Health Education
a) Concept, definition, aims and objectives
of health education
b) Principles of health education
c) Process of change/modification of health
d) Levels and approaches of health
e) Methods of health education
f) Scope and opportunities for health
education in hospital and community
g) Nurse’s role in health education.
💙 Introduction:
Health education is essential if people are to learn how to live healthy lives and avoid diseases.
It also helps them understand what health is and how to care for it, and the need for health services and disease control programs.
Health education can show people good health and wellness.
Services are a basic human right; It can explain that health services are important for development.
Health education, as part of primary prevention, helps people understand their bodies and value their health, learn about diseases and how to best use organized health services.
💙 Health education:
The World Health Organization defines health education as “consciously designed opportunities for learning involving some form of communication designed to improve health literacy, including developing life skills conducive to individual and community health”.
💙 Concept of health education:
The modern concept of health education emphasizes health behavior and related actions of people.
Behavior Adopting or changing behavior can be that of individuals, groups such as families, health professionals, organizations and institutions, or communities as a whole.
💙 Changing concept:
Historically health education has been committed to disseminating information and changing human behavior.
After the alma-ata declaration adopted in 1978, the emphasis has shifted from—
Disease prevention to promote healthy lifestyles.
Changes in individual behavior and changes in the social environment in which a person lives.
Community participation for community involvement.
Promotion of individual and community self-reliance.
To discuss aim of health education:
To provide information about health and hygiene (to provide information about health and hygiene)-
It aims to acquaint students and teachers with the functions of the body, rules of health and hygiene and precautionary measures to prevent disease.
To maintain norms of good health-
A number of good health programs, developing adequate habits of clean environment like healthy living, hygiene etc. among the students.
To take precautionary and preventive measures-
Its purpose is to take adequate precautions against contamination and spread of diseases.
To take curative measures-
Remedial measures are also taken against the disease. Detects disability and disease, and prescribes remedial measures.
To develop and promote mental and emotional health (for the development and promotion of mental and emotional health)–
Mental and emotional health are equally important in a health program.
While physical health makes a student physically fit, mental and emotional health enables him to maintain an even temper and cheerful demeanor.
To develop a sense of civic responsibility among people.
People do not come to the aid of others in times of need and relieve their suffering.
Therefore, one of the objectives of health education is to inculcate a sense of civic responsibility.
Through health education, people are made aware of social crimes, viz
People do not come to the aid of others in times of need and relieve their suffering.
Therefore, one of the objectives of health education is to inculcate a sense of civic responsibility.
Through health education, people will be made aware of social crimes like spitting anywhere, sneezing and coughing into others’ mouths.
💙 To enumerate objectives of health education:
(1) Cultivating desirable health practices and health practices and health habits.
(ii) Developing attitude towards health.
(iii) To appreciate the health program carried out by the school and the community and to improve the school and the community and improve the material necessary for the implementation of that programme.
(iv) To inculcate health consciousness in school and community.
(v) To teach students the rules for maintaining and developing their physical, mental and emotional health.
(vi) Eradication of diseases through health campaign programme.
(vii) Countering superstitions and prejudices in the community.
(viii) To provide a healthy environment for physical and mental development.
(ix) To improve the general conditions of living in the community.
(x) Instructing children and youth so that they can maintain and improve their own health.
(xi) To influence parents and other adults through health-education program for good habits and attitudes in children.
To explain principal of health education:
It is a psychological theory that people do not listen to things that are not in their interest. That is why health education should be related to the interest of the individual. Health educators must find out the real health needs of people.
2.paeticipation (Participation):
Participation is based on the psychological theory of active learning and provides opportunities for active learning—group discussions, panel discussions, work shops—all.
Health education should include not only the personal element but also the social one.
However, individual and community health are closely linked and interdependent.
Should live and live best’ may be a very desirable motto for health education.
In health education one must know the level of understanding for which the education is directed. A barrier to communication is the use of words that are not understood. Especially lower class children do not understand the meaning of health.
Therefore, they should be led to practice certain health habits by concrete goals rather than by some abstract rules of health that are difficult to understand. So education should be in the mental capacity of children
Very few people can learn what is new in a single period of time.
Health instruction needs reinforcement as it helps in comprehension and understanding.
Everyone has a basic desire to learn. Awakening this desire is called motivation
6.learning by doing:
Learning is an action process, not ‘memorization’ in the narrow sense. The Chinese proverb “If I hear, I forget, if I see, I remember, if I do, 1 know” explains the importance of learning so health habits like any other habit must be developed through practice and strict adherence to certain rules.
Known to unknown:
To provide health education, one must move from the known to the unknown, starting with where the children are and what they understand, and then moving on to new knowledge.
💙 To interpret process of health education:
1.Establish communication:
Establishing communication for good interpersonal relationship with customers is a very important step in this process.
A teacher should be a good listener, understand the client’s point of view, answer their questions and meet their immediate needs to identify their learning level and readiness level.
Assessing learning needs:
Assessment involves finding out what patients already know, what they want and need to learn, what they are capable of learning, and what would be the best way to teach them.
Each health care team member has valuable information about the patient and his or her learning needs and abilities.
Collaborating with other caregivers can give you—and them—a better picture, allowing you all to design more effective teaching strategies.
Planning and implementing patient teaching
The next step in the process is planning and implementing an individualized learning plan.
Deciding what will be taught is a decision that you and the patient need to make together.
Although you start out as a content expert, your goal is to empower your patient as much as they need to manage their own health care needs.
Start by looking at the information the patient needs to know and distinguish between “what the patient needs to know” and what is nice to know.
Evaluating patient learning:
Assessment, the last stage of the teaching process, is the ongoing evaluation of the patient’s learning progress during and after teaching. The goal of assessment is to find out if the patient has learned what you have taught.
Here are some ways you can assess learning:
Observe compensatory performances to see if the patient has learned the psychomotor skills required for the task
Ask the patient to restate the instructions in his own words
Ask the patient questions about whether there are areas of instruction that need to be reinforced or retaught,
Give simple written tests or questionnaires before, during, and after learning to measure cognitive learning
Documenting patient teaching and learning:
Documentation of patient education should be done throughout the education process. Documentation is done for many purposes.
Documentation promotes communication about the patient’s learning progress among all health care team members.
Good documentation helps maintain continuity of care and avoids duplication of education.
Patient education can be documented through flow-charts, checklists, care plans, traditional progress notes, or computerized documentation.
Regardless of the method, the information should become part of the patient’s permanent medical record.
💙 To discuss level of health education:
Levels of health education are-
Mass level
Community level
Group level
Family level
Individual level.
1.mass level:
This creates mass awareness among people. Education is imparted using mass media of communication.
This includes-
Journals etc
2.Community level:
It is for a defined community.
It is not only to create awareness but also helps people to understand their health problems and need to find and implement solutions to their problems.
3.Group level:
It is meant to teach health matters to specific groups in a defined setup. There can be different target groups for health education like eligible couples, antenatal mothers, school children etc.
The method can be used-
Lecture method
Question answer
Skit etc
4.Family level:
Family is the unit of all health services. Addressing that member’s health needs and health problems in a family setting. It is very important to conduct health education at the family level according to their learning needs to develop their abilities and competencies to be able to manage their health conditions.
5.Individual level:
It is done to help the individual learn and assimilate health information to change his attitudes and behaviors that are health promoting and protective.
💙 To explain method of health education:
Lecture method:
Lecturing is a teaching method that primarily involves an oral presentation given by an instructor to a group of students.
Many lectures are accompanied by some form of visual aid, such as a slideshow, word document, image, or film.
Some teachers may also use a whiteboard or chalkboard to emphasize important points in their lecture, but a lecture does not need any of these items to qualify as a lecture.
Teacher control
New material
Group discussion:
Pool and opportunity to test ideas, experience and knowledge.
When used: Whenever more group participation is desired.
A pre-planned outline is required.
The facilitator encourages and guides participation.
Dealing with just over 20 participants becomes messy without careful planning of material to cover and skillful direction from the facilitator.
Buzz groups:
Description: Allows full participation by group members through small subgroups of participants, followed by discussion among the whole group.
When used: Use with other group methods when participation of each group member is desired
Procedure: Prepare one or two questions on the topic to be given to each group.
Divide the members into small subgroups of four to six persons.
A leader is selected in each subgroup to record and report relevant ideas to the entire group.
Limitation: Consideration should be given to groups and organizations.
Description: A discussion in the form of a conversation between a selected group of individuals with a leader, in front of an audience that joins later.
When used: As a technique to stimulate interest and thought, to provoke, better discussion.
Procedure: Leader formulates plan with four to eight panel members. Panels hold informal discussions without set speeches. The leader opens the discussion to the larger group, and summarizes.
Limitation: Discussion may be confidential. The speaker’s personality can overshadow the content of the discussion. A vocal speaker can monopolize the program.
Description: A discussion in which a topic is divided into different parts. Each part is presented in a short, concise speech by an expert or well-informed person.
When used: When you want to transmit specific information.
Procedure: The facilitator meets with three or four group members and plans an outline.
Participants are introduced and give reports.
Questions the speakers at the end of the discussion.
Limitation: Speakers and groups may derail.
Speakers’ personalities can overshadow content. A very loud speaker can monopolize a conversation.
Role playing:
Description: Spontaneous acting out of a situation or event by selected individuals.
When used: As a basis for developing a clear understanding of people’s emotions and the forces in a situation that facilitate or hinder good human relations.
Procedure: The facilitator or group selects an appropriate situation or problem. The group defines the roles and general characteristics of each player, and then creates the scene. The facilitator observes and discusses specific behaviors, underlying forces, or emotional reactions
Limitation: Requires skilled facility, so actors play roles seriously without self-consciousness.
Case studies:
Description: A factual account of a specific event and/or problem is presented to the class. This is how the matter was resolved
When used: When a specific example is the best way to explain a topic. This method is often used to supplement traditional lecture approaches on the subject. Can be used to synthesize ideas and apply theory to practical problems.
Procedure: The facilitator documents the case study, changing actual names and locations if necessary.
A case study is presented to the class and usually followed by a discussion.
Limitation: Case studies require additional work by the facilitator to ensure that they are direct and appropriate examples of what is being presented.
Description: A visual way of presenting information to a group;
Often complements a written presentation or lecture.
When used: When a topic or idea is presented visually, it will have a direct impact.
Procedure: The facilitator either prepares the demonstration or asks the guest to do so.
Limitation: All group members must be able to see the demonstration clearly. It must be rehearsed to work smoothly on the day of the presentation.
💙 To discuss scope of health education:
Health education is a very broad term.
It has a very wide scope.
It is dependent and closely related to many other aspects besides health.
These aspects include housing, economic security, agricultural or industrial prosperity etc. Generally, health education includes:
Food and its importance in the development of human body.
Water, air, light, physical exercise, recreation, rest and sleep etc.
Abnormal conditions and bad habits. Their adverse effect on a person’s physical and mental health.
Various ailments and diseases. Their causes and ways and means
Mental health, sexual hygiene, domestic and community hygiene.
Emergency and first aid.
Family planning.
Human body system.
Personal health.
at school
Thus we see that the scope of health education is really vast. It touches all branches of human life, namely personal life, school life and community life.
💙 To explain role of nurse in health education:
A nurse must earn the trust of the people.
The nurse should encourage them to change habits for a healthy life.
It is important to choose the subject carefully.
It is essential to use appropriate audio visual aids to enhance the impact of health education.
Effective communication is very important in health education. Barriers to communication need to be removed.
Health education should be planned and continued.
It is the nurse’s responsibility to evaluate the health education program periodically using tools and observations.