Communication Skills
a) Definition, process, purposes, principles,
types and importance of communication
b) Barriers in communication
c) Establishment of successful
d) Observing and listening skills.
It is a process in which two or more people can genuinely share or exchange their thoughts or responses.
The word communication comes from Latin which means “to exchange information”. Through communication, you can transmit any kind of information from one place to another through various mediums.
Communication skills come in handy if you want to advance in any field, under which your effective form is seen and also how you are through communication skills. Communicate with people and express other emotions. In other words we can say that communication skill is a way of presenting oneself effectively which should be used.
✅ Definition of communication:-
“Communication is the process of exchanging information, and the process of creating and transmitting meaning between two or more persons”.
A scientist named Sir Obster has given the definition of communication as follows.
It is the foundation of society and the most fundamental aspect of nurse-patient interaction.
✅Communication process:-
✔ 1. Sender:
The sender (communicator) is the originator of the message. The sender formulates, encodes and transmits the information he wants to convey. The effect of the message will depend on the sender’s communication skills, social status (authority), knowledge, attitude and reputation in the community.
✔ 2. Massage (message):
The message should be specific and complete. and the medium used to deliver the message. That means should be simple and objective. That is, the message should be clear and understandable. Also should be as per certain request and requirement.
A message is an information in physical form that a communicator transmits to his audience to receive, understand, accept and act on it. A message can be in the form of words, pictures or symbols.
The message components are:
massage code- any group that can be structured in a way that is meaningful to a single person, eg. language.
message contents – the content of a message, i.e., selected by the source to convey its intent.
message treatment – The message treatment, ie, the decisions that the communication source makes in selecting, organizing, and organizing both code and content.
A good message must be:
✔ 3. Channel of communication:
A channel refers to the “physical bridge” or means of communication between the media and the receiver.
Channels can be:
*interpersonal (face to face communication) can be verbal or non-verbal, or
Each channel of communication has its advantages and limitations.
Proper selection and use of channels results in successful communication.
✔ 4. Receiver:
Receives messages from the sender, decodes them, interprets the meaning and gives feedback.The receiver is the receiver of the message which can be an individual, a group or a crowd. These people should be polite and honest, thus effective communication can be done only if the above three things are right.
✔ 5. Feedback:
It is the flow of information from the receiver to the sender, the reaction to the message.
✅ Purposes of communication:-
What are the purposes of communication? (State the objectives of communication?)
The objectives of communication are to maintain health in particular people and communities and to educate people to take health to a higher life and health plays a major role in the activity of education.
What are the principles of communication? (State the principles of communication)
Communication should have an objective and a purpose.
It should suit the situation.
A systematic analysis of the message should be What are the ideas or thoughts which are not to be taken to the people, so that everything becomes clear.
Appropriate language and medium of communication should be chosen according to its purpose and language
There should be an organizational environment including appropriate time and physical setting to convey the desired meaning of communication.
Consultation with other people should be done for communication planning and special preparation should be done for it.
The message should be of value to the receiver that can highlight his needs and interests.
Communication followed by communication action is important in effective communication because it speaks louder than his/her words.
To ensure that the intended meaning of the message is understood by the receiver, the sender has to be careful and listen properly to understand the attitude and reaction of the receiver.
Credibility is very important.
A communication program should use existing facilities as much as possible and avoid challenging them unnecessarily.
✅ Types of communication
✔ way communication:
The flow of communication is “one-way” from the communicator to the receiver. E.g. lecture method
Significantly faster than two way communication
Knowledge is imposed
Education is authorized
Low audience participation
There is no feedback
Little influence on human behavior.
✔ 2.two way communication:
Both sender and receiver participate in it.
Mode of communication:
Verbal communication:
Traditional way of communication through mouth.
Language is the main vehicle of communication.
“Effective verbal communication skills” are included
Oral communication also includes written words.
Non verbal communication:
Communication happens without words.
Facial expressions, gestures
Common verbal communication in health care set-up are :
Standing order
Complaint book
Hospital magazine
Annual reports
Non verbal communication in nursing care delivery:
1.Touch: Touch is an individual behavior and meaning for different people. Family, regional, class and cultural influences largely shape tactile experiences.Factors such as age and gender also play a major role in the meanings associated with touch.
2.Eye contact:
Conversation often begins with eye contact.Eye contact also indicates respect and a willingness to listen and keep the conversation open. Its absence often indicates anxiety and neglect of communication.
3.Facial expression: The face is the most expressive part of our body.Facial expressions show anger, joy, surprise, fear and contempt. Some people’s faces are extremely expressive while others mask their emotions making it more difficult to determine what the person is really thinking. Nurses must learn to control their own facial expressions but must be good at understanding the emotions of others through their behavior.
5.gait: A bouncy, purposeful gait usually carries a message of well-being. Less purposeful movements often mean that a person is sad and depressed.
6.Gesture: Gestures can convey numerous messages by using different parts of the body
E.g. Thumps up means victory, kicking something often expresses anger.
7.sounds: Crying, moaning, gasping and sighing are verbal but non-verbal forms of communication. Such sounds can be interpreted in numerous ways. For example, a person may cry because of sadness or happiness.Gasping often indicates fear, pain or surprise. Sighing can be a sign of unwilling agreement to do something or relief.
Meta communication:
Comment on the textual content and nature of the relationship between the people involved.
It is the message that conveys the sender’s attitude, feelings and intentions towards the listener; which can be verbal or non-verbal.
To determine importance of communication:
✅ importance of communication