Examiner :- Full Form of Dots
STUDENT :- “Directly observed therapy short course”
DOTS treatment is used to treat tuberculosis
EXAMINER :- Difference between absorbable suture and non absorbable suture. Tell the difference between absorbable and non absorbable suture.
STUDENT :- Absorbable suture
=> Observable sutures are mainly absorbed naturally in the body after closing the wound or surgical site and do not need to be removed.
=> Non-absorbable sutures are mainly required to be removed after closing the wound and surgical site as they are not naturally absorbed by the body.
EXAMINER :- Chetal Forces
Use :=
STUDENT :- Cheatal forceps are used for sterile instruments
Boiling, autoclaving, and formalin are used to remove the instrument from the chamber.
=> It is kept in methylated spirit solution when not in use.
Size of Chetal forces:= 8,10,12 inches.
principle :=
=> Its main principle is to take the required instrument by maintaining sterile technique.
EXAMINER :- ORS contain (State the content of ORS)
•># Sodium chloride -Sodium chloride:=3.5 gm.
•># pottasium chloride-Potassium chloride:=1.5 gm.
•># sodium citrate:= 2.5 gm.
•># glucose-glucose:= 20 gm.
Osmolarity of ORS- Osmolarity of ORS
(Oral rehydration solutions) := 245 mmol/kg,
EXAMINER :- use of laryngoscope (state the use of laryngoscope)
=> Laryngoscope mainly for visualization of larynx
(visulalisation of larynx) and endotracheal tube
(ET TUBE) is used for insertion. ,
EXAMINER :- Use of ASV (State the use of Anti Snack Venom)
STUDENT :-=> Anti-snake venom is used for administration when venomous snack bites.
EXAMINER :- Group of the clopidogrel drug.
=> Clopidogrel is a group A antiplatelet
(Antiplatelet) is.
EXAMINER :– What will you give if the patient cannot take respiration by himself?
STUDENT :– Then we will give him mechanical ventilation.. with bi pep mask
EXAMINER :– What work can’t keep the patient on ventilator for long time?
STUDENT :- Keeping the patient on ventilator for more time leads to ventilator acquired pneumonia so we cannot keep it for long time or care should be taken for it.
EXAMINER :– After you give treatment to a patient with MI, the effect of the treatment will be by relieving which symptoms??
STUDENT :- chest pain
Chest pain means because there is a blockage in the artery that supplies blood to the heart, due to which myocardial infarction occurs and chest pain is seen due to blood supply, if the medicine has an effect, then the chest pain is relieved.
★ Examiner:=
What is the fifth vital sign of the body?
•>Student := The fifth vital sign of the body is pain.
★ Examiner := What is the best and cheapest method to prevent transmission of infection.
•> Student := Hand washing is the best and cheapest method to prevent transmission of infection.
★ Examiner := provide full form of “PPE”.
The full form of “PPE” is Personal Protective Equipment.
State the normal value of serum sodium.
•> Student := Normal value of serum sodium is 135-145 meq/liter.
★★ Examiner :=
State the normal value of serum potassium.
•> Student := Normal value of serum potassium is 3.5-5.0 meq/liter.
★ Examiner := What is severe generalized edema called.
•>Student :=Anasarca to severe generalized edema
(Anasarka) is called.
★Examiner:= Osteoporosis is seen due to deficiency of which vitamin.
•>Student:= Osteoporosis is seen due to vitamin D deficiency.
★ Examiner := fresh stool in blood is called as…
fresh stool in blood is called as hematochazia
★ Examiner:= Hepatitis A is transmitted through which route.
•>Student:= Hepatitis A is transmitted through feco oral route.
★ Examiner:=
Cullen’s sign means.
of umbelicus
A bluish discoloration around is called collen’s sign.
★★ Examiner:=
Define Otitis media.
•>Student:= Middle ear infection and inflammation is called otitis media.
★★ Examiner := Peritonsillar Abscess is known by what other name.
•>Student:= Peritonsilar Abscess* (peritonsilar Abscess) is known by another name QUINCY.
State the full form of SLE and state its main sign.
•>Student:= Full form of “SLE”:=
Systemic lupus erythematosus and its main sign
(Butterfly race).
★ Examiner := What is the accumulation of pus around the lungs called?
•>Student:= Accumulation of pus around the lungs is called empyema.
★ Examiner :=
Tell the full form of “CPR”.
•>Student:= The full form of “CPR” is Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation.
★ Examiner:=
State the ratio of breathing and chest compression in CPR.
•>Student := Chest compression and breathing ratio in CPR is 30:2.
★ Examiner:= children and
State the chest compression and breathing ratio in the infant.
•>Student :=
children and
Chest compression and breathing ratio in infant is 15:2.