Q.1 MCQ (Compulsory) (6-1=6)
1.The code of ethics was given by:
1.Indian Nursing Council
2.International Council of Nurses
3.World Health Organization
4.American Nurses Association.
2 1. Education provided to help the patient in decision making related to his/her recovery intervention choices is example of
2 Clinical patient education
3.Health education
4.Patient literacy
5.Patients consent
3 If the diarrhoea persists and weakness interferes with the patients normal perineal hygiene, the patients has chances for skin breakdown is.
4 Nurses are legally and ethically obligated to keep information about patients illness and treatments records to be..
5 While measuring the blood pressure in upper arm, the chest piece of stethoscope is placed ove
1.Acxllary artery
2.Brachial artery
3.Radial artery
4.Ullmar artery
6. Nurse should make sure that ice melts slowly by
1.Sprinkling salt on ice and add to ice cap
2.Sprinkling French chalk poweder on ice and add to ice cap
3.Sprinkling ice chips on ice and add to ice cap
4.Sprinkling chilled water on ice and add to ice cap
Q.2 Write Essay type question. (Any one out of two)
Q.3 Write Short Notes on. (Any three out of fixe) (3-5-15)
1 Write in detail about Admintranon of oral medication
2 Stages of a Pressure Ulcer
3 Wrire procedure on Back care
4 Write in detail about Ene
Q.4 Write very short answers: (Any one out of two)
1 1.Naring ne
2 2. Hplistc c
Q.5 Multiple choice questions. (6-1-6)
1 Which food must be avoided in patient with hyperkalema
1.Potato chips
2.canned soup
2 Hospital aquired infections are the infections that the person acquires:
1. After discharge from the hospital
2.Before admission
3.during the hospital discharge
4.Within 24 hours of hospital admission.
3 The duration of surgical hand washing is.
1.)2 to 3 minutes
2.)3 to 5 minutes
3.)5 to 7 minutes
4.)7 to 9 minutes
4 Red color bin contains
1.Infectious waste
2.Infetious waste and plastic waste
3. Sharp west
4. Glass bottles
5 The study of drug is known as
3. Pharmecology
4. None of above
6 Which injection techmque is designed to deposit medications deep into muscle tissues to minimizw skin irritation.
Q.6 Write Essay type question. (Any one out of two)
1.Write in detail about Administration of Drug
2 Write in detail about Stages of death, and care of terminally ill patient
Q.7 Write short answer: (Any two out of three) (2×3-10)
1 Nightingale theory
2 Explain about Hot application procedure
3. Functions of a trase
Q.8 Write very short answers: (Any three out of four)
1.Definition of NURSE
2 Definition of Heath
3 Meaning of critical thinking in nursing