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Que:1 Answer the following question (Airy one)

1) Describe the Methods of Psychology.

2) Explain Body Mind Relationship and Modulation process in Health and illness

Que:2 Write short notes on: (Any three)

1) Alterations in Attention.

2) Study Habits.

3) Types of Memory.

4) Thinking in Relation to language and communication.

5) Group factor intelligence theory

Que:3 Answer the following questions (Any four)

1) Definition of psychology.

2) Types of Forgetting.

3) Errors in Perception.

4) Applications of cognitive process in nursing profession.

5) School of psychology.

6) Give the name of Projective Techniques


Que:4 Answer the following question (Any one)

1) Explain the types of Motives.

2) Psychoanalytic theory of Personality.

Que:5 Write short notes on: (Any three)

1) Explain Conflict.

2) Changes in emotional Reactions.

3) Effect of stress.

4) Formation of Attitude.

5) Psychology of people at different ages from infancy to old age.

Que:6 Answer the following questions (Compulsory)

1) Types of Psychological tests.

2) Warning signs of poor mental health.

3) Types of adjustment.

4) Definition of personality.

5) Give the name of ego defense Mechanisms.

6) Definition of Mental Health.

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