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ENGLISH – GNM-FY-FON-sample paper


Points to keep in mind before appearing for Gujarat Nursing Council Exam :-

  • After getting the paper first read the paper once so that one can know about every questions.
  • Blue pen should be used as far as possible in the paper, black ball pen can be used where necessary, no other pen should be used.
  • Do not use any pattern like line, box, circle etc. which leaves any impression or shows identity in the paper.
  • Showing accurate figures as required in the paper.
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  • Before answering the questions asked in the question, read carefully twice and give the same answer as intended.

Sample Answers :-

c. Explain the steps of the nursing process. 05 Marks



  • Assessment means assessing the patient’s health problem and this is the first step in which

A. Nursing History Taking :-

  • A history is obtained regarding the patient’s illness and wellness.Adjustment Mutual trust, confidence, respect and relationship are established with the patient by collecting data along with the history.

B. Physical Examination :-

  • Physical problems of the patient are known.Limitations of the patient are known
  • From the patient’s health record through members of the patient’s relative health team

C. Nursing diagnosis

  • The data collected from history examination and other sources are organized and summarized. From the summarized data, the specific characteristics and etiology of the patient’s health problem are known and then the nursing diagnosis is determined accordingly.


  • Prioritizing the most urgent and critical health problems we encounter after diagnosis
  • Goals for nursing interventions are set for which the nurse and patient work together to determine short-term intermediate long-term intermediate goals.
  • A nursing care plan is created as the goals are determined and the plan should be systematic, realistic and flexible. Next, to formulate a nursing care plan, prioritize the nursing diagnoses in it.
  • The care plan should include the patient, family, friends and members of the health team


  • In order to put the nursing care plan into action i.e. to implement it, the ideas of the patient family friends and members of the health team should be coordinated.
  • Ability limitations of team members should be considered
  • Nursing interventions should be supervised
  • Objectively record the patient’s response to nursing interventions
  • The information we record should be related to the nursing diagnosis
  • In the meantime, if any additional information is found, it should be included in the assessment as additional data


  • The patient’s response to care should be noted
  • We should see whether it is achieved as per the set goals
  • The assessment should note the patient’s wellness

b. Define first aid and write down principles of first aid.

Accidental illness which is physical such as paralysis, bleeding or burns, the person present at the time, the treatment that can be given before the arrival of the doctor means primary treatment.

Principles of First Aid

  • 1) The place of accident should be reached as soon as possible
  • 2) Do not ask unnecessary questions
  • 3) Knowing the cause of injury or illness as soon as possible.
  • 4) Immediately remove the thing that has caused the injury or remove the person from it. For example, if the person has been burnt, remove it and pour water. If there is an electric shock, remove it with the help of a stick.
  • 5) Whether the patient is unconscious or semi-conscious or alive or dead.
  • 6) Suggestion of which treatment to do first: Like if the heart rate is stopped first, try to start it, regularize breathing or if there is bleeding, try to stop it etc.
  • 7) Obtaining medical treatment
  • 8) Knowing and recording patient details
  • 9) Keeping the patient more comfortable
  • 10) Arrange the necessary equipment from the available item, like using a napkin without waiting for patapindi in case of bleeding.
  • 11) Sedate the patient if he is conscious.


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