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Community: A group of people consisting of a population of people living in a specific geographical area and having common cultural beliefs, rules and shared ideas.

culture: the language, customs, beliefs, rules, art knowledge and collective identity and memory developed by all members of a social group and they make the social environment meaningful.


Community has an influence on people’s health status.

Nurses need to understand the community so that appropriate plans or steps can be taken by them to achieve the health of the community.

Before understanding the concept of community, it is necessary to understand community and community health. After that, the services provided by the medical and paramedical personnel to achieve all over the people of the community will be discussed.

A community is a group of people who live in a particular geographical area and share similar cultural beliefs.

This community has been viewed by different authors from different perspectives. Some authors have defined community based on geographical area while others have seen community based on culture and culture and professional organizations.

Characteristics of Community

Group of People

Common place

Interaction between people

Common language

Their filling

Common Attitude

More or less the same life style

Community is a social system in which the interaction between individuals is made up of systems such as socio-cultural, political, educational, environmental and religious. All these factors influence health, so it is necessary to understand this system to promote health in the community.

General place means geographical location

Social system- i.e. social units and systems with interactions and systems

Group of People

The nurse must be aware of the geographic characteristics of the population and be aware of its health status and community resources. Not only that, but the nurse should have an understanding of the culture, attitudes, beliefs, characteristics and their life style.

All of these factors differ from community to community.Evaluation of these factors helps health personnel make connections between sectors and health.These factors will help develop appropriate plans or programs.

Community includes the following points:

Common life

Group of People

General culture

A common interdependent life

Limited Geographical Area

Characteristics of Community

All communities share common characteristics. And those different characteristics depend on the size of that community. Characteristics also depend on the nature of the community.

Self-reliance: Community provides a place to live. Livelihood Education Protection and all the facilities that help to meet the basic needs of its people.

Feeling of All: The people of the community feel i.e. the feeling of the community and identify themselves with the community.


People in the community have face to face interaction and free communication. That small community is more commonly evident in small villages and neighborhoods. Its members are physically close, have more direct contact and more interactions and associations.

Homogeneity: The mind of people living within boundaries in a community is similar in social characteristics. They are similar in language life style customs and traditions.

Geographical Boundaries: Each community has managed boundaries that have its beginning and end. For example neighborhood, village, city etc.


Urban and rural

Village community

A village community is a small area with a small population that follows agriculture not only as a profession but also as a way of life. The village community is the oldest and most permanent community.

Origin of Village

Early human communities were migratory communities that later became settled with the knowledge and skills of agriculture as a source of food.

Emergence of village which shows that man passed through the mode of collective life and settled down.

Every human race or nation has its period of village community and it is believed that villages came into existence 5000 years ago.

Characteristics of Village Community

Sense of unity: The village has a sense of unity, all the families in the village are united and share sorrows and joys together.

Close relationship: Villagers have close relationship with each other and know each other personally.

Common Culture: The people of the village have a common culture, the customs and conventions of the people of the village are also similar.

JOINT FAMILY: This is still the practice in the villages as they need the cooperation of all the family members for the farming business.

Joint Participation: Villagers jointly organize religious activities and participate in them.

Close Neighborly Relations: Neighborhood is of great importance in a village where they look after and help each other.

Deep faith in religion and duties: The occupation of the village people is agriculture and it is based on nature this shows their faith and religion.

Away from the Evils of Modern Culture and Simple: Villagers are simple, their nature and behavior is natural, they live a peace full life and stay away from modern culture.

Hard Working: Villagers are sincere and hardworking.

Hospitality: Shows great hospitality towards guests, welcomes others and is not rude.

High Moral Values:

He has high morals and his life is governed by standards.

Characteristics of Indian Village:

Villages in India are the unit of social structure of India Approximately 70 to 80% of the total population lives in villages Villages are divided into small and large size Small villages have a population below 500 Medium and large villages have a population of 5,000 or more than 5,000 as of 2000.

The village has the following features:

Socially and economically linked to neighboring towns: Villages were isolated and self-contained in the early 19th century. Because all the needs used to be satisfied in the villages itself but the development will be transport communication and the barrier between the villages has been broken.

Structure of Simplicity Stability and Tranquility: Village atmosphere is simple calm Simple life lives in simple clothes and all civility but fashion has taken over in villages Radio and TV music can also be heard everywhere in the village.

Strong connection between customs and traditions: The outlook of the villagers is mainly ruddy and they accept changes with extreme reluctance.

Poverty and Illiteracy: Villagers are generally poor, have low incomes, wear rough clothes, illiteracy in villages, educational opportunities for children are less, facilities for higher education are also non-existent, due to poverty, villagers send their children to cities for education. Because they can’t, there is a lack of education.

Local Self-Government: They manage their own affairs through the traditional institutions of Panchayats which started to decline during the British rule but after independence new efforts were made to strengthen the Panchayat system.


An urban community is an area with high density. According to the Census of India, urban areas are those places where there are Municipal Board notified Area Committees and such local authorities and as per other criteria there is a population requirement of 5000 satisfied. At least 75 percent of the male working population is engaged in non-agricultural occupations. Urban people are gradually engaged in different professional occupations.

Characteristics of Urban Community

Class Boundaries: In urban communities class boundaries are seen between the richest and the poorest we can see people:

Stay on the sidewalk

Living a life of luxury

Living in bungalow kothi or paka or semi-paka houses.

Enable to meet the daily routine needs of life.

No Primary Contact: People in cities do not have primary contact, they are sometimes unaware of who is next to them, sometimes they don’t even recognize them.

Mechanical Attitude: Their attitude is mechanical because they show a pattern of mutual convenience. They treat strangers as machines rather than as human beings.

No sense of belonging: People in urban communities are aware of the existence of many institutions and people around them but they do not feel a sense of belonging to any group.

A breeding ground for new biological and cultural diversity: Urban communities are home to people of different races and cultures, people from different parts of the world, and cultural occupations characterized by different lives and ideas.

Social Contact: Social contact is personal and segmented maintaining social distance for anonymity.

Energy and Speed: People in urban communities work day and night. Makes their life busy. Creates more stress and insecurity.

Health and Diseases: Congestion, pollution etc. affects people in urban communities. The incidence of disease is higher in cities than in villages.


City Development: Urbanization and its Effects on Health and Health Practice:

Urban Development: Every civilization has seen migration from villages to cities.

From 6000 to 5000 bc—the first cities appeared that were small and difficult to distinguish from towns.

By 2000 bc—the existence of true cities

19th century-period of true urban revolution

Availability of Increased Resources: Cities develop where resources are more than just subsistence. Man has extended his dominion over nature. And this is the main reason for the development of cities.

Industrialization: Cities grew due to the introduction of new opportunities for production. The invention of machinery and the use of large roots led to the establishment of large plants which led to the mobility of workers towards these industries and their concentration around these areas.

Commercialization: Trade and commerce play an important role in the development of cities Earlier in ancient civilizations cities developed where goods were distributed and commercial transactions took place Nowadays marketing institutions and methods of exchange have evolved greatly influencing the development of cities.

Development of Transport Means: Raw or manufactured material can be sent from one area to another through transport. Due to the presence of industrialization transport has led to concentration of people, local transport has expanded its boundaries and further added to the city’s population.

Means of Communication: CT has developed due to the development in communication like phone mailing internet etc. Establishment of factories, manpower requirement, information from educational institutions, migration of people to the city, all these have led to the growth of CT.

Increased opportunities for earning: Tall structures attract trade and commerce and young generation to cities. Not only can one get more facilities from higher salary but more employment opportunities attract the young generation to the city.

Increase in education facilities: Most of the universities and colleges are located in the cities and large libraries are also located in the cities. Not only this, competitive examination centers and agencies are also located in cities.

Recreational facilities: Art galleries and museums, amusement parks and theaters etc. are in the cities. Which attracts children and young generation. Naturally, this facility attracts young men and women to cities.

Community organization

Human communities are classified based on population size and density.


the village


Region and World Community.

Neighborhood: People who live close to home in a specific geographic area children come into contact with neighborhood is the first community.

According to “Anderson” and “Parker” a neighborhood may be an amalgamation of several family groups.

neighborhood of the city

neighborhood of the village

Neighborhood of a City: Lack of close contact or lack of contact people know or even know of people living in a neighborhood means that neighborhood as a community does not exist in such a city.

Village Neighbourhood: In villages people are well acquainted, live in close proximity to each other and have immediate contact.

It has been observed that women and children like to live in the neighborhood more than men.


Influence of Culture on Social Life To understand the nature of society it is necessary to understand culture. Various definitions of culture are as follows.

According to Malinoski: Culture is man’s handiwork and the means by which he acquires his traits.

According to Tylor: Culture is a complex whole that includes knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, rules, customs, and any capacity acquired by man as a member.

CHARACTERISTIC OF CULTURE Characteristics of culture

Culture is not innate but an acquired quality.

Culture is not the individual heritage of man but a social product shared by members of a group.

Culture fulfills the moral and social needs of the group.

Different parts of culture are integrated with each other.

Culture is the sum total of the ideas and norms of a group.

Culture is passed from one generation to another through tradition or customs.

Language is the main vehicle of culture.

Culture means evolution of culture

Physical evidence of a people such as pottery, coins, etc. does not tell us about the culture but this evidence reveals the evolution of the culture.

It is difficult to trace the origins of a particular culture because it is lost in the mists of antiquity.

Cultural development can be traced back to discovery and invention.

Material as well as non-material cultural attributes are explored but this exploration does not contribute to the development of culture.

The achievement of an individual’s invention is itself made possible out of the culture that has evolved. The individual is not the cause of the invention, only the agent of the cultural situation that brings about the change in culture.

Culture is developed from complex traits that are interdependent Traits are not independent of other traits Culture traits present today will influence the discovery of new traits This means that current culture traits are an improvement over past traits.

Humans are the distinctive elements involved in the evolution of culture and the culture developed by one generation is the basis of the next generation.

Nature of culture means nature

Culture is based on the unique human ability to categorize experiences Culture is the process by which the older generation inspires and forces the younger generation to reproduce an established lifestyle Culture is difficult to quantify as it is embodied in an individual’s lifestyle Because that culture is so pervasive that it escapes thought every day.

Diversity and homogeneity of culture

Culture is not innate. Humans create culture. Culture consists of principles and traditions transmitted from generation to generation. Although humans have created it Culture is flexible and changing Human culture is linked to the biological evolution of humans Because humans are creative by nature they have developed different or different ways of life Cultural diversity is geographical location, religious beliefs, and life styles is the result of

Culture is the acquired behavior of a group. It means that there are as many group as cultures. In many cultures the groom moves to his wife’s home. While in others the bride comes to stay at her husband’s house. This includes group differences in cultural behavior among different peoples in India which are known as different cultures.

Various factors for culture:

Geographical Location: Geographical location provides the basis for different cultures. This is due to the availability of different materials for use. For example flat land where there were large herds of cattle led to nomadic cultures.

Unconscious behavior that is imitated then becomes a custom is a part of culture: an action performed unconsciously by a person and imitated by others becomes a culture.

Flexibility in Behaviour: Man is flexible and adjusts himself to his natural environment. This arrangement of culture behavior shows the diversity of culture.

Technological progress: Cultures are diverse because one group is progressively backward than others. This can cause a change in culture from one to the other.

Religious Belief: These groups differ from each other on the basis of religious belief.

Lifestyle: Changes in lifestyle due to education differentiate one group from another.

Different types of culture exist in India due to changes in life style in level of education.

India has 32 languages ​​and each state has its own story-songs that reflect the diversity of its culture.

There are thousands of factories to produce specialized works. For which management tasks are divided into labor tasks, administrative tasks. Each group has different behavioral patterns based on which different cultures lead to different occupations.

There are many religions in India and people of certain religions have their own lifestyle beliefs and standard of living.

Another culture differs from state to state like Punjabi culture Haryanvi culture etc eating habits dress and culture.

Homogeneity: Homogeneity of culture is more complex than it seems. Homogeneity of culture in India is based on the belief that God is one who is superior to all of us.

Globalization offers an opportunity for universal cultures to become internalized and thus become part of the whole. Culture infrastructure is the global force that currently shapes India.

Culture and Socialization

Culture is defined as the beliefs, values, behaviors and physical objects shared by a particular group of people. Culture is a way of life that is common to many people. Our culture is reflected in what we wear, when we eat and how we spend our time.

Our culture affects every aspect of our lives.

Socialization is a process that shapes and defines our thoughts, feelings and society. Provides a model for our behavior. As children become socialized they learn how to fit in and function as productive members of human society. This process of socialization teaches human beings the values ​​and norms of a culture. Provides guidance for our lives.

When a person is born he is helpless. That depends on others. The most basic physiological need experienced as a person grows is to go out. Be able to participate in society. This process is called socialization.

This process is important for all human societies. Because every new generation is a means of teaching culture.

Socialization is the teaching of culture to human society from generation to generation.

It means that human infants are born without any culture they must transfer. Agents of socialization such as family (parents) school (teachers) peers (friends) and culturally and socially a group of human beings. The general process of acquiring this culture is known as socialization. In this the language of culture is learned. Cultural norms we learn during socialization Much of human personality is the result of our genes.

Socialization can result in homogeneity in society. National governments around the world standardize education on the basis that if all children receive the same socialization, it is likely that they will share the same beliefs and expectations. And make it compulsory for all children. Education is a powerful tool to control people. Those who internalize societal norms are less likely to break the law.

Enlightenment is the process by which we learn the fundamentals of our culture and develop as individuals. And we learn good personality in society.

Initial understanding in different families often varies in technology goals and expectations. Complex societies are therefore not culturally homogeneous because they do not have consensus on what shared norms should be.

Socialization of children

Socialization is a learning process that begins immediately after birth. Early childhood is the most critical period for social reasons. Because this is the time language is acquired and fundamental cultural personalities are learned. Different cultures use different techniques to socialize their children. Education i.e. formal and informal education is a way of social learning of children. Small acts of parents can have a big impact on their children’s socialization.

Exchange: The process of transferring goods and services to each other. Exchange is a social process in which social behavior is exchanged for some form of reward of equal or greater value.

Competition: It is a process by which two or more people work to achieve the same goal and the best is selected.

Co-operation: In co-operation people work together to achieve a goal.

In cooperation individuals do not think of individual goals but work cooperatively for the greater goal i.e. group or team goals.

Conflict: It is a social process in which people conquer each other physically or socially. This type of situation is often seen in politics.

Coercion: means use of force. It is a process by which people use force to force others to do something against their will. Coercion is used by the police.


Community sentiment

A community is a group of people living in a particular geographical area and sharing different conditions of life with each other.Society includes all the relationships that exist between people.

Define locality

Society does not have specific boundaries; society is universal; the term society is based on social relationships; on the other hand, community is a group of people living in a particular geographical area.



C: Be different

S: Only society can feel


C: There may or may not be a conscious relationship

S: Conscious relationships are more important than population in society


C: It is narrower than society because community comes much later than society.

S: This has a wider scope than a community


C: A community does not have a society

S: There are many communities in society


C: In this people do not become self-sufficient due to limited scope

S: In this people become self-reliant


C: The area has a definite shape

S: People living in small, large and remote areas and working in different fields can form a society.


C: is broadly and loosely coordinated

S: More extensive and closely coordinate with each other


C: An individual cannot express himself individually and has to obey the dictates of the community

S: Individuals have a wide scope to develop themselves and express their personality.


A village community is a small area with a small population that follows agriculture not only as an occupation but also as a way of life. A village is the oldest and most permanent community.

Emergence of village:

Early human communities were migratory, later they became stable with the knowledge and skills of agriculture as a food source, and villages emerged indicating that man had moved from a nomadic lifestyle to a settled one.

Every human race or nation has its period of village community.

It is believed that the villages existed 5000 years ago.

Feature of village community:


The people of the village have a sense of unity all the families of the village unite and share their happiness and sorrows with each other they also unite and work to protect themselves from the invaders.


Villagers are closely related and know each other personally.


Village people have a common culture The customs and conventions of the village people are also common.


Villagers jointly organize religious activities and participate in these activities.


Neighbors are very important in villages. Individuality is not enough. Villagers care about their neighbors and help each other.


In the villages still the family exists, the business of agriculture requires the cooperation of all the family members.


The occupation of the village people is agriculture and it depends on the nature so the village people have an attitude of fear towards the natural forces and start worshiping it as their religion.


The villagers are simple, their behavior is natural, they live a peaceful life and stay away from the evils of modern civilization.


Villagers are sincere mental struggle fellows free and hardworking.

HOSPITALITY (Welcoming guests):

The people of the village are very hospitable towards the guests, their behavior is not bad, they always welcome the other person with a smile.


Village people have high morality and village people live their lives based on certain rules.


Characteristics of Indian Villages:

Indian villages are the unit of Indian social structure.

Around 70 to 80% of the total population lives in villages.

Villages are classified into small, medium and large villages.


A sense of economically connected to neighborhood cities:

Villages are socially and economically connected to neighboring cities.

In the early 19th century the villages were isolated and self-sufficient. Because all basic needs were satisfied in the villages, but with the development of means of family transport and communication, the barrier between cities and villages broke down.

Structure of simplicity, calmness and peace:

The atmosphere in the villages is simple and calm Any activity of modern civilization is seen only in the village The life of the villagers is ascetic and they wear simple clothes and live in mud-walled houses but now these houses have been replaced by well-designed buildings (fashion plays a role in the life of the villagers (taken) Radio and TV music can also be heard in villages.

Poverty and illiteracy:

Village people are generally poor and their income is low, they eat coarse food and wear rough clothes. Apart from poverty, the village people are mired in illiteracy and ignorance as educational opportunities for children are less. Facilities for higher education are also nil. .

Due to poverty the villagers cannot send their children to the city for education and due to lack of education they cannot adopt the latest techniques to increase production and most of the time the villagers remain backward.

Strong attachment to customs and traditions:

The outlook of the villagers is mainly their old ways and they accept changes with their reluctance.

Local self government:

The people of the village manage their affairs through the traditional institutions of the Panchayat.

This panchayat system began to fall during the British rule and after independence new efforts were made to strengthen the panchayat system.


An urban community is an area with a high population density.

In terms of Census of India, urban areas are those that are local authorities such as Municipal Content Boards Notified Area Committees.

At least 75 percent of the urban population is engaged in non-agricultural occupations.

Urban people are gradually engaged in different business activities.

Feature of urban community:

Class extremes:

In urban areas, class extremes are found between the richest and the poorest.

People live on the sidewalk.

Some people’s lives are luxury.

In this people live in bungalow kothi paka house and raw house.

They are able to meet their daily routine life needs

No primary contact:

Residents of urban communities are not in primary contact with each other.

They do not even know who is living next to them and in this people do not recognize each other Mechanical attitude:

People in urban communities have a mechanical attitude.

They show the utmost manners of courtesy and mutual convenience.

They treat man not like a man but like a machine.

No sense of belongingness:

People in urban communities are aware of the existence of many institutions and people around them but urban people do not feel a sense of belonging to any group or community.

Breeding ground of new biological and cultural hybrid:

Urban communities are inhabited by people of different races and cultures, with people from different parts of the world having personal characteristics, occupations, cultural life and ideas that vary widely.

Social contact:

Social contacts are personal and fragmented and social distance is maintained between people.

Energy and speed:

People in urban community are ambitious and work day and night this makes their life busy and materialistic and creates more emotional stress and insecurity in people.

Health and disease:

Congestion and pollution in urban communities adversely affect the health of urban people and the incidence of disease is higher in urban people than in rural areas.


The growth of cities: urbanization and its impact on health practices.

Growth of cities:

All civilizations have seen people migrate from villages to cities

From 6000 to 5000 bc:

The first city appeared to be small and difficult to distinguish from the town

By 2000 bc: came into existence

19th century – urban revolution developed.

Availability of increased resources:

CT grows in a place where there is availability of resources for life.

Humans have been destroying natural resources to make improvements in technology.

This is the main reason for the growth of CT.


In this, due to industrialization, the people of the villages are moving to the cities.

Cities have developed due to the introduction of new technologies of production.

The invention of machinery and its widespread use led to the invention of industries.

Capital has led to the establishment of large transplants which have led to the concentration of all workers in industries and around these areas.


Trade and commerce play an important part in the development of cities.

Earlier in ancient civilization cities were developed where goods were distributed and trade was done by merchants.

Currently, marketing is the development of organizations and the method of exchange that greatly influences the development of cities.

Development of means of transport:

Raw or manufactured materials can be shipped from one area to another.

The presence of industrial transport leads to concentration of people.

Local transport has further added to the city’s population extending its boundaries.

Means of communication:

The development of communication like phone, email, internet etc. has led to the development of cities.

The establishment of factories, the need for manpower, the information of educational institutions has led to the migration of people to the city.

All these have led to the development of cities.

Increased opportunities for earning:

Business and commerce people move to cities for higher wages.

Not only can they get more facilities with a higher salary, employment opportunities in the city attract the younger generation.

Increased facilities of higher education:

Most universities and colleges are in cities.

Big libraries are also found in cities.

Not only this, competitive examination centers and shifting agencies are located in the city.

Recreational facilities:

Art galleries and museums, amusement parks and theaters etc. are in cities which attract children and young generation.

Naturally, due to these facilities, young women are attracted to cities

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