Basic nursing care and needs of the patients
Concept of need
It is very important to know the need of the patient and to know the need of the patient first of all to know the idea about the need. Need means what is the need of the patient? What is the patient missing? It shows that this need can be small or big, simultaneously or even there can be more than one need. It is the nurse’s job to give importance to which need out of all these needs.
Therefore, in 1954, American psychology considered the need concept as part of person personality development in order to gain good relationship with the patient, gain trust and create a nursing care plan according to the patient’s needs. A person primarily needs air, water and food. If these are not available, a person cannot remain as he is. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is also known as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
Breathe normally
Eat and drink adequately
Eliminate by all avenues of elimination
To move and maintain a desirable posture
Sleep and rest
Select suitable clothing dress and undress
Maintain body temperature within normal
Keeping the body clean well groomed and protecting the skin
Protect the Body Injury and Other
Communicate with others and express emotions like need and fear
Basic Nursing Care and Patient Needs:-
basic nursing care and needs of the patient
concept of need
To know the patient’s need i.e. the need of the patient, it is very important to know the idea about the need first.
Need means what is the need of the patient, what the patient is missing, this need can be small or big, simultaneously or even there can be more than one need. It is the job of the nurse to give adequate work to which of these needs.
Therefore, in 1954, American psychology considers the concept of need as a part of personality development in order to gain trust with the patient and create a nursing care plan according to the patient’s need.
A person’s main net is air, water, and food. If this is not available, a person cannot survive.
Nurse role in maintaining good personal hygiene
Nurses have good knowledge of health and hygiene. Everyone should have good health practices. But it is the responsibility of the nurse to maintain it during hospitalization but it is the responsibility of the nurse to teach such health habit to some patients who are careless about their physical affairs.
Cleaners are very important for the comfort and well-being of the patient, so many nursing procedures have to be learned and implemented to take care of the pt. The most important care of a sick person is skin care. Taking nail care, taking hair care etc. is the responsibility of the nurse.
If the personalization of the patient is not maintained properly, there is a kind of smell in the body due to which there is a possibility of naginija in the skin care, therefore, if the pt sleeps in the same position for a long time, there is a possibility of bed shore, so the position of the patient is also slightly higher. There has to be a change.
If proper oral care is not taken, there is a possibility of gingivitis and due to this, the patient remains uncomfortable and affects nutrition. Due to oral hygiene and physical obesity, bacteria accumulates in the mouth which spreads infection in the body and due to lack of proper hair care, dandruff is possible. Living.
Thus, nurses play an important role in maintaining personal hygiene.
Oral hygiene.
Oral hygiene means cleanliness of mouth oral hygiene. Oral infections can be prevented and patient comfort can be provided.
It is very important to take care of the mouth during human because the temperature is high due to lack of nutrition, the mucous membrane of mouth care becomes dry and there are cracks in it. The rash fades and gradually the spots turn black.
Mouth care.
Mouth is the entrance of food into the body. Mouth is the first part of the digestive system in our body. The process of digestion of food begins through the mouth.
All kinds of food are chewed by the teeth in the mouse, along with the secretion of their mucus by the salivary glands in the mouth. In the mouth, there are two hollow cheeks on the front side, the cleft palate on the lower part and the throat on the back side are in the oral cavity and also called buccal cavity, there are six openings in the throat, so there is a danger of getting an infection in the mouth from any route.
Rice and healthy teeth increase the beauty of a person so teeth should be brushed in the morning while getting up and while going to bed at night.
Mouth clinic is a type of hygiene method to clean the thick mucus membrane etc. in the mouse with healthy water and a brush.
Purpose of mouth cleaning
1, To keep the teeth, gums, etc. in the inner part of the mouth healthy
2, preventing the oral mucus membrane from drying and cracking
What patients require oral care {indication}
Unconscious patient
Help less patient
A patient with high fever
Not being able to breathe through the mouth
Patient on fluid diet or oral diet Post-operative patient Paralytic patient
Mouth disease patient seriously ill patient
Patients with acute facial fundus
Dehydration patient
A patient on long-term administration of curative drugs
Scientific principles
Any new treatment creates fear and anxiety in an unfamiliar situation
If there are foot particles in the mouth, there is growth of micro-organisms in them
Gargling with cold water reduces mouth inflammation
Oral CVT is observed during the procedure
Oral CVD helps in maintaining total health
The supernatant softens the mucus membrane thus preventing incisions
A procedure with good technique saves time, energy and material, thus providing satisfaction and comfort to the patient.
Glycerin has hydroscopic action from the mucus membrane and lips and absorbs the fluid and keeps the area soft and moist.
Brushing and testing the gums while recuperating teeth creates a hit that improves circulation
Viral equipment for one patient should be properly planed and used for another patient after dish infection
Knowledge of oral health techniques is helpful to maintain and practice.
Potassium permanganate is used
Solution Use
Kmno4 1:5000 One crystal added to 1 glass of water has a pink color Make fresh solution each time
5ml to 2ml Auditing agent in a glass of water with 5ml H2O2
3, normal saline
A spoonful of normal saline in 1 pint of water has a clinical effect
Preliminary assessment on preparation of patient
Tray with cover
Making torches and drossets
Lgouse with kmno4
Plain water
So forceps
Goose piece
Mouth gag
Tongue depression
Kidney tray
Cotton Shop
Bowl of Water
Hand wash each article to prepare
Inform the patient about the position
Take the tray to the patient
Set to local on the table as per convenience
Wear hand water curry blouse again
Open the train cover and fold it properly and keep it on the coated rod
Sit the patient so that he can sit
If necessary, give the best dress, if the patient is unconscious, do the mouse while sleeping
But the head is toned to one side and kept on our side so that the procedure is easy
Making toss and dhwal should be placed on the patient’s chest below the chin. If the patient is conscious, take the required solution in the feeding cup.
If the patient is in bed, do not use any paste so take it from him
If the patient is conscious, place the kidney tray near the patient’s cheek or mouth in such a way that it collects in the water during rinsing.
If the patient is able to hold, persuade him to hold
If the patient is reluctant and unable to do it himself, then cover the gauze piece with artery forceps and wet it in a bowl of water to remove excess water so that the oral cavity can be cleaned thoroughly.
Clean both the cheeks, gums, teeth and mouth in a circular stock and put the used gauze in the kidney tray.
After using one bus piece, take another gose piece through another stock
Cleanse first with permanganate followed by plain water
If the patient is conscious and brushing is to be done, soak the brush in water before applying the paste to the brush to soften the bristles.
To gargle the patient, inject an antiseptic solution into the mouth through a fitting cup followed by rinsing with plain water.
During gargling, the dirty water collects in the kidney tray. Gargling should be done by wiping the lips with a dry gauze page and then applying an emollient to keep the tissue and air moisture in the mucus membrane smooth.
Applying polish from soap stick to the inner part of gam ton and cheeks so that the patient has soft and smooth effect and it makes the patient feel good.
After care of the procedure
To remove kidney tram making towels etc
Put the patient in compartment position
To observe the condition of the patient’s mouth
Dispose of the waste product and take all the articles to the cleaning room
After trying to clean the soap with water, put it in the right place, clean it with force etc. and put it in the right place
Remove the gowns and place them in the proper place and wash hands
Record and Reporting
To record the procedure done in the nursing chat in which the patient’s name, age, coat number, ward number, diagnosis, any abnormality found in the condition of the mouth should be recorded and reported to the authority.
To keep teeth clean
To prevent bad breath
To prevent tooth decay
To prevent other infections by preventing tooth decay
Assist the patient to remove the denture and place it in plain water followed by cleansing with a baking soda lotion.
To clean the denture, use HR powder and clean it with running water
Use a gauze piece to reinsert the urinary denture
Advise the patient to remove the denture while sleeping at night
Remove dentures when the patient is unconscious and surgery is to be performed under general anesthesia.
Care of nails
Personal hygiene Care of the day nail is very important considering the aspect of personal hygiene.
Nail clipping is an important care for everyone. Nail clipping of any patient is the primary duty of the nursing staff for which the staff nurse on duty decides this type of care on their own during their duty.
Nail clipping is an important procedure in nursing expectation. Nail clipping can be performed on any patient in rooting care. This is a simple nursing procedure that can be taught to the patient and his relative.
If not taken care of, ingrown nails can harm our body personally as well as other people
Overgrown nails also damage the beauty and personality. An educated and intelligent person in public life regularly trims his nails. This procedure is done to provide nursing care to the patient.
Nail cutting
“Nail cutting when the nail at the tip of the fingernail and toenail is longer than the tip of the finger is called”
To prevent patient thirty
To be well mannered and presentable
To prevent pain if the nail is large and breaks or cuts off suddenly
As the nails grow, they get filled with excrement and eating food with nailed hands is to prevent waste, excrement, germs, etc. from causing disease in the body.
To maintain personal hygiene.
Tray with cover
Making Torch
draw set
a bowl
Cotton swab
Goose piece
PP Lawson
Warm water in a bowl
Two kidney trays
Small surgical incision
Paper bag
tail file
Informing the patient about the procedure
Preparing the tray Take it to the patient and place it on the right side of the locker Place a screen around the court when needed Then place the making toss and draw seat around the court and keep the kidney tray and bowl of PP lotion on it
Soak the nails in this bowl for a few times
When the nail gets wet, hold the hand in such a way that the train with PP lotion falls.
Cut the fingernails in a round shape so that the patient does not feel the corner while scratching
After that, clean the nails with a cotton swab and if there is dirt, clean it with a gauze piece.
After the nail is cut, it should be done with a nail file so that the patient is not injured.
Then a basic PP lotion for trimming toenails. Take wav water and soak your feet in it
After that, making toss and draw seat should be kept under the feet, kidney tray should be kept under the feet and nails should be cut
Cut the toenails in a square shape because the base of the toenails is fairly square
So that it does not rub while wearing the boots
If there is dirt, clean it with cotton swab and gauze piece
Clean with PP lotion and file the nails, dry with a napkin.
After care
Position the patient in a comfortable position
Proper disposal of cut nails and other waste products in dustbin
Taking the article to the purity room
Wash the soap with water and dry it in a suitable place
Disinfect articles if the patient has an infectious disease
After the procedure, taking notes in the procedure book, taking note of patient’s name, age, coat number, date, time and diagnosis etc.
Scientific Principles
Explaining the procedure to the patient can alleviate his fear
Nails transmit bacteria
The benefit of nail clipping can be explained to the patient.
Bed sore means due to excess weight on any bony chrominant part of the body, the skin of that place becomes thin and due to this weight, friction is seen on the skin and gradually the blood circulation is reduced and stopped so that the tissues and cells of the part get enough nutrition. No, as a result, damage occurs, so a sore is seen, which is called a bedsore.
Especially bed sore is seen in patients with chronic illness but mostly staying in one position for a long time can also cause bed sore due to other reasons although the main causes of bed sore are many.
Causes of bad sore
In patients with chronic diseases, sleeping in the same position puts the weight of the whole body on the linen of the bed, which means pressure on the skin of the back, so that gradually the skin becomes thinner in the bony chrominant area, as a result of which there are chances of bed sore.
2, friction
Rubbing the skin of the patient’s back with the bed linen is especially important in rubbing. Besides, when there is a wrinkle in a place, the friction of this wrinkle in the skin of the back makes the skin there thinner. The same things scratch the skin of the back and cause friction. If many patients have a dressing on the back and a bandage is tied on the abdomen, it can cause friction due to its pressure. Also, sometimes handling the patient while the bed pan is being refiled will likely cause it on the part as a result of this. Bedsore.
3, moisture
If the patient’s bed or linen is left wet while performing the procedure on the patient, in addition, if the patient takes four breakfast and dinner feedings in the saffron regimen while the bed is wet, the bed remains wet and due to this destruction, the skin of the patient’s back is likely to develop back sores. is
Other causes of bedsores include a variety of minor causes but pressure friction and damping are the major causes.
Predisposing factors
Old age
Heavy weight
Long term illness
Bad ridden
Week body etc.
Places of bed sore
Elevations are found on bony prominences e.g. end of spine, back bone etc.
Occipital bond knee joint, angle joint, scapula bone, elbow joint, angle joint are found at the back of the head in children.
System of bad sore
Redness is tender
Dish Comfort Broise
Gang Green
Prevention of bed sore
Relieving pressure
Using ventilation or airing
Reduce the pressure by placing several cotton rings on the heel area
Handling as much as when a bed pan arrives
Bedside care of serious patient every four hours to properly tie tight and loose bands.
And changing position every two hours
Inform the physician when the plastered patient feels pressure anywhere in the bone
Preventing moisture
Change the patient’s clothing as soon as it becomes wet for any reason
Change bat linen as soon as it becomes wet
Careful use of draw seat making to prevent wetting of bed linen during nursing procedures
If the patient has excessive diarrhea, provide ventilation, provide a dry environment, and change wet clothing.
Avoid friction
Never use rough and broken bed pans. While providing the bed pan, the patient should be lifted in such a way as to avoid friction and same care should be taken while taking it.
The bed should always be kept clean and wrinkle-free.Smooth mats and smooth cloth should be given to serious patients.
Use a sand bag to prevent excessive moment of the patient
For bed ridden patients use water breads use water mats as needed
Regular back care Always check the body chromate part of the body and gently massage with spirit on the pressure points
To maintain the hygiene of the patient’s bed, change the bed linen regularly and clean the bed regularly if there are food particles and debris in the bed.
Back care
If any patient’s back is cleaned with soapy water and dried from the solder to the sacrum, circular massage is done with spirit and powder is applied, it is called back care.
To prevent the back from sticking to the skin
To increase blood circulation in this part
To observe the skin of the back
To give the patient and refresh and invigorate
To maintain patient personnel to prevent complications such as hypostatic pneumonia in bedridden patients
Item as follows in a large tray
Making Torch
draw set
A bowl of cold water
Sponge bag hot water in a bowl
Sob Dis
Talcum powder
Extra towels if required
Tray cover
This procedure was determined in the needy patient and explained to the patient about the procedure
Maintain patient privacy by placing a screen around the bed before the procedure
Preparing the patient psychologically, if necessary, taking the help of the relative, preparing the tray as required in the preparation room.
After hand washing and wearing gown and apron if necessary
Prepare the tray and place it near the patient’s court or on the table
Loosen the patient’s cloth and position him to one side, if necessary, take the help of a relative.
Open the tray and spread the making toss and draw seat in the required area
Take back care of the patient by taking hot or cold water according to the need and season
In which, first of all, wet the skin of the back by wearing a sponge bag and using soap to sponge the skin of the back.
After cleaning the skin with soap, clean it with plain water, then dry the area with a napkin or let it dry.
After cleaning the area from the solder to the sacrum with a napkin, after removing the sponge bag and gloves, take the spirit in hand and do a circular massage on the skin of the back.
After the spirit has evaporated, apply talcum powder
After removing the making torch and draw set from the bottom of the back, observing the skin of the back.
Putting the patient back into a comfortable position immediately after the procedure is completed
Wash each article used with soapy water, dry and put in proper place
Need to put wet linen in wash box for washing
Keep the back care tray reset complete.
Record & reports
In which to record the procedure done in the procedure book
Name, date and time.
Write down any abnormality found.
Points to be remembered
Back care of each bed patient should be done every four hours
If there is a patient with a long man, change the position every two hours
If the skin is red on the back, apply Vaseline on that part
Inform the ward staff
Provide health education about back care to all patients if they are at risk of becoming infected.
Using comfortable devices after back care, if bed sore, dressing with antiseptic solution in the morning and evening and every four hours.
Sponge bath
In addition to personalization, bath is very important, the nurse has to give bath to many patients in his routing care, we also take bath every day in our daily life, so if you see, there are two types of bath and can be given in two ways.
Many bedridden patients are chronically ill and unable to bathe themselves due to restricted moments, so they are bathed in bed.
Some patients can take a bath by themselves and even go to the bathroom while many patients do not have enough knowledge about bathing so it is the nurse’s duty to educate them.
As many patients in the ward have to lie down all day, their skin becomes sweaty, so they should be given a sponge bath at least once. In this bath, a full body scan is taken care of.
This is an important procedure to maintain the health of the patient. In sponge bath, the patient is bathed with sponge bag soapy water using warm water.
Most of the time morning is very good time for taking bath so the patient should be bathed almost in the morning but if there is more work as per the routing class in the board then the patient can be bathed at our convenience. The nurse should consider the appropriate time in patient care.
Cleansing the body skin to maintain personal hygiene opens the pores of the skin and removes waste from the body.
Skin diseases can be prevented by keeping the skin clean
Taking a bath stimulates blood circulation
Muscle stone is improved so that body fatigue is removed.The patient is given active and passive exercise through bath.
Body skin can be conditioned
Body temperature can be regularized by giving a bath
Health education can be given to the patient by using a sponge bath to take care of pressure points.
To make the patient comfortable by giving him a bath
So the whole day remains in good spirits
By bathing the patient can be protected from other diseases bat sir is prevented
During this procedure all the parts of the body can be reacted, as a result, any hidden disease or skin disease can be detected anywhere on the patient’s body. This procedure takes a long time.
If this procedure is going on, then many types of communication can be done with the patient, such as knowing the patient’s family history, economic history, our psychologist’s shopport, etc.
Apart from this, giving a bath gives any kind of physical and mental satisfaction to the patient and along with sponge bath, the patient can also take care of the total body.
Unconscious patient
Semi consiance patient
The operator patient
Patients with complete bedrest
A paralytic patient
Patients with hard failure Serious patients
The Helpless Patient
Patients given a plaster cast and traction
1, sponge bath
When the patient is helpless i.e. in bed, he cannot take a bath by himself, at such times sponge bath is given by the nurse in which the patient is bathed in bed with water of suitable temperature which is called sponge bath.
2, bathroom bath
When the patient is able to move or walk a little, bath is given in the bathroom. Many times, according to the patient’s wish, he is taken to the bathroom in a wheelchair and bath is given in which the patient is given a bath in terms of therapy. For this, all articles are arranged in the bathroom.
3, therapeutic bath
These baths are medicated as part of a specific treatment, such as in scan DCs, followed by some type of antiseptic solution.
In addition, the patient is bathed with an antiseptic medicine in the whole body
This is a kind of therapeutic bath that in certain diseases or conditions it is given bath by medicine in terms of therapy so it is also called medicated bath.
4, hot bath or warm bath
This bath is bathed by water with a temperature of 110 to 115 degrees. The main purpose of giving this bath is to heat the body. is coming
5, cold bath
If the patient’s temperature is higher than normal, then cold bath is given to reduce it. Generally, it is given in summer season. In addition, there is a need to give in the patient with temperature. The temperature of water in this bath is taken as 18 Celsius to 20 Celsius.
6, tapid bath
This type of bath can be given in Shiva condition where the water temperature is between 27 Celsius to 32 Celsius. Patients with feeders are often given hot sponge baths. Tap water is also often used in this type of bath.
7, steam bath
In this bath, steam is released as the patient is placed in a specially prepared box or room.
8, sitz bath
When a patient has surgery for hemorrhoids or warts, this bath is given daily as part of the pre-operative and post-operative treatment in which the patient is placed in a large benzine with an antiseptic liquid in water of suitable boiling point, followed by dressing the part. It is called a seats bath.
Scientific principles
Taking a sponge bath removes the dust on the scan along with the micro-organisms it contains.
Soap used to clean the skin has an antiseptic effect that prevents sebaceous secretions from forming on the skin.
Spongeing with soap and warm water opens the pores of the skin
So the patient stays fresh and feels refreshed. Taking a bath increases the blood circulation of the body.
Healthy skin protects against infection
By massaging the spirit in the body part, the skin of that part is disinfected.
And according to the law of evaporation, the spirit on the skin is rejuvenated.
Primary assessment
Maintain the patient’s desire for a sponge bath
Inform the Ward Incharge before giving the sponge and follow his necessary instructions
To watch the general condition of the patient
Checking the origin and surroundings of the patient for the bath such as whether there is an order to moment any of his body parts.
Think about how much help this processor will provide as per the needs of the patient
Before giving the bath, ask the patient about the last time he had a diet
During the bath we or the patient should know the need of an assistant
Maintain complete privacy during bath
All the articles needed during the bath should be in the unit
Proper health education should be given to the patient after bathing. Bed linen should be changed and clean clothes should be given.
To close the surrounding bar during the bath
And turn the fun on or off as per the patient’s wishes.
During the bath, fashion around to open only the necessary part simultaneously
Take the water taken for bath according to the temperature season
Require Article
A large tray with cover
Benzine one big and one small
Shob with Sobdis
Sponge Bed Two
A face towel
Bath blanket or seat pack long making toss and draw set spirit and powder
Scissors and nail cutters
Hair oil
Kidney tray 2
World 2
Bath thermometer
Patient’s clothes
Preparation of patient and unit
To explain the procedure to the patient and to check his condition To close the bar and fan to the patient To remove extra articles from the patient’s bed To maintain the pricy of the patient To place a screen If necessary, give the patient a bed pan or urinal If the patient has extra pillows, backrest etc. on the bed that
This procedure is performed on bedridden patients in indoor wards and is also performed in private nursing homes and chronically ill persons at home. The procedure is time-consuming and requires many articles.
Hence trolley can be used in two trays in the article Inform about the sponge of bed ridden patient to the patient and his relative Take the permission of the ward in charge to get the necessary article in the board and then carry out the procedure The nurse has to be full scale and careful in the procedure along with the privacy of the patient. Also should be considered for other health
Hand washing Setting up trolley and tray Placing consultations around the patient’s bed Close the window Close the door Before starting the sponge bath If the patient needs to pass urine or stool, give a bed pan or urinal Arrange the prepared tray on the table Top seat in the patient’s bed And put the blanket around the legs, spread one blanket and seat on the bed and one seat towards the head of the patient, spread the making torch and draw seat and open the required part.
If it is necessary to mix hot and cold water from a jug in benzene, check the temperature of the water with a bath thermometer.
Then apply soap on another sponge bag and clean the patient’s face and in this way clean the parts of the face like eyes, nose and ears, then clean with plain water. and clean the chest and abdomen with soap
Then turn the patient on his side and clean the back. Perform all the procedures in back care. During the sponge bath, change the water when it gets bad. to clean up
After that, if it is necessary to clean the leg towards us, it should be cleaned according to the wishes of the patient from the knee, while cleaning the toes, nails, etc., pay special attention.
Then if the patient can clean himself then let him clean the private part but if the patient is not able to clean it then we clean it after giving sponge bath Bath blanket making toss to remove draw set etc. Dress the patient in good clean clothes
After that, if the patient wants, give him hot tea, milk or coffee as desired, and if he wants, apply hair oil to wash his hair, and if it is cold season, cover him with a blanket. All the articles used in the sponge should be cleaned with soap and dried and placed in the proper place. If the clothes and bed occupants have been changed, put the laundry in the box, open the surrounding windows and doors and ask the patient about comfort.
Records and reports
The nurse should record the procedure in the procedure book in which the patient’s name, court number, diagnosis, date and time, etc. should be recorded.
If any body abnormality is observed during sponging, it should be noted and reported to the sister-in-charge, such as skin rashes, skin breaks, bedsores developing, etc.
Health education regarding cleanliness and personal hygiene should be recorded to the patient.
Care of hair.
In terms of personal hygiene, it is very important to take hair care, for this the following points should be considered
Wash your hair twice a week to wash your hair twice a day in the morning and evening
Hair should be oiled regularly
Treatment should be done to eliminate dandruff and hair loss
Brushing or using a cream to remove dandruff. Hair should be straightened while washing the hair
Long hair should be kept neat and not exposed
Purpose of hair comb
To keep the air clean and healthy
To remove dust, debris etc. from hair
Well being to provide sense
To prevent air loss, observe the scalp to increase blood circulation within it
To remove dandruff and dandruff from hair to perpetuate hair growth
To prevent infection itching etc from hair
To remove odor and frizz from hair
Bath towel 2
Clean Com Bay
Kidney tray
Keep 1:20 carboxylic lotion or 1:40 Dettol lotion
Coconut oil and kidney tray or paper bag in a bowl
Preparation of patient
Gave the patient a thorough understanding of the procedure
If the patient can sit, make him sit on a hair stool
One towel should be draped over the patient’s shoulder, another towel should be draped over the bed liner and pillows, if possible a foul bed may be provided.
Collect everything in a tray and take it to the patient and keep it on the locker or table
If there are relatives of the patient, explain to them how about the procedure and its benefits
Before combing the patient’s hair, place a towel under the patient’s hair.
Take the oil from the bottle in a bowl and gently massage the patient’s hair with fingertips
After massaging, comb the hair with a big comb
And the hair collected in the comb should also be removed from it and put in a kidney tray or a paper bag
Then gently comb the hair with a small comb
If there is a female patient, her hair should be tied in two parts so that when the patient sleeps, the hair is not tied under the head.
Combing hair at least twice a day
After Care of the Patient Article
First, collect the hair collected in the aircom and put it in the tray. Since there is dirt and garbage with hair from hair combing in the com, it can be an infection for other patients, so wash it with soapy water and clean it with a brush.
Linen soiled during hair combing should be used for the second time only after sending it to the laundry
Recording the procedure Making a nursing charge and recording the procedure in it Taking the help of a nursing assistant if necessary
Hair wash & head bath
Hair wash or head bath is the procedure of cleaning the hair with soap or shampoo to remove dust, waste, smell and grease etc. from the hair and scalp of a helpless patient in bed.
Keeping personal health and hair healthy
Keeping hair clean and tight
Washing the hair with pure soapy water can remove the dirt and dust from the hair
Using hot water in hair wash stimulates the blood circulation of the head and the waste or dirt in the hair is softened and comes out.
Scalp infections and ingrown hairs can be prevented by hair washing
Hair wash can remove dandruff and dandruff in the hair. Hair wash can prevent dandruff and dandruff.
It is beneficial for the patient to sleep comfortably after hair wash
Long tray with cover
Lgouse to pair
Face towel
Bath Blendset
Making toss
the world
small jug
Cotton shop in a bowl
show off
Hair Com
Hair oil
News paper
Preparation of patient
Explain the procedure to the patient and his relative Prepare a tray to keep a screen to maintain privacy and place it near the patient Close the window and the fan Cover the patient with a bath blanket or if it is hot with a cheat cover Elevate the head and place a small pillow under the solder Cover with a making toss and towel. A cotton ball to plug the eye to put on the iPad and cover it
Arrange the unit in such a way that a paper towel is placed on the head side floor under the bucket coat.
Cover the patient with a bath blanket if the stool contains gasoline
If it is hot, cover a simple white spot with the side of the patient’s head above the corner of the court and the patient’s feet in the opposite corner. Keep both edges of the keypad slightly bent inwards so that water does not spill
Loosen the hair and take a bunch from the comb and put it in a paper bag and place the comb in a kidney tray with lotion
Take the cold water from the jug and the hot water in the benzine and then measure its temperature with a thermometer to keep it at 100 to 110 Fahrenheit or as needed. With the help of a mug, take water from the benzine and collect the hair and wet it slowly. After all the hairs are free, apply shampoo and gently massage with your hands.
After massaging all the hair thoroughly, pour water again and slowly go until the hair is completely soaked. Keep a bath towel on the patient’s chest while washing the hair so that there is no shampoo left in the hair. After washing the patient’s face, dry the patient’s face, remove the overlying iPad and mana cotton plug and place it in the kidney tray.
Then remove the calipad and lay it on a padded floor with another towel to dry the hair with a comb slowly comb through the hair and then dry the hair.
After complete drying of the hair apply hair oil to massage the hair and wash the hair Ask the patient to drink hot tea or coffee after washing the hair
After Care of the Patient Articles
Disposing of the waste water collected after washing the hair in a suitable place.
All articles shall be properly cleaned and tried and placed in the purity room
Articles and linen used for patients with infectious diseases should be used only after disinfection
Placing the used making torch in proper place during hair washing
Recording of the entire procedure in the procedure book Any abnormality observed and reported to the in-charge
Peticulosis Treatment
The parasite which causes blood sucking and itching is called the big one which lays eggs in the hair of the head, which is called lights, which grows up in about 8 to 10 days and is black, white and red in color.
Types of pedicures
Pedicures Capitash
There is a black spot in the hair of the head and it is also called a headlight
Pediculosis Corpois
Lice on the body are white and are also called bodylice
Pedicularis pubic
A district and a private path in the hair that is red in color.
Effect of pedicularis
Feel dis comfort
Restless seems
Catching happens
Feel the infection
Anemia develops as the lymph nodes become indwelling and spasm on the linen
To prevent growth of lice and lice
To prevent transmission to others
to destroy
DDT powder 10% + Talcum powder 90%
Kerosene and coconut oil Lithan oil
Medicine shampoo
Carbonic lotion 1:40
Preparation of patient
Explain the procedure to the patient and set up a screen to maintain privacy
Collect all the articles and take them to the bed
Cover the patient with a bath blanket
Lay the patient straight with a pillow under his head
A towel to protect the pillow and bed making toss and towel to protect the patient’s clothes on the arm
Cover the patient’s eye with an eye pad or sponge cloth
Turn off the fan to prevent parasite shedding
Remove loose clumps of hair
Step of Procedure
Loosen the hair and place under it a making toss and a towel.
Prepare a paste by mixing talcum powder 90% and DDT powder 10%
Apply the prepared paste to the hair and apply it to the scalp slowly with the help of fingers.
The nurse should perform the procedure wearing a gown and gown and after the procedure is completed, the gown and towel should be kept in an antiseptic solution for two hours and then sent for washing. To observe whether it is or not
Scientific Principles
The patient can be made comfortable
The patient can have the fear removed
If the patient’s hair is not taken care of, the scalp may get infected
COM should always be clean and disinfected to prevent cross infection.
After Care of the Patient Article
Position the patient comfortably
Collect the articles and take them to the purity room for disinfecting the dishes.Clean each article with soapy water in the purity room.
Then arrange it in the right place
Disinfect the cockroaches in 1:20 carbolic lotion for four hours
After cleaning the animal article with soap, boil for 25 minutes
Mating toss should also be sterilized by keeping the linen in a 1:80 glysol solution for 2 to 4 hours in the laundry, washed and dried in the same way.
After that apply the powder and keep it in place with the roll.
Nutrition Need
Importance of Diet in Health and Diseases
Human cannot live without food, air, water. The patient can not only be cured by good medicine and treatment, but at the same time, he needs to be fed with adequate nutrients.
Balanced diet depends on person age work weight etc. Diet depends on people’s belief and religion If food is taken properly then every person’s growth and development is good and resistance against disease is given. so it is very necessary to make modification in the diet like sugar free diet for diabetic patients and salt free diet for kidney and hard disease patients and high protein diet for TB and tuberculosis patients.
Principles related to the care of patients with nutrition problems
Health and essential nutrition can be provided
Specific nutrition can be provided by knowing the nutritional status of the patient
Nutritional Need Affects Illness Like Fever Increases Caloric Redirect Food is also psychologically satisfying.
Food is a habit based on cultural religion and belief
The patient should be taught the habit of good food Metabolism plays an important role in selecting the patient’s diet Digestive power Economic condition likes and dislikes Religion Physical and mental condition Hunger etc. are important factors in determining the diet
Explain why the patient’s dye is being changed and how it will benefit the patient
Patients with communication diseases should not be forced to take the diet because their appetite has died.
Factors Affecting the Normal Nutrition in Sickness
Diet planning is very important in the complete care of the patient. Diet planning should be done according to the patient’s condition and diseases.
1, General Luz
Always plan the teeth. Gradual change from food Give diet as per patient’s disease Keep in mind habits, religion, patient’s likes, dislikes, level of exercise, etc. while planning diet
2, Parapeutic Diet
Protein requirement increases during meals as protein provides wear and tear but should not be given to patients with liver and kidney diseases.
Provide calcium and iron requirements during illness but do not administer sodium or potassium to patients with inflammation.
Adequate supply of vitamins but when the gastrointestinal tract is diseased, vitamin B complex is not absorbed.
It is very important to give vitamin C for wound healing when there is fever and also after surgery
2500 to 3000 mL of fluid should be given in 24 hours to prevent dehydration when there is high fever diarrhea vomiting
If patient is conscious and able to take orally then give orally otherwise IV through rice tube
Hunger stimulating points or stimulating appetite
Environmental Factors
If there is wet bedding or wet clothes, provide good ventilation to remove them.
Personal comfort
Give the patient a bath, make the bed, give different varieties while giving the medicine, and wash the patient’s hands before and after the meal.
A stressful event
Avoid any procedure or comfortable treatment that the patient does not like for half an hour before and after giving diet to the patient. If there is a more serious patient or date body around, let the patient sit in a separate room and arrange curtains around and say something that gives the best to the patient while eating. not
Interaction with family and friends
Sit the patient with the visitor while eating and, if the patient is one, give the meal at the hands of his relative and ask him to eat with him if necessary.
Arrange for many patients to sit and eat together if they wish. Staff members can also sit with the patient and chat for a while.
If diet is to be taken, give allowance but explain what changes in diet as allowed. Allowing meals in small amounts and at small intervals Maintaining oral hygiene before and after meals
Apart from this, the following points should also be kept in mind
Like, Temperature of food Amount of food
Careful serving of food
Color of food
Different variety of food
Importance of Diet in Health
Proper nutrition for any person’s health acts like a fuel without which a woman’s body cannot work properly For the growth and development of bonds and tissues and for the regular maintenance of body processes Nutritional food is necessary for the body Nutrition Need Patient’s Age Physical Status Physical environment depends on life style etc. SMP required by the body includes nutrition proteins carbohydrates vitamins minerals fats and water.
Importance of Diet in Sickness
A sick person is often disturbed by something in the gastro-interstitial function, the person feels less hungry, the digestion is not proper, the absorption of nutrition is not done, so the nutritional needs of a sick person are slightly different from a healthy person.
Due to the reduced movement and exercise of the sick patient, the amount of food is also reduced.
In a healthy person, the action of bolism and data bolism is normal, while in a sick person, there is a disturbance in this process due to which the body does not get enough nutrition, so the sick person has to be given extra nutrition in some way.
A sick person should be given a diet according to the patient’s illness eg salt free diet, sugar free diet etc. Many diseases of the patient throw the food out of the body due to vomiting or diarrhea so fluids and nutrition are given through medicine.
Favorable condition for digestion
The dining area should be clean
The food to be eaten should not have bad smell or unpleasant aroma or smell.
Meal time should not trace tiredness etc. Surroundings during meal time should be pleasant
The time that is convenient for eating should be eaten at regular meal times
There should be proper time between two meals
If a person exercises, his appetite is stimulated and he can eat well