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Q-1 a. Describe the concept of primary health care. 03

Primary Health Care – The concept of primary health care was similar to the concept of basic health services in India which was proposed by the Bhor Committee in 1946 and implemented by the Government of India through successive Five Year Plans after independence.

Definition of Primary Health Care – According to WHO, “Primary health care is essential health care that can be provided practically and scientifically everywhere by the full cooperation of the individual, family and society through accepted methods and technology and is provided everywhere within the country’s affordability. Health services are called primary health care”

Concept of primary health care

Accountability – responsibility

Affordability – affordable

Available – Available

Acceptable – Acceptable

Accessibility – accessible

As afforded by the country and community

Universally accessible to all citizens of the country

Available to all irrespective of rural or urban, rich or poor communities

Socially acceptable based on practical and scientifically sound technology

Responsible to the country’s health care agencies.

b. Write down functions of PHC 04

According to Alma Ata, PHC has to perform the following functions.

(1) Medical Care :-

In this, the patient is treated according to the disease in which injections or drugs are used, apart from this, preventive, promotive, curative treatment is given and minor diseases are treated.

(2) M.C.H. Service and Family Planning

Maternal and child health care, from antenatal period to all child health services like immunization, antenatal checkup, post natal checkup, nutrition etc.

(3) Safe Water Supply and Busy Sanitation

Chlorination of wells, running sanitation programs etc. to ensure safe drinking water for people.

(4) Prevention and Control of Locally Endemic Diseases

It is important to control the diseases that are frequently seen in the community.

(5) Collection and reporting of vital statistics.

Vital collection and reporting of vital statistics like birth, death, delivery, notification of epidemic disease etc.
(7) National Health Programme

Implementation of each health program is done from the primary health center itself, such as participating in school health programs, malaria, filariasis, leprosy, tuberculosis, AIDS, etc.

(8) Provision of Referral Services.

Providing referral service as needed.

(9) Providing training to health guides, health workers and health assistants.

Facilitation for training of health workers

(10) Providing basic laboratory services

Providing basic laboratory services like hemoglobin test, urine test, blood smear for malaria etc.

c. Write down principles of community health nursing 05

  1. Since community health nursing is focused on the community, mapping out and establishing good practice guidelines for where nursing care is to be provided in the community.
  2. Providing care according to community and individual needs. Health programs and resources should address health problems
  3. Working with doctors, female health workers, female health supervisors, multipurpose workers and other health workers in the community health team, nurses help in planning, evaluation of health programs, home visits, sanitation problems, nutritional problems, maternal and Maintaining child health and imparting health education.
  4. Health worker authorized, health authority is responsible for each health worker. Each health worker is appointed by the state, municipality, local or private body or agency. A nurse who works in the area. He should be in contact with the Public Health Authority

Planning and organization of one’s work should be done. All this is necessary to maintain harmony and cooperation in the health program. Because the health authority is held personally liable.

  1. Health services should be available to people according to their age, caste, religion, nationality, social, political or economic level. Everyone should have good personal health and environment. Health workers should be non-political and non-partisan. A public health worker should not interfere with the national, religious belief of two people but she should be able to explain all other beliefs and manners of social affairs.
  2. A public health worker should never accept any gift or bribe. But if some charges are fixed by the government for some health care, it should be taken honestly
  3. Family and community are considered as a unit for working in public health work. Teaching is an important part of every health.
  4. Periodic evaluation of nursing care provided in the community is very important for planning and progress of services.
  5. Community health nursing should maintain professional relationship and discipline with the community

10 There should be arrangements for guidance and supervision of public health nurse services

  1. Regular record keeping and reporting of every work done in the community should be carried out.
  2. Providing continuous health services is considered effective.
  3. Family and community are considered as one unit to work in Bleak health work. Teaching is an important part of every health.

14 Health should be met according to individual and convenience.

  1. Other members who work with Village People. They can also help with health programs
  2. Agenda should be received for fully satisfactory performance.
  3. One’s interest in the profession should be developed and maintained. OR

a. Describe Epidemiological triad. 03

The epidemiological triad or epidemiological triangle is a traditional model for explaining how infectious diseases occur and are transmitted in the community.

These three factors are responsible for the occurrence of disease, agent, host and environment, if there is absence of any one of them, the disease does not occur. Therefore, this model is used for the emergence and treatment of diseases.

b. Write down immunization schedule up to 1 year of child. 04

(IMAGE is given in both Gujarati and English languages ​​in the next paper…Most IMP)

c. Write down the principles of home visit. 05

(1) Planning should be done according to the needs of the people. Eg: A certain area has some kind of health problem. Accordingly, it should be according to the health need.

(2) Accurately collecting all the information of the family as well as general information of the community. In which to ask about family size, income, religion, customs etc.

(3) Being sensitive to the person’s feelings and needs during the visit.

(4) Always use nursing procedures safely and with technical skill.

(5) Giving more importance to quality than quantity of work.

(6) Approach with family should always be polite and trusting


Q-2 a. List out family planning methods and explain any two methods. 08

  1. Natural method

Vidrole or coitus interruptus

Self control

Rhythm Method or Safe Period

Basal body temperature

  1. Artificial

A. Temporary

  1. Chemical method → ​​form tablets
    → Jelly or cream
    →Mechanical method

2.Mechanical method → ​​Condom for male → Vaginal diaphragm → Cervical cap for female

  1. Hormonal method
    → Oral pills
    → Injectable contraceptive
    →Subdermal implant
  2. Intra uterine device → Lipis loop → Copper-T

B. Permanent
→ Vazektoni or N.S.V.
→ Tubac Tommy
→ Laparoscopy

A condom

The condom is 17.4 cm long and 4.5 cm in diameter, worn over the erect penis before intercourse. After intercourse, it should be discorded, burnt or incinerated in such a way that the seam does not come out and it should be removed from the pennies in such a way that it does not come into the hands of children.

This is a thin rubber device used for contraception by mail.

It is to be worn during intercourse.

Condoms are very effective and safe for birth control

. By using this one can keep the desired period between two babies. By using this there is no e-pregnancy between the two children.

It has no side effects.

It is to be worn over the penis during every sexual intercourse.

The use of this can prevent semen in the vagina itself.

Both are more effective when used with chemical spermicide (jelly).

This not only prevents pregnancy but also protects against AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.

Use a new condom every time,

Before using the condom, check whether it is leaking or not

There are many types of condoms available in the market.

  • Advantages :-

Easily found. Every family meets at the Welfare Centre.

Easy to use.

Prevents unwanted.

Protects against S.T.D & Aids.

No side effects.

No medical supervision is required

Dis Advantages :-

Decreases sexual pleasure.

A new condom is required each time

Many times it breaks.

Failure rate 14%

Female Sterilization ::-

In this, the fallopian tubes are cut and tied.

If the sterilization operation is performed within 1 to 3 days after delivery, it is called post partum sterilization.

If the operation is performed shortly after delivery or after conception, it is called interval sterilization.

(1) Traditional tubectomy

This is an abdominal operation. In this, both the fallopian tubes are cut and tied.

This operation is performed under general or spinal anesthesia. The patient has to stay in the hospital for five to seven days.

A discharge is given after the stitches are removed. After discharge can do light work for 10 days. Weight lifting and moving heavy objects are prohibited for 3 weeks. Can have sexual intercourse 4 weeks after the operation. This is counted as a major operation.

(2) Mini laparotomy :-

A modified form of traditional tubectomy. This is a very simple procedure.

In this 2.5 to 3 cm. As much as it is cut.

Then both the tubes are cut and tied.

This operation can be done at the PHC and also in the camp.

Very good for post partum sterilization. A smaller incision is made than traditional tubectomy.

(3) Laparoscopy :: –

This is very simple and modern. This operation is performed by a trained gynecologist or surgeon. This operation is done through a special instrument laparoscope.

In this an incision of one to two inches is made in the lower abdomen.

After that, the laparoscope is inserted into the abdomen and the tube is found. In this first carbon monoxide, nitrogen and air are filled in the stomach. So that the intestine moves away from the operation site.

After the tube is found, the tube is clamped.

It takes very little time.

The hospital stay is also less.

The scar is also very small. So appearance is not a problem.

This is a very successful and popular method.

A fallop ring can be well placed in the tube. Also, if the tube is to be switched on again in the future, the tube can be switched on by removing the ring

b. Explain the factors affecting nutrition. 04

  1. Age / Development

During periods of rapid growth (eg infancy and adolescence) people have higher nutrient requirements.

On the other hand, the elderly (old age) require fewer calories and dietary changes.

  1. Gender

Men and women have different nutrient requirements due to body composition and reproductive functions.

Men – Larger body mass requires more calories and protein.

Women – Menstruation requires more iron.

Pregnant and lactating mothers have increased calorie and fluid requirements

3.Ethnicity & Culture

A person in North India would have wheat as his staple food.

The variety of rice is also different, as Tamil Nadu people eat white rice

In Kerala a person eats red/brown rice, which is more nutritious.

In most communities in India women and girls eat only after the men and boys have finished their meal.

Yoghurt and Mosambi food are not taken by a person suffering from cold and cough.

4.Social factors/superstitions

Many people believe in superstitions and try to avoid certain foods.

Papaya is avoided during pregnancy, as it is believed to cause abortion.

Pregnant women drink milk with saffron for white baby.

  1. Religious Factors

Many Hindus are vegetarians.

Jains do not eat after sunset.

Muslims are forbidden to eat pork.

Hindus do not eat beef

6.Traditional Factors

Traditional cooking practices also act as a barrier to achieving a balanced diet.

Use of ex-polished rice

Drain the water from the rice

Boiling vegetables causes a great loss of nutrients.

to fast

7.Economic Factors

Food choices are based on affordability.

A daily wage earner will spend more on staple foods than fruits and vegetables.

They rely on grains, low-cost green leafy vegetables, and roots and tubers. A rich person eats a variety of foods.

  1. Geographical area

People in the coastal areas of Karnataka, Kerala, Goa and West Bengal consume large amounts of seafood.

Rice is the staple food in South India (Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Tamil Nadu).

Wheat is the staple food of the northern and eastern regions. Because wheat is the staple crop in temperate regions.

9.Life Style

Food forms part of festivals, parties and celebrations.

The way a person lives his life influences his food habits.

Work routine and time at work also affect eating habits

10.Other Factors

health condition



Education status


a. Discuss the role of community health nurse in family health services. 08

(1) Community Need Assessment or Identification of Community:

Conducting a survey to know the community health needs, going door to door to know the needs of the people. Apart from this, geographical situation, environmental aspect, sociocultural aspect etc. are included.

(2) Planning

Plans work together with medical and other team members to provide comprehensive nursing care, in which schools, clinics and health centers also plan for health services. Apart from this, it plans for health education programs.

(3) Care Provider
Community health nurses work to provide continuous and comprehensive care to the wider community. Performs health promotion and decision making, treats sick people and wins their trust
(4) The educator gives education to the people that they can solve their health problems by themselves. As a health educator, the community health nurse educates the people in the community as a group, family and individually. The Community Health Nurse plans and conducts health education sessions in the community for school children, mothers, eligible couples, etc.
A community health nurse works in the community to find resources for families to solve their problems.
(6) Human Resources
Identifies and utilizes early resources within the Community Health Nurse Committee (7) Observation
COMMUNITY HEALTH A community nurse observes and observes everything happening around her to identify any changes in health status.
(8) Care Manager The Community Health Nurse provides health care services to the family as the Care Manager.
(9) Medical Assistant:– To assist the Medical Officer and Health Program wherever required

b. Explain the mid-day meal program. 04

This program is also known as School Lunch Program

The School Mid Day Meal Scheme has been implemented in India since 1961 as a part of the National Nutritional Programme.

Mid Day Scheme is a School Mill Program created by the Government of India to increase the nutritional status of school going children at the national level.

Objective of Meal Scheme

Increasing children’s school admissions

To increase school attendance of children

Enhancing literacy among children

Principles of Mid Day Meal Program

Meals provided at the Meade Mill are a supplement and not a substitute for the home diet

The meal served in the mid-day meal should provide half of the protein and one-third of the energy required by the body.

Cost of food should be less

Meals should be easily prepared Made from locally available food to minimize cost Menu should be changed from time to time

Purpose of Mid Day Meal Scheme

Children’s school enrollment increases, children’s attendance increases

Increase in nutritional status of children

To increase the nutritional status of every government school child studying from class I to class VIII

To encourage poor children to stay in school, children should get nutritional support at the primary stage

Suggestions for making food repairs

Food should be stored in air tight containers Whole wheat should be used rather than broken wheat Rice should be unpolished A dish with vegetables should be used with cereals and pulses Sprouted pulses should be specially included Fermentation should increase the nutritional value during cooking Care should be taken to avoid wastage of nutrients.Award overcooking should not be used.Boiled oil should not be used frequently.Carrot and Radish leaves should also be used.

Benefits of Midday Meal Scheme

Increases enrollment in schools Children come to school every day thus increasing attendance Helps children grow up healthy Children get a chance to develop many types of good health habits eg hand washing helps develop social equality Gender Helps increase equality Facilitates cognitive emotional and social development in children.

Nurse’s Role in Mid Day Meal Programme

The role of the nurse is very important in the monitoring and implementation of the mid-day meal program

The nurse has to monitor the permanent scheme

Monitoring the cleanliness of the cooking area etc

Men helps plan and prepare the food menu

The nurse will provide education to the staff on good cooking practices and full hygiene. The nurse will provide health education to the children on good food habits.

Q-3 Write short answers of the following (Any Two) 2X6=12

a. Write down characteristics of healthy individual.
Write the characteristics of a healthy person.

According to the definition of health, a person is physically, mentally, socially, and religiously healthy and is free from any disease, then according to that, his characteristics can be given as follows.

  1. Characteristics of a physically healthy person:-

Bright Ice to have good coordination of all organs of the body

Good body structure

Good appetite

Good movement and coordination of all body parts

All the organs of the body are working well

Special science organs like hearing vision test smell touch etc. are working well

Pulse BP is normal for his age and gender

No problem in good skin briting and good sleep all these are the characteristics of a physically healthy person 2. Mentally healthy person’s character

Have self-identity

Can adjust well

Being able to accept criticism of others

There is no conflict of any kind in it

Self Actualization

Know your needs, problems and goals

Having control over oneself, being emotionally stable, being able to think emotionally and rationally, being able to cope with stress and anxiety, gaining self-identity 3. Socially healthy character

Living harmoniously in society as a family community and contributing as an integral part of the world.

He has healthy relationship in society and family

4.Spiritually healthy person

A person can well live the ethical life he is destined to and fulfill that need

He can perform the method of worship according to his desire

Besides having respect for others, the person should not have any disease or deformity

Does not show unnecessary anxiety

Have self confidence

No social or mental stress of any kind

Do not have any kind of bed habit

Life is very well lived happily

Exercising for fitness

etc. are the characteristics of a healthy person

b. Explain cold chain.


“The system of storing and transporting the vaccine at low temperature from the place of manufacture of the vaccine to the actual vaccination or to the beneficiary is called cold chain”.

Importance of cold chain

Obtaining vaccines from manufacturers

Storage and transportation of vaccines

Maintaining a supply of vaccines

Having information about essential equipment, power supply etc

Store vaccine at low temperature

Protect the vaccine from exposure to sunlight

Maintain vaccine efficacy.

Tools for maintaining cold chain:-

vaccine carrier

They are suitable for carrying small quantities of vaccine to health sub-centres, villages and small towns. That is 16 to 20 vials at a time.

Made of heat resistant material and light in weight, the square box holds four ice packs on all sides.

Vaccines can be kept for 2 to 3 days

  1. Cold pack

A flat plastic bottle filled with water. Salt should not be added to water.

This is used in vaccine carriers after cooling with water

  1. Day carrier

This device is used to store the vaccine for one day.

The capacity holds 6-8 vials for 12 hours.

This includes a box of thermocouples and a thermos flask with 2 ice packs.

  1. Refrigerators

To store vaccine at I.L.R- PHC,CHC center

Deep Free- To freeze the ice pack

  1. Walk in Cold Room :– This regional level is where the vaccine is stored for 3 months.

Methods of controlling the cold chain

Store the vaccine in proper conditions as recommended by the manufacturer

Follow all precautions when transporting vaccines

Record the temperature of the storage area twice a day and prepare a temperature chart

Maintain proper functioning of cold chain equipment and its components, perform periodic strength tests

Keep communication systems effective and up-to-date

Train all people involved in vaccination on cold chain maintenance and control.

c. Write down process of communication.

Sander / Source

This person is the arranger of the message. An effective communicator should possess the following qualities: The purpose should be clear; The message should be tailored to the needs and interests of the audience;

  1. Message

A message is the information a communicator has that people want to understand and act upon. A good message should always have the following: A message should have a specific purpose. The message should be clear and understandable. The message should have an outline. And there should be no with demand

It should be based on need basis


Converting information or ideas into a code of content, for example words, pictures, actions, etc., is called N-coding.

Channel of Communication

Channel is the medium of communication between the sender and the receiver. The whole communication is seen through its three medium system like interpersonal communication for example counseling and traditional media like puppet show navatanaki etc. Also mass media like radio telephone television poster film video etc. Media can be used to reach a very large number of people. In today’s hi-tech era, mobile, email, voice mail, internet and blogs etc. can also be used as channels.


Every communication must have a receiver. Without an audience, communication is meaningless, just noise.


Opening the code is called decoding, which means making sense of the content they have received.


It is a flow of information from the receiver or audience to the center which is the reaction of the audience to the message. If the message is not clear then it is not acceptable then the audience will reject it. The feedback system gives the center an opportunity to increase the acceptability of its message. taken by etc

Q.4 Write short notes (Any Three) 3X6=12

a. Role of nurse in referral services
The Nurse’s Role in Referral Services

Make observations and collect information about conditions, factors etc. related to illness.

Identify the type of illness and its severity

To provide immediate treatment care under its competence, standing orders and available resources.

It is very important for every nurse working in PHC/CHC or District Hospital to have knowledge of referral system. Patients to be referred should be selected carefully

A nurse should know his/her responsibilities and limitations in the referral system

Whenever an emergency occurs, first attend the patient, save his life and then refer only after giving treatment as per standing order.

Before referring the patient making all entries in the record including his provisional diagnosis given treatment and referral note with reason for referral

Assist in arranging a tow vehicle if possible

To console and guide the relative of the patient

To find out whether the doctor and facility are available at the place of referral

Whenever serious patient is referred, necessary life saving equipments like oxygen cylinder, ambu etc.

If necessary, go with the patient and continue to provide care until he is stable

Record-reporting of every work done

b. Purification of water by rapid sand
Purification of water by rapid sand method

The first rapid sand filtration was started in 1885 in USA. There are two types of rapid sand filtration one pressure type and other gravity type the following steps are used.


In this, the raw water is first chemically coagulant using alum to reduce the turbidity.

Mixing chamber

After adding alum, water is kept in the mixing chamber for some time and alum is added to the water by a special device.

Location In this, the water is passed through a population chamber where it is slowly stirred for 30 minutes by a special device, causing the aluminum hydroxide to become more concentrated.


The water is filled in a sedimentation tank where it is kept for two to six hours so that aluminum hydroxide and other impurities settle to the bottom of the tank and the water becomes pure.

Filtration In this stage 99% water is purified Rapid sand filtration is similar to slow filtration Filtration media is sand and the filtered water is collected through a pipe with holes In this also a thin layer is formed on the bed like slow sand Similar to the filter layer, the impurities accumulate on it due to filtration so that it quickly becomes dirty and the bin needs to be cleaned, which is called the bed washing process. The time is about 15 to 20 minutes after which the bed is ready to use again Slow Sand and Rapid Sand method is slightly different as in Slow Sand the entire bed is regenerated after the water is filtered once while in APD Sand the filter bed is regenerated after bed washing. can be used

C.Principles of health education-

  1. Interest means Interest

This is a well-known psychological approach

People learn only if people are interested. Health education is related to people’s interest, so before giving health education, first of all, health needs of people should be known.

  1. Motivation

Desire or motivation is of two types


It includes immediate relief of hunger and sleep etc


If stimulated by willpower or other external force, it includes love, appreciation, competition, identity, revenge, or punishment. These are the nets necessary for every person.

  1. Participation

Participation is the main part of health education it is based on active learning and is superior to passive learning in which individual participation shows acceptance of the individual Group discussion panel discussion workshop etc. are types of active learning.

  1. Comprehension

In health education, the type of community and its manners, education level, economic status, and their type of occupation are very important to know about their culture, religion, habits and general behavior. does so that people can easily understand the message given to him


The message communicated should be credible, it should be with scientific knowledge and the culture should match with the local culture, educational system and our goals.

  1. Reinforcement

Very few people learn from one-time teaching while many people do not learn or accept new ideas or things.

  1. Learning by Doing

Learning is a process. According to a Chinese proverb, doing something by yourself can be remembered for a long time, so health education should be given in such a way that people continue until they put it into practice.

  1. Unknown to unknown

Work in health education should begin with the process of changing what people know from what they do not know

  1. Good Human Relationship

A good friendly relationship should be established with the people which gives good results

  1. Leader

We can provide health education well if we take the help of local leaders who are among the people to provide effective communication education.

d. Level of prevention of disease.
Levels of prevention of DCs.

(1) Primary Prevention

Measures taken to prevent disease from occurring or to prevent it as soon as it occurs is called primary prevention, in which

Health promotion and

Includes specific protection

(a) Health Promotion:-

This is the first level of prevention. In which we can prevent the spread of diseases by improving the health of individuals and communities.

E.g. Nutrition Definition which can be prevented by providing adequate nutrition.

(b) Specific Protection:-

Some diseases can be prevented by specific protection. Eg: T.B, diphtheria tetanus and pertussis by BCG vaccine, xerophthalmia by DPT vaccine prevent by giving vitamin A solution

Accidents can be prevented by using protective devices in factories and industries. Also protection of the special organs of the body can be done.

For example, a person doing welding wears special glasses. Similarly, a person working in the X-ray department wears a special gown and glasses. The persons working in the factory of Rs

  1. Secondary Prevention:- Prevents the progression of the disease and prevents its complications.

Early diagnosis

treatment (adequate)

(a) Early diagnosis

Including screening cash, health programs etc., we do not have vaccines to prevent all diseases. So early diagnosis is very important.

(b) Treatment (Adequacy)

Early diagnosis and treatment is the only solution for some types of DCs like Syphilis Leprosy etc. It is very important to prevent the spread of diseases in the community.

(3) Tertiary Prevention :-

When the spread of the disease is more and it is more than the first stage, when there is no time for its prevention, it is called tertiary prevention.

(a) Minimizing Disability

ie reducing defects,

(b) Rehabilitation :-

Attempts to restore the person to a greater degree of the damage caused by the drug. like

Functional Rehabilitation

Vocational Rehabilitation

Psychological rehabilitation

Social Rehabilitation

Q-5 Define the following (Any Six) 6X2=12

a. Community health nursing process

“The community health nursing process is a systematic, dynamic, ongoing interpersonal process in which the nurse and the individual are viewed as a system in which each affects the other and both are influenced by behavioral factors.”


The community health nursing process refers to a systematic series of steps taken by the community health nurse in the community to address community health and nursing problems using the approaches and resources available in the community. doing

b. Epidemic

If there are many cases of the same disease in a specific geographical area at the same time, it is called an epidemic.

D. T. Dengue

C. Environmental health

Those aspects of human health and disease that depend on various environmental factors are called environmental health. Environment is an important factor that plays a role in health.

d. Standing order

When a health worker goes to a home visit or to a school or industry, he can treat the condition in which the doctor is not present. The Authority may grant treatment as exempted in these instructions. These instructions are given by the medical officer or the authorized committee and are called standing orders.

e. Counseling

“Counseling is essentially a process in which the counselor helps the counselee (counselee) to interpret the facts related to a choice, plan, or adjustment that he needs to make.”

Glenn F. Smith


“Counseling is a series of direct contacts with a person aimed at helping him change his attitudes and behavior.”

Carl Rogers

f. B.M.I.

Body mass index (BMI) is a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters, BMI is an inexpensive and simple screening method for weight—underweight, healthy weight, overweight, and obesity. Disease can be controlled.

g. Noise – Noish

The word noise is derived from the Latin word noise that disturbs the balance of human or animal life and is called noise pollution.

h. Infant mortality rate-
Child mortality

“Infant mortality rate is the number of deaths of children under one year of age per 1000 live births in the same year.”

I.M.R = Birth to Infant Death in the same year / Total Live Births in the same year x1000

Q-6(A) Fill in the blanks. Fill in the blank. 05

1.ASHA stands for____________
ASHA’s full name is __. (Accredited social health activist)

2.Child between 1 to 3 years of year is called_____
A child between one and three years of age is called __. (Toddler)

  1. The causative organism of tetanus is________
    The organism responsible for causing tetanus is __. (Clostrodium teteni)

4.V.V.M. stands for_________
The full name of V.V.M is _ (vaccine vial monitor).

5.Vitamin B is__________- soluble vitamin.
Vitamin B is a water soluble vitamin.

(B) State weather following statements are True or False. 05 State whether the following statements are true or false.

  1. Deficiency of vitamin C causes Beri-Beri.
    Vitamin-C deficiency causes berry-berry. false
  2. Best source of Iron is wheat.
    Wheat is the best source of Aryan. false
  3. Measles is a live attenuated vaccine.
    Measles vaccine is live attenuated. Right
  4. Things like pen, pencil and handkerchief should be kept inside home visit bag.
    Items like pens, pencils and handkerchiefs should be placed inside the home visit bag. false
  5. AIDS day is celebrated on Is December.
    AIDS Day is celebrated on 1st December. Right

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