Que 1 Answer the following question (Any ane)
🔸1) Explain the phases of nursing process.
🔸2) What is vital sign? Enlist the sites of taking pulse. Describe the factors affecting body temperature
Que:2 Write short notes on: [Any three)
🔸1) Level of disease prevention.
🔸2) Elements of Communication
🔸3) Ethical principles
🔸4) Routes of drug administration
🔸5) Care of Unconscious patient
Que:3 Answer the following questions (Any four)
🔸1) What is glycosuria?
🔸2) Why Antacid gel should be shaken well before use?
🔸3) How fowlers position give comfort to patient with dyspnea ?
🔸4) Proper disposal of biomedical waste is essential. Give reason.
🔸5) Define hospital.
🔸6) Write complication of urinary catheterization.
Que 4 Answer the following question (Any one)
🔸1) Describe techniques of physical examinations
🔸2) Describe factor affecting on health and illness
Que:5 Write short notes on: (Any three)
🔸1) Changing concept of health
🔸2) General pre operative care of patient undergoing surgery
🔸3) Preparation of patient for physical examinations
🔸4) Alteration in urinary elimination
🔸5) Orem’s Self care deficit theory
Que:6 Answer the following questions (Compulsory)
🔸1) List out the purposes of Mouth cleaning.
🔸2) Define Euthanasia
🔸3) List out Comfort Devices.
🔸4) List out Functions of Hospital. 5) Define Comprehensive care
🔸6) Define Haematuria