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Que.1 Answer the following questions (any one)

🔸1) Explain Carbohydrates in Detail

🔸2) Define cooking. Benefits of cooking. Explain various methods of cooking.

Que:2 Write short notes on: (Any four)

🔸1) Fat soluble vitamins.

🔸2) Role of nurse in Nutrition.

🔸3) Preservation and storage of food.

🔸4) Classification of foods.

🔸5) Nutritional Programmes in India.

Que:3 Answer the following questions (Any five)

🔸1) List out Sources of iron.

🔸2) List out sources of protein.

🔸3) Functions of fat.

🔸4) BMI and BMR

🔸5) Food Standards in India.

🔸6) List out types of diet.


Que:4 Answer the following question (Any one)

🔸1) Define Glycolysis and explain Glycolysis cycle in detail.

🔸2) Write in detail about synthesis and breakdown of Haem.

Que:5 Write short notes on: (Any two)

🔸1) Electrophoresis.

🔸2) Urea cycle

🔸3) Protein Metabolism.

Que:6 Answer the following questions (Any Five)

🔸1) Functions of Lysosomes.

🔸2) Types of immunoglobulins.

🔸3) Importance of Bio chemistry in nursing.

🔸4) Functions of Calcium

🔸5) Sources of vitamin A

🔸6) Deline co-enzyme.

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