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Preparation of diet / practical
a) Beverages: hot and cold, juice,
shakes, soups, lassi, barley water
b) Egg preparation: egg flip,
scramble, omlet, poached egg
c) Light diet: porridges, gruel,
khichari, dahlia, kanji, boiled
vegetables, salads, custards.
d) Low cost high nutrition diets –
chikki, multigrain roti

                                                            UNIT:- (VII) 

To introduce beverages:

To introduce beverages:
In every culture and society, various drinks and beverages are consumed for human needs.

“A drink or beverage is a liquid intended for human consumption.”

Beverages include tea, coffee, juice, soft drinks, carbonated drinks, alcoholic drinks etc.
To classify the various beverages:

A wide variety of beverages are consumed by humans. They are grouped as follows.

Coffee, tea and cocoa.

Fruit juices and squashes

Miscellaneous beverages such as coconut water, neera, sweetened carbonated drinks.

Alcoholic drinks
To learn about coffee, tea and cocoa:

Coffee, Tea and Cocoa:
Coffee, tea and cocoa are commonly consumed throughout the world. They invigorate the drink and relieve the feeling of fatigue due to the stimulating action of substances like caffeine or thio-bromine in it.
🍄 Coffee:

The stimulant effect of coffee is mostly due to its caffeine content.

Coffee also contains some essential oils that are pleasant to the taste.

Caffeine stimulates gastric secretion, and thus may aid digestion to some extent.

It delays stomach emptying.

Hence it removes the feeling of hunger.

Nutritive value:
Chemical composition of a cup of coffee containing:
6 oz of decoction, 2 oz of milk,
15 grams of sugar is given in the following table:

Protein (g)-1.8

Fat (g)- 2.2


Calcium (g)-0.068

Phosphorus (g)-0.050

Vitamin A (iu)- 102

Calories (kcal)- 98

Effects of excessive consumption: Excessive consumption of coffee can be harmful, as the caffeine content is high.

Too much caffeine causes insomnia, irritability, and rapid heart action. And increases excitement in old and young.
🍄 Tea:
The stimulant effect of tea is due to its caffeine content.

Nutritional value:
Since very little milk goes into making a cup of tea, its nutritional value is much lower than that of coffee. Nutritional value of a cup of tea containing 7 ounces of brew, 1 ounce of milk, 15 grams

Sugar is given in the following table-..
Protein (g)-0.9

Fat (g) -1.1

Carbohydrate (g) -16.4

Calcium (g)-0 .034

Phosphorus (g)- 0.025

Vitamin A (iu)-51

Calories (kcal)- 79

Effects of excessive consumption: Excessive consumption of tea also has the same effect as coffee.
It also contains high amount of oxalic acid which produces renal calculi.
🍄 Cocoa:

Cocoa contains a substance called theobromine that has a stimulant effect similar to caffeine.

Cocoa has a higher protein content than coffee or tea (without milk).

A pleasant taste for cocoa milk. Tea More milk goes into the production of a cup of cocoa than coffee or tea, a cup of cocoa has more nutritional value than a cup of coffee or tea,

Chemical composition of a cup of cocoa containing 8 ounces of milk, 6 grams of cocoa. and 15 grams of sugar is given in the table below –
Protein (g)- 7.2

Fat (g)-8.8

Carbohydrate (g)-26.2

Calcium (g)-0.27

Phosphorus (g)-0.20

Vitamin A (iu)-408

Calories (kcal) 213
To learn about various fruit beverages:

Fruit-based drinks include fruit juices, fruit drinks, squashes, cordials.

Fruit juice is a natural product with little or no additives. It contains 100% fruit in the drink. It contains only fruits. Fresh fruit juice extracted from various fruits mainly contains sugar, good amount of Vit-C, other vitamins and minerals.

Fruit drinks: 10% fruit in the drink. The fruit is liquefied and water is added.

Fruit Juice Squash: Squash is prepared by adding sugar, organic acids and preservatives to freshly expressed fruit juice. Squash is usually diluted with water before consumption.

Fruit Juice Cordials: Fruit juice cordials differ from fruit juice squash in that the suspended fruit pulp is removed. They are usually diluted before consumption.
To learn about various miscellaneous beverages:

1) Coconut water:
Coconut water is a popular drink across India. It contains about 6% sugar and a small amount of vitamins and minerals.

2) Sweet toddy (neera):
Freshly drawn juice from various palms, usually preserved by adding calcium hydroxide, is a popular drink in some parts of India. It contains about 14% sugar and a small amount of vitamins and minerals.

3) Sugarcane juice:
Freshly expressed sugarcane juice with lemon juice is commonly consumed in some parts of India. It contains about 9% sugar and a small amount of vitamins and minerals.

4) Coconut milk:
Coconut milk is a mixture of milk expressed from freshly grated mature coconut kernels with the addition of 6 times the water. It contains fat (7.2%), less…
To learn about alcoholic beverages:
A wide variety of alcoholic beverages are consumed by humans throughout the world.

It contains varying amounts of alcohol.

Alcohol in moderate amounts stimulates gastric secretion and absorption and serves as a source of energy.

Alcohol is a nervous system depressant and excessive alcohol can cause severe depression and loss of movement and consciousness.

The alcohol content of some drinks is given below (with 5% alcohol):…



Wines fortified with spirit-17-23

Spirits (brandy, gin, rum & whiskey) – 35-45
⭐ Topic:
Egg Preparation
List all the types of egg preparation:

Types of egg preparation:

Egg flip or egg nog


a-soft cooked egg

b-Hard cooked Egg

c- Poached Egg

d-Scrambled or Buttered Egg

To explain each method of egg preparation:


Beat the eggs well (yolks unused in the albumen water can be used) and add 250 ml of milk.

Stir well and strain before serving.

This can be flavored with sugar, cinnamon or lemon juice.
To explain the procedure of each method of egg preparation:

Egg recipes:

Soft Cooked Egg:
A. Drop the eggs with a spoon into a saucepan of simmering water just deep enough to cover.

Cover the pan and let it rest for 4-5 minutes. Remove the eggs from the hot water and serve immediately.

The water should not be allowed to boil after adding it to the eggs.

B. Place eggs in cold water and bring to a boil. Allow to boil for about ½ minute. Remove with a spoon.

  • Hard Cooked Egg:
    Drop the eggs into the hot water and simmer for 10-15 minutes depending on the size and hardness of the eggs.

If eggs are to be used cold, they should be cooled immediately after cooking in cold water.

Then the shell can be easily removed.

  • Poached Egg:
    Use a small pan that comes about two-thirds full of water.

Add one teaspoon of salt and one teaspoon of vinegar to every pint of water used.

This helps the eggs set. Bring the water to almost boiling point, crack the egg into the cup, being careful to keep it whole, and gently slide it in. Tilt the pan of water, and gently gather the white around the yolk with a spoon.

Boil until the whites are well set, (about three minutes) Carefully take out the eggs, drain and serve on hot buttered toast.

  • Scrambled or Buttered Egg:

Beat the eggs well, add salt and pepper and a tablespoon of milk, melt enough butter in a saucepan to cover the bottom of the pan.

Add the eggs and cook over very low heat, stirring occasionally to prevent the eggs from sticking to the pan.

Eggs should be soft and creamy when cooked and should be served immediately.

  • Omelette:
    Use a perfectly clean, smooth, flat frying pan.

Lightly beat two eggs, just enough to make the whites and yolks and season with salt and pepper.

Add enough butter to cover the bottom of the pan and when very hot.

Pour in the egg and cook quickly, stirring gently with a knife.

As the egg sets, tilt the pan slightly to allow the cooked egg to drip onto the hot pan.

As soon as all the eggs are set, turn the omelette over, turning the edges over and onto a very hot plate and serve immediately.

If filling an omelette, add a hot cooked filling, e.g. Mixed meat, chopped tomato, omelette before turning.
⭐ Topic:
Soft diet
Enlist the need of soft diet:

Our speech pathologist has identified that we have a swallowing problem. Swallowing problems can occur as a result of head and neck cancer and/or as a possible side effect of your treatment.

A soft diet can reduce fatigue during meals because it reduces the amount of chewing required;

A soft diet can reduce any pain on swallowing during chemotherapy and radiotherapy;

A soft diet reduces the risk of unchewed food particles being aspirated or entering the airways.
Describe concern related to soft diet:

Nutritional concern

A bland diet can be low in fiber which can lead to constipation.

To increase fiber:

➤ Use whole grains in whole meals

➤ Add whole or small amounts of unprocessed bran to soups, breakfast cereals and beverages.

➤ Consume prune juice regularly.

➤ Drink at least 6-8 glasses of fluids daily if necessary.

➤ Make sure fruits and vegetables are eaten regularly.

➤ Alternatively fiber supplements may be needed. If this is necessary, consult a dietician.
Diets Low in Energy:

Bland diets are often low in energy, which can lead to unintentional weight loss.

Strategies to increase energy density:

➤ Use milk instead of water in soups and desserts.

➤ Use sauces and gravies in meals.

➤ Add cream, margarine, oil and/or melted cheese to meals.

➤ Include between meals snacks and nutritious liquids.
🍄 Troubleshooting:

If you experience coughing/choking during meals or frequent chest infections,
l Consult a general practitioner and speech pathologist and dietician if experiencing weight loss, thirst or hunger.
enumerates the indications of soft diet:

A soft diet is recommended in many situations.

➤ Dysphasia (difficulty swallowing)

➤ Surgery involving the jaw and mouth or the gastrointestinal tract

➤ Pain from newly adjusted dental braces

➤ Patients who need to avoid excessive reflux, such as those recovering from esophageal surgery for achalasia, are also instructed to avoid foods that may aggravate reflux.
Enlist the equipment and item needed in preparation of soft diet:

A blender, storage container, strainer or metal coffee filter.

Emergency food options for last-minute or on-the-go quick snacks, protein or nutritional shakes (like Sure)

Fruit smoothies, milk shakes, yogurt and puddings. Baby food
Enlist instruction for soft diet:
While preparing soft food we should follow certain instructions which are as follows:-

➤ Eat 5-6 meals a day.

➤ Rinse our mouth after every meal to help keep

➤ Intake of fiber. As with some medications, constipation can become a problem as you adjust to a soft/liquid diet.

➤ The best way to maintain our nutrition, calories and protein is to vary our diet. So mix it all up, try different things.

➤ Vitamins and supplements can help the body stay healthy.
🍄 Describe the food that are included in soft diet:


➤ Smooth or fruity yogurt

➤ Cottage cheese

➤Soft sliced ​​cheese


➤ Ground cooked meat and poultry

➤ Baked. Poached or boiled fish

➤ Eggs

➤ Casseroles with ground or ½ inch diced meat

➤ Cottage cheese

➤ Sandwiches with soft bread

➤ Shaved deli turkey or ham

➤ Tuna salad or egg salad without celery or raw vegetables


➤ Soft cooked vegetables

➤ Legumes, potatoes

➤ Minced 1/8 or diced ½ inch vegetables


➤ Apple sauce

➤ Drained canned fruits

➤ Soft, fresh fruits such as peaches, nectarines without skin, melon, berries and banana


➤ Cream of wheat, cream of rice, oatmeal, malt-o-meal or co-co wheat.

➤ Pancakes, soft French toast

➤ Soft pasta

➤ White rice

➤ Soft bread, rolls, or muffins

➤Plain cold cereal softened with milk


➤ Custard or pudding

➤ Rice or bread pudding without dried fruit

➤ Sherbet or sorbet

➤ Gelatine

➤ Ice cream and popsicles

➤ Cakes and pies without nuts

➤ Soft cookies without dried fruits or nuts

➤ Chocolate candy without nuts


➤ All beverages


➤ Butter, margarine, oils, vegetable shortening

➤ Salad dressings

➤ Vinegar

➤ Gravies

➤Salt, pepper, spices

➤ Catsup, muster jelly

➤ Horseradish

➤ Sugar, honey, molasses, or syrup

➤ Chilly and other sauce
Describe the food that is avoided in soft diet:

Hard cheese cubes


Thick cold cuts, sausage, wieners, hamburgers, large chunks of cheese, and casseroles with meat.




Canned fruit with juice or syrup unless allowed to drink thin liquids skins and seeds.


Brown or wild rice, cold cereals with dry fruit or nuts.


Brown or wild rice, cold cereals with dry fruit or nuts.


None, unless we have been told to thicken our liquid


Cream cheese olives
⭐ Topic:
🍄 Low cost high nutritious diet
Define low cost diet:

These diets are designed for people who cannot afford expensive diets or meals that have to include food items that are locally available and provide all the nutrients that meet the needs of the individual, family, society and community in different conditions and in different age groups. completes.
Describe Instructions that has to be followed in choosing low cost food item for preparing low cost meal:
A healthy diet does not have to cost a lot so we have to follow some principles which are as follows.


Create a weekly (whole week) meal plan using ingredients we already have and make a shopping list of any missing items.

Try not to shop when hungry.

People who shop when they are hungry tend to spend more, especially on less healthy foods, such as high-fat and sugary snacks.

The average family with children throws away almost a good amount of food every month.

Be strict about buying only what we will eat.

Plan our meals so that all the ingredients on our list are used.

Freeze any unused food.

Bags and boxes will come in handy for food storage.

Cooking extra portions for dinner so we can have some for lunch the next day.

Any left over can be frozen for another day.

After all, there is a freezer full of homemade ready meals.


Cooking extra portions for dinner so we can have some for lunch the next day.

Any left over can be frozen for another day.

After all, there is a freezer full of homemade ready meals.
Frozen fruits and vegetables are underrated.

They’re already cut and ready to use, they’re just as good for us (try to avoid added salt, sugar or fat), and fresh varieties are often cheaper.

Frozen vegetables are picked at the peak of freshness and then frozen to seal in their nutrients.
We can usually save money by buying cheaper brands.

There is not always much difference between the value and premium range.

Give it a try and let our taste buds be the judge, not the shiny label.
We can usually save money by buying cheaper brands.
There is not always much difference between the value and premium range.

Give it a try and let our taste buds be the judge, not the shiny label.

Meat and fish are usually the most expensive food ingredients on the shopping list. What about adding vegetables to meat dishes like casseroles to make our meals go further? Or try eating a few vegetarian meals during the week to keep costs down?

Make food fun by joining the thousands of people who regularly participate in Meat-Free Mondays.

Legumes, such as beans, lentils and peas, are some of the cheapest foods on supermarket shelves.

These beans are low in calories and fat but packed with fiber, vitamins and minerals and count for our day.

Use it in recipes to replace some chicken or meat, such as chili con carne with kidney beans or chicken curry with chickpeas.
Bread is the most wasted household food.

Consume preferably in portions (for convenience) and when very fresh (for taste).

Store bread in an airtight container (such as a freezer bag) to avoid freezer burn.

Find out what’s in the kitchen store’s cupboards, fridges and freezers.

Turns out we have enough ingredients to make a meal! Plan meals for the week so that cooking includes ingredients you already have and avoid buying things you already have on hand.

Check by use-by dates Check the expiry date of ingredients before you use them.

In cooking, buying cheaper cuts of meat is a great way to save money.

Choosing a cheaper cut of meat, such as braising steak, shin or shoulder, doesn’t mean missing out on a delicious meal.

Slow cooking gradually breaks down the fibers in cheaper cuts, giving great flavor at a low cost.

Cheaper doesn’t necessarily mean less delicious.

There are many websites to find recipes made from cheap food and leftover ingredients.

Try eating smaller portions by saying no to second helpings or using smaller plates.

We’ll have more left over for lunch the next day and your waistline might benefit too!

To reduce waste, use staples when cooking foods like pasta and rice and measure so that grains are not wasted.

Preparing and cooking your own meals is usually cheaper than buying takeaway or ready meals, and because it’s easier to control what goes into your dish, it can be healthier.


The cheapest way to buy chicken is to buy a whole chicken.

From a whole chicken, we get two breasts, two thighs, drumsticks and wings, plus a carcass for making stock.

Consider using the deli counter for cheeses and cured meats.

One can get a certain amount of it, which is cheaper and less wasteful.

Fruits and vegetables sometimes cost more pre-packaged than retail.

Check price per weight, stores know that customers want to buy in bulk, and so they mix it up:

Sometimes the packaged product is cheaper, sometimes it is more expensive.

Also, pre-packaged isn’t always the freshest and you may end up with more than you need.

If your regular shopping basket includes fizzy drinks, crisps, snack bars, biscuits and cakes, try to avoid these non-essential items.

Many of these are high in sugar and fat.
It can also contain a lot of salt.
Consider cheaper and healthier alternatives – such as buying sparkling water and fruit juice or fruit and plain yogurt instead of cola.

Special discounts such as buy-one-get-one-free (BOGOF) deals can offer good value, but be careful: buy only what you really need and canned or frozen fruits and vegetables or rice and pasta. This is a good example to have and use.

Shopping days are another way to save by marking down non-essential items.
But make sure the item is not used-
Buy only what you need.

If there are toddlers, get them used to eating the same foods as you instead of relying on expensive toddler food.

Simply mix their portion according to their age and freeze the extra baby food for later.

Make sure not to add salt to their portions and be careful with spicy foods.

Price comparison websites, such as, allow you to select your products and then choose the cheapest supplier.

The price difference can be significant.

This is very different from going to the shops yourself,
Which can make it easier to stay on budget.

Most supermarkets offer discounts on fresh produce at the end of the day.

However, with long opening hours one just has to find the right time to grab those bargains, so that the same can be found at a discount.

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