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Date:- 24/04/2024

😚Q.1-a What is vital signs? – What is vital sign?03

Vital signs are the signs of the body that are measured to check whether the basic functions of the body are functioning, which are indicators of physiological state and response to the physical environment, as well as indicators of psychological stressors, called vital signs.




Blood pressure

spo 2

It is a vital sign of the body which reflects the changes in the body

😚 b. List the sites of taking pulse rate. Make a list of places to take pulse.04

Apical pulse :– Which is taken below the left nipple

Radial pulse: taken from the base of the thumb and the radial bone on the inside of the wrist

Temporal pulse: taken from eye to eye lateral to hairline and above zygomatic bone

Carotid pulse: taken between the trachea and sternocleidomastoid muscles and below the angle of the jaw.

Brachial pulse: which is taken from the antecubital fossa of the arm

Femoral pulse: taken below the inguinal fold between the symphysis pubis and the iliac spine.

Popliteal pulse: palpated in the popliteal fossa behind the knee

Posterior Tibial: The side of the ankle bone behind the medial malleolus.

Dorsalis Pedis: Palpated in the lateral tendon of the big toe on the bottom of the foot.

😚 c. Write the factors affecting on pulse rate.
Write the factors affecting pulse rate.05

Gender :- Male pulse rate after puberty is lower than female pulse rate

Age: Pulse rate decreases with age

Exercise: Any activity or exercise increases the pulse rate.

Emotions: In emotional states the sympathetic nervous system is simulated and releases hormones due to which the blood vessels contract and the heart rate increases, but in situations like depression or grief, the heart releases the inhibitory acetylcholine which slows down the heart rate. is

Electrolytes: Electrolytes such as sodium potassium fluctuate or change

Position change: sitting, standing, sleeping, etc. Position also affects the heart rate

Body Temperature: An increase in body temperature also increases the heart rate, which stimulates electrical changes that increase the hit.

Heart disease: Heart disease also causes changes in pulse rate

Medicines: Many medicines increase and decrease the heart rate


😚 a: Define Nursing – Define nursing. 03

Nursing is an art and a science. With the help of which one can protect the life of a sick person by giving careful care and can prevent the disease from happening, can increase the health and also can treat the sick patient to restore the condition is called nursing.

😚 b Explain steps of nursing process:– Describe the steps of nursing process. 04

Assessment: Assessment means assessing the patient’s health problem and this is the first step in which

A. Nursing History Taking:-:A history of the patient’s illness and wellness is obtained.Along with the history, data is collected.Adjustment, mutual trust, confidence, respect and relationship are established with the patient.

B.Physical Examination:-:Physical problems of the patient are known.Limitations of the patient are known.

From the patient’s health record through members of the patient’s relative health team

C. Nursing Diagnosis: The data collected from history examination and other sources are organized and summarized. From the summarized data, the specific characteristics and etiology of the patient’s health problem are known and then the nursing diagnosis is determined accordingly.


Prioritizing the most urgent and critical problems among the health problems we encounter after diagnosis

Goals for nursing interventions are set for which the nurse and patient work together to determine short-term intermediate long-term intermediate goals.

A nursing care plan is created as the goals are determined and the plan should be systematic, realistic and flexible. Next, to formulate a nursing care plan, prioritize the nursing diagnoses in it.

The care plan should include the patient, family, friends and members of the health team


In order to put the nursing care plan into action i.e. to implement it, the ideas of the patient family friends and members of the health team should be coordinated.

Ability limitations of team members should be considered

Nursing interventions should be supervised

Objectively record the patient’s response to nursing interventions

The information we record should be related to the nursing diagnosis

In the meantime, if any additional information is found, it should be included in the assessment as additional data


The patient’s response to care should be noted

We should see whether it is achieved as per the set goals

The assessment should note the patient’s wellness

c. Explain the techniques of physical examination for patients. Explain the methods of physical examination of a patient 05

Physical examination means a detailed inspection or detailed study of the physical and psychological condition of the patient is called physical examination.

Methods of physical examination:-

Inspection: In this method, the general condition of the patient is known from the observation of his body, which means that the general appearance of the patient is seen, what is the color of the patient’s skin, whether there are any rashes on the skin or if there is any deformity anywhere in the body, the patient’s diet history is checked. In the inspection, the doctor listens to all the complaints of the patient and accordingly a history is written, so through the inspection, the history of the patient’s illness, the present complaint and body function can be known.

Palpation: It is the act of examining the body parts by feeling them. Fingers are used for palpation to determine the size and position of the organ. Also, this exam is done when there is any tumor in the neck or tenderness in an axilla or groin. is

Percussion: In percussion the body parts of the patient are tapped by keeping the fingers on it. Through tapping, the sound of the internal organs is observed by listening, from which the condition of the internal organs is understood. Whether the patient’s bladder is full or empty can be known by percussion. Besides, the chest, abdominal And examination can be done by percussion on part of the back.

Auscultation: This involves listening for sounds inside the patient’s body with a stethoscope or fetoscope, listening for chest sounds, listening for heart rate, and taking blood pressure.

Manipulation: This method is used to find out the flexibility of the organ eg neck stiffness, arm flexion, abduction movements etc.

Special equipment: Some types of examination are done with special equipment like otoscope, ophthalmoscope, speculum scope, X-ray sonography etc.

😚Q-2 a) List out the types of fever and write down nursing care of patient with fever. List out the types of fever and write down nursing care of patient with fever.08

To determine the objectives of the nursing management of a patient with a fever:-

Increase hit loss

Reduce heat production

To prevent complications

Maintaining a balance between hit production and hit loss

Nurse to make assessment for nursing management of patient with fever :-

Taking the patient’s temperature and taking it every hour
Assessing factors contributing to fever like dehydration, infection, environmental temperature etc
Identify the physiological response of fever
Take all vital signs
Assessing skin color and temperature
Assess the patient for excessive thirst or fatigue
Assess for patient comfort
Assess the patient for not feeling very cold or sweating

Interventions for the nursing management of a patient with a fever by the nurse:-

Limit the patient’s activity to reduce heat production, as excessive activity and movement increase metabolic demand and oxygen demand, so ask the patient to rest.

Provide dry bed linen and clothes to the patient along with providing total air and electrical fan to the patient to increase heat loss.

Giving total (cold) drinks

Applying an ice bag

Cold sponging and giving cold packs

Giving a cold sponge bath

Use a hypothermic blanket

Preventing chills with shivering

Because it increases metabolic activity

Anchoring (encouraging) the patient to maintain oral hygiene

Give plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration

Giving the patient complete bed rest

Dress the patient in light clothes

Replacing the fluid

Give high calorie diet

Giving food that is easily digested

Administer more than 3000 mL of fluid per day

Maintaining intake output chart

Giving feet so that bowel activity can be improved

Personal and mouth care and taking care of pressure points

Daily sponge bath If the patient’s temperature does not drop then cold sponge

Taking care of patient safety and security

The patient should never be left alone and should be kept under constant observation as they may develop chills and convulsions at any time.

Urine output should be monitored continuously

Administering the medicine as prescribed by the doctor

😚 b) Write about nursing care of dying patient. Write about nursing care of dig patient.04

Taking care of the dining patient is very necessary for which his relatives are sent out
Gently close the patient’s eyes and mouth.

Lay the patient upright keeping arms and legs straight.

Take an extra pill from the coat Aircon auto cylinder enable machine to move Just leave a pill under the head.

To remove catheter dennis tube IV infusion etc. and to plug cotton in body opening so that body discharge and blood do not come out and infection is not spread.

Placing an identification card on the wrist containing patient’s name address age ward number two number date of death and time identification card is done when the patient is to be sent to the mortuary room but if it is to be handed over to the relatives then taking signature in the case paper.

If you want to send it to the mortuary room, take the signature of the room man and the policeman and write the buckle number in addition to the mortuary room slip or fill the form and inform the police if there is a police case.

Checking whether the day certificate is filled or not This certificate is filled in two copies as per the policy of the hospital.

Recording in the death register Recording in the case paper Reporting the sighting or notifying the death to an authorized person.


😚 A) Explain the role of nurse in prevention of cross infection in the hospital. Write the role of nurse in preventing cross infection in the hospital. 08

As a nurse, we must know how to protect ourselves and patients from exposure to pathogens.

It is very important for the nurse to understand and follow the infection control policy of the organization such as use of personal protective equipment, environmental sanitation, etc.

  1. Standard Precautions :– To break the chain of infection, standard precautions should be taken to prevent transmission from body fluids containing pathogens.
  2. Hand hygiene :-:This is the number one weapon in preventing cross infection. The most spread of micro organism is through the hands so hand washing should be done before and after every procedure. It is very important to wash hands after touching every contaminated object
  3. Aseptic technique: Using contact precautions and aseptic technique during the procedure. Use only sterile items in invasive procedures
  4. Environmental infection control measures: The equipment used in the hospital and the surrounding environment should be kept clean and the floor of the hospital should be cleaned with anti-septic solution. Bio-medical waste generated during procedures or work should be properly disinfected and disposed of.
  5. Droplet Precaution: Mask should always be worn while working in hospital and infected patients should also wear it, precautions should be taken while cuffing, sneezing etc. should be explained.
  6. P.P.E: Personal protective equipment to prevent cross infection from nurse and patient, which cap, mask, gown are used. which should be worn during the care of highly infectious patients.
  7. Health Education :– Provide health education to patients and staff working under them to prevent spread of infection in the hospital.

Q.3 Write short answer (@ny two) Write short answer. (any two)6×2-12

😚 A) Write fir Aid treatment of burns patient. Write first aid for burn patient.

First aid care for Dazaya is as follows.

(1) Pour water over the body or wrap in a blanket to extinguish the fire. Hold the blanket in front of you. Do not walk or walk around a person who has been burned. Especially should not be allowed in open air.

(2) Immerse the burnt part in cold water. For this, keep the burnt part in cold water for 15-20 minutes in a bucket, kitchen basin or under running water and remove it after the pain subsides. If ! If not possible, apply cold water to the burned area and change it frequently. Doing so removes heat from the burnt organs. And further damage is prevented.

(3) If water is not available, cover the burn with a sterile bandage or suture with a freshly washed clean cloth. Burned part should not be exposed to air. If the big face is burnt, make a band of that shape and tie it with ears instead of mouth and nose.

(4) Some time after the burn, the burnt parts of the body become swollen. So remove rings, anklets, boots or other body ornaments.

(5) After removing the small and upper last burnt part from the water, dry it without blotting and cover it with a sterile bandage. If the burn is large, stitch it with a clean cloth.

(6) Arrange for immediate hospital transport.

(7) Apply ice in a towel and roll over the burnt parts while being taken to the hospital.

(8) Do not apply flour, butter or baking soda on the burnt part.

(9) Do not apply any paste, ointment or oil on the burnt part.

(10) Do not try to burst the blisters if they occur.

(11) Do not try to pull off the cloth stuck to the burnt part in the first aid as it causes great pain. It also tightens the skin. And peeling off the wound covering exposes the area to infection by airborne germs. Burned skin or clothing is sterilized by burning. It is more desirable than an open wound.

(12) Touch and move the patient as much as is particularly necessary.

😚 B) By Explain chain of infection transmission.
Explain the process of infection transmission.

A chain of spread of infection is a series of events necessary for an infection to spread. Breaking each link in this chain helps prevent the spread of infection. The main components of the chain of spread of infection are as follows:

  1. Infectious Agent:
  • Viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites that cause disease.
  1. Reservoir:
  • The source of the infectious agent where it lives, grows and multiplies. This may include humans, animals, water, soil, food, or equipment.
  1. Portal of Exit:
  • The route or site from which the infectious agent leaves the reservoir. These include the respiratory tract (cough and sneeze), digestive tract (stool and vomiting), skin (open wound or scratch), and blood.
  1. Mode of Transmission:
  • the route by which an infectious agent reaches a new susceptible host from an infected person or object. These include direct contact (touch, kiss), horizontal contact (contaminated objects or appliances), airborne (particles), and vector-borne (mosquitoes, ticks).
  1. Portal of Entry:
  • the route by which an infectious agent enters a newly susceptible host. These include the respiratory tract, digestive tract, skin, and blood.
  1. Susceptible Host:
  • A person who is susceptible to infection. Susceptibility depends on the person’s disease immunity power, age, health status and vaccinations.

Measures to break the chain of spread of infection:

  1. Hand Hygiene:
  • The spread of infection can be prevented by practicing good hand washing and sanitizing.
  1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
  • Health service providers and others can be protected by using masks, gloves, gowns and eye protection.
  • Isolation or quarantine of infected people to prevent spread of infection.
  1. Body Barriers:
  • Cover mouth and nose while coughing and sneezing.
  1. Environmental Cleanliness:
  • Process of disinfecting cleanliness in weather and on surfaces.
  1. Vaccination and Disease Immunity Power:
  • Increase disease immunity power through vaccination.

If each element of the chain of spread of infection can be handled properly, the spread of infection can be stopped.

😚 c) Write about nurses responsibility for record keeping and reporting. Write about nurses responsibility for records and reports.

A nurse’s record and reporting responsibilities are critical to the delivery of quality health services. These responsibilities of the nurse are as follows:

Record Keeping

  1. ** Recorded in corrected script **:
  • Every note and document should be easy to read and clear. Notes should be legible if handwritten.
  1. ** Timely substantial documentation **:
  • The patient’s condition, treatment and any treatment given should be recorded in a timely and accurate manner.
  1. Accuracy and completeness:
  • All notes should be specific, complete and factual. All necessary information should be included.
  1. Maintaining confidentiality:
  • Keeping patient information confidential and storing it properly.
  1. Include essential details:
  • The details entered should include the patient’s identity, treatment, medicine, surgery, lifestyle, and tests.


  • Inform the concerned medical team immediately of the patient’s condition, especially if there is any sudden change.
  1. Accidental Incident Report:
  • If any unexpected incident occurs, immediately inform the concerned medical personnel or supervisor.
  1. Updates and Progress Report:
  • Regularly report on the patient’s condition and the progress of their treatment.
  1. Multi-disciplinary Team Communication:
  • Maintain appropriate and efficient communication between various medical and care team members.
  1. Report on Medicine and Treatment:
  • Report the medications administered, their timing and dosage, and the patient’s reaction (including adverse reactions).


  • QUALITY CARE: Appropriate notes and study reports allow nurses and health services teams to provide better patient care.
  • Legal and Professional Responsibility: Providing notes and reports is a legal responsibility and helps health services maintain transparency and accountability in services.
  • Use of Information: These documents provide important information for the future treatment of the patient and help in analysis and decision making.
  • Safety: Accurate and complete documentation is critical to patient safety and future care.

The nurse’s responsibility to record and report is very important, as it improves the quality of health services and the public health of patients.

Q-4 Write short notes. Write a short note. (Any three) 12

😚 a) Barriers of communication

Physiological barrier: in which the sensory organs are not functioning like hearing, seeing, etc. and not being able to express. Cannot receive or deliver messages.

Psychological barrier: which includes emotional factors including anxiety stress fear intelligence ego etc.

Environmental barrier: Insufficient light and ventilation, too low temperature, too much noise or congestion.

Cultural barrier: It includes the cultural aspects of people like their religion, their attitude, language, personality traits, knowledge, understanding, power, etc.

😚 B) Functions of hospital

Function of Hospital

Patient care

Patient care All patients admitted to the hospital are cared for from admission to discharge, nursing care and other needs are met and in addition 24 hours emergency treatment is provided.

Prevention of Diseases

Prevention Is Better prevents the disease of the patient in collaboration with the doctor of the hospital. In order to prevent the disease, immunization is done for him in advance. In addition, cleaning and other operations necessary to prevent diseases in the hospital are done by the hospital.

Promotion of Health

To improve the health of the patients admitted to the hospital, disease-related counseling is also provided by the hospital itself, health education is also provided to the patient’s relatives to improve their health, and any person associated with health in the hospital provides this type of health education. can


In modern times, medical science has made huge progress in diagnosis and treatment. New investigations and tools are also invented for the diagnosis of each patient so that the disease can be diagnosed quickly. It is an important function of the hospital to start his necessary treatment


Every person admitted to a rehabilitation and occupational therapy hospital is someone who wants to recover and settle back into their society or profession.

Medical Education

Medical Education All activities in a hospital include many types of education and it is provided by doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists and technicians. In addition, medical education is planned where required. In-service education is planned for staff within the hospital as needed To train everyone and this kind of education is given according to new discoveries and new health programs etc.

Medical Research

Different patients are admitted in the medical research hospital according to which many types of research can be done by knowing their problems. This work of research is as important as medical education. Although many branches of the hospital do many types of research and they should be known by everyone. New education can be gained by knowing the skills

Social Services

That is, the social services are taken into consideration by the hospital and the security is especially given to the patients, for this there is also a social welfare department where the social workers give proper advice to everyone. Fitness age certificate Handicap certificate forms etc. are provided along with injured patient certificate and deceased patient 10 certificate birth and post mortem report for body are also provided.

Administration of Institute

A hospital is a large organization and all its employees are managed by the administrative office of the hospital.Records about the service of each employee are to be kept.Records Hospitals keep many types of records including patient admission to discharge records, birth and death records, infectious disease records, and some other types of records. Statistical information is recorded and written records of this matter are regularly sent to necessary places so this operation is very essential for the hospital.

Q-4 Write short notes. Write a short note. (Any three) 12

😚 a) Barriers of communication

Physiological barrier: in which the sensory organs are not functioning like hearing, seeing, etc. and not being able to express. Cannot receive or deliver messages.

Psychological barrier: which includes emotional factors including anxiety stress fear intelligence ego etc.

Environmental barrier: Insufficient light and ventilation, too low temperature, too much noise or congestion.

Cultural barrier: It includes the cultural aspects of people like their religion, their attitude, language, personality traits, knowledge, understanding, power, etc.

😚 B) Functions of hospital

Function of Hospital

Patient care

Patient care All patients admitted to the hospital are cared for from admission to discharge, nursing care and other needs are met and in addition 24 hours emergency treatment is provided.

Prevention of Diseases

Prevention Is Better prevents the disease of the patient in collaboration with the doctor of the hospital. In order to prevent the disease, immunization is done for him in advance. In addition, cleaning and other operations necessary to prevent diseases in the hospital are done by the hospital.

Promotion of Health

To improve the health of the patients admitted to the hospital, disease-related counseling is also provided by the hospital itself, health education is also provided to the patient’s relatives to improve their health, and any person associated with health in the hospital provides this type of health education. can


In modern times, medical science has made huge progress in diagnosis and treatment. New investigations and tools are also invented for the diagnosis of each patient so that the disease can be diagnosed quickly. It is an important function of the hospital to start his necessary treatment


Every person admitted to a rehabilitation and occupational therapy hospital is someone who wants to recover and settle back into their society or profession.

Medical Education

Medical Education All activities in a hospital include many types of education and it is provided by doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists and technicians. In addition, medical education is planned where required. In-service education is planned for staff within the hospital as needed To train everyone and this kind of education is given according to new discoveries and new health programs etc.

Medical Research

Different patients are admitted in the medical research hospital according to which many types of research can be done by knowing their problems. This work of research is as important as medical education. Although many branches of the hospital do many types of research and they should be known by everyone. New education can be gained by knowing the skills

Social Services

That is, the social services are taken into consideration by the hospital and the security is especially given to the patients, for this there is also a social welfare department where the social workers give proper advice to everyone. Fitness age certificate Handicap certificate forms etc. are provided along with injured patient certificate and deceased patient 10 certificate birth and post mortem report for body are also provided.

Administration of Institute

A hospital is a large organization and all its employees are managed by the administrative office of the hospital.Records about the service of each employee are to be kept.Records Hospitals keep many types of records including patient admission to discharge records, birth and death records, infectious disease records, and some other types of records. Statistical information is recorded and written records of this matter are regularly sent to necessary places so this operation is very essential for the hospital.

😚 C) Effect of drugs on the body Effects of drugs on the body

Medicines can produce different types of effects on the body. Understanding the action of medicines and their effects on the body is very important for proper use and care. This effect can be favorable or harmful.

Effects of medicine on the body:

  1. Therapeutic Effects:
  • Assistance in the treatment of the patient: Medicine provides relief to the patient from the disease, keeps the symptoms under control, and helps to eliminate the disease.
  • Ex.: Painkillers (to relieve pain), antibiotics (to eliminate bacterial infections), and antihistamines (to control allergy symptoms).
  1. Side Effects:
  • Common Side Effects: Along with the treatment effect of the medicine, there may be some side effects.
  • Ex.: Head ache, Dizziness, Nausea, and vomiting.
  1. Toxic Effects:
  • May be caused by excessive or long-term use: Medicines can be toxic to the body in large amounts or prolonged use.
  • Ex.: Liver or kidney damage, cardiac myopathy, and bone marrow damage.
  1. Allergic Reactions:
  • Immune Reaction: A reaction in the body to some medicines, such as rash, itching, difficulty breathing, and anaphylaxis (a serious life-threatening reaction).
  • Ex.: Penicillin, sulfa medicine, and some antibiotics.
  1. Drug Interactions:
  • Interaction with other medicines: When taken together with more than one medicine, the medicines may increase, decrease or change the effect of each other.
  • Ex.: Excessive bleeding from exposure to blood thinners and antibiotics.
  1. Psychological and Behavioral Effects:
  • Effect on Mental Status: Medicine also has an effect on brain functions, thereby changing Emotion, Attitude and Mental Status.
  • Ex.: Antidepressants, Anxiolytics, and Psychiatric Medicines.
  1. Addiction and Dependence:
  • Long-term use may become habit forming: Regular use of some medicines may lead to mental and physical dependence.
  • Ex.: Opioids, benzodiazepines, and stimulants.
  1. Effects on Bones and Tissues:
  • Long-term use: Some medicines can affect bone and tissue strength.
  • Ex.: Osteoporosis with long-term use of steroids.
  • TREATMENT RANGE: Medicine should be taken within its treatment range. That is, the right dose that can cure and minimize side effects.
  • Therapeutic supervision: Regular supervision and guidance by a doctor or health worker is necessary.

😚 D) General principles of first aid

The place of accident should be reached as soon as possible

2) Do not ask unnecessary questions

3) Know the cause of injury or illness as soon as possible.

4) Immediately remove the thing that caused the injury or remove the person from it, such as burns, remove the person and pour water, if there is an electric shock, remove it with the help of a stick from electricity.

5 ) Patient is unconscious or semi-conscious or alive or dead.

6) Suggestion of which treatment to do first: Like first try to start the heart if it is stopped, regulate respiration or try to stop it if bleeding is happening etc.

7) Obtaining medical treatment

8) Knowing and recording patient details

9) Keeping the patient more comfortable

11) Arrange the necessary equipment from the present item, such as using a napkin without waiting for the bandage if bleeding occurs.

12) If the patient is conscious, give sedation.

😚 C) Effect of drugs on the body Effects of drugs on the body

Medicines can produce different types of effects on the body. Understanding the action of medicines and their effects on the body is very important for proper use and care. This effect can be favorable or harmful.

Effects of medicine on the body:

  1. Therapeutic Effects:
  • Assistance in the treatment of the patient: Medicine provides relief to the patient from the disease, keeps the symptoms under control, and helps to eliminate the disease.
  • Ex.: Painkillers (to relieve pain), antibiotics (to eliminate bacterial infections), and antihistamines (to control allergy symptoms).
  1. Side Effects:
  • Common Side Effects: Along with the treatment effect of the medicine, there may be some side effects.
  • Ex.: Head ache, Dizziness, Nausea, and vomiting.
  1. Toxic Effects:
  • May be caused by excessive or long-term use: Medicines can be toxic to the body in large amounts or prolonged use.
  • Ex.: Liver or kidney damage, cardiac myopathy, and bone marrow damage.
  1. Allergic Reactions:
  • Immune Reaction: A reaction in the body to some medicines, such as rash, itching, difficulty breathing, and anaphylaxis (a serious life-threatening reaction).
  • Ex.: Penicillin, sulfa medicine, and some antibiotics.
  1. Drug Interactions:
  • Interaction with other medicines: When taken together with more than one medicine, the medicines may increase, decrease or change the effect of each other.
  • Ex.: Excessive bleeding from exposure to blood thinners and antibiotics.
  1. Psychological and Behavioral Effects:
  • Effect on Mental Status: Medicine also has an effect on brain functions, thereby changing Emotion, Attitude and Mental Status.
  • Ex.: Antidepressants, Anxiolytics, and Psychiatric Medicines.
  1. Addiction and Dependence:
  • Long-term use may become habit forming: Regular use of some medicines may lead to mental and physical dependence.
  • Ex.: Opioids, benzodiazepines, and stimulants.
  1. Effects on Bones and Tissues:
  • Long-term use: Some medicines can affect bone and tissue strength.
  • Ex.: Osteoporosis with long-term use of steroids.
  • TREATMENT RANGE: Medicine should be taken within its treatment range. That is, the right dose that can cure and minimize side effects.
  • Therapeutic supervision: Regular supervision and guidance by a doctor or health worker is necessary.

😚 D) General principles of first aid

The place of accident should be reached as soon as possible

2) Do not ask unnecessary questions

3) Know the cause of injury or illness as soon as possible.

4) Immediately remove the thing that caused the injury or remove the person from it, such as burns, remove the person and pour water, if there is an electric shock, remove it with the help of a stick from electricity.

5 ) Patient is unconscious or semi-conscious or alive or dead.

6) Suggestion of which treatment to do first: Like first try to start the heart if it is stopped, regulate respiration or try to stop it if bleeding is happening etc.

7) Obtaining medical treatment

8) Knowing and recording patient details

9) Keeping the patient more comfortable

11) Arrange the necessary equipment from the present item, such as using a napkin without waiting for the bandage if bleeding occurs.

12) If the patient is conscious, give sedation.

Q-5 Define following (any six) Write the following definition. (any perfect six) 12

😚 A) Polyuria- Polyuria

Ooliuria is a medical condition in which there is excessive urine production or excessive urine output. In adults, when more than three liters is usually present, it is called polyuria. These symptoms are especially common in diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, kidney diseases. etc. Polydyspnea with polyuria is also seen

😚 B) Cyanosis – Cyanosis

Cyanosis is a medical condition characterized by bluish discoloration of the skin, mucus membranes and nail beds, indicating low levels of oxygen in the blood, resulting in increased deoxygenation of hemoglobin. This sign is usually associated with respiratory and cardiovascular problems. So that the cause can be known and proper treatment can be given

😚 C) Antipyretic-antipyretic

Antipyretics are medications that reduce fever. This medication affects the body’s temperature regulation mechanism by reducing the production of prostaglandins as these same chemicals are responsible for fever and inflammation in the body. Common antipyretic medications include paracetamol, acetaminophen (paracetamol) and non-steroidal inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and aspirin

😚 d) Asepsis

Asepsis means being free from disease producing micro-organisms. It is used in surgery in hospitals and in laboratories to maintain a sterile field and practice sterile i.e. to prevent contamination from pathogens. The main purpose of asepsis is to minimize the risk of infection and provide a sterile environment. A lot of sterilizing equipment and antiseptic and cleaning agents are used to prevent the growth of bacteria, viruses and other micro-organisms which is called asepsis.

😚 E) Bradycardia – Bradycardia

Bradycardia is a medical condition in which the term is used when the heart rate is lower than normal, usually in the heart rate range of 60 beats per minute to 100 beats per minute. But this bradycardia is less than minute at 60 beats. These symptoms are often normal but it indicates an electrical system of the heart due to which symptoms like dizziness, fatigue, shortness of breath, or fainting etc. can be seen if this bradycardia occurs. If not treated early, serious complications can occur including cardiac arrest, heart failure.

😚 F) Wound

A wound is a break or damage to the skin and the underlying tissue which is caused by many reasons such as a cut, haemorrhage, puncture or laceration. Apart from this, wounds are also seen in surgical procedures and trauma, and there are types according to their severity, in which if the skin is broken, it is called an open wound, in which if the skin is intact, it is called a closed wound. is important

😚 g) Halitosis – Halitosis

Halitosis i.e. bad breath or foul-smelling breath in which there is a bad smell from the mouth is a chronic situation of breathing or it can be acute which requires oral hygiene, bacterial growth in the oral cavity, plaque formation and consumption of food items like garlic, onions and spices. But foul smell is also present in dry mouth, gingivitis or periodontitis infection, diabetes, liver disease and halitosis is also caused by smoking and tobacco use.

😚 h) Antiemetic – Antiemetic

Antiemetics are medications that are used to prevent or eliminate nausea and vomiting by acting on the vomiting reflex center in different ways, especially for motion-sickness after chemotherapy surgery, i.e. vomiting during travel, or many other medications. This is a medication called an antiemetic given to those who may experience nausea or vomiting.
Ex. Domperidone (Donperidone), ondensetrone (Ondansetrone)

😚 Q-6(A) Fill in the blanks.05

1.Instrument used to measure blood pressure is known as. ——- An instrument for measuring blood pressure is known as…….

Answer :-Sphygmomanometer

2 ………is the break in continuity of bone.
………means the continuity of the bone is broken.

Answer :- Fracture

  1. Full form of NANDA is……….
    Full form of NANDA………. is

Answer :- North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association)

4.OD means……..
Audi stands for…….

Answer :-once daily

5.The normal PH value of urine is………….. The normal PH value of urine is……..

Answer :- between 4.5 and 8 (4.5 to 8)

😚 (B) Match the following – Jodka Jodka.05

(A) Excess fluid volume A) Death Death

(B) Palpation Palpation (B) Avoid falling adhesive

(C) Rigor mortis (C) Feeling of the body part with hands

To feel body parts with hands

(D) Hemoptysis – Hemoptysis (D) Hypervolemia Hyper volemia

(E) Side rails Side rails (E) Blood in sputum Blood in sputum







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