural environment. Its form is highly complex and variable and contains many variables that affect each other. The study of the branch of natural science is called environment study.

Environment thus includes Internal and External Environmet. Like…..

★Internal Environment :– Physical, Biological, Social, Psychological etc…

★External Environment :– Which includes Air, Water, Soil, Temprature, Noise, Heat, Housing, Radiation, Organisms, Animals, Microbes, Waste etc.

🌟Define Environment

★According to Roy Nursing Theorist,

“Environment means the internal and external conditions on the individual and the group which show the surrounding influencing conditions on its development, behavior”

★According to Encyclopedia

Environment is an effect and a system that is a totality of conditions for life and death for each organism for its racial development.

🌟Define Sanitation

“Sanitation is the science of safeguarding health.
Sanitation, defined as it expresses the quality of life, includes a clean home, clean farm, clean business, clean neighborhood and clean community.
🌟Define Environment Sanitation (Environmental Sanitation)
Controlling the physical environment and everything else that affects our health and survival
🌟Define Environmental Health Environmental Health
It is the art and science of promoting a positive environment and preventing and controlling physical, chemical, biological, and social environmental and damaging effects that affect health.

🌟What are the components of environment:

Physical environment and health:

Factors which are in contact with a person for his whole life and have a direct impact on his health, development and life span are considered as components of physical environment, which are as follows.

  1. air
  2. water
  3. soil
  4. housing climate
  5. Waste
  6. radiation
  7. food
  8. light (electricity) etc.
  9. Heat
  10. Sound

11 Gravity

12 humidity

  • ★Biological environment and health:

Bacteria, viruses, plants, animals, insects, rodents, parasites and microbes etc. are the constituents of the biological environment.

  1. virus
  2. bacterial
  3. insects
  4. Rodents
  5. animals
  6. Parasites
  7. Microbes etc.

All these things are related to a person’s health.

A poor biological environment is responsible for many infections and diseases.

  • ★social environment and health: (Social environment and health)

All social conditions and causes that influence the social health of individuals and communities. Social customs, culture, habits, beliefs, traditions etc. are factors that affect lifestyle and standard of living.

  1. customs
  2. habits
  3. income
  4. Occupation
  5. Religion
  6. Beliefs
  7. traditions
  8. economic conditions etc.

🌟Elements for good environmental health:

  1. Controlling air pollution
  2. Providing clean and safe water
  3. Healthy housing
  4. Checking noise pollution
  5. Protect individuals from disease
  6. Appropriate light energy
  7. Appropriate temperature and humidity
  8. Protection against radiation
  9. Proper disposal of waste materials

🌟Main Environmental Problems

Air pollution

Water pollution

Noise pollution

Soil pollution

Soil erosion

Destruction of forests

Depletion of natural wealth and resources

Bio diversity

Radiation Hazard

Waste and its disposal

Arthropod Borne Disease



More traffic

Slum area

🌟Factors affecting the Environmental Health

[1] Population Explosion
This is the biggest problem of India, it leads to over crowding, depleting human resources, increasing urbanization and industrialization, and has an impact on the Green Revolution.
Due to industrial revolution and less resources in villages, urbanization increases as people migrate from villages to cities, increasing slum areas.
[3] Automobiles
The number of two wheeler and four wheeler in automobiles is increasing very much but due to the use of Petrol, Diesel, it releases harmful gases such as Carbon Monoxide, Hydrocarbon, Lead Nitrogen Oxide, etc.
[4] Industrialization
Factories producing products in all industries generate some form of harmful waste that pollutes air, water and soil. All these wastes are released into the environment and pollute the environment.
[5] Deforestation
The demand for timber from forests for industries to meet their needs especially for house building has increased due to which environmental problems such as landslides climate change etc. are seen.
[6] Sound Pollution
As the number of heavy vehicles like airplane trains etc. and the number of vehicles is very high, its halls etc. also increase in sound pollution, its effect is also seen on health.
[7] Green Revolution
Due to the use of excessive fertilizers and chemicals in agriculture, many disease conditions are observed
[8]Radio active substance
[9] Radioactive substances are used in power plants, hospitals, laboratories, etc., so the full effect can be seen on the human body due to its exposure.
[10] Natural Calamities
These are not caused by man but indirectly related to human bean including flood, drought, storm, earthquake, landslide, tsunami etc.

🌟Importance of healthy environment

Environment plays an important part for the complete development of the individual as well as the community i.e. the environment is the basis of all existence.

And if there is even a slight change in the changes or interaction in it, its effect is seen on our health

Due to lack of environmental sanitation in India, many diseases are seen and it is also said that “Gandwad ter Mandwad” therefore death rate, mortality rate, morbidity rate, poor health standard all increase due to lack of proper environmental sanitation.

So the effect of environment is clearly seen on the individual
The health status of the individual and the community can be good only if the environment is healthy
Environment itself protects against communicable and non-communicable diseases
The environment has a very important role in the promotion of individual and community health

So a healthy environment around us is what keeps us healthy so environment is very important.
