250,500, 650 mg
1 gm in adults.
Route :- Oral, I.V, I.M & I.V Infusion
group –
brand name
Mode of Action-
Paracetamol inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandin which is reduced by the active forms cox 1 and cox 2.
It exerts central anaesthetic effects through activation of the descending cerato-nergic pathway.
Indication of paracetamol-
Head ache-head one
Muscle pain Toothache-Muscle pain Toothache
Menstrual pain
a cold
sore throat-throat pain
Pain in the sinuses
Contraindication of paracetamol-
Allergic reaction-allergic reaction
Liver and kidney problem etc
Side effects-Side effects
Feel tired
Shortness of breath, blue lips and fingers-Difficulty in breathing lips and fingers turn blue
Liver and kidney damage-
If there is high blood pressure, hard disease and stroke can occur.-If there is high blood pressure, hard disease and stroke can occur.
Nursing Responsibility –
Assessing the patient’s pain before administering the meditation.
Checking the pain level.
Which will help the health care provider to identify the dose.
Checking the temperature.
Check for allergic reactions.
🏹 Famotidine –
Histamine H2 receptor antagonist or H2 blocker antacid
dose –
20 mg, 40 mg
Mode of Action-
Famotidine reduces gastric acid production and suppresses pepsin content and acid concentration.
Reduces the volume of HCL and blocks the H2 receptor.
brand name-
Pepsid and Zantac-Pepsid and Zantac
Indications of Famo Tidine-
Duodenal ulcer-duodenal ulcer
Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Heart burn
Heart burn-indigestion
Stomach ulcer-stomach ulcer
Contraindication of Famotidine
Hypersensitivity-Hyper sensitivity
Cross-sensitivity TVT of H2 RAS- Cross-sensitivity TVT of H2 RAS
Side effects-
Peeling of the skin
Blood in stool and urine- Blood in stool and urine
Difficulty breathing
Rapid pulse.-Pulse to become fast.
Nursing Responsibility-Nursing Responsibility
Monitor if any side effects occur.
Assessing abdominal pain.
To monitor CBC, fluid and fiber intake regularly.
🏹 Dicyclomine tablet
Group :-
Anticholinergic OR-anticholinergic OR
And it is sometimes used as an antiemetic.
20-40mg (when given orally),
10- 20mg (when given IM-intramuscular),
Never give an IV.
Die Cyclo Varinum,
Di cycloverina.-Di cycloverina.
MOA (Mode of Action)
These are anticholinergics that act on the acetylcholine receptor,
The first effect is to block the acetylcholine receptor. Acetyl choline causes muscle spasm.
Another function of its effect on the smooth muscles is that it relaxes the smooth muscles in the intestine so that the spasms that are present in the muscles are reduced.
Can be used for functional bowel disorders and irritable bowel syndrome,
It reduces the spasm that occurs in the stomach and intestines and relaxes its muscles.
Take this medicine four times a day with or without food as directed by the doctor.
This medicine should be taken initially with a low dose and then with a high dose as prescribed by the doctor.
irritable bowel syndrome
stomach ache
To reduce intestinal torque,
For an overactive bladder,
Diarrhea (cobwebs),
motion sickness
Vomiting, dysmenorrhea,
Morning sickness.
Obstructive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
Severe ulcerative colitis
Glaucoma, myasthenia gravis-Glaucoma, myasthenia gravis
This medicine should not be given to an infant who is less than six months old, a person with the above diseases.
Side effects-Side effects
lightheadedness, lightheadedness,
Dry mouth, noseya,
Dry ice-Dry ice
dry mouth,
Abdominal bloating-
Loss of Appetite
Nursing Responsibility-
Administering drugs by checking the five R’s (5R) while administering the drug to the patient. There to check right patient, right drug, right route, right dose, right time.
The nurse should take the history of allergy of the patient and not give the medicine if he has a previous history.
The nurse should obtain information about the patient’s other medical conditions to determine if the medication is contraindicated for the patient.
Inform the patient beforehand about the side effects of the medicine.
If a patient develops a serious problem after taking the drug, treat it immediately.
In case of any dangerous effect on the patient, inform the doctor.
Due to dicyclomine, the side effect is increased drowsiness and drowsiness, so the patient should avoid driving and working with machinery and other work.
Do not give this medicine to a breastfeeding mother as this medicine passes into the breast milk and may cause unwanted effects on the infant.
So don’t give.
Do not give this medicine to children younger than six months as it may cause more dangerous side effects.
Be careful not to overdose.
The nurse should note that
When not to give dicyclomine with antacids because antacids reduce the absorption of dicyclomine tablets.
If prescribed by doctor with anta acid, take dicyclomine before food and take anta acid after food.
Group Proton pump inhibitors
Brand name (brand name) Prilosec, Losec, Omesac.
Packet – 2.5mg-10mg,
Tablet/Capsule-10 mg,20mg,40mg,
Oral disintegrating tablet-20 mg.
20-40 mg once in daily (OD)
It is taken before meals.
Route of Administration
Orly (take before meals).
Mechanism Of Action
Omeprazole inhibits the activities of the proton pump in the lining of the stomach. This proton pump is responsible for the production of stomach acid. Blockage of this proton pump reduces the production of acid in the stomach. Due to this, the level of acidity also decreases. decreases and symptoms are relieved.
Gastrointestinal Reflux Disease (GERD),
peptic ulcer,
Zollinger Elision Syndrome,
erosive esophagitis,
NSAID induced ulcers,
H.pylori infection,
Reflux esophagitis,
Prophylaxis for ulcers.
Severe liver diseases,
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding,
Gastric Malignancy.
Side effects
one head,
abdominal pain,
acid regurgitation,
Upper respiratory infection.
Nursing Responsibility
Patient Assessment
Assess the patient’s medical history, including allergies, current medications, and any preexisting conditions that may affect the safety or effectiveness of omeprazole.
Complete patient education about medicine
Provide, including its, dosage, side effects and any special instructions for administration (eg, take before meals).
Therapeutic efficacy and any side effects, especially gastrointestinal symptoms, such as
Continuously monitor for abdominal pain, nausea or diarrhoea.
Life Style Changes:
Advise the patient about changes in lifestyle that can enhance the effectiveness of the medication, such as changes in diet, weight management, and avoiding smoking and alcohol.
Follow up
Advising the patient to take regular follow up to assess the effectiveness of the medication and to assess whether there is any adverse effect of the medication.
Complete documentation of the medication provided to the patient including proper documentation of time, date, route, dose etc.
Group (group) Dopamine antagonist / antiemetic
Brand name (brand name) Molitium
10-20 mg orally 3-4 times a day (before meals).
Orly (before meals).
Mechanism of Action
Domperidom works as a dopamine antagonist. That is, the brain and the gastrointestinal tract work to block the dopamine receptors present in the intestinal tract.
Due to the blocking of these dopamine receptors, domperidone increases the movement and contraction of the stomach and intestines. And helps to enhance the movement in the stomach.
Due to this process, the activity of the stomach and intestines is accelerated, which relieves symptoms like nausea, vomiting, bloating, and discomfort.
In addition,
By blocking dopamine receptors in the brain, domperidone also inhibits the signals that trigger symptoms such as nosia and vomiting, thereby reducing nosia and vomiting.
Overall Domperidone’s mechanism of action is to increase the size of the gastro-intestinal tract and relieve symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, bloating and discomfort.
abdominal bloating,
Abdominal discomfort,
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).
allergic reaction,
Gastro Intestinal Intestinal Bleeding,
Severe liver diseases,
If there is a history of cardiac arrhythmias,
Being in prolactino.
Side effects
Abdominal cramps,
dry mouth,
one head,
Changes in the rate of interest,
Having an allergic reaction like,
Swelling in the face, lips, and tongue,
Breathing difficulties.
Nursing Responsibility
Patient Assessment:
Assessing the patient’s medical history including allergies, current medications and assessing the safety and efficacy of domperidone.
Provide complete education to the patient and their caregiver about the medication, including its purpose, dosage, side effects, and advice on administration (eg, take before meals).
To assess for adverse reactions and any therapeutic efficacy, mainly stomach cramps, diarrhea, or gastro-intestinal related symptoms such as constipation.
Electrolyte Level:
Monitor electrolytes including electrolyte levels, especially potassium levels.
Management of symptoms
Assessing whether the patient has other side effects of the medication or not. And managing those symptoms.
Patient support
Provide emotional support and reassurance to the patient.
Follow up
Advise the patient to take regular follow up.
Properly document the medication provided to the patient
Second generation antihistamines
Adult and child > 6 years : 5mg/daily
Mode of action
As an H1 receptor antagonist, with some mast cell stabilizing activity, it has no effect on the CNS.
Seasonal allergic rhinitis, rhinitis due to other causes, chronic idiopathic urticaria,
To relieve allergic symptoms like fever, itching, hives.
Severe renal impairment, alcohol use, hemodialysis.
side effects
head one,
dry mouth,
abdominal pain,
nursing responsibility
Taking a complete medical history of the patient, allergies and current medications.
Educating patients about medicine.
Monitoring of side effects in patients.
Administer drug according to proper dosage.
Advise patient on follow up.
Also to document.
🏹 Ascorbic acid tablet (vitamin c) –
Group –
Vitamin supplements.
500 mg
Oral (by mouth), I.M
Vitamin C is an antioxidant medication.
It is available as a chewable tablet.
It is used in cases where vitamin C is low.
Vitamin C maintains and keeps the body’s cells, immune system, bones and blood vessels etc. healthy.
It is used to prevent scurvy.
In addition, vitamin C is used for iron absorption and collagen production.
And vitamin C is also used in gingivitis and collagen disorders.
Apart from this, vitamin C is used for tissue repair and wound healing.
Helps in bone and teeth development in baby.
To whom can it be given? Indications
Vitamin C deficiency,
Healing (healing) occurs slowly in the wound and bone.
Urine acidification.
Apart from this, it is also effective as an antioxidant and antiviral.
It is also useful for deficiency of vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin A.
common cold
Oral bacterial infection
Iron deficiency, folate deficiency.
Vitamin C is used in diseases like etc Contraindication Hypersensitivity,
Blood disorders like,
sickle cell disease
Hemochromatosis means high iron levels.
Side effects-
Diarrhea, nausea
heart buns
crystal, flushing,
one head
Gas, Mouth Shore etc.
Nursing Responsibility
Check nurse doctor’s order.
Apart from this, before giving medicine to the patient, check the 5Rs which include Right Patient, Right Time, Right Root, Right Drug, Right Dose etc.
Informing the patient about the side effects of the medicine while administering the medicine.
Also ask the patient to report any additional signs and symptoms immediately after taking the medicine.
And notifying the doctor.
In addition, the nurse should inform the patient about the beneficial effects of vitamin C such that it is very useful for wound healing.
Giving all that information.
Inform the doctor immediately if any allergic reaction is observed in the patient.
Administering medicine to patient on time and also maintaining proper dosage.
Calcium gluconate tablet –
Calcium salt, cardio protective agent
Route – Route
Oral, IV (Intra-Venous)
Adult:- 500 mg/day
MOA (Mode of Action)
Calcium gluconate increases blood calcium levels or combines with excess potassium and magnesium and results in elevated calcium levels.
Calcium gluconate is used to manage hypo calcium i.e. low calcium levels, cardiotoxicity CT due to cardiocrest, hyperkalemia or hypermagnesium etc.
It is used in pregnancy and breast feeding.
Mgso4 (Magnesium Sulphate) is also used as an antidote,
It is used when toxicity of Mgso4 occurs.
Indications -Indican
cardiac rest
Hyper magnesium
Toxicity of magnesium sulfate, breast feeding, pregnancy.
Contraindications – Contraindicated
When there is a lump in any organ or tissue,
ventricular fibrillation
Hypokalemia, renal calculi,
A cancer patient with bone metastasis.
Side effect
CNS (Central Nervous System)- CNS (Central Nervous System) :-
tingling sensation
Sensation as if someone oppresses, (Syncope.-Syncop.)
CV (Cardio Vascular) –
cardiac arrest
GI (Gastro Intestinal) – GI (Gastro Intestinal) :-
Constipation, irritation,
Nausea, Vomiting, Thirst Abdominal pain, Palpitations.
GU (Genitourinary)- –
poly urea
Renal calculi.-Renal calculi.
Metabolic :-
Hyper calcium-Hyper calcium.
the skin
Skin rash, local reaction,
Swelling in the face, lips, tongue and throat.
Nursing responsibility –
Extra caution should be exercised when administering any calcium containing medicine to digitalized patients and patients with synchrony doses, renal and cardiac disease.
Check calcium levels frequently to maintain a normal calcium level of 9-10.5 mg/dl.
The nurse should keep in mind the signs and symptoms of more dangerous hypercalcemia in the patient and inform the patient about these signs and symptoms so that no more dangerous conditions arise and if they do, they can be treated.
Symptoms of hypercalcemia such as confusion, coma,
Stupor means stupidity etc.
Do not confuse calcium with calcitriol, calcium gluconate with calcium glubionate, calcium chloride with calcium gluconate.
Advise patient to take oral calcium within one to two hours after meal if GI (Gastrointerstinal) system is upset.
Also advise the patient to take calcium medicine orally with a full glass of water.
Ask the patient to report immediately if they experience nosia, vomiting, abdominal pain, polyuria, thirst, anorexia (loss of appetite), constipation, etc.
Advise the patient that before taking calcium his meal should not contain whole grains and pulses and dry products as they affect the absorption of calcium.
🏹 Iron & Folic acid tablet –
As a supplementary nutrient.
Dose – dose
Route – Route
Can be given orally.
MOA :- Mode of action MOA :- Mode of action
Increases the production of RBC (Red Blood Cell) and HB i.e. Hemoglobin in the body.
This tablet is used to prevent or treat low iron levels in the blood.
Treats HB and RBC cell defects and anemia.
Folic acid is essential for the formation of RBC (red blood cells).
Indications- Indican
iron deficiency
Folic acid deficiency, anemia,
As a prophylactic during pregnancy. As a prophylactic during pregnancy.
Contraindication –
Iron overload diseases,
liver problem
Ulcers in the stomach and intestines. – Ulcers in the stomach and intestines.
Side effects –
Diarrhea (cobwebs),- Diarrhea (thick),
Stomach cramps
upset stomach,
Black stool / dark stool
black teeth
Gingivitis. – Gingivitis.
Nursing Responsibility-
Before giving this medicine to the patient, the nurse went to check the five R’s which are Right Patient, Right Time and Right Drug, Right Route, Right Dose etc.
The nurse should check or take a history of any patient for hypersensitivity to this tablet.
Patients should do blood test regularly as per doctor’s instructions so that HB and RBC (Red Blood Cell) count can be checked and treatment can be given to the patient accordingly.
Check whether the patient is constipated or not.
A nurse should not give more than 1mg (milligrams) of folic acid because too much folic acid can cause seizures, which is a side effect of too much folic acid.
In addition, the nurse advises the patient to take an iron tablet before a meal, which increases iron absorption, which is more effective.
Keep checking the patient’s bowel movement so that constipation problem can be detected early.
Do not give folic acid if the patient has pernicious anemia because pernicious anemia is caused by vitamin B12 deficiency.
Also taking iron tablets with citrus fruits or vitamin C increases its absorption.
And iron tablets should not be taken with coffee, tea and dairy products and eggs etc. This nurse advises the patient.
In addition, if any other side effect is observed in the patient, the doctor should be informed immediately.
To check the HB count by reporting the blood to the patient at appropriate intervals and give the dose of this tablet to the patient based on that.
And to ensure that the patient takes the medicine at the right time or not.
Non steroidal anti inflammatory drug (NSAID – Non steroidal anti inflammatory drug)
Propionic acid derivatives
Dosage – dose
Adult – 400mg 3 times a day (maximum 2.4 g daily).
Children – Mild analgesic or antipyretic : 10-15mg/kg/dose every 4-6 hours.
Mode of action
It inhibits the biosynthesis and release of prostaglandins. This drug inhibits the cyclo-oxygenase enzyme and thus the synthesis of prostaglandins. This compound does not inhibit the formation of leukotrienes that play a role in inflammation.
Rheumatoid arthritis
Seronegative arthropathy
Cervical spondylosis
Dental and traumatic inflammation
Primary dysmenorrhea
Active peptic ulcer
Gastrointestinal bleeding
during pregnancy
Side effect
Epigastric discomfort
Skin race
Nursing responsibility
Checking patient’s vital signs (temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure), heart rate and health status before and after administering drugs.
Patient education
Giving complete information to the patient about the purpose, side effect, dosage of the medication.
Keep checking vitals and observe for side effects
Patient history
Taking complete history of the patient about medical history, allergies, liver problems etc. It affects the effect of the drug.
5R – Right Patient, Right Route, Right Dose, Right Time, Right Drug while giving drug to the patient.
Lifestyle counselling
Advise the patient about lifestyle modifications such as exercise. Explain the factors that increase the effect of medicine.
Recording and reporting
Documentation after administration of the drug is very important, besides informing the health care team if there are any side effects or changes.