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ENGLISH – General Nursing & Midwifery (First Year) BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES-2014 PAPER 6


Date- 13/04/2014

Q.1 a) What is Psychology? – 03

The word psychology is derived from two Greek words. Psyche and the Logos.Is. Until 1590 the words psyche meant soul or soul or spirit and the word logy meant to study. Here the word soul was taken in a very wide sense. So later the word mind was used instead of soul.

By the end of the 19th century, William Woodt used the word behavior instead of mind, so according to the new definition, psychology means the scientific study of human behavior is called psychology.

William Woodt is also known as Father of Psychology.

The scientific study of mental processes and behavior is called psychology. It also involves the study of the mind and how it works.

b. List out the branches of Psychology. – Write the names of branches of psychology. 04

The following branches are found in the study of psychology.

  1. Pure Psychology
  2. Applied Psycholo g

The branches of pure psychology are as follows.

  1. General Psychology

In which the general psychological principles of the individual and its theory are studied. In which the fundamental rules of psychology, the normal study of a person’s behavior is done.

  1. Abnormal Psychology

In which the study of psychology is also known as psycho pathology. Which includes the study of mentally ill person’s diseases and related psycho pathology.

  1. Social Psychology

A scientific study of social perception, social influence and interaction of the people living in the society is done in it.

  1. Experimental Psychology.

In which psychological experiments are done in different ways in the laboratory. In which mental process, behavior and related studies are stored.

  1. Biological Psychology

In which biological processes affect mind and behavior related studies are done.

  1. Para psychology..

This branch of psychology includes some sensory perception and applied problems.

  1. Developmental Psychology

In this branch, studies related to the growth and development of a person are done. It is studied in relation to cognition, social function and other areas of growth and development.

The branches of applied psychology are as follows.

  1. Educational Psychology

Which includes the subject matter of principles related to psychology and educational theory etc.

  1. Clinical Psychology.

This branch of psychology focuses on the clinical diagnosis, assessment and treatment of disease.

  1. Industrial Psychology

In this branch, employees working in any company are studied the principles, industrial environment and related problems.

  1. Legal Psychology

In which psychological principles and psychological techniques are studied with any legal client or criminals. In which legal issues like crime detection, false witness are studied.

  1. Military Psychology

Psychological principles and study of military services. In which the behavior and psychological principles of soldiers and their related behavior are studied at the time of war.

  1. School Psychology

In this branch of psychology, the emotional, social and academic issues of school-going children are studied.

c. Write importance to study psychology in nursing profession.. 05

Nursing and psychology are two different fields but they are interrelated.

Nursing field focuses on health problems and their recovery while psychology studies mental processes and behavior.

Nursing and psychology are interrelated because the nurse needs to know the patient’s behavior and emotional status while recovering from his problem.

A nurse has to deal with different people and different problems so she should have the necessary knowledge about human psychology.

Hence it is necessary to have knowledge about psychology in nursing.

Psychology will help the nurse to understand herself.

Psychology will help the nurse to understand her self.

Psychology helps the nurse to understand herself.

Psychology is useful in helping the nurse understand one’s own motives, desires, feelings and ambitions.

A nurse can know about his ability, strength, weakness and limitation with the help of psychology.

A nurse learns about how to relate to others, how to treat others and how to react in certain situations.

Psychology will help the nurse to understand other people.

Psychology will help the nurse to understand other people.

Psychology helps the nurse to understand the behavior of other people.

With the help of which the nurse will be able to know the behavior of other members of the health team like doctor, patient and his family member and will be able to work well together with them.

As a nurse has scientific knowledge of human behavior, she can understand other people well and easily and can build good interpersonal relationships.

Psychology helps the nurse understand the different defense mechanisms people use.

He will understand how customs and culture influence people’s behavior and provide effective care to people.

Psychology will help the nurse to improve situation by solving problem and change in the environment.

Psychology will help the nurse to improve the situation by solving the problem and change in the environment.

Nurses learn problem solving skills from psychology and can solve any problem.

The study of psychology helps in making adjustments as a result of mental illness and handicap and in solving the resulting problems.

Some types of diseases like heart diseases, cancer etc. can be kept under control with the help of treatment, but these types of diseases cannot be completely eradicated, but one has to live with them by making special adjustments. This requires special coping skills that nurses can learn with the help of psychology lessons.

You will understand the relationship of body, mind and spirit.

She will understand the relationship of body, mind and spirit.

Psychology helps to understand the relationship between body, mind and spirit and how they affect each other.

The nurse will be aware of how her emotions affect her body, and likewise she will be aware of the effect the patient’s emotions have on the patient’s body.


A. What is family ? 03

A family is a group of individuals in which individuals live with each other to fulfill their biological needs. A group of closely related persons who eat at a common kitchen is called a family.

Family is the unit in which the primary health care and social services of the individual are delivered. It is the unit of study for social and medical sciences. Most of the health workers, professionals, nurses are related to the family or people as a seed.

b. Write down general characteristics of a family. – General characteristics of the family:04

(1) Mating relationship

A family begins when a man and a woman develop a meeting relationship with each other

(2) Selection of mates

Husband and wife are mostly chosen by parents or elders of the household or the individual chooses according to his own wishes and there are many ethical rules in the selection.

(3) A form of marriage

A dating relationship is established by marriage. Marriage is determined by the norms of the society.

(4) System of Name

Each family is known by its own independent name

(5) Have tracing of descent

Each family has its own tracing of descent to determine the biological relationship of the person, the family may be Pradhan or the male Pradhan or equally recognized from both sides.

(6) Common resident
Every member of the family needs a house to live in and every member of the family lives in a common house

(7) Economical provision

Provides economic protection to every member of the family Fulfills the economic needs of every member of the family

c. Explain essential and primary functions of family. 05

A) essential function

(1) Stable Status Faction of Sex

The main essential function of the family is the satisfaction of sexual life. Most of the relationships accepted by the society are the relationships in which the man and woman meet the needs of their sexual life within the limits of each other through the medium of the family. Children who are produced through the family are socially acceptable sexual needs and better personality adjustment is fulfilled through the family.

(2) The reproductive function

It is accepted by every society that the children produced by the family are acceptable to the society

(3) Provision of Home

A family provides a home to each of its members Every man and woman has a strong desire to build a home of their own A person remembers the home in which he is brought up better than his original place of birth Every member of the family lives a peaceful and secure life in the home Home is the end of the earth Home is the sweetest place in the world

(4) Socialization function

A person learns the morals of the society in which he lives through the family A person learns the behavior patterns of the society in which he is born Every family has a unique image of itself and a person is distinguished by it Family teaches the child the morals of the society Family is the role model for children and acts as the agent of socialization of the child

(5) Affective function

A family provides security, love and expectation to each of its members. It provides mental and emotional needs to each member of the family. The family develops lovely relationships between each of its members. Provides expectations to siblings. Lack of expectations hinders the development of a child.

(B)Non Essential Functions

(1) Status function

A person gets his status and position according to the family he is born in, so the family gives his status and position to the person so that the person can learn well and understand the value of life and live a good life.

Family is a means of social identity in which a person’s class, religion, place, residence, education, etc. are associated with the family.

(2) Protective function

The family protects the person physically, psychologically and economically. This protection is up to a certain limit. In the sense, if even one person is attacked, it is considered an attack on his whole family or society and against this the family or society protects him.

(3) Economic function

Family fulfills the economic needs of each of its members This is the traditional function of a family In earlier times the family was an economic unit and produced goods Nowadays the economic role of the family has changed Due to industrialization it has had a profound effect on the family Family members have stopped working at home Can’t Most of the production is centralized, the production done at home is now done in factories

(4) Educational function

The priority of children is learned from the family. Children grow up to make the rules of the society, how to behave in the society, etc. The attitude of a person towards society is learned from the family. The child gets knowledge and training from the family. Things to do etc. the child learns from the family thus the family is the unit of education.

(5) Religious function

Family is the main center for religious. The child’s religion is decided at the time of birth. Family is the first unit that gives religious training to the child. Moral is the name for religion. The child gets his value and idea about God from the family. Life lasts and is also fulfilled by the child’s family. Religion is transferred from one generation to another through the family.

(6) Recreation function

Recreational Needs of the Family Satisfies Individuals In earlier times recreation facilities were very few, through the medium of the family a person fulfills his entertainment needs, nowadays he gets recreation through mass media, special movies, television, the role of nuclear family in providing recreation is diminishing.

(7) Transmission of culture

Culture Harry Tate The family acts as a transmitter of the family’s inherited customs, ideals, morals, etc. One learns from the family and transfers it from one generation to another.

(8) Health function of family

It is a basic function of a family to protect the health of each member and to take care of them in case of illness.

In ancient times, when hospitals were very few, most of the patients were taught good health habits at home, its importance, attitude towards health, behavior towards illness etc. from the family.

Cultural patterns related to health are transferred from one generation to another through the family Health related functions are performed by the family which are as follows

Provides adequate food, clothing and shelter to every member of the family

Maintain the health of every member of the family through its physical environment

Maintaining health standards through psychological environment

Health Education Self Employed

Promoting health through exercise and diet

Providing first aid to the member

Treating the sick

Supervision of medication

To meet the spiritual needs of members

Providing rehabilitation care

Seek appropriate advice from a community health care provider

(9) Government Functions

A family keeps its children under some level of control and makes the right decisions between them. The state of the family acts as law, regulation, legislation, policy, coat, etc.

Q-2 a) Define attention and Explain types of attention. .08

Attention is the act of focusing on a particular object or stimulus at a particular time.

Attention is the ability to focus on a person, object or activity for a specific period of time.

There are mainly two types of attention:

1) Involuntary / non volitional attention
2) Voluntary attention

1) Involuntary / nonvolitional attention
(Involuntary / Non Volitional Attention)

  • Involuntary attention is also known as non volitional attention.

In involuntary attention, a person is attracted to an object without his will. That is, this attention is against the person’s will.

This type of attention does not require conscious effort.

For example, while studying, our attention is drawn to the sound coming from outside.

Involuntary attention is divided into two types.

i) Enforced involuntary attention
ii) Spontaneous involuntary attention

i) Enforced involuntary attention :
(Enforce Involuntary Attention)

This kind of attention is triggered by our instincts.

For example, attraction to the opposite sex

ii) Spontaneous involuntary attention :
(Spontaneous Involuntary Attention)

  • This attention is triggered by our emotions.

For example, when a small baby cries, his mother’s attention is involuntarily directed towards him.

2) Voluntary/volitional attention :
(Voluntary / Volitional Attention)

Voluntary attention is also called volitional attention.

Voluntary attention is when a person intentionally directs their attention to a particular situation or activity. That is, voluntary attention is according to one’s will.

Voluntary attention requires conscious effort.

For example, solving math problems requires voluntary attention. Because it requires conscious effort.

Voluntary attention is divided into two types.

i) Implicit volitional attention
ii) Explicit volitional attention

i) Implicit volitional attention :
(Implicit Volitional Attention)

Implicit Volitional This tense requires a single act. That is, an act of desire is responsible for arousing attention.

We pay attention for reward or punishment.

For example, the teacher tells the student that if he does not come to the lesson, he will be taken to the principal’s office. In this the student pays attention to complete his lesson due to homework given by the teacher and fear of punishment.

ii) Explicit volitional attention:
(Explicit Volitional Attention)

  • Explicit volitional This tense requires a repeated act. That is, attention is gained through a repeated act of will.
  • It takes strong will power and motivation to keep this attention.
  • For example reading carefully on exam days to get good marks in exam.

b) Write characteristics of a well-adjusted person..04

1-Free from internal conflicts he is not at war with himself

A person who is free from his inner conflicts

-Enjoying a positive philosophy of life.

  • Maintaining daily routine activities such as food, rest, sleep, physical activity and hygiene.

-Free and independent of inner conflicts stress and anxiety

2-he search for identity

He finds his identity

-Confidence in own ability to succeed.

-Satisfaction with your own gender.

-Security of self-worth and self-respect in the group.

3-He knows himself his needs problems and goals that means self actualization.

He knows himself, his needs, problems and goals i.e. self actualization.

-Accepts one’s responsibilities successfully and happily

-Evaluates own behavior.

-Accepts all the faults in oneself.

-Enjoys a positive philosophy of life.

-Enjoys his hobbies in his free time.

4-He is well adjusted

It is a well adjusted table.

-All are well adjusted to the situation

-If someone criticizes him, he accepts it.

-Not easily disappointed.

-Suffers frustrations and disappointments from everyday life.

-Confidential i.e. develops confidential relationships so that one can share one’s feelings, worries, fears etc. without any hesitation.

  • Accepts and respects the decisions of others.
  • Copes with any stress in life.

5-He has a strong sense of self-esteem

He has a strong sense of self-respect.

  • Experiences satisfaction and joy in his daily routine work.

-Able to deal with any problem.

6-He faces problems and tries to solve them intelligently that means coping with stress and anxiety.

If any problem comes, faces it and solves it intelligently and also copes with lake and anxiety.

-Accepts any problem if it comes and is capable of taking decision to get out of problematic problem.

  • If problems attack, he faces them, does not run away from problems.

7-He has a good self control.

He has good self control.

  • Develops personal talent and skills.

Characteristics of a mentally healthy person

■Mentally healthy person is able to adjust with other people, situations and surrounding world.

■He has the ability to solve his own problems with his own efforts.

He has the ability to make his own decisions.

A mentally healthy person has a sense of responsibility.

Accurate perception of reality:

His behavior shows emotional maturity.

Tolerance of frustration and disappointment is present in his behavior.

Capacity for growth and development:

He lives a balanced life of work, rest and entertainment.

Positive outlook on life:

He has the ability to give meaning and purpose to his daily activities.

He has the ability to understand the problems of others.

■ A mentally healthy person has a sense of personal security.

  • A mentally healthy person is not affected to a great extent by the changes in his life. He takes an obstacle as an opportunity. OR

A. Write down difference between primary group and secondary group. Write down difference between primary group and secondary group.08

(Here for the sake of convenience it is not given in the form of difference but in the exam the student should write this question in the form of difference only)

Primary group is of small size while secondary group is of large size.
It is spread over a small area. It grows in a very large area.
They have a close relationship. They have distant relationships and not close relationships.

Members of this group are permanently associated. When the members of this group are together for some time.
Members of this group do not have enough relationships. While this group relationship is limited to purpose.
This group is formed by persons of blood relation. While this group does not require blood relation to be A.

The primary group is the foundation of human society. Whereas a secondary group is a group formed from now on and for a purpose only.
Primary group is universal. While a secondary group is not a universal group.
Primary group members have a strong feeling between them and also have internal control, while secondary group members do not have strong feeling and have an external control.
Primary group members are very familiar with each other eg family. Secondary group members are not familiar with each other eg members who meet in clubs.

B. Define defense mechanism and list out defense mechanisms.
Write the definition of defense mechanism and name the defense mechanism lakhs 04

Freud noted that a major drive for most people is the reduction of tension, and that the main cause of tension was anxiety.

Now, the ego has difficulty satisfying both the id and the superego.

The ego has some tools that it can use in its job as a mediator, tools that help to protect the ego. This is called DEFENSE MECHANISM OR MENTAL MECHANISM OR EGO DEFENSE MECHANISM.

Everyone uses DEFENSE MECHANISM. Their use does not imply mental illness or psychosocial imbalance.

The mechanism used to protect a person from psychological distress is known as DEFENSE MECHANISM.

DEFENSE MECHANISM helps individuals overcome depression and anxiety associated with conflicts.

DEFENSE MECHANISM is a system of adjustment by which a person relieves or reduces anxiety caused by an uncomfortable situation that threatens self-esteem.

Ego defense mechanisms operate consciously or unconsciously.

COMPENSATION:- COMPENSATION: A person tries to cover up his WEAKNESS by directing his potential on other aspects of life.

eg:- An academically weak student can become a college champion in cricket by working hard.

DENIAL:- Refuse: Refusal to accept an unacceptable idea, behavior & reality.

eg:- A terminally ill person refuses to admit that anything is wrong despite being fully informed about the diagnosis and the expected outcome.

DISPLACEMENT:- Displacement: Dissolving one’s inner feelings into a less threatening object.

eg:- A person may yell at his pet dog when he comes home after a bad day at work. So one’s anger is directed at another person or thing at some other place where less harm is done.

INTELLECTUALIZATION:– Intellectualization: Using a logical explanation to separate the emotions from the painful event.

eg:- After being transferred to a new job, i.e. away from home, a person hides his anxiety by increasing the benefits of the job.

PROJECTION:– Projection: Blaming another person for one’s own mistakes.

EG:- A person who is untruthful can satisfy himself by saying that others are also liars and untruths.

RATIONALIZATION:– Rationalization: To justify one’s unacceptable thoughts by giving a socially acceptable reason.

eg:- A person who cannot do a job well, may be satisfied saying that hard work at this job does not pay well.

REACTION FORMATION:- REACTION FORMATION: A person behaves in a way that is totally opposite to his actual feelings.

eg:- A jealous employee who hates his senior may show respect and affection towards him.

REGRATION:– Regression: A return to an earlier and more comfortable level of development.

eg:- A person who is not making sufficient progress in studies. May relieve his anxiety by crying or getting angry.

REPRESSION:- Repression: Unconsciously forgetting painful thoughts, events or conflicts.

eg:- Forgetting best friend’s birthday after a fight.

SUBLIMATION:- Sublimation: A person can redirect his unacceptable activities into socially acceptable and desirable activities.

eg:- A person with aggressive behavior can transform into a competitive sports activity.

Q.3 write short answer (any two) 6×2=12

A) Write down types of learning. Write about types of learning.

motor learning).

In our daily life

Motor activity involves most actions

is called A person in his own life

By bringing regularity one learns something. Example

Like walking, driving, running, climbing

All these activities use muscles


(Verbal learning

Language use in this type of learning

happens Speaking, means of communication

Use, sign, picture, figure, sound

We did this kind of learning through etc


(Concept Learning)

Special types of brains in this type of learning

Tasks are required. Thinking, Intelligence, Reasoning

etc. are examples of this type of learning. of this kind

Learning we learn from childhood. Example

As we see the dog and the word dog

We understand. So we understand that the dog

It is the name of a particular animal. This type of learning

It is useful for identifying something.

(Discrimination Learning)

Appropriate to Stimulae and Stimulae

Differences between responses as discrimination learning

is identified. For example different vehicles

Sounds like bus, car, ambulance

(Learning of Principal)

A learner should understand different principles of science,

Language is learned by means of grammar etc. This

Using each makes one’s work easier.

(Problem Solving)

This is a high level learning. To learn which

Requires cognitive ability. such as thinking,

Reasoning, observation, imagination etc. are very useful

is Which helps people to solve their problems.

(Attitude Learning)

Attitude directly affects our behavior.

We develop attitude towards people from childhood.

Our behavior can be negative or positive

Depends on our attitude. For example

Nurse’s attitude towards her profession and patient.

B) write down about prostitution.

Prostitution is a serious social problem in India.

Scholarships are awarded for the following reasons.



Services are not integrated

Lack of options

Stigma and negative social attitudes Adaptation to family expectations and pressure lifestyle

Most people in India become sex workers because of lack of resources to support themselves or their children as many choose it as a profession to meet the need.

Often after a marriage breakup or being rejected or thrown out of the home by their family.

Poverty is considered to be the root of the growing prostitution problem in India. Sometimes women may call themselves prostitutes to gain material wealth.

Eradication of prostitution requires restructuring of the social set-top which will respect the identity of a woman as a human being.

Education and economic dependence of women will counter their vulnerability.

Recognition of women’s whites as human beings will lead to equality.

Legislation dealing with the status of sex workers is a 1956 law known as the Immoral Traffic (Suppression) Act (SITA).

According to this law, sex workers are neither legal nor illegal in India, especially as the law prohibits sex workers from practicing their profession within 200 yards of a public place.

Sex workers are not protected under general labor laws, are not entitled to minimum wage benefits, injury compensation or other benefits common to other types of workers.

Recently the old law was replaced by the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act.

A prostitute is a person who allows her body to be used for purposes in exchange for payment. Prostitution is the sale of sexual services, such as oral sex or intercourse.

which exists in India but exists across the country.

Prostitution continued from ancient and medieval India and has a wider perspective in modern India.

Prostitution itself is a social problem, child prostitution is making complex it.



Do more addiction

don’t pay attention

There is no other option

Be of home

Family history

Lack of self-esteem

Pier pressure

good life

Family breakdown

Loneliness and boredom

There is no stopping man

Inability to marry


Lack of recreational facilities

scientific reason

Lows related to prostitution in India:

Suppression of immoral traffic in human and girl act 1956

Prevention of immoral traffic act 1956

Immoral traffic act 1956

Any person who keeps or manages or works or assists in the care or management of a group of prostitutes shall on first conviction be liable to rigorous imprisonment for a term not less than one year and not more than three years and may also be fined .

C) Write down characteristics of rural community.

Characteristics of Rural Community

Sense of unity: The village has a sense of unity, all the families in the village are united and share sorrows and joys together.

Close relationship: Villagers have close relationship with each other and know each other personally.

Common Culture: The people of the village have a common culture, the customs and conventions of the people of the village are also similar.

Joint Family: This practice is still practiced in the villages as they need the cooperation of all the family members for the farming business.

Joint Participation: Villagers jointly organize religious activities and participate in them.

Close Neighborly Relations: Neighborhood is of great importance in a village where they look after and help each other.

Deep faith in religion and duties: The occupation of the village people is agriculture and it is based on nature this shows their faith and religion.

Away from the Evils of Modern Culture and Simple: Villagers are simple, their nature and behavior is natural, they live a peace full life and stay away from modern culture.

Hard Working: Villagers are sincere and hardworking.

Hospitality: Shows great hospitality towards guests, welcomes others, is not rude.

High Moral Values:

He has higher and higher morals and his life is governed by standards.

Characteristics of Indian Village:

Villages in India are the unit of social structure of India Approximately 70 to 80% of the total population lives in villages Villages are divided into small and large size Small villages have a population below 500 Medium and large villages have a population of 5,000 or more than 5,000 as of 2000.

The village has the following features:

Socially and economically connected to neighboring towns: Villages were isolated and self-contained in the early 19th century. Because all the needs used to be satisfied in the villages itself but the development will remain transport communication and the barrier between the villages has been broken.

Structure of Simplicity Stability and Tranquility: Village environment is simple calm Simple life lives in simple clothes and all civility but fashion has taken its place in villages Radio and TV music can also be heard everywhere in the village.

Strong connection between customs and traditions: The outlook of the villagers is mainly ruddy and they accept changes with extreme reluctance.

Poverty and Illiteracy: Villagers are generally poor, have low incomes, wear rough clothes, illiteracy in villages, educational opportunities for children are less, facilities for higher education are also non-existent, due to poverty, villagers send their children to cities for education. Because they can’t, there is a lack of education.

Local Self-Government: They manage their own affairs through the traditional institutions of Panchayats which started to decline during the British rule but after independence new efforts were made to strengthen the Panchayat system.

Q-4 Write short notes. (Any three) 12

a) Importance of motivation in nursing

Adulteration plays an important role in nursing practice for both the nurse and the patient.

The following are the reasons why motivation is important:

1) Enhance patient care
A highly vetted nurse is more likely to provide high-quality and compassionate care to their patients.
Magnification anchors the nurse to excel in her role. Which leads to better patient outcome and satisfaction.

2) Increase job satisfaction
A nurse who is motivated to help others, professional growth, and any other purpose, experiences higher job satisfaction. This results in lower turnover rates, more experienced staff and a more positive work environment.

3) Improving patient engagement
A more educated nurse is better able to engage patients in their care.
A well-educated nurse can effectively communicate the treatment plan with the patient and his family members.
Can provide education to the patient about his health condition and empower the patient to participate in the decision making process.

4) Adaptability and resilience
A mature nurse is always ready to face any kind of challenges and difficulties.
A mature nurse is able to handle any type of stressful situation, adapt to changes in the health care environment, and obtain a positive outcome in any condition.

5) Professional development
A mature nurse is always ready to receive continuous education, acquire different skills and stay updated with the advancements in health care settings.
This ongoing professional development enhances the nurse’s competence and effectiveness as a caregiver.

6) Team Collaboration
A mature nurse provides a positive contribution to interdisciplinary collaboration and teamwork.
A mature nurse is willing to share knowledge, provide support to colleagues, and work collaboratively with team members to achieve a common purpose, thus benefiting patients in care.

7) Patient Safety
A mature nurse is more aware and attentive to patient safety.
A mature nurse provides evidence-based practice, follows established protocols, and prioritizes patient well-being, thereby reducing the risk of medical errors and adverse events.

8) Patient Empowerment
A mature nurse encourages the patient to actively participate in managing their health and well-being.
A well-educated nurse provides information, encouragement, and support to patients to make informed decisions and adopt healthy behaviors.

9) Positive organizational culture
A mature nurse provides a contribution to a positive organizational culture through collaboration, innovation and excellence.
The enthusiasm and dedication of a skilled nurse provides inspiration to her colleagues and contributes to the overall success of the health care organization.

In overall nursing, mentoring is essential because it promotes professional growth, enhances the quality of patient care, encourages teamwork, and provides positive contributions.
Achieving and sustaining mentorship among nurses is critical to maintaining high standards of nursing practice and achieving optimal patient outcomes.

b) Good Health Habits

Good Habit A good or healthy habit

It is a behavior that is beneficial to a person’s physical & mental health, often associated with a high level of discipline and self-control.

Examples are regular exercise, a properly balanced diet, exercising, not smoking, eating healthy food, feeling better about yourself, appreciating everything more and being grateful every day, being more organized, doing yoga, facing the day with a positive attitude. etc.


The habit formation cycle can be explained using the 3Rs of habit change. Follow the 3 R step pattern when forming a new habit and breaking a bad habit.

  1. Reminder A reminder (a trigger that initiates a behavior). (The benefits you get from a habit)
  2. Routine (the behavior itself or the action a person performs.
  3. Reward.

Reminder/Resolution: Resolution is a strong decisive step taken for purposeful action. Resolution depends on the assistant’s ability to complete tasks and reach goals.

Routine/Rehearsal: Rehearsing a new habit helps in habit formation.

Reward/Repetition: A new behavior becomes a habit only when it is repeated long enough to make the behavior automatic.

If the reward is positive, then the person will want to repeat the routine again when reminded. Repeat the same action enough times and it becomes a habit

c) Difference between caste system and class system

Cast and class systems are social stratification systems that organize individuals into hierarchical groups but differentiate them based on their division, mobility, and cultural importance.

1) Basis of Division

•> Cast system
The caste system is based on birth and heredity.
Individuals are assigned to specific castes at birth and these assignments are largely immutable.
Cast membership determines one’s social status, occupation, and access to resources. Cast system is more prevalent in societies like India where cast is traditionally associated with occupation and social role.

•> Class System
A class system is based on socioeconomic factors such as wealth, income, education, and occupation. A person’s position in a class may change over time based on economic access, education level, and career advancement.
Class systems are more common in modern industrial societies where social mobility is theoretically possible.

2) Social Mobility

•> Cast system
Mobility in cast systems is limited Individuals generally remain in the same cast throughout their lives Movement between casts is rare.
Cast systems often enforce strict social boundaries. Also there is limited opportunity for upward mobility.

•> Class System
Social mobility is relatively high in a class system.
In the class system, individuals can move up and down based on their achievement, education and economic opportunity.
While upward mobility is possible, mobility may still be limited by factors such as discrimination, inequality and access to resources.

3) Cultural Significance

•> Cast system
Cast System Where it is prevalent, the cast system is deeply embedded in the cultural and religious traditions of the society.
Caste identity is often reinforced by religious beliefs, social customs and traditional practices.
Despite legislative efforts to eliminate caste-based discrimination, caste-based discrimination and inequality still persist.

•> Class System
Although distinctions between classes exist in modern societies, they are often less rigidly enforced and less culturally significant than the caste system.
Class identity is based on factors like income, occupation and education but is not linked to religious and cultural practices like cast identity.

4) Role Assignment

•> Cast System in Nursing
In some societies, particularly where caste-based systems are prevalent, individuals are assigned specific roles in the nursing profession based on their caste and cultural background.
It usually depends on the type of nursing position one is capable of attaining and the opportunities for advancement in the profession.

•> Class System in Nursing
In a class-based system, an individual’s socioeconomic status, education level and access to resources affect the ability to enter the nursing profession and the type of nursing role to be provided based on these factors.
There may still be barriers to entry based on socioeconomic factors, however there is greater flexibility in opportunities for career and advancement based on individual merit and qualifications.

5) Social Mobility

•> Cast System in Nursing
In societies where a caste system is present, social mobility in the nursing profession may be limited by caste-based discrimination and social norms.
Individuals from lower castes face many barriers in their advancement and a person is assigned certain nursing roles based on their status in the caste.

•> Class System in Nursing
In this, social mobility within nursing depends on factors such as education, experience, and professional development opportunities rather than caste and social background.
While socioeconomic factors may still affect access to education and career advancement opportunities, there is generally greater potential for upward mobility based on individual merit and abilities.

6) Professional culture

•> Cast System in Nursing
In settings where cast-based hierarchies still exist, there may be differences in professional culture and interactions between nurses based on cast distinctions.
Caste based discrimination and inequalities can also be seen in the nursing team and health care institutes.

•> Class System in Nursing
Class system in nursing Professional culture is based on factors such as education, training and professional standards rather than caste distinctions.
While issues of socioeconomic inequality may still affect the profession they are usually addressed through broader social and policy interventions rather than being intrinsic to nursing culture.

Whereas caste system is based on hereditary social division with limited mobility and cultural and religious traditions are deep.
Whereas the class system found in modern industrial societies has a high degree of social mobility which is based on socioeconomic factors.

d) Fundamental duties of an Indian citizen

Fundamental Duties: As some fundamental rights have been given to the citizens, some fundamental duties for the citizens have been included in the constitution which are as follows;

To be faithful to the Constitution and to respect its ideals and institutions, the national flag and the national anthem;

To cherish and follow the noble ideals that inspired our national struggle for freedom;

To uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India;

To do so when called upon to protect the country and perform national service;

To promote harmony and a sense of equal brotherhood among all the people of India, without regard to religious, linguistic, regional or communal distinctions, to renounce practices which demean the dignity of women;

To value and preserve the rich heritage of our integrated culture;

To preserve and improve the natural environment, including forests, lakes, rivers and wild animals, and to have compassion for living beings;

To cultivate scientific mind, humanism and spirit of curiosity and improvement;

to protect public property and to renounce violence;

To strive for excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity, so that the nation may continue to progress by learning ever higher standards of manhood and achievement.

A parent or guardian to provide educational opportunities to their child or child between the ages of 6 years to 14 years.

Q-5 Define following (any six) (12)

A) Habit

Habit is a big part of our life.

Habits are one of the most influential factors of our existence, because our actions, our responses, our decisions, our life style are all governed by our Habits.

A particular activity that a person does regularly unconsciously is known as a habit.

A habit is a behavior that you do automatically without thinking and unconsciously.

Automatic A process that occurs automatically is called a habit. Like someone has the habit of putting nails in the mouth, someone has the habit of not getting up and washing and praying and reciting prayers.

Habit is a recurring unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through repeated repetition.

Habit is an automatic routine of behavior that is repeated regularly without thinking

A Habit always needs a stimulus to start e.g. Any aggravating factor.

Habit can be copied very easily

The more actions are repeated in the behavior, the stronger the habit becomes

b) Emotion

In everyday life, emotions have a powerful effect.

Our moods, choices, communication, and our relationships are all affected by emotions.

Emotions color our lives.

Joy, sorrow, fear, anger, sadness, jealousy are all emotions.

Emotions can be positive (such as joy, happiness) or negative (anger, sadness).

In order to have a healthy and peaceful life, a balance between both types of emotions is necessary.

C) Learning

Learning is a permanent change in a person’s behavior that occurs as a result of any kind of practice or experience.

During the period from birth to death, a person’s behavior constantly changes and changes. This change in behavior is known as learning.

d) Intelligence–

In daily life aily lifece al & social environment we often categorize some individuals as bright, some slow, some can solve problem very easily, some take long time to handle situation etc. All this is possible due to different levels of intelligence in individuals.

Intelligence The word “intelligence” comes from the Latin word Intelligere, which means “to understand”. According to the Oxford dictionary, intelligence means, “the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skill”.

Various definitions of intelligence have been given by different psychologists and some of the definitions are as follows.

“Intelligence” means “the ability to adjust to the surrounding environment”.

“A person’s overall or global ability to act purposefully, to think cognitively, and to deal effectively with his or her environment.

Intelligence is “the mental quality of having the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adjust to new situations.”

Intelligence can be defined as the ability to assimilate factual knowledge, to reproduce recent or remote events, to reason logically, to manipulate words,

The formless can be defined as the ability to represent with words and transform the abstract into words in analysis and synthesis.

e) Dowry system –

Dowry is a social problem.

Dowry is defined as property received from one’s wife or her family at the time of marriage.

The bride can be defined as the gifts and valuables received at the wedding by the groom and his relatives.

The practice depends on the following factors.

Boy service and pay

Social and economic status of the girl’s father

Educational qualification of boy and girl

A boy’s work and his salary

Beauty and features of the girl

Future Prospects of Economic Security

Family size and composition of girls and boys

A girl’s parents not only give money and gifts or the like at the time of marriage but continue to give money and gifts to her husband’s family throughout her life.

F) Society –

SOCIETY is a large group consisting only of individuals.” It means that all individuals are directly or indirectly connected with other individuals.”

” SOCIETY is a complex of organized associations and institutions within a community.” A community is an area of ​​social life marked by some degree of social cohesion. Community is a part of society.

“The term society refers not to a group of people, but to the norms of interaction that arise between and among them.”

g) Joint family –

A joint family is a large one in which parents, children, grand children are all close relations, all family members live together and share the kitchen.

h) Culture –

It is very difficult to know the origin of culture because it has been observed and continued ever since the existence of human society and people. It has undergone many changes over time.

Culture and its characteristics can be known from old studies and research.

Culture has a great importance on social life. To understand the nature of society, it is very important to study the community of people living in that society from all aspects.

Culture is the act of acquiring behavior by an individual, changing the behavior and transferring it from generation to generation to his family members and society.

Culture means the total characteristics of all the members in the group, the way of thinking and all the characteristics of how the group works and lives is called culture.

Q-6(A) Fill in the blanks.05

1………….is known as father of psychology. ……….is known as the father of psychology. WILHELM WUNDT

2.Personality derived from ………..word. Personality has come from…….. -word. PERSONA (GREEK WORD)

  1. From birth to 1 year old child is called ……….. A child from birth to one year old is called ……. (INFANT)

4.A woman has more than one husband at a time is called……………. A woman having more than one husband at a time is ………. is called (POLLY ANDRY)

  1. Thirst is a ….. motive. Getting sick is a… motive. (PHYSIOLOGICAL)

(B.)True or False – State True or False.05

1.Urbanization breaks villages.
Villages collapse due to urbanization. TRUE

2.Economics means study of psychology. FALSE

  1. Introspection means self-observation.
    Introspection means self observation. TRUE
  2. Family is not a fundamental unit of society.
    Family is not the basic unit of society.FALSE
  3. Learning brings change in behavior. Harnig changes behavior. TRUE

(C) Match the following – Jodka Jodka. 05


(A) Fear- (A) Father of sociology

B) Maslow – Maslow (B) Primary group-primary group

(C) August comte- (C) Positive emotion Positive emotion August Comte

(D) The sense of us- (D) Hierarchy of needs theory- Hierarchy of needs theory

(E) Love or affection (E) Negative emotion – Love and warmth

A – E

B – D

C – A

D – B

E – C

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