Que 1 Answer the following question (Any one)
🔸1) Define Nursing List Qualities of a good Nurse & Explain the Model of Maslow’s outhierarchy of need.
🔸2) Define biomedical waste management. Write the hazards of improper waste management Write the colour coding for biomedical waste management.
Que:2 Write short notes on: (Any three)
🔸1) Care of Rubber articles
🔸2) Pranary effects of hot and coid applications.
🔸3) Comfort Measures/devices
🔸4) Physical examination & its methods
Que:3 Answer the following questions (Any four)
🔸1) List out the purposes of Sponge bath.
🔸2) Define Cyanosis
🔸3) Define TachyCardia.
🔸4) List out Sites of Taking Puise.
🔸5) Define Retention of urine.
Que:4 Answer the following question (Any one)
🔸1) Write down in Detail about Preoperative Nursing Care.
🔸2) Define Nursing Process & Explain Steps of Nursing Process in detail.
Que:5 Write short notes on: (Any three)
🔸1) Importance of records and reports in nursing.
🔸2) Code of Ethics in Nursing as per INC
🔸3) Process of Admission and Discharge.
🔸4) Level of disease Prevention
Que:6 Answer the following questions (Compulsory)
🔸1) Define Maiena.
🔸2) Define MLC.
🔸3)Define insomnia.
🔸4) List out Functions of Hospital
🔸5) List out types of bed
🔸6) Define Health