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ENGLISH – FY-GNM-GNC-CHN-1-sample GNC-Solved Paper-2019


Points to keep in mind before appearing for Gujarat Nursing Council Exam :-

After getting the paper first read the paper once so that one can know about every questions.

Blue pen should be used as far as possible in the paper, black ball pen can be used where necessary, no other pen should be used.

Do not use any pattern like line, box, circle etc. which leaves any impression or shows identity in the paper.

Showing accurate figures as required in the paper.

Do not write anything other than the seat number in the question paper.

Before answering the questions asked in the question, read carefully twice and give the same answer as intended.


▶️Q-1 a. Define health team 03 marks

Ans. A health team is a group of many individuals who work together to maintain good health in the community and hospital in which each member of the team has different knowledge, qualifications, skills, abilities, personality. The health team consists of medical and Includes non-medical personnel who work in tandem. Which works according to the policies and rules applicable by the government.

Eg :- Health team of PHC including Medical Officer, Pharmacist, Laboratory Technician, Male Health Supervisor, Female Health Supervisor, Female Health Worker, Male Health Worker etc…

▶️Q-2 List out the indicators of Health and write advantages of health indicator

There are many indicators of health according to different concepts of health

Indicators influence health directly or indirectly

  1. Direct or Specific Indicator

Mortality indicator

Morbidity indicator

Disability Indicator

Health Policy Indicators

Health Care Delivery Indicator

  1. Indirect or General Indicator

Mortality indicator

Morbi DT Indicator

Disability Indicator

Health Care Delivery Indicator

Health Policy Indicators

Social and Mental Indicators

Socio Economic Indicators

Nutritional Status Indicator

Utilization rate indicator

Environmental Indicators

An indicator of quality life

↣ Advantages of Health Indicator :-

To know the health level of the community

To compare the health status of a country with another country

To assess the need for health care services

To make necessary use of resources

Health indicators are very necessary to assess the performance of whatever health services are being provided, to set targets and to evaluate the performance.

To take proactive steps

To know the probability and prognosis of a disease in a population

Which health program is needed in the country and can be evaluated after its implementation

Convenience in working with target

For monitoring health services, programs and activities


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