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Que 1(a) What is sociology What is sociology? 03

Sociology is a word made up of two words Societus which is a Latin word. It means society. The word logic is derived from the Greek word logos, meaning to study or to study.

Sociology means the scientific study of the society, i.e. the scientific study of the people in the society is called sociology.

The basic component of a society is the culture and its structure among the people of the society.

Sociology is the study of the behavior of any individual among individuals in society.

Que 1(b) Write the effect of social control on the beliaviour of the person. Write the effects of social control on a person’s behavior.. 04

Peace and security in the society is the primary need for the people living in the society. Every person lives according to the moral rules set in the society. No rule in a society stays for long, changes are made over time.

According to Davis, the control of the members of the society by the society in the interest of the society is called social control.

According to Landis, social control is a social process. Through which the structure of social organization is made and it is maintained.

A society’s traditions include customs, social laws, customs and norms of public policy.

Importance of Social Control..

Social control is necessary for the survival of society in society. Without social control, friction, violence, frustration etc. are created in the society.

Social control is necessary to maintain equality and equilibrium in the society.

Through social control, the behavior of the people living in the society can be controlled as well as rules can be established in the society.

Through social control, the needs of every person in the society can be fulfilled and the person also gets protection.

Social control is given by Luther L. Barnard as conscious and unconscious. In which conscious means the development of conscious social control which is developed by certain types of leaders.Whereas unconscious social control means it develops according to custom traditions and customs

Positive and negative type of social control in which social control is developed by giving appreciation, praise, reward etc. in positive social control. When negative social control develops through punishment, prison and restraint.

Que 1(c) Explain importance of sociology in nursing profession 05

Write the importance of sociology in nursing profession.

It is a very important branch of scientific study of society and the people living in it.

In the nursing profession, the study of sociology is very important for many issues related to patient, patient treatment and hospital and health care team.

Sociology is very important for the hospital staff to understand the culture of the patient and his social life.

Through the study of sociology one learns about the diversity of different religions of different people and their caste and community.

Treatment can be provided keeping in mind certain beliefs etc. during the treatment of the patient.

Cooperation and team spirit is maintained among individuals through the study of sociology. Team spirit and cooperation can be gained by studying sociology while working with patients in a hospital as a nurse.

Through the study of sociology, the social relationship can be well maintained and the patient’s confidence can be won in the treatment of the patient, his recovery and also in the different types of nursing care given to him.

While working in the community, through the study of sociology, getting information about the community, and the culture and knowledge of the people living there, sociology is also very important in preventive services.

Through the development of different branches of sociology, sociology is also very important in different aspects of nursing like industrial nursing, public health nursing.

Through the study of sociology, social problems that arise during treatment can be understood and resolved so that better treatment can be given to the patient.

Thus, through the study of sociology, high quality patient care can be provided and patient participation can also be obtained properly.


Que 1(a) What is defense mechanism? “What is Defense Mechanism 03

Defense mechanism is also called mental mechanism or ego mechanism.

A defense mechanism is a type of defense mechanism used by a person to reduce his anxiety or to adjust to the situation when faced with any uncomfortable situation or a situation that damages his self-esteem.

This mechanism is used by the person consciously or unconsciously. Its purpose is to remove the problematic situation from one’s conscious level and maintain one’s protection in the situation.

Que 1(b) Last out types of defense mechanism… 04

Types of defense mechanism are as follows.

  1. Psychotic.

It is a severe pathological form of defense mechanism. In which any person behaves completely differently against any reality of the external environment. The person does not use any kind of coping mechanism or adjustment mechanism.

This defense mechanism is especially common in mentally ill individuals. This defense mechanism is also seen in a healthy form in young children.

  1. Immature Defense Mechanism..

This type of defense mechanism is sometimes seen in adults and more in the adolescent age. When a person is in any anxiety or stress situation, according to this mechanism, instead of accepting the reality, the person uses unacceptable ways to get out of it.

A person who uses this type of defense mechanism more can also be known as a socially malextended person. Due to using this type of defense mechanism for a long time, a person can have serious problems.

A person may have serious problems with his coping ability. This type of defense mechanism is commonly used by individuals with depression and personality disorders.

  1. Neurotic defense mechanism.

This type of defense mechanism is used by adults. In which short term advantage is seen to cope with any situation. But using this type of mechanism can lead to long term damage and problems.

  1. Mature defense mechanism.

This is a defense mechanism used by any mentally healthy and emotionally healthy adult. It is also known as mature mechanism.

This type of defense mechanism takes a long time to develop but its use is beneficial.

Que 1(c) Explain any one defense mechanism with example 05 Explain any one defense mechanism with example

Write in detail about any one defense mechanism with examples.


When a person is unable to perform a task as a result of which he fails, he makes excuses. At this point the person does not show true reason and instead presents it in a form that is acceptable to others.

By doing this he tries to save himself. A person gives explanations for reasons that are not accepted by the society and are not considered appropriate by the society.

For example, if a student fails in the exam, it shows the reason that the environment there is not suitable for studying.

If a person working in a company does not get promotion, it shows the reason that the policy of favoritism is done towards him by his boss or owner.

Through the use of rationalization a person covers up his weaknesses and presents the reasons for failure in an acceptable form.

Que 2(a) Explain different types of family 08 Explain about different types of family…

Family is the smallest social group in the world. It is an important primary group. Within the family, the husband joins the wife through marriage and may or may not have children thus the family is formed.

There is family everywhere in the world. There is no society without family.

There is a very good relationship between each member of this family member.

Family is the basic unit of society.

The members living together in the familima pass each generation to their children according to their customs and religious traditions.

The word family is derived from the Roman word famulus which means service.

Definition of Family A family is a biological social unit. Which is prepared by Husband, Wife and Children.

Any family is legally constructed by the union of a man and a woman in marriage. People who live in a common place. They have children or are adopting children. There is a good social relationship between all members living in a family. They are closely related to each other.

Each member of this family has a common goal. All the things in the house are shared by him in common. Living together and eating together. There is a strong emotional bond between each member of this family member.

Types of the Family…

On the basis of marriage, the family is divided into three main parts.

  1. Polyandrus Family…

When a woman marries many men, the family formed is called a Polly Andrews family.

  1. Polly Gamus Family…

This type of family is formed when one man marries many women.

  1. Mono Gamus Family…

In this family a man marries a woman and creates a family. This type of family is found in most countries of the world.

Based on male and female residence, families are classified as follows.

  1. Family of Matrilocal Residence.

In this type of family, after marriage, the man goes to live in the woman’s house and the family is formed there.

  1. Family of Patrilocal Residence..

In this type of family, the woman goes to the man’s house after marriage and the family is formed there. This type of family is found in most parts of India.

On the basis of male and female ancestry i.e. inheritance, families are classified as follows.

  1. Matrilineal Family..

In this type of familima the mother is the head of the family and from her the traits and customs of the family are inherited.

  1. Patrilineal Family..

This type of family is found in most parts of India in which the male i.e. father is the head of the family and the hereditary traits and characteristics are transferred to the descendants under the father’s name.

According to the size structure of the family, the following parts of the family are divided.

  1. Nuclear Family..

This type of familima consists of mother, father and their biological or adopted children.

  1. Joint family.

In this type of family, three or four generations of family members live together in the same house with the same food and the same rules of conduct. All persons are interdependent and the common rights of all are determined by the head of the family. All the members living in it have the same right on the property.

  1. Extended family…

In this type of family two or more adults who belong to different generations live in the same house. This type of familia also includes members other than parents and children. A family such as cousins, uncles, aunts, grant parents and foster children living together is called an extended family. This type of family is formed for some specific reason such as to support someone who is sick or to support someone who has financial problems.

Que 2(b) Write characteristics of Mentally Healthy person, 04
Write the characteristics of Matli Hachi person.

Write the characteristics of mentally healthy individuals.

A mentally healthy person is free from internal conflict or tension with himself.

He feels himself comfortable.

He realizes that he is a needy person and a person liked by others.

He can maintain a healthy daily routine and can properly maintain his diet, rest, physical activity and hygiene.

He understands the rights and needs of others.

He is capable of identifying his needs in life and fulfilling them.

He can maintain good relationship and communication with other persons.

She can accommodate well. Can adjust his relationship with himself and with other persons well.

He has the qualities of being able to accept criticism from others and not being easily upset.

He can endure the frustrations and disappointments of everyday life and move on.

He is always searching for his identity, self-respect, sense of security and has confidence in his abilities.

He is aware of his own strengths and weaknesses and behaves in ways that are acceptable to others.

He gives respect to others and also gets respect from others.

He has good self-control and balance. So he can make adjustments logically and emotionally. He faces the problem and solves the problem by using intelligence. It also has the property of balancing against everyday stress and anxiety.

It accepts and adapts to new changes in its environment and daily activities.

Que 3 Write Short Answers (Any Two)

(a) Write effects of population on economy 2×6=12

Population growth and overpopulation have very serious effects on the economic status of the society and the people living in the community. Due to high population, incidents like unemployment, poverty, hunger etc. occur in society and society.

All these factors threaten the health of a person. As he is not able to maintain good health of himself and family members due to which again economic burden falls on his family.

Due to increase in population, the proportion of eletrcy increases. Due to which those people cannot get good employment or good environment going forward. Due to which the family and society become a burden.

Due to high population, the rate of poverty and unemployment increases.

People have to work hard to even meet their basic needs and conditions such as starvation are created.

Urbanization is seen due to high population. Also there is a lot of pollution of the atmosphere. Health problems increase due to this problem. Finally, the burden falls on the family and society.

Due to the increase in unemployment and poverty, the social life is disrupted and the amount of crime in the society also increases. Due to this economic loss is also seen in the society.

This increase in population has a very serious impact on the individual, family and all economic aspects of the country.

Que 3(b) Explain types of personality

A person uses the word personality in different ways in his life. Some individuals limit the use of the term personality to physical appearance, build, and color. But personality consists of the overall characteristics of a person. It covers everything whether a person is good or bad, strong or weak. We use the word personality a lot in our lives.

The word personality is persona which means like a mask. It was used by actors there during Greek drama.

Subsequently, this term has also been used by different psychologists. Personality shows the overall quality of a person. In which a person’s habit, thinking, attitude, interest and philosophy of life etc. are covered. Each aspect of this personality can be seen through a person’s behavior which differentiates one person from another person and creates his own personal identity.

Personality shows a person’s total abilities, characteristics and behavior. which a person has naturally or has developed artificially. Which differentiates him from other persons to some extent or more.

Types of Personality..

Hippocrates who is known as Father of Medicine has given the following classification of personality.

The classification of this personality by Hippocrates is done on the basis of temperaments and on the basis of human beings which is as follows.

  1. Choleric type..

People with this type of personality are active and irritable, have a strong body and hot temper but are emotionally weak.

  1. Seguinic type.

People with this type of personality are always cheerful, confident, energetic and emotionally stable. He has a strong body and an optimistic attitude.

  1. Melancholic type..

Such people are not very happy. Energy levels are also low and depression is seen emotionally and physically.

  1. Phlegmatic type..

These types of people have a happy and calm nature and are somewhat lazy in nature. He is emotionally strong and physically weak.

Dr. Carl Jung has divided the classification of personality into two main types.

  1. An extrovert…

People with this type of personality are more interested in the outside environment and other people. They are similar in nature. He likes to communicate with others, makes friends and has good relations with everyone. He is not easily upset in times of trouble and can take quick decisions about himself. He has that kind of personality.

  1. Introvert..

People with this type of personality are only interested in themselves. Stays away from other people. Communicates less. They are lost in themselves and in their own thoughts. Cannot easily maintain social relationships Slightly oversensitive. The level of anxiety is seen more in these people. Also gets hurt easily.

  1. Ambivertus…

Very few people are strictly introverts or extroverts. Most people have some of both personality traits. Who are called ambiverts..

William Selden has divided the personality into three parts according to the body structure of the people which are as follows.

  1. Endomorphic..

People with this type of personality have soft, fatty and round chubby bodies. They have more visceral fat and are relaxed.

  1. Mesomorphic..

People with this personality are muscular. He is very active. They are adventurous and have the development of visceral and somatic structures in balance. This type of personality can be compared to the personality of athletes.

  1. Ectomorphic…

These types of people are thin and tall. Has a flat chest. Also, the bones have a visible structure. Vishera are underdeveloped and not much socialized.

Kretschmers (Kretschmers) gave a classification of personality, in which he found this type of personality while studying patients with mental diseases. In which certain types of body structure are specially seen in certain types of diseases. The personality types are as follows.

  1. Picnic…

These types of people have chunky and fatty bodies. Also has an extrovert type personality. They are jolly and good natured.They are also of like nature. In this type of people, the disease called Manic Depressive Psychosis is more common.

  1. Asthenic…

These types of people have a thin and slim body. He has an introvert type of personality. Such people are more likely to develop a disease called schizophrenia

  1. Aesthetic.

These types of people have a strong body and are aggressive. These people can be compared with ambiverts in their personality. Manic depression psychosis is more common in these people.

  1. Dis plastic..

These types of people have inappropriate body. None of the above three can be compared with any type of personality. whose behavior and personality are also of imbalance type.

Que 3(c) Write down characteristics of rural community

Rural community lives in villages and has a low population.The main occupation of the people there is agriculture. It is the oldest community settlement.

Characteristics of Rural Community..

There is a sense of unity among people living in rural areas. All the family members living in the village live together in happiness and sorrow and live in a spirit of cooperation with each other.

People living in rural communities know each other well and have very good social relations with each other.

The culture among the people of a rural community is similar and they all have common customs, traditions and social behaviour.

The people of this community have a sense of cooperation within any work and have close relationships with the people around them. Mainly these people live in joint families.

Literacy level is not so high among the people of rural community and they are mainly engaged in agricultural occupation. Do social activities and religious activities and perform religious activities very well.

They are very hardworking and the surrounding people have very good hospitality. welcomes people. Live in harmony and good spirit with each other. Everyone understands the moral value of other people.

Local members are elected as the governing body that leads the people here and works for the welfare of the people of the village.

People here are not much educated so are mainly related to agriculture so the rate of poverty and illiteracy is high in rural community.

Que 4 Write Short notes (AN) THREE) 3×4=12

(a) Sources of frustration

The reasons for the occurrence of frustration are as follows.

Personal Inadequacies..

A person himself sets goals to get any need. Frustration easily arises when these goals are not met or reached due to personal shortcomings.

When a person is physically handicapped, he is unable to achieve certain desirable goals due to this handicap and feels frustration due to this.

  1. Internal Sources…

Frustration occurs when a person is unable to complete a particular goal or task due to his own internal shortcomings. If one cannot achieve any goal due to lack of confidence, fear or anxiety, it also causes frustration.

This type of frustration occurs when the body’s internal mechanism is not capable of accomplishing a desirable goal.

  1. External Source..

A person experiences frustration when external sources become obstacles in completing any task. Frustration occurs when external factors like physical condition, rain, traffic, earthquake, noise etc. become a hindrance in completing any task. The main cause of frustration due to these factors is time management which cannot be done at the right time. Due to which the desirable goal cannot be achieved. Environmental factors are largely responsible for these external sources.

  1. Conflict also causes frustration.

Like when any person has set a goal and is doing any major work for that goal. When any other bigovation plays in this ego, a person gets conflict and frustration comes due to this conflict.

Que 4(b) Abraham Maslow’s motivation theory

Abraham Maslow gave a human development theory between 1908 and 1970 according to which human behavior is creative. It is self-important. Every organism is driven to fulfill its basic needs.

According to this theory, each need is represented in the form of a chain.In which the most essential need is shown at the bottom. As one level of need is fulfilled, the individual moves towards the next level of need fulfillment.

Biological needs are shown at the bottom of this hierarchy.After the needs of hunger, thrust, air, sleep, sexual desire etc. are fulfilled, the person moves towards his next need safety and security.

As the needs from the lower levels are satisfied, the individual moves towards the next level i.e. self actualization.

When a person reaches the top of this hierarchy, it is seen that the person has fulfilled the biological need well, he fills the safe. After the filling of love and attachment is complete, he moves to self-actualization to fulfill his highest level needs.

A self-actualized person is aware of himself, and accepts himself. Is creative and has a positive attitude to accept new and immediate changes.

When this model was developed by Mass Law between 1943 and 1954, five needs were included in this model. But during the period of 1970 to 1990, cognitive need, aesthetic need, transcendental need were included. Eight needs are currently included in Maslow’s Hierarchy Model.

Cognitive Need..

According to this need, a person needs to increase his level of intelligence. According to this need one learns new, explores new and develops better understanding around it so that it becomes knowable.

Aesthetic Need..

According to this need, a person can experience the beauty in the environment and enjoy the feeling of good things in nature.

Self Transcendence Need..

This need is included at the top of Maslow’s Hierarchy and is treated as a Spiritual Need. One who acts to fulfill his own needs to others

Que 4 (c) Types of Marriage –

Write a short note on types of marriage.

Marriage is a process through which a person i.e. a male and a female joins and creates a family and gives birth to children.

In our society, urban, rural, modern, tribal different cultures and different forms of marriage are found in different areas.

In marriage, a man and a woman join each other through husband and wife and start a stable relationship in a socially accepted form.

To define marriage, marriage is a socially approved pattern in which two or more persons join together and form a family.

Marriage is a stable union between a man and a woman. which gives them legal status as husband and wife and is a union accepted by society and law. Children born to a husband and wife through marriage are legally recognized by the society.

The types of marriage are as follows.

  1. Mono Gami…

In this type of marriage, a woman and a man are joined by that marriage. Most of all marriages are of this type. This marriage is considered most acceptable.

  1. Polygyny…

In this type of marriage, a man is married to two or more women. In earlier times, this type of marriage was common. Even now this type of marriage is seen in some communities.

  1. Polyandry…

In this type of marriage, a woman is united with more than one man. This type of marriage was also seen in earlier times and among the people of some specific region and specific community. Nowadays these marriages are not seen much.

  1. Group Marriage…

In this type of marriage, a group of men marry a group of women.

  1. Companionate marriage..

In this type of marriage, the marriage between a man and a woman is based on understanding and the end of the marriage also comes from understanding. Children are not usually found in this type of marriage.

  1. One Hundredth Marriage..

In this type of marriage, a man or a woman chooses a man or a woman from outside their own class and marries them. In which persons outside the gotra, family or village are selected for marriage.

  1. Endogamous marriage..

In this type of marriage, a man and a woman marry in their own class, in their own caste and in their own community, in which they do not go outside their family or class.

Que 4(d) Conditioning Learning –

Explain method of conditional learning.

This is a method for learning. In which Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov invented this method. In 1904, he also received the Nobel Prize for this method.

Classical conditioning is also known as the theory of response to any stimulation.

In this experiment, Pavlov conducted an experiment on a dog. In which it was decided to ring a bell with the dog when food is given and at this time the amount of salivation of the dog was recorded. Along with this time was also recorded. After the experiment was run for some time, it was noted that the bell was rung and the dog was given food and salivation was noted. After some time, only the ringing of the bell showed the same amount of salivation in the dog’s mouth as it did after the food was given, meaning that even the sound of the bell alone increased the salivation of the dog without the food being given. This is a conditioning response.

This theory shows that when conditioning stimulation is combined with unconditioned stimulation, conditioned stimulation is just as effective as unconditioned stimulation. According to this theory, both conditions are connected together.

The principles of classical conditioning can be used with the following areas.

Good health habits can be developed in anyone using this classical conditioning principle.

By using this principle, any bad habit can be broken or any anxiety or fear situation can be adjusted.

These learning principles can also be used to train animals.

Some psychotherapy can also use the principles of this learning to change behavior and attitudes.

Que 5 Explain the meaning of the terminology given below.. 6×2=12

Que 5(a) group

Human is a social animal. He is not used to being alone. It always needs a group to stay healthy and well. Everyone is connected to other people in some way.

A group means when one or more persons cooperate with each other to satisfy a common goal or common needs and join a group, it is called a group.

In society, people who have similar interests work in groups to achieve common goals. These groups have their own distinct characteristics.

Que 5(b) thinking

It is normal that a person or persons can think. Humans are distinguished from animals only by their ability to think. A person has the power of thinking and the power of speaking.

Many years ago, according to Aristotle, it was said that man is a thinking animal. The word homosapiens used for humans meant thinking or thinking man.

Every time we are awake during the day we keep thinking about something and that action is constantly on.

Thinking is a high level mental process. Which includes many psychological and physical activities.

Thinking means the perceptual relationship made for the solution of any problem.

Thinking is a cognitive activity. In which information is processed and any problem is solved. It is always goal directed.

Que 5(c) Memory

Memory is a very important cognitive process. Two functions of remembering and forgetting are involved in it. Both are opposite in nature. Both these functions play a very important role in a person’s life.

Humans can store and retain information for very long periods of time and recall it again when needed. It is called memory.

Memory is essential for effective learning.

The input of impulses received by the sensors of the body like vision, touch etc. goes to the brain and is stored there in the form of information. If these inputs are received repetitively, memory can be stored for a long time.

Memory is the power to store experience that can be brought back into the field of the waking state when needed. This function is called memory.

Memory operates through the input of a stimulus and the output of a response.

Memory is a neurochemical process. In which information can be saved by the brain and can be retrieved again if needed.

Que 5(d) Attention..

Attention is the ability of a person to focus on an object or activity for a specific time period.

A person receives different types of impulses from the environment through the act of his consciousness. Which affects our brain and we become unaware of the surrounding environment.

Attention is a complex process. In which we get different types of stimulation by focusing for a certain time on the action happening in our surroundings. For example seeing something, hearing something.

We can be simultaneously aware of different actions taking place in the environment but focus can be focused on any one action.

So the act of focusing on a single action at any one time is called attention.

Que 5(e) Perception.

Perception is the act of receiving stimuli from the external environment and interpreting them so that we can become conscious of them.

Perception means the interpretation of any sensory stimulation.

For good perception, the sense organs of our body need to be well functioning. So we can become aware of the stimulation of the external environment.

For example, hearing any sound or seeing something in the external environment.

Perception is a very complex psychological process. In which a person perceives, analyse, identify and subsequently interprets different stimulations of the external environment and understands the meaning of any stimulation.

Que 5(f) Psychology

The word psychology is derived from two Greek words. Psyche and the Logos.Is. Until 1590 the words psyche meant soul or soul or spirit and the word logy meant to study. Here the word soul was taken in a very wide sense. So later the word mind was used instead of soul.

By the end of the 19th century, William Woodt used the word behavior instead of mind, so according to the new definition, psychology means the scientific study of human behavior is called psychology.

William Woodt is also known as Father of Psychology.

The scientific study of mental processes and behavior is called psychology. It also involves the study of the mind and how it works.

Que 5(g) Fantasy

One of these sees his own blocked desire and frustration through imaginary achievement. That is, it is also called divine dream. In reality one cannot make it successful.He attains it only by thinking or by striving to attain it.

This is a kind of defense mechanism. Which is used to resolve inner or outer conflicts.

Through the defense mechanism of this fantasy, the person fulfills the desires that cannot be fulfilled in reality through dreams or thoughts. By using it too much, one drifts away from reality and mental conditions can also arise. Fantasy is a normal mechanism at certain ages.

Que 5(h) Budget

Budgeting i.e. the process of taking stock of the income and expenditure of a person during a particular period is called budgeting.

Budget planning is done by society, family and family members. Head of the family member takes care of this budget planning.

Que 6(a). Vacancy filled 05

1) ______is the father of Psychology. . Auguste Comte .. is the father of psychology.

2) The Study of population is called_________ The study of population is called .. Demography ..

3) Loss of memory due to illness is called________ Memory loss due to illness is called amnesia.

4) To measure the intelligence __&_______tests are performed. To measure intelligence. Verbal .. and .. Non Verbal . Test is done.

Que 6(b). Write the following statements true or false. 05

  1. Family is a spiritual institution Family is a spiritual institution.(correct)
  2. Economics means study of psychology.(false)
  3. Change in environment effects on behavior of person Change in environment affects the behavior of person.(correct)
  4. When needs are not satisfied it is called need deprivation. When needs are not satisfied it is called need of deprivation. (correct)
  5. Psychosomatic disorders are caused by stress Psychosomatic disorders are caused by stress, (True)

Que 6(c). Add the following couplet. 05


a Emotion- Emotion a Time Saving- Time Saving

b. Illusion b. Behavior modification-behaviour modification

c. Habit C. Forbidden Thing.

d. Learning d. False perception

e. Taboo e. Strong feeling- Strong filling

f. Unemployment- Unemployment.

A – E

B – D

C – A

D – B

E – C

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