Mental Health Nursing – Mental Health (Psychiatric) Nursing
(1) Define Psychiatry
Psychiatry is a branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental, emotional and behavioral disorders, administered by medically qualified individuals.
(2) Define Psychology
Psychology is a positive science, through which human behavior and mind can be studied. It does not require medical qualification.
(3) Define Mind
Mind is a philosophical term but not a psychological term. It is the set of faculties by which a person thinks, imagines, remembers, wills and senses or is responsible for such phenomena. Mind is perception, emotion, A person can be aware of his environment by being connected to pleasure and pain. Mind is an abstract component, it is not included in the CNS (Central Nervous System).
(4).Define Psychoanalysis
This is a method to treat certain types of mental illness, in which a person is asked about his past experiences, dreams and feelings and treatment is given. Non-medical persons can also practice psychoanalysis.
(5).Define Adjustment
The action, process or technique that a person uses to harmonize with the spiritual or physiological changes in his environment is called adjustment. It is also called adaptation. A person has to face many changes such as environment, humidity, oxygen level etc. Leaving job or transfer in job etc.
(6).Define Personality
Personality is a fixed or permanent pattern of behavior and thought in a given time and situation, in which the personal trends of a person are seen in the environment along with the physical and mental properties. is
(7).Define Mental Disorder
A mental disorder that can affect a person’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior and prevent them from leading a happy, healthy, productive life, and involves abnormal behavior.
(8).Define Psychopatholgy
Psyche means mind, patho means disease, and logy means study, so psychopathology means studying the causes and nature of disease or abnormal behavior.
(9).Define Behaviour.
Covert or overt i.e. overt or overt activities that can be observed, behavior is classified into cognitive (mind), affective (mood) and psychomotor.
(10).Define Abnormal Behaviour.
The activities of a person that affect the normal behavior pattern are called abnormal behavior patterns. Violation of social norms, personal problems and maladaptive (bad) behavior etc. are abnormal behavior.
(11).Define Insanity
Insanity is a social and legal term. It means that a person is unable to manage his own affairs and does not know the consequences of his actions.
(12). Define Psychiatric Nursing
Psychiatric nursing is a branch of nursing concerned with the prevention, care and cure of mental disorders and their consequences. Her focus is on promotion of mental health, prevention of mental illness and nursing care during mental illness.
(13).Define Memory
Memory is the power to retain and recall information and past experiences. Which is a property in humans.
(14).Define Perception
Perception means any object that comes in contact with the sense organ is interpreted as perception.
Perception can also be defined as the process of interpreting present stimuli based on past experience.
(15). Define Abreaction
It is a form of psychoanalysis in which the expression of a previously forgotten or latent emotion is achieved by reliving the experience that caused it. It is the realizing process.
(16). Define Cognition
The different psychological process used to know or understand is called cognition. We also call it your cognitive power.
(17). Define Sensation
The sensation received by the sense organs in the body from the external environment is called Sensation. The process of the sensory organ converts the physical energy into neurological impulses.
(18).Define Mood
This is a kind of feeling that lasts for a long time. in which certain types of feelings are observed. Mood can also be defined as a relatively stable emotional state that is often described as negative or positive.
(19). Define Affect
It is a kind of feeling that is either painful or pleasant. It is called Affect. In it, the patient gives immediate expression of emotion.
(20).Define Affective Disorder (Define-affective disorder)
Disturbances in mood are seen in this disorder and mood swings are the primary symptoms of mental illness. Mania, depression and bipolar disorder are affective or mood disorders.
(21) Define Empathy
Empathy is the feeling with other persons without forgetting their identity.
(22). Define Id
Id is the unconscious thoughts, in which thoughts and feelings originate in the human mind. Which is the primary thinking process that works on the pleasure principle.
(23).Define Ego
It is called Ego that allows the emotions that are properly generated in the mind of a person to come out properly. The Ego acts as a balance between the Id and the super-Ego operates on the principle of Reality.
(24).Define Super-Ego
The super ego is consciuos, which is the part of the mind that decides whether to implement a behavior or not. Judges the action taken by the ego.
(25).Define Concentration
Concentration is the ability to focus on a particular task or stimulus. Concentration refers to a person’s ability to focus deliberate mental effort on what is most important in any given situation.
(26).Define Confusion
Disturbances are seen in a person’s Consciousness and along with them problems in orientation of time, place and person are called confusion.
(27).Define Apathy
A person is not interested in the surrounding environment and lack of feelings and emotions is called Apathy. This is seen in schizophrenia disorder.
(28).Define Agitation
Anxiety is seen with feelings of irritability or severe restlessness in agitation. It is a common sight in psychiatric departments, emergency departments, and long-term care facilities.
(29). Define Anxiety
Anxiety is mental discomfort. Which appears with physical symptoms. In which the feeling of tension and fear is seen.
(30).Define Aggression
Aggression means forceful behavior. Any behavior or act intended to harm people is called aggression.
(31).Define Idiot
Intelligence is very low and cannot protect itself from normal or even normal threats, it is called Idiot.
(32).Define Intelligence
Intelligence is the ability to think, learn from experience, solve problems and adapt to new situations. Intelligence is important because it affects many human behaviors.
(33).Define Akinesia
Lack of physical activity or lack of physical activity is called Akinesia. Voluntary movement is impaired or lost, which is seen in catatonic stupor.
(34). Define Acalculia
Acalculia is a learning disorder. The ability to calculate is lost in it. Mathematical ability is lost in it. Which is seen in organic brain syndrome.
(35). Define Dyskinesia
Uncontrolled and involuntary muscle movement is seen in this, in which tremors occur in the body, it is called Dyskinesia.
(36). Define Delirium
This is an acute common clinical syndrome, which is a reversible and organic condition, in which the person has confusion, in which the person cannot concentrate and has acute cognitive dysfunction. It is called delirium.
(37). Define Dementia
Dementia is a serious cognitive disorder. Due to any organic mental disorder, the patient’s memory, intellectual ability and personality are impaired.
(38). Define Delusion
“False belief” is seen in delusion. That is, a person’s false belief that does not go away despite explanation. which beliefs are not found in a person of the same race, age and education.
(39).Define Illusion (Define- Illusion)
Wrong Identification Or Misperception of sensory impression or Distortion Of Sense. In which a person makes a mistake or Misinterpretation (wrong perception) in identifying an object or thing. The original assumes something different from what it is. Example: A rope is mistaken for a snake.
(40). Define Hallucination
A False sensory perception occurring without the external stimulation of the sensory involvement.
Hallucination means perceiving an object even though it is not there. Examples are auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, etc.
(41). Define Chorea
Chorea is a movement disorder. In which movement is seen in muscles without reason. Such as uncontrolled movement in arms, legs and facial muscles.
(42). Define Paresthesia (Define- Paresthesia
In this the person has an abnormal tactile sensation. Such as burning sensation, tingling, needle sensation i.e. feeling like a needle sticks.
(43). Define Euphoria
A mild elevation in mood is observed. And the person feels emotional and physical well-being. This is seen in mania.
(44).Define Cyclothymid
An alternative tendency to experience depression and mania is called cyclothymid.
(45). Define Puerperal Psychosis
It is also called post partum psychosis. The mental illness seen in mother after child birth is called puerperal psychosis.
(46). Define Pica
A person eating inedible things is called Pica. Like Mati, Chok, Bhooto etc., it is an eating disorder but the result of existing mental illness.
(47). Define Panic
This is an acute severe attack of Anxiety due to which disorganization (sudden fear without reason) is seen in the personality or Ego of the person.
(48). Define Waxy-flexibility
The patient stays in one position for a long time. The person’s arms and legs are bent like wax and they sit in awkward positions for hours. This is more common in catatonic schizophrenia.
(49).Define Stereotype Activity
When a person repeats the same activity, position, movement or speech continuously and repeatedly, it is called Stereotype Activity.
(50).Define Catalapsy
A person stays in his same position constantly without any movement is called catalepsy. It is seen in patients of schizophrenia.
(51).Define Echolalia (Define-Echolalia)
In this a person repeats the words spoken by another person. In this, a person copies the speech of another person. As an example, the nurse will ask him why are you? So such a person will ask the nurse why it is you?
(52). Define Echoprexia
Tendency to repeat other persons’ activity, i.e. repeats the activity done by another person or copies the activity. For example, if a person keeps his hand on his head, he also keeps his hand on his head.
(53) Define Mannerisms
It is a stereotype movement, in which a person repeatedly makes the same movement or repeats the same movement again and again, it is called Mannerism. For example, a person raises his shoulders frequently while talking.
(54) Define Verbigeration or word salad
The patient repeats the same word or sentence is included in Stereotype speech.
(55).Define Clang Association
It is the repetition of rhyming words like bat, cat. rat, sat etc. In this, the person repeats the words coming in rhythm. It is called Clang Association.
(56).Define Negativism
A type of psychological defense mechanism in which the person will always resist whatever you suggest. It is often expressed in the form of mutism, refusal of food, and resistance to efforts to care for the client.
(57). Define Obsession
Repetition of thoughts happens even though the person does not want to and all this happens in the conscious state. Which causes Anxiety and Fear. For example, a person may have frequent thoughts of contamination by insects.
(58). Define Compulsion
Constant repetition of purposeless actions despite lack of will and cannot be controlled.
Example washing hands frequently, checking whether the door is locked or not.
(59) Define Cluster Phobia
Fear of Closed Place means the fear of a closed place without a reason.
(60) Define Violence
In this, a person expresses his anger in a criminal form. For example, rape, murder and suicide etc. The behavior of the person is seen as aggressive.
(60) Define Violence
This is an expression in which aggressiveness includes murder, assaults, rape, damaging self and others and suicide.
A person expresses his feelings of anger in a criminal form.
.eg murder, rape,
(61).Define Suicide
It means self destruction.
(To harm or destroy oneself.)
D. T :- Suicide
(62) Define Dilemma
A decision cannot be made from any two conditions.
teeth that bsc. Nursing or general nursing (GNM).
(63). Define Conversion
Change in physical symptoms of anxiety.
In this, a person displays his own anxiety/tension through physical movement.
(64).Define Coping Mechanism
(coping mechanism)
Dealing with stress. When stress arises in life, a person uses it to deal with it.
(65) Define Transference
In this unconsciously compares the image of one person with another, in which the height and age of the nurse is similar to his daughter, then the patient considers the nurse as his daughter and treats her like his daughter.
(66) Define Counter Transference
Consciously – unknowingly the therapist builds an emotional relationship with the patient in this….
The person who treats the patient believes himself to be….
(67) Define Decompensation
A coping mechanism is a break-down.
(68) Define Dysmnesia
Impaired memory or group of disorders (mental attention, judgment, emotional and orientation)
Memory impairment occurs or disorders are seen in many mental functions such as attention, judgment, emotional and orientation….
(69) Define Dyslexia
Learning disability (disability), difficulty in learning new things (especially related to learning) school performance is bad.
(70). Define Fixation
As the age of a person increases, mental growth does not happen along with his physical growth.
(71) Define Hypochondria
A person has more anxiety related to his health….
They are more concentrated on their health.
Even if a small ulcer has occurred, it feels like cancer has occurred and worries about it
(72) Define Flight of Ideas
In this, the process of ideas is very fast, although not a single idea is complete.
In this the person is very thoughtful, this is seen in most of mania….
(73) Define Retardation
In this, the movement of thoughts is very slow. The patient speaks very slowly and in a low voice. The patient cannot think…
Such a person has low IQ….
(74) Define Thought Preservation
In this the patient repeats one thing/idea over and over again….
This idea may or may not be related to…
(75) Define Circumstantiality
This is a type of disturbance in the flow of thoughts in which instead of answering the question that is being asked to the patient, he includes other things in his talk….in the end he gives the same answer.
D. T :- Ask the patient what is your name, then instead of giving his name, the patient will talk about other things and finally give his name.
(76) Define Tangentiality
If the patient is asked a question, he gives a response, but instead of giving a direct answer, the patient keeps saying a lot of unnecessary things (which are not needed) but does not give the answer that needs to be answered. is This symptom is seen in schizophrenia.
(77) Define Incoherence
There is no sequence of ideas, one idea gets into another idea….
(78) Define Blocking
A person suddenly stops talking i.e. his train of thought is suddenly interrupted….
(79) Define Ideas of reference
Delusional beliefs that other people are talking about him, is a type of delusion in which it seems that everyone else is talking about me….
If someone looks at her and talks to someone else, she seems to be talking to them
(80) Define Thought Broadcasting:-
The patient feels that people know my thoughts and tell others….
(81) Define Thought Insertion
The patient feels that other people are implanting other thoughts in his mind.
(82) Define Korsakoff Psychosis
Impairment with confabulation. This is a type of psychosis in which the patient has impairment in memory and confabulation.
(83). Define Alcoholism
This is a (chronic) chronic dependency (dependency) in which a person consumes alcohol due to which he has mental disturbance and has to face economic and social problems, in which alcohol is often drunk and that too.
In excess so that a person loses his mental balance…
(84). Define Lesbianism
Female homosexuality. It shows a sexual relationship between two women.
(85). Define Frigidity
When a woman does not make any response during sexual activity with her sexual partner, it is called frigidity.
(86) Define Libido
Sexual desire/drive (desire). The desire for sex is called libido.
(87). Define vaginismus
In this condition, there is a spasm in the vagina due to some previous event or sexual activity, due to which pain occurs during intercourse.
(88). Define Voyeurism
Sexual arousal (arousal) obtained by watching the sexual activity of others.
Desire to be the opposite sex….
Dat. Male to become female and female to become male..
(90) Define Transvestitism
Sexual satisfaction obtained by wearing clothes of the opposite sex.
91).Define fetishism
In contrast to the clothes of the opposite sex, Andrweer Pehri enjoys sexual pleasure. (clothing, underwear etc)
(92). Define Satyriasis
That is, a greater desire for sex found in men.
(93) Define Necrophilia
Doing sexual activity with a dead body….
(94) Define Nymphomania:- –
Excessive sexual desire. There are thoughts about sex.
(95) Define Exhibitionism:-
A sexual disorder in which a person exhibits his genital organs in public in an inappropriate place.
(96) Define Masochism:-
A person physically or mentally injures his sexual partner and sees him suffering from pain and gets sexual satisfaction.
Dat. Blood of one’s sexual partner etc…
(97) Define Macropsia:-
This is an illusion in which things appear larger than they are
Dat. Cricket ball looks like foot ball…
(98) Define Malingering:
No one takes responsibility..gets away from responsibilities.
(99) Define Oedipus complex:-
A condition in which a child has an attachment to a parent of the opposite sex. E.g. A boy starts liking his mother and a girl gets attached to her father.
(100) Define Ambivalence:–
Having two opposite feelings towards the same person or thing. It is a situation like two sides of a coin in which one side is visible but the other side is present…
We have both feelings of love and hate towards our parents.
(101) Define Depersonalization:-
A person who is different from his own identity forgets his own identity… or what he is…
(102) Define Phobias:-
Being very afraid of something/person for no reason and having constant thoughts about that thing….
(103) Define Depression:-
In this condition, the patient feels a feeling of sadness and depression… in which the person sits, does not speak or move, closes himself in the room.
(104) Define Grief:-
When a close relation person dies or we lose something significant, the feeling of depression is called grief.
(105) Define Distractibility:-
When a person cannot pay enough attention to a task or object, it is called distracted….
(106) Define Confabulation:-
In this, a person forgets his main point and connects it with a gap in another point… which has no existence, the point is completely wrong….
*(107). Define Personality Traits.
It is a normal way to treat a person. E.g. A nurse has its characteristics ie the qualities that it possesses. Its list is called traits, such as patience, honesty, knowledge etc. qualities are called personality traits of a nurse.
(108) Define Narcolepsy:-
Sleep no attack…excessive tossing and turning during the day….
(109) Define perseverance:-
In this, the person loses the ability of his motor actions, does not know the stop and start of any activity…
Repeat the action one by one…
(110) Define rapport:-
The emotional relationship between two or more people is called rapport
(111) Define somnambulism:-
sleep walking disorder
(112) Define stupor:-
The person is awake but does not respond, does not move, sits dumb and has symptoms of sleep.
(113)Define Tic:-
A sign of anxiety is involuntary movement of small muscles. In spite of no desire, movement takes place e.g. lifting pillars, shaking dock etc..
(114) Define Amnesia:-
loss of memory. Inability to recall past memory decreases. The events of the past are forgotten
(115) Define Absence:-
Losing consciousnes for some time is especially seen in epilepsy
(116) Define agnosia:-
A person fails to recognize sensations or stimuli.
(117).Define Akathisia
These are extra pyramidal symptoms that are caused by the side effects of antipsychotic drugs. It is a movement disorder in which a person cannot stand or sit properly.
(118). Define Alexia
A person’s ability to read is lost or he cannot read a sentence due to brain damage.
(119). Define Alogia
This causes difficulty in speaking. It is called poverty of speech. It is a type of thought disorder in which a person has negative thoughts.
(120). Define Aphonia
In this the person’s voice is lost so the person cannot talk.
*(121). Define Allelomorph
Children behave like their parents according to genetic inheritance is called allelomorph. Example: Son behaves like parents after seeing them.
(122). Define Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia nervosa has an aversion to food that leads to starvation and emaciation (weakness).
causes. There is fear of gaining weight, so the person intakes inadequate food and loses weight. It is a serious illness. It is more common in females after puberty.
(123).Define Attention
Focusing on an activity or concentrating on any task or activity.
(124).Define Insight
The state in which the patient can understand his symptoms in his own situation is called Insight.
(125). Define Autism
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder. In which the person does not communicate and gets away from the outside world and stays in his own world.
(126). Define Judgment
The power to make a right decision is called judgment. Ability to use knowledge and make decisions from experienced information.
(127). Define Jamais Vu
In this a person cannot recognize his known environment. He cannot know his family situation. Example : Own house.
(128). Define Deja Vu
In this one feels like I have seen this thing or person somewhere but can’t remember where and when.
(129). Define Down’s Syndrome
It is a mentally retarded condition caused by chromosomal abnormalities.
(130).Define Drug Abuse
Drug abuse is the excessive intake of a drug that affects physical or mental function for reasons other than medical. Excessive use of drugs for social and occupational functions along with their pathological use. Any abuse can lead to addiction.
(131).Define Addiction
Addiction is a condition of mental or physical dependence (or both) on the use of alcohol or other drugs.
(132).Define Acrophobia
Extreme Or Irretional Fear Of Height means excessive fear of height without reason.
(133).Define Agraphia
Not having the ability to write is called Agraphia.
It is seen due to damage in some parts of the brain.
(134).Define Aphasia
This is a language disorder in which the speaking power of the person decreases. The person cannot communicate properly.
(135). Define Automatism
Unconsciuos performance towards a complex task involving involuntary behavior.
(136).Define Catharsis
In this the person describes traumatic events or emotions from his past to the imagination or to others.
(137). Define Crisis
Stress is a disturbance caused by a stressful event or threat. It can be social, psychological or biological in nature. These conditions arise when unexpected situations occur.
(138). Define Foster Home
A home where patients can recover from mental illness in the company of their family members.
(139). Define Neurasthemia
Constant fatigue and weakness are seen after mental effort. It is a neurotic condition.
(140). Define Neurosis
This is a personality disorder. It is a mild or moderate illness of personality. It is due to psychological factors.
(141). Define Psychosis
It is a serious illness of personality. It occurs due to physiological and organic causes. Ego function is impaired. It may require hospitalization.
(142). Define Psychopathic Personality
Associated with anti-social activities like stealing, crime etc.
(143). Define Truancy
The act of being absent from school without permission or for reasons such as illness is truancy. Truancy is associated with serious delinquent activity and negative behavior in youth.
D. T. Absenteeism Absenteeism Absenteeism
(144). Define Withdrawal Symptoms
When a substance like alcohol, opioid (opioid-narcotic eg opium, morphine) etc. is stopped suddenly, withdrawal symptoms are observed in the body. Withdrawal symptoms due to physical dependence include tremors and vomiting. Psychological dependence causes withdrawal symptoms such as restlessness or depression. It is an organic mental disorder.