▶️Q.1 Answer the following: Write the answer to the following questions
🔸 a. Write care of poisonous drugs cupboard. – Write about maintenance of cupboard for keeping poisonous drugs 03
Poisonous medicines should be kept in a separate cupboard with a separate lock and key.
The entire responsibility of the wardrobe is with the senior staff (sister).
A register should be maintained to keep track of poisonous drugs.
To ensure proper medication management, each department must be equipped with a medication cabinet.
It should be large enough to hold all the medicines and have separate compartments for mixing tablets, powders and ointments.
If possible, the medicine cabinet should be kept in a separate room near the nurse’s room, with a sink, running faucet, and locked cabinet. Keys should be stored where only doctors and nurses have access.
The cylinders should be properly labeled and the cabinet should have sufficient light to read the labels clearly.
Bottles should be listed in alphabetical order.
A register must be created to monitor toxic drugs.
Physical examination means a detailed inspection or detailed study of the physical and psychological condition of the patient is called physical examination.
Methods of physical examination:-
Inspection: In this method, the general condition of the patient is known from the observation of his body, which means that the general appearance of the patient is seen, what is the color of the patient’s skin, whether there are any rashes on the skin or if there is any deformity anywhere in the body, the patient’s diet history is checked. In the inspection, the doctor listens to all the complaints of the patient and accordingly a history is written, so through the inspection, the history of the patient’s illness, the present complaint and body function can be known.
Palpation: It is the act of examining the body parts by feeling them. Fingers are used for palpation to determine the size and position of the organ. Also, this exam is done when there is any tumor in the neck or tenderness in an axilla or groin. is
Percussion: In percussion the body parts of the patient are tapped by keeping the fingers on it. By tapping, the sound of the internal organs is observed by listening, from which the condition of the internal organs is understood. Whether the patient’s bladder is full or empty can be known through percussion. Besides, the chest, abdominal And examination can be done by percussion on part of the back.
Auscultation: This involves listening for sounds inside the patient’s body with a stethoscope or fetoscope, listening for chest sounds, listening for heart rate, and taking blood pressure.
Manipulation: This method is used to find out the flexibility of the organ eg neck stiffness, arm flexion, abduction movements etc.
Special equipment: Some types of examination are done with special equipment like otoscope, ophthalmoscope, speculum scope, X-ray sonography etc.
c. Explain the steps of nursing process. – Explain the steps of the nursing process. 05
Assessment: Assessment means assessing the patient’s health problem and this is the first step in which
A. Nursing History Taking:-:A history of the patient’s illness and wellness is obtained.Along with the history, data is collected.Adjustment, mutual trust, confidence, respect and relationship are established with the patient.
B.Physical Examination:-:Physical problems of the patient are known.Limitations of the patient are known.
From the patient’s health record through members of the patient’s relative health team
C. Nursing Diagnosis: The data collected from history examination and other sources are organized and summarized. From the summarized data, the specific characteristics and etiology of the patient’s health problem are known and then the nursing diagnosis is determined accordingly.
Prioritizing the most urgent and critical problems among the health problems we encounter after diagnosis
Goals for nursing interventions are set for which the nurse and patient work together to determine short-term intermediate long-term intermediate goals.
A nursing care plan is created as the goals are determined and the plan should be systematic, realistic and flexible. Next, to formulate a nursing care plan, prioritize the nursing diagnoses in it.
The care plan should include the patient, family, friends and members of the health team
In order to put the nursing care plan into action i.e. to implement it, the ideas of the patient family friends and members of the health team should be coordinated.
Ability limitations of team members should be considered
Nursing interventions should be supervised
Objectively record the patient’s response to nursing interventions
The information we record should be related to the nursing diagnosis
In the meantime, if any additional information is found, it should be included in the assessment as additional data
The patient’s response to care should be noted
We should see whether it is achieved as per the set goals
The assessment should note the patient’s wellness
🔸Q.1 a. What are the responsibilities of a nurse while, is charging the patients? – What are the responsibilities of the nurse when discharging the patient? 03
Patients should be informed a few days in advance when they are to be discharged so that they can make the necessary preparations to go home.
During the days of discharge we explain some nursing procedures performed in the ward to the patient’s relatives.
Collecting hospital essentials from patient like bed pan, urinal scutum mug, kidney tray etc.
Before discharge, removing certain items in the patient as per doctor’s order like catheter, riles tube, drainage etc.
By planning health education before discharge and giving it to the patient and relative, health education on personal hygiene, diet, disease prevention etc. can be given mostly.
If you know the location and can not afford to spend for transportation, contact any social agency and cooperate
If the patient is in a private ward, ensuring that all the department’s payments are made before discharge.
Prepare the patient’s discharge card in advance containing basic information, work-up, diagnosis, advice, instructions, rest hours
etc. matters should be decided and prepared in advance
On the day of discharge, bath the patient and maintain his personal hygiene. During discharge, if the patient has allowed any of his belongings to be kept in the ward, witness it and get it signed.
If the MLC is a patient, it is necessary to inform the doctor and the police on the day of discharge.
b. Enlist positioning and explain the Lithotomy sition. Make a list of positions and understand lithotomy position
Dorsal recumbent position
Semi Recombat
Lithotomy position
Prone position
seams or left lateral position
Knee-chest position or j pectoral position
Trendenlaberger position
Fowler Position
Cardiac position
Standing or erect position
Side line position
Lithotomy position
This position is placed on the edge of the patient’s bed or table and the legs are tied with the knees raised.
c. What steps will you take to prevent cross infection in surgical ward. What steps do you take to prevent cross infection in surgical ward? 05
Hand washing: Cross-infection in surgical wards Frequent hand-washing can prevent most cross-infections as most pathogens are carried by hands.
Personal Protective Equipment :-Gloves should be worn especially when handling body fluid, blood and doing bed sheet changes. Also, to prevent droplet infection, always wear a mask and use cap, mask, gown, face shield as needed.
Dressing materials and procedures should be done with aseptic technique to avoid infection at the surgical site.
Hospital Policy:- Hospital policy plays a very important role in creating policies for health care providers and for preventing nosocomial infections.
. Environmental infection control measures The equipment used in the hospital and the surrounding environment should be kept clean and the floor of the hospital should be cleaned with an anti-septic solution. Bio-medical waste generated during procedures or work should be properly disinfected and disposed of.
Droplet pre-caution should always wear a mask while working in the hospital and infected patients should also wear it, should be instructed to take precautions while cuffing, sneezing etc.
Cross infection from P.P.E personal protective equipment to nurse and patient can be prevented by using cap, mask, gown. which should be worn during the care of highly infectious patients.
▶️Q.2 Answer the following: Write the answer to the following questions
🔸 a. Define nursing and write contribution of Flore: ce Nightingale in development of modern nursing, 08 – Define nursing and write contribution of Florence Nightingale in development of modern nursing.
A nurse is a person who is qualified with basic nursing education and has been given the authority to provide nursing services in the country to prevent disease, to cure it if it has occurred and to promote health in the society. Bringing the patient back to health is called a nurse
Florence Nightingale was born 203 years ago in 1820 and is considered the founder of modern nursing.
In particular, she was also known as ‘Lady with the Lamp’, as she treated the soldiers even at night.
In 1860, she began nursing by establishing her own nursing school at St. Thomas’s Hospital in London.
The school was part of King’s College London and is believed to be the first nursing school in the world.
The Florence Nightingale Medal is also the most prestigious internationally for nurses
is believed.
International Nurses Day is celebrated worldwide on Florence’s birthday.
A proposal to celebrate International Nurses Day on May 12 in memory of Florence Nightingale was passed in the US in January 1974.
Along with being a nurse, she was a social reformer. They brought the role of nurses and selfless service to people.
In 1860, he succeeded in opening the Army Medical School and in the same year he also opened the Nightingale Training School for nurses and published a book called Notes on Nursing.
b. Write the scientific principles of rye’s tube feeding, 04 – Tell the scientific principles of Rye’s tube feeding.
The trachea lies anterior to the esophagus, so the nurse must be careful not to enter the esophagus
Passage of the tube into the trachea may cause asphyxia in the patient
The microorganism can be transmitted through food and water
Digestion is a mechanical and chemical process
Physically and mentally relaxes and improves relaxation
All feeding articles should be clean
Maintaining good hygienic conditions while preparing, storing and handling food
Patients with tube feeding require frequent oral care
While feeding, feeding should be done keeping in mind the principle of gravity
The patient should be given water by mouth so that the tube can be inserted easily
▶️Q.3 Write the Answer (Any Tyvo): Write the Answer (Any 2 ) 6×2=12
🔸 a. Define respiration and write about abnormal respiration. Define respiration and write about abnormal respiration.
Definition of Respiration: Respiration is an important mechanism of our body in which the human body takes in oxygen from the outside environment through air and expels carbon dioxide from the body, this process is called respiration.
Abnormal respiration
2.Bradypnea:-Lower than normal respiration rate, usually less than 10/min.
b. Define first aid and write down principles of first aid. Define first aid and write principles of first aid.
Accidental illness which is physical such as paralysis, bleeding or burns, the person present at the time, the treatment that can be given before the arrival of the doctor means primary treatment.
The place of accident should be reached as soon as possible
2) Do not ask unnecessary questions
3) Know the cause of injury or illness as soon as possible.
4) Immediately remove the thing that has caused injury or remove the person from it, such as burns, remove the person from it and pour water, if there is an electric shock, remove it with the help of a stick from electricity.
5 ) Patient is unconscious or semi-conscious or alive or dead.
6) Suggestion of which treatment to do first: Like first try to start the heart if it is stopped, regulate respiration or try to stop it if bleeding is happening etc.
7) Obtaining medical treatment
8) Knowing and recording patient details
9) Keeping the patient more comfortable
11) Arrange the necessary equipment from the present object, such as if bleeding occurs, use a napkin without waiting for the bandage.
12) If the patient is conscious, give sedation.
c. Define pulse and write about abnormal pulse.
Definition of Pulse:- The wave produced in the blood due to the contraction of the left ventricle is called pulse which is an indicator of circulatory status and we can palpate it from many parts of the body.
Abnormal pulse
4.Water hammer pulse: full volume pulse which rapidly collapses due to aortic regurgitation.
5.Bounding pulse: Strong pulsations which do not disappear even with moderate pressure
6.Thready pulse: Pulsation is not easily felt and disappears after slight pressure.
▶️Q.4 Write Short notes (Any Three) Write short notes. (Any three) 3×4=12
🔸 a. Ethics in nursing – Ethics of nursing
2.Justice:-This includes treating all clients equally, regardless of whether the client comes from any society or group, the health care system is provided for all, on the basis of their health, i.e., medical need, and treatment. The care provided does not discriminate on the basis of social status or race or gender
3.Non-Mal Efficiency:– It means not harming self or others hence should not cause any harm to others because of oneself.Nurse should use his knowledge and skills to provide effective care so that the chance of harm is very less.
5.Fidelity:-It means making a promise that you can keep. Promises given should be followed
6.Accountability:- He is responsible for his own care so he should have knowledge about his practice and actions.
7.Confidentiality Line:– Confidentiality is kept for the protection and protection of the information about the patient and the private information of the patient is limited to himself.
b. First Aid in snake bites- First aid in snake bites
Reassure the victim who may be very anxious
Immobilize the bitten limb with a splint or sling by placing the patient’s whole body in a comfortable and secure position and, in particular, immobilize the bitten limb.
Any movement or muscular contraction increases the absorption of toxins into the bloodstream and lymph.
If the necessary equipment and skills are available, consider pressure immobilization or pressure pads
If the snake species is known as cobra or krait. Avoid any intervention with the bite wound as this can introduce infection, increase absorption of venom and increase local bleeding.
Release of tight bandages, bandages and ligaments: Ideally, these should not be released unless the patient is under medical care in a hospital, with resuscitation facilities available.
A tight tourniquet is not recommended! Conventional tourniquets are not recommended. Because to be effective, this needed to be applied so tightly around the upper part of the limb that the peripheral pulse was stopped.
This method can be extremely painful and very dangerous if the tourniquet is left in for too long (more than about 40 minutes), as the limb may be damaged by ischemia. Many gangrenous limbs have been caused by tourniquets.
c. Functions of Hospital- Hospital functions
Function of Hospital
Patient care:– Taking care of all patients admitted to the hospital from admission to discharge, nursing care and other needs are met and in addition 24 hours emergency treatment is provided.
Prevention of Diseases :– Prevention is Better prevents the disease of the patient in collaboration with the doctor of the hospital. To prevent the disease, immunization is done in advance. Besides, cleaning and other operations necessary to prevent diseases in the hospital are done by the hospital.
Promotion of Health :– In order to improve the health of the patients admitted to the hospital, disease related counseling and suggestions are also given by the hospital itself, health education is also given to the patient’s relatives to improve their health and any person of the hospital associated with health. This type of health education can provide
Investigation :– In modern times medical science has made great progress in diagnosis and treatment. New investigations and tools have been invented for the diagnosis of every patient so that the disease can be diagnosed quickly. And accordingly his necessary treatment is started is an important function of this hospital
Rehabilitation:- Every person admitted to the Rehabilitation and Occupational Therapy Hospital is someone who wants to recover and settle back into his society or profession.
Medical Education:- Medical education involves many types of education in all the activities going on in the hospital and it is provided by doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, pharmacists and technicians. To train everyone by organizing in-service education and such education is imparted in line with new discoveries and new health programs etc.
Medical Research:- Different patients are admitted in the medical research hospital according to which many types of research can be done by knowing their problems. This work of research is as important as medical education. New learning can be gained by knowing many types of skills through research
Social Services :– ie social services are provided by the hospital and security is taken into consideration especially the patients are given social for this there is also social welfare department where the social workers are there to give proper advice to everyone. Many types of certificates are provided by the hospital for the purpose of security like Physical Fitness Age Certificate Handicap Certificate etc. Along with this certificate for injured patients and 10 Certificates for dead patients and post mortem report for the body are also provided.
Administration of Institute:– A hospital is a large institution and all the employees in it are managed by the administrative office of the hospital. Service records of every employee are to be maintained.Records Hospitals maintain many types of records, including patient admission to discharge records, birth and death records, infectious disease records, and some statistical data. Written records of this matter are regularly sent to the necessary places so this operation is very essential for the hospital.
🔸d.Right of patient
Right to Information:- The patient has the right to get authentic information about his medical condition or ailment, method and treatment options.
Right to records and reports:– It is the duty of hospital authorities to provide medical records and reports to all patients or their carers.
Right to Emergency Medical Care:- No patient can be denied access to emergency medical care from a government or private hospital.
Right to Informed Consent:– A medical professional should obtain the written consent of the patient or their caregiver, spouse or guardian (in case of a minor), before performing an operation.
Right to Privacy, Confidentiality and Dignity:– All medical professionals have to maintain the highest level of confidentiality regarding the private details of the patient.
Right to second opinion:– Patient is free to go for second opinion to any doctor of his choice.
Right to Transparency in Rates:- All charges levied on patients for services, tests and treatments rendered by medical institutions shall be made available to the public.
Right to non-discrimination:– Doctors and medical personnel cannot refuse treatment to patients on the basis of gender, sexuality, caste, religion, caste, place of birth or illnesses.
Right to safety and quality care as per standards:- It is the duty of medical institutions to provide a safe and clean environment for treatment.
Right to choose alternative treatment options if available:– Once the patient or their caregiver is informed about their treatment options, they are free to choose the further course. They cannot be forced to follow a particular treatment against their will, even if the doctor deems it necessary.
Right to choose the source of obtaining medicines and tests:- When a patient is prescribed medicines or tests, it is up to him to decide where he wants to buy them. It guarantees their right as consumers to have access to various goods or services at competitive prices.
Right to proper referral and transfer, free from distorting commercial influence:- All patients have the right to seamless service and quality of care is maintained when a patient is referred to a different doctor or a patient is transferred to a different facility.
Right to protection for patients involved in clinical trials:– All clinical trial participants in India have rights to claim compensation in case of trial-related injury or death, confidentiality of personal information etc.
Right to Protection of Participants Involved in Biomedical and Health Research:- National ethical guidelines for biomedical and health research involving human participants are followed to ensure that participants are afforded rights.
Right to Discharge Patient or Deceased Body from Hospital:-At any stage of treatment, the patient is free to discharge or leave the hospital. They cannot be captured or forcibly hospitalized without their consent. Similarly, caregivers of a deceased patient have the right to receive their body from the hospital.
Right to Patient Education:-Patients have the right to be educated about the facts related to their condition and healthy lifestyle.
Right to be heard and seek redressal:-If a patient or their caregiver has a complaint against the doctor or the hospital administration regarding the quality of treatment given to them, they have the right to seek redressal.
▶️Q.5 Write the meaning ans six 05
🔸 a. Diffusion-Diffusion:– The movement of molecules in a fluid from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. Such movement is not organized and is called diffusion. This is how oxygen and glucose move in the body.
b. Dyspnea-Dyspnea:- Shortness of breath is called dyspnea. Due to which there is a problem in respiration.
c. Pyuria: Pus (PUS) found in urine is called pyuria.
d. Stomatitis- Stomatitis:-Inflammation seen in the mucous membrane of the mouth is called stomatitis.
The two main forms of stomatitis are herpes stomatitis, also known as cold sore, and aphthous stomatitis, also known as canker sore.
Stomatitis is pain or inflammation inside the mouth. The sores can be on the cheeks, gums, inside of the lips, or on the tongue
🔸 e. Dyspepsia:- Dyspepsia is the indigestion of food which is episodic or recurrent discomfort or discomfort arising from the proximal gastrointestinal tract related to eating and may include heartburn, acid reflux, regurgitation, indigestion, flatulence, early satiety. or associated with weight loss.
f. Anemia: Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough red blood cells or not enough hemoglobin. Red blood cells carry oxygen to body tissues.
🔸g. Tachycardia – Tachycardia:- A higher than normal heart rate that is faster than normal, or more than 100 beats per minute at rest is called tachycardia.
▶️Q. 6 (A) Fill in the blanks: Fill in the blanks. 05
a. Boiling point of water is——-centigrade. Boiling point of water is——Centigrade. (100*C)
b. 1 ounce =———ml 1 part = ——-ml. (30)
c. Odor of normal urine is (aromatic)
d. TDS means——- TDS means——ter die sumendum-three times a day
f. The normal PH value of urine is (4.5 to 7.8).
▶️(B) State whether the following statements are True False. 05 – Write whether the following statements are true or false
a. Tepid sponge reduces the body temperature – Tepid sponge reduces the body temperature. true
b. Excessive excretion of urine is called polyu. – Excessive urination is called polyuria
c. Manufacture of RBC it`s called Haemopoiesis – The production of RBC is called Haemopoiesis. true
d, Vitamin B12 and Folic acid are not necessary for development of RBC. – Vitamin B12 and folic acid are not required for RBC development. wrong
e. Asepsis means free of pathogenic micro-org nism – Asepsis means free of pathogenic micro-organisms True
▶️(C) Match the following: Connect the following pairs. 05
“A” “B”
a. Tachycardia – Tachycardia a. Blood in sto l- Blood in stool
b.Side rails- Side rails b. Sphygmom: nometer – sphygmomanometer
c. Melena- Melena c. Restrains- Restrains
d. Anorexia- Anorexia d. Presence of blood in sputum – presence of blood in sputum
e. Blood pressure- Blood pressure e. Heart rate m re tha 120/minute – Heart rate is more than 120, Menit
f. Loos of app ite -Feel less appetite
Answer :-