Essential Nutrients required for the body include Protein, Carbohydrate, Fat,
Contains Vitamins, Minerals and Water.
Classification of Food
The classification of food according to origin, functions, chemical composition, sources & nutritive value is as follows.
A) Classification by origin,
1) Food of animal origin
2) Food of vegetable origin
B) Classification by predominant functions,
(1) Body building food
2) Energy giving food
(3) Protective food
(C) Classification by chemical composition and sources,
1) Proteins
(2) Fats
(3) Carbohydrates./
(4) Vitamins
(5) Minerals
6 Water
(D) Classification by nutritive value
(1) Cereals and millet.
(2) Pulses (Legumes).
(3) Vegetables.
(4) Nuts and oil seeds
(5) Fruits and Roots
6) Milk & Animal food.
(7) Fats and oils.
(8) Sugar and Jaggery.
(9) Condiments and spices.
(10) Miscellaneous food.
(A) Classification by origin
Below are the foods commonly used by newborns according to their origin
are classified according to
(1) Food of animal origin:-
Foods derived from or derived from animals are called animal origin food. Milk, Meat, Fish, Eggs & Animal fat.
(2) Food of plant origin:-
Foods obtained or made from wild plants are called plant origin food
. Dat.. Cereals, Mallet, Pulses, Vegetables, Fruits, roots, Tubers, Vegetable Oils, sugar & jaggary
(B) Classification by predominant functions:-
Protein is considered as Body Building Tood. Carbohydrate and
Fat is called Energy Yielding Food. Because, body temperature and efficiency are sufficient. Vitamins and Minerals are called Protective Food. Foods its main
According to the functions are classified as follows.
The main functions of food are:-
(1) Provision of energy
(2) Body building and repair
(3) Maintenance and regulation of tissue functions. On the basis of the above functions foods have been classified as:
(1) Energy-yielding foods:
These are foods rich in carbohydrate and fat, e. g., Rice, wheat, potatoes, sugar, fats and oils.
(2) Body building foods:
These are foods rich in protein, eg.., Milk, eggs, meat, liver, fish, pulses, oilseed cakes.
(3) Protective foods:
These are foods rich in vitamins, minerals & proteins, e. g. Milk, green leafy vegetables. Protective foods are so called because they protect the body against injection, disease and ill health. It may be mentioned that lets in India are generally poor in protective foods.
A balanced diet must contain sund, from the abacus three groups
C) Classification by chemical composition & sources, sources
(1) Proteins
(2) Fats
3) Carbohydrates.
(4) Vitamins
(5) Minerals
6) Water
Protein :-
Protein means giving first importance. Which is a very important element for the body. Proteins contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and a small amount of sulphur.
No other food ingredient contains nitrogen. Breakdown of food during the digestive process
caused by acid. The total acid content of this amino acid is 22. In which 6 to 8 amino acids are especially necessary for the body. There are two types of Amachic acid.
(1) Essential
(2) Non-essential
(1) Essential amino acid :-
This amino acid is important. which we take in food.
(1) Isoleucine- Isoleucine H-Histidine, A-Arginine
(2) Leucine- Leucine
(3) Lysine – Lysine
(4) Methionine – Methionine
(5) Phenylalanine – Phenylalanine
(6) Tryptophane
(7) Threonine-
(8) Valine
Function of the protein:-
(1) Protein is very important for the growth and development of the body. Because all the elements for body structure are completed from it.
, (2) Destruction of body tissues and the process of producing new tissues continuously, for which fresh protein is required.
(3) Protein is essential in producing different types of juices in the body.
(4) Protein is essential for making RNA & DNA in the body, besides this protein provides heat and energy for the body.
Types of Protein :-
(1) First Class Protein & Animal Protein;
In this type of protein, all the amino acids are symmetrically arranged.
Sources: Milk, eggs, fish, liver, and mutton, also green
Special protein is found in sprouted beans.
(2) Second Class Protein:
This type of protein also contains all types of amino acids. But its proportions
It is not the same. So it needs to be taken in higher quantity.
(3) Third Class Protein:
This type of protein is cheaper than first class protein. can be easily achieved. Each pulse and dal has 25% protein which is affordable for the poor.
Sources:- Legumes, grains, peanuts, and soybeans.
Along with proteins, if vegetables and grains are taken in balanced proportions, important amino acids are available.
Daily Requirement Daily Requirement:-
If body weight is 1 kg then 1 gram of protein should be taken against it. Young children, expectant mothers, pregnant mothers, (feeding mothers) etc. need extra protein than their body weight. 55 grams of protein in men, 45 grams in women, 65 grams in pregnant women, 20 grams more than their weight in pregnant women. A baby from birth to three months needs 2.3 grams, a baby from 3 to 6 months needs 18 grams from mother’s milk, a baby from 6 to 12 months needs 1.9 grams of protein.
1 gram of protein has 4 calories, 1 gram of fat has 9 calories and 1 gram of carbohydrates has 4 calories.
Protein Deficiency Diseases:-
Two main reasons are responsible for protein deficiency.
(1) Malnutrition :-
Inadequate food intake or lack of protein in the diet are responsible for these causes. Poverty, insufficient knowledge about food, economic condition, too many children, unsanitary conditions are responsible for this.
(2) Infection :-
Vomiting, diarrhoea, insufficient food if the child cannot take, then such a situation is created in the body. And due to this the immunity also decreases.
Thus, protein deficiency diseases due to malnutrition and infection are mostly seen in children. Two types of the disease are seen in young children. Which are as follows.
(1) Kwashiorkor:-
Kwashiorkor is a gift of protein in young children especially 5 or 6 years old
is a disease caused by If the baby is malnourished during feeding (the above food) and not getting enough protein, kveshiya core tea is given.
Signs & symptoms
(1) It stunts the growth and development of the child.
(R) The child becomes chidiu.
(3) Swelling occurs all over the child’s body.
(4) Due to too much dirt on the hands and feet, the whole body of the children is swollen.
(5) The child’s face becomes moon shape.
(6) The child’s hair becomes gray, dry and brightness decreases. (-) The skin is dry. There is an incision in it. And there are dark colored stains.
(8) Liver is swollen.
(2) Marasmius:-
This disease occurs when young children do not get enough nutrition. This disease occurs due to negligence especially when the mother does not feed the children and when the above food is given. This disease occurs if there is insufficient food for a long time.
Causes of Marasnius:-
— (1) When a child born prematurely cannot take sufficient amount of mother’s milk
(R) This condition also occurs when the above diet is given insufficient protein.
(3) If the mother does not get enough milk, then the child does not get enough calories.
(4) Getting insufficient food due to poverty,
Signs & Symptoms:-
(1) Child’s weight is low for age.
(R) Low height
(3) The child will not gain weight.
(4) Hair becomes thin and brown.
(P) The child becomes pale.
(6) The subcutaneous tissue gradually dissolves.
(7) Skin diseases are seen.
(8) Spots should be seen on the skin
(9) Frequent diarrhea.
(10) Digestion becomes weak.
(11) The child’s stomach is enlarged.
(12) Eyeballs come out.
Preventirand Treatment:-
(1) Give more protein in proportion to the child’s age.
(2) To encourage the mother to give breast feeding. (3) Timely administration of immunizations to the child.
(4) If diarrhoea, vomiting occurs, treat immediately.
(5) To take the child for examination in the nearest running hospital.
Protein Deficiency in Antenatal Mother:-
Protein deficiency is seen in pregnant women.
(1) If there is protein deficiency during the mother is pregnant then still birth is seen. (Gives birth to a dead child.)
(R) Inadequate protein in a pregnant mother gives birth to a baby with an incomplete mass.
(3) The child is born with a defect.
Signs & Symptoms:-
(1) Children with protein deficiency are underweight.
(R) Gets like anemia.
(3) Diarrhea occurs.
(4) Feeling tired.
(5) Dha will not recover soon.
(6) Swelling of the whole body.
(7) Water fills inside the abdominal part of the body.
Preventiou & treatment:-
(1) Giving too much protein food
(R) If the patient eats green vegetables, give plenty of pulses, pulses, soybeans, oilseeds.
(3) Cut the yellow part of the egg especially if the patient is a non-vegetarian. Dal Soup, Madhan Soup, Sprouted Beans Vargare More…Pawa
2) Fat:-
Fat is made up of oily substances. Some fats are positively charged at certain temperatures. While some are in liquid form at the same temperature. D. T. Castor oil, dalda ghee, curd, any fat containing Dartho etc. Fat provides energy to the body equal to 5/5 of total calories.
Fat is made up of a combination of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Fatty acid from fat
The car is tea.
Fat is divided into two sections.
1) Visible fat :-
This type of fat is used in cooking. D. T. Dalda ghee, castor oil, mustard
oil etc.
(2) Invisible fat :-
This type of fat cannot be seen directly in food. D. T. Milk, eggs, peanuts, mutton,
-Oil etc.
Classification of fats according to food origin is as follows.
Animal fat:-
Chi5, 299 1ó×
Vegetable fat:-
Castor Oil, Mustard Oil, Soybean Oil, Copra Oil, These Fats cause fat inside the body.
The proportions increase enormously. And obesity (more weight than normal) comes in the body. of her
Due to which the person looks awkward.
(1) Dietary fat provides two to three times more calories than CHO and protein.
(2) Gives strength and heat to the body.
(3) Fatty acid is very necessary for the body which protects the body and delicate organs. (4). Fat reduces the effect of cold on the body. Thus, helps in maintaining body heat
(5) Frequent hunger pangs due to fat,
(6) Fatty substances are tasty.
Daily Requirement of fat:-
An adult person needs 15 grams of fat per day. That is, 30 to 40% of total calories are required from fat.
Deficiency of fat:-
The following situation is seen if at is taken less in the food.
(1, DIY skin (dry skin) (2) Deficiency of vitamins A, D, E, K is found.
(3) Important fatty acids are not available to the body. And due to this, a special type of skin no nong is seen in the person. Which is called in Finodar. Phrenoderm
(4) Digestion slows down if too much fat is consumed in food. So diarrhea is often seen. (5) Excessive intake of animal fat increases blood fat content. Due to which blood
Jessels narrows. More
Come81 in Padal UpbS++ lava
(3) C H O (Carbo hydrate) :-
CHO is a compound made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Sartu and San Pratisthan are considered cheap to get the necessary energy [heat] in the body. If there is more CHO than needed, it is converted into fat, and stored in the body.
Classification of CHO:- CHO is divided into three parts.
(1) Starches:– They are available from Cereals, Roots & Tubers:
(2) SimpleSugar :- Sugar is divided into nine parts.
(a) Monosaccharide:- includes glucose, fructose & galectose. that
It is mostly sweet. It can dissolve in water. It spreads. And it is natural food. And it is called simple sugar. Especially corn, mung, grapes and glucose
The sugar included in the powder is considered necessary for the body to perform very important functions. This glucose dissolves in the blood. And tissues use it when needed. Dia
(a) Disaccharide:- It includes Sucrose, Lactose & Mahtose. less of it
It is sweet in proportion.
(3) Cellulose:- It is tough fibrous lining_CHO. Which is available from Cereals, Fruits & Vegetıbles. It prevents constipation as Rupage
‘Courses (from what) :-
Which is available from beets, beets, carrots, sweet potatoes, etc. This glucose is used to maintain fat content in the body and to produce digestive juices in the stomach.
(1) Provides heat and energy to the body.
(2) Helps in the utilization of fats and proteins.
(3) Prevents constipation.
Deficiency of Cl0;-
(1) The person becomes thin and lazy. very quickly —
(2) Normal growth and development are stunted in infants with low CHO levels. (3) Hormones of the pituitary gland include the hormone Chi CIII called insulin. And
In its absence, digestion does not work. (4) If digestion of CHO is not done properly, disease like diabetes is soon applied. and digested
ૢ is deposited in Cnoblood without ૢ. Which comes out through urine.
Vital amines
FUNK, 19
Vitamins are essential elements for the body which are found very little from food, food
-(4) Vitamins:-
Nuts such as protein contain much less vitamins than fat and CHO. These vitamins perform different functions in the body. and is responsible for the growth of the body.
It plays an important role in saving a person’s life. Provides protection against infection and disease in the body. Our body does not produce vitamins. So it should be supplied by food from outside
is Balance diet includes all types of vitamins.
Classification of vitamins:-
(1) Fatsoluble:-
Fat soluble vitamins are called fat soluble vitamins. Vitamins A, D, E and
K is a fat soluble vitamin. It is a very important vitamin in the body.
Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C, and folic acid
Trains can mix with cows. therefore
It is called WaterSoluble (water soluble) tamin. So it is not stored
It is excreted through urine if taken in excess.
Vitamin-1 is a fat soluble vitamin. It is a very important vitamin in the body.
Function of Vitamin-A:- CAnti Sterility vitamin) Data (1) Norua is very necessary for eyesight and eye health. It keeps the eyes very soft.
(R) Vitamin-A is essential for maintaining health of body tissues.
(3) Skeleton is very necessary for goth. Besides
(4) It is very necessary for the structure and development of teeth. (5) Vitamin-A protects against infection.
Sources (from Shema) :-
(1) VegetablesSources:- This vitamin-A is obtained from green vegetables like spinach, coriander, sardhava leaves, sardhava horn, butter, vegetable ghee, dalda ghee etc. Along with this, ripe fruits like papaya, mango, carrot etc. are rich in Vitamin-A.
(2) Animal Sources :-
} Fisl and liver have a lot of vitamin-A content. If a spoonful of eord liver and marine fish get more vitamin-A.
Daily Requirement:-
Vitamin-A (Purupone) 750 ml grams in adults, 50 ml grams for women, 750 ml grams for pregnant mothers, 1100 ml grams for feeding mothers, and 400 ml for children.
Deficiency of vitamin-A;-
The following diseases are seen due to vitamin A deficiency.
(1) Nightblindness :-
This is a symptom of the defect of Vitown-A. In which the person cannot be seen at all at night, which is especially seen in young adults and youth. To prevent it, according to the vitamin, the uncle of Na isun is given.
Among these are the following signs and symptoms in the eye.
(1) Dry eyes cause itching. (2) Burning occurs in the eye.
(3) Total blindness occurs if the treatment of joxeropthemia is not done properly.
(3) Bitotspots:-
In this, a sneeze color spot is seen on the eyeball. Know this spot with that
The shape rises like a triangle. And foamy spots are seen. If this type of Spot
If not treated, there is a possibility of blindness.
14) Keratomalecia:
In this, some part of the eye becomes soft. If this is not treated promptly
The eye pupil loses sight within it. Finally comes blindness. In addition
The immune system also decreases.
Prevention and treatment:-
2 (1) Excessive green vegetables, ripe fruits, carrots, xing etc. should be used as nutrition.
Menthi ni bhaji, palak ni bhaji, sardhwani
(2) 100 grams of green vegetables should be eaten daily. It provides enough vitamin-A.
= (3) If the patient is non-vegetarian, tell him to take liver, mutton, ida, etc. in daily food.
(4) Telling the expectant mother to take vitamin-A and vitamin-D tablets as prescribed by the doctor.
(5) Children aged 9 months to 5 years are given doses of vitamin-A solution every six months to prevent blindness.
Vitamin-AandBlindness Prevention Program:-
Vitamin-A deficiency in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, and West Bangalore
This health problem of blindness always occurs. And because of this two lakhs every six months
Theunit! Single dose is given to children, which causes blindness in young children
can be stopped. And no harm to the eye it (nfo ||)!! It can be prevented, so the Government of India – A.D. Program to prevent blindness implemented in 1980
Vitamin-D was initially identified from calcipherol, which is obtained from sunlight in green leafy vegetables, fish oil, and ivy. There are many forms of vitamin-D.
But only two forms are important for human needs.
(1) Vitamin-D2 or Ergo calciferol
(2) Vitamin-D3 or ahcalcifero
Vitamin-D2 does not occur naturally. But it is obtained from vegetable. While vitamin-03 is produced under the skin by sitting in the sun’s rays. It is also found in abundance in fish, liver, and oils.
(1) Vitamin D is essential for maintaining healthy bones and tooth structure. (2) Calcium and phosphorus are absorbed in the intestine. and vitamins for its daily consumption-)
is necessary.
Sources (from Shema):-
Foods include green leafy vegetables, sunlight, fish called salmon, sardines, herring, eggyolk, milk & its products etc.
Daily Requirement:-
(1) Adults require 100 units or 2.5 micrograms of vitamin D per day.
(R) A person who does not come out in sunlight during the day. Such a person needs to take 400 units of vitamin-D.
(3) Daily requirement of 400 units (10 mg.) of vitamin-D for pregnant or lactating mother and growing child.
Deficiency of disease:-
Vitamin-D deficiency causes rickets in young children. And in a big person
Osteomalacia is tea.
(1) Ricket lez+ in small ∞aphi
This disease occurs in children due to vitamin-D deficiency. It also does not absorb phosphorus in the intestines of children, so the bones become weak and weak. Along with this, the teeth The composition is also flawed.
Signs & Symptoms :-
(1) The palate of the baby’s head is late. (2) The ends of the long bones are widened,
(3) Joint of rib and cartilage widens. (4) An opening will be found in the knee and wrist joints.
(5) Muscles do not develop properly.
(6) Stomach becomes bloated. Due to this, the child learns to walk late.
(5) The child becomes irritable.
(8) Child feels dizzy
A – occurs quickly through consciousness. (10) A child’s breast is like a dove’s chest (enches).
(9) Late teething
Vatrya Mali Sewa
(2) Osteomalacia (Adult) :-
This disease is seen in adults due to deficiency of vitamin-D and calcium. its reasons
is as follows.
(1). When the whole body does not get enough calcium in the daily diet.
(2) Osteoalacia occurs in older age when lactating mothers do not get enough calcium.
(3) Muslim women who wear a veil are not getting enough calcium to get this disease.
Signs & Symptoms :-
(1) The bone becomes the foundation. Due to which Spine leg bones, pelvic bones are twisted. (r) Any defo mity develops due to it.
(3) Pain is seen in the back of the tooth and in the leg.
(4) Arakit comes.
(5) There is difficulty in walking.
ૐ (6) Because the bones are weak and weak, any kind of fracture occurs in the body by itself.
Prevention and Treatment:-
(1) Food containing vitamin D should be taken.
(2) Take and give green vegetables, fruits, butter, liver, fish, sulight etc.
(3) Sunbathing of children,
(4) Vitamin-D tablet is as per doctor’s order. to hide
(3)Vitamin-B Tocopherol):
This is a 4uble vitamin. Found in fat. This vitamin is important for pregnancy and baby growth. which is exploited at the end. And this vitamin can be made synthetically in the laboratory.
Found in wheat, cottonseed oil, safflower oil, sprouted beans and grains. While a very small amount is found from feet, vegetables and mutton.
(1) Experiments on animals have shown that the vitamin helps in reproduction. (R) Vitamin-E helps in the combustion of fatty acid soluble.
(3) It also helps in digestion.
(4) Dha helps in healing.
(5) DNA, KNA, helps in the structure of red cells. (6) Helps the liver to protect itself from toxic chemicals.
Daily Requirement :-
Daily Requirement Every person needs 10 to 30 mg of vitamin-E per day. Which is available from daily food.
Deficiency of disease:-
(1) Lack of Vitamin-E causes sterility. (R) Lack of vitamin-E often causes abortion.
(3) There is a possibility of heart disease due to deficiency of vitamin-E.
(4) Deficiency of vitamin E also causes anemia.
(5) Vitamin-E deficiency causes testicular degeneration.
Prevention and Treatment:
(1) A person should be given food containing vitamin-E daily,
(r) Treatment should be taken to remove the fear of “loctor”,
pcme cle
(3) If there is a deficiency of that vitamin during pregnancy, its tublet and infusion should be taken as per doctor’s recommendation.
4)Vitamin K:-
This is a fat soluble vitamin. which helps the blood to clot. He gets relief due to sunlight. Vitamin K goes into the intestine and from there to the liver. and produce an object there
is which helps in making blood and keeping it thick. That action is called Prothombin time.
Vitamin-K is made by the bacteria present in the etain.
(1) Vitamin – helps in blood clotting.
(2) It helps in producing a substance called prothombin. Vitamin K QS and di hemo99hogicoz cogle+i
(1) Green leafy vegetables eg. T. Cauliflower, cauliflower, spinach, spinach. etc., found in grains such as soybeans, wheat bran, sprouted beans etc. as well as milk and liver.
(2) Vitamin-K is produced in the small intestine by bacteria.
Daily Requirement:–
0.03 mg of vitamin-K. Per kg. body weight
It is a daily necessity.
*Deficiency of Disease:-
(1) Bleeding tendency occurs due to vitamin K deficiency.
(2) Prothombine in blood decreases. Due to which there is a possibility of frequent bleeding.
Prevention and Treatment:-
(1) Food containing vitamin-K should be given to the person daily.
(r) Treatment should be given as per doctor’s orders. (3) If deflcency goes before dellvery, some mothers are given vitamin-K injection as per doctor’s order.
Above vitamins A, D, E, and K are water soluble vitamins. So it dissolves in fat. And it is stored in the beaver. It is a very important vitamin in the body. Vitamins stored in the liver are available from the liver as needed in the body
B) Water soluble Vitamins
(1) Ptamine -Bı (Thiamine) :-
Vitamin-B complex is a water soluble vilamines, the types of which are vitamin-B1,
Vitamin-B2, Vitamin-36, Vitamin-312, Vitamin-C and Folic Acid etc. Its ”! It is not stored so any excess is excreted in the urine.
Vitamin B1 is the most important vitamin in this group of vitamins. It is destroyed in alkaline solution and heat.
(1) Digestive plays an important role in the absorption of CHO.
(R) Helps in good appetite and normal digestion.
(3) Helps in normal function of tissue and muscles. (4) Helps in the synthesis of acetylcholine.
(1) Obtained from cereals, pulses and especially peanuts.
is Indian foods such as rice and wheat provide 60 to 85 percent of vitamin-B1. Mutton, fish, eggs, vegetables and feet contain very little of this vitamin.
If vegetables and fruits are stored for a long time, half of their vitamin B1 is destroyed. Over-grinding and cooking these pulses destroys them. So don’t wash the rice often.
Daily Requirement:-
Every person needs ;0 mg of vitamin-B1 daily. Of that one thousand calories
is found.
Deficiency of disease:-
(1) Beriberi:-
This disease is usually caused by vitamin-B1 deficiency in young children. Hence it is also known as Infantile leriberi disease. There are two types of beriberi, which are as follows.
(a) Dry Beriberi
(b) Wet Beriberi
(a) Signs & Symptoms of Dry Beriberi:-
(1) Do not feel hungry.
(2) Hand to foot (remorse).
s) muscular weakness occurs.
(4) Paralysis of hi and legs. If the above condition persists for a long time and if treatment is neglected, a serious condition arises.
(5) Poly neuritis occurs.
(b) Signs & Symptoms of Wet Beryls. 1(1) Swelling on legs and stomach.
(R) Heart dilates.
(3) Patient feels dizzy.
(4) Difficulty in breathing.
(5) Heart rate increases.
Prevention and treatment:-
(1) Vitamin-B1 should be given orally i.e. in large doses.
(r) Changing the method of cooking. Hence the destruction of vitamin-B1 can be prevented. D. T. Do not mash and wash the rice. Do not overcook the rice. Do not use machine polished rice. ) Do not store fruits and vegetables for a long time. Always fresh fruit and green
“Vegetables should be eaten.
Vitamin-B2 is a form of Vitamin-B Complex. Vitamin B2 has a bitter taste. And its color is like orange. Known as riboflavin
is coming.
(1) CHO helps in the synthesis of fat and protein.
(2) Contribute to the structure of blood cells. (3) Which helps in protein digestion.
(4) Helps in normal function of tissue and muscles.
Sources (Sheide
Milk, durva hai pragpar, spinach bhaji, pumpkin, rind soybean and lentil dal are rich sources of vitamins. It is obtained from green vegetables and liver of sheep and goats.
Daily Requirement:-
0.5m per person per day, g. A daily necessity. Pregnant and lactating mothers have a daily requirement of 1.6 mg, Chi 2.g, Vitamin-32.
Deficiency of disease:-
(1) Ulcers in the tongue.
(R) Burning and redness in the eye.
(3) Skin diseases occur. So there is an incision on the skin. And bright spots fall.
Prevention and treatment:-
(1) Vitamin-B2 should be given orally i.e. in large doses.
(r) Changing the method of cooking. High vitamin-B1 loss can be prevented. E.g. Mash the rice and grind it. Do not overcook the rice. Do not use machine polished rice.
(3) Do not store fruits and vegetables for a long time. Always eat fresh fruits and green vegetables.
Vitamin-B6 (Pyridoxine):-
This vitamin-B6 plays a very important role in the metabolism of fat, CHO and amino acids. It is destroyed in heat. Its taste is bitter.
(1) Amino acids play a very important role in the metabolism of fat and CHO.
(R) It is responsible for the structure of blood cell.
(3) which is involved in protein synthesis.
Sources –
It comes from grains and any kind of vegetables. Also Milk, Live, Mutton, Kish
Etc. is obtained from
: Daily Requirement:-
0.2 mg. Chi 0.3 m.g is required. which every day
Daily of Vitamin- B6
Obtained from food.
Deficiency Disease of Vitamin-B6:-
(1) Skin disease occurs.
(2) There is an incision in the tongue.
Prevention :-
(1)• Giving food containing vitamin-B6.
(R) Taking vitamin-B6 pill during pregnancy as per Doctor’s order
to explain
(3) Vitamin-B6 is given along with medicine during the treatment of any disease.
(4) Vitamin-B6 should be given orally.
Vitamin-B12 (Cyanocobalamin):-
Vitamin-B12 is a form of Vitamin-B Complex. Vitamin B2 has a bitter taste. And its color is like red pink. as cyanocobalamin
(2) Maturation of RBCs produced in bone marrow (3) Associated with formation of blood cells.
Vitamin B12 is essential for
4) Helps in normal function of tissues and nerves.
Vitamin-B12 cannot be obtained from vegetables or fruits and from food. So vegetarians need to consume enough milk. Along with this B12 is available from liver, ika, mutton, bread, milk, cheese etc.
Daily Requirement:-
Daily requirements depend on the person’s age, physical condition etc. In general, an adult needs 1 mg of vitamin-}|2. Which is available in 1000 calories.
Deficiency disease :-
(1) Pernicious anemia in which less RBCs are produced,
(2) Tiss! It is also necessary for respiration.
(3) Required for utilization of glucose.
Prevention and treatment:- (1) Vitamin-B12 should be given orally or by injection.
(b) A person should be given food containing vitamin-B12 daily.
Niacin or Nicotinic Acid:- Nicotinic Acid is known as Niacin.
is coming.
Sources :- All types of grains, pulses, millet, rice, sorghum and liver, mutton, and fish.
Daily Requirement:-
Daily 6.6mg of Nicotinic Acid or Niacin. There are requirements. Daily requirement is met from every 1000 calories.
Deficiency disease:-
Nisin or nicotinic acid gum causes a disease called pellagra.
(1) Dizzy.
(2) Headache and backache.
(3) The person is mentally disturbed.
(4) Do not feel hungry.
(5) Weight loss.
(6) Vomiting tea, daheria. (-) Ulcers on tongue and lips.
(8) Skin disease occurs.
Prevention & treatment:-
(1) Advising to take food from which Nicotine Aid is obtained.
Folic Acid
Holic acid is known as fluorine.
Function :-
(1) Stimulates formation of RBC in BoneMarrow. (2) Also stimulates the constitution of WBC.
Liver contains the highest amount of folic acid. Bapa is also found in grains, beans, millet, rice, sorghum and liver, mutton, and fish.
Daily Requirement:-
An adult needs 200 mg, daily. m
There is a daily requirement.
Deficiency disease:
(1) Microcytic Anemin:- If folic acid is not produced from sufficient amount of food then this anemia is seen.
Prevention & treatment :-
= (3) Consuming food with folic acid.
(R) If the liver is suffering due to any disease, tablets of folic acid and iron should be given as per the doctor’s order. The tablet from the family welfare center to the expectant mother and child
Provided free of charge.
Vitamin-C is a water soluble vitamin. Which is easily destroyed if high temperature is given during oxidation.
(1) This is a type of substance. Which has collagen. Due to which Thiruju joins the others.
(R) Item to increase the absorption of iron in the body
(3) Helps in wound healing, boosts immunity power,
॥ 400 mg to mother
Tamarind, Mu, both of these have the highest amount of vitamin C. Vitamin-C in all fruits especially nagi guava, grape, raspberry, tomato, apple, banana etc.
is found.
Daily Requirement:-
An adult needs 50 mg of the vitamin per day. A pregnant mother needs 50 mg while a pregnant mother needs 80 mg of vitamin-C. Along with this, a child of 1 to 5 years needs 30 to 50 mg of vitamin-C.
Deficiency of disease:-
Bleeding Tendency increases if there is deficiency of Vitamin-C. That is, the blood cannot be 4th due to vitamin-C deficiency. Vitamin-C deficiency in young children causes a disease called scurvy, which is more likely to occur in children who are artificially fed.
Signs and symptoms of scurvy:-
(1) Constant pain in the upper part of the body. – (2) The child screams loudly when the child is lifted or lifted.
(3) Spelling is seen in legs in Amul case.
(4) Bleeding occurs within the skin and joints.
(5) If there is a wound anywhere in the body, it takes time to heal.
(6) Bone fractures easily.
(9) Anemia, diarrhoea, and meetings occur.
(8) Temperature comes due to infection. All this is mostly seen in young children.
Prevention & Treatment :-
(1) Vitamin-C Daily Requirement
(R) When the mother is feeding
“Should be given.
Mother’s milk is rich in vitamin C.
(3) If the scurvy is more developed then juice, orange juice should be given to him. (4) Treatment is given according to Dorna.
Night: Buffet if there is pain
is sung.
(1) Vitamin C should be given orally. (r) Method of cooking should be modified.
(5) Minerals:-
There are 24 types of minerals in our body. which we can get daily from food. There are 4 minerals in total weight in the human body. It is a large quantity of hotch in coriander food. Which helps the body when it needs it. its type
There are mainly two.
(a)Major or Macro Mineralelements :- These major minerals like calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, magnesium,
(b) Trace or MicroMineral Elements:-
Contains potassium, etc
These types of salts are very less. Including iodine, aluminum, copper
Elements are located.
General Functions of the Minerals:-
(1). Formation of hard structure eg. T. Both bone & teeth
(R) Some minerals are very important in body fluid.
(3) Which is necessary for normal bodily function. (4) Maintains osmotic pressure.
(5) Some minerals are essential for specific purposes. E.g. Aryan is necessary for the formation of blood.
(a) Major or Macro Mineral Elements:-
(1) Calcium :-
Calcium is an important mineral for the body. 1.5 mg within 1 kg of body weight. to 2.0 im.g. Contains up to calcium. 100 m.]. Blood contains 10 mg of calcium.
Calcium is available in abundance from milk, bananas, sardhavani horns, cheese, green leafy vegetables, urad dal, rye and fish. It is found in all fresh fruits, especially oranges, guavas, grapes, citrons, tomatoes, apples, bananas, etc.
Function of Calcium :-
(1) Very essential for bone and tooth structure. It also strengthens bones and teeth.
(R) Necessary for clotting of blood,
(2) Muscles play a very important role within the body tissues and blood in the contraction action. (4) It acts to keep heart rate regular,
(5) Works to eliminate excess acidity (hinging in the stomach).
Acts as a reinforcement.
Daily Requirement:-
0.5mg in adult. Calcium is required. 16 mg per day for pregnant and lactating mothers. Calcium is required.
deficiency disease :-
Calcium deficiency causes rickets in young children and osteomalacia in adults.
(2)Iron (Aryan) Loh Tattva:-
Aryan is about three to four grams of salts in the body. and in bl00d
Aryan is about 5%. Sources:- It is obtained from both vegetable and animal foods.
(a) Animal Foods :-
Aryan is obtained from liver, egg, kidney, mutton, milk etc. (b) Vegetable foods :-
Aryan is available from grains, pulses, green leafy vegetables, jaggery, dates etc.
(1) It is essential for the formation of hemoglobin.
(r) Its main and important function is that of Officejan Transportation.
Daily Requirement:-
for aduJt 24 m.g. Daily is needed. 32 mg daily is required in adult women. 40 mg for expectant mothers. Daily is needed. Pregnant women need 32 mg daily.
Deficiency disease:
(1) Anemia (Vitiligo):-
In this disease, the amount of hemoglobin in the blood decreases in the body. This disease is more common in pregnant mothers and young children.
Signs and Symptoms:-
(1) Tired of working. And climbing the stairs is exhausting. (R) Does not feel hungry and feels restless.
(3) There is difficulty in breathing.
(4) Dizzy.
(5) Fikash is felt in the body. Eyes and Eyelids: Feels excessive stinging. (6) Leg swelling increases.
: (7) Nails also become pale.
And if it is a severe case, the nails fall off. (Leaves spoon-shaped pits)
(1) Food rich in iron should be given.
(2) Giving Aryan Tablet as per Doctor’s order.
(3) Sodium salt:-
Electrolyte in our body
Sources:- Obtained from salt.
Shrinels are.
Function :-
(1) It is useful for making gastric juice (Paricjuice).
(2) Important in maintaining Ikctrolytcbalance in the body. Daily Requirement:-
10 to 25 grams per day should be taken. But it depends on the efficiency of the person
According to Along with this it depends on age, caste.
Deficiency disease :-
(1) Low sodium intake lowers blood pressure (Loy B.I.).
(R) Sometimes due to excess intake of sodium. . T. (high blood pressure) and due to it paralysis also occurs.
(1) High intake of sodium in food should be explained.
(R) It should be given in the form of medicine as per Doctor’s order.
(4) Phosphorus:-
Phosphorus is a useful mineral in bone structure in our body.
It is obtained from milk, soybean, sesame, carrot, cucumber, Ida, mutton, fish etc.
(1) Useful in bone structure.
(R) Useful in tooth structure.
(3) It plays an important role in metabolism. Daily Requirement:-
The daily requirement should be one to two grams.
b) Tracemo Minerals
which elements
It is required in very few feet. It is called trace elements. It includes the following miner, is.
(1) Iodine (3) Chlorine (3) Cobalt (4) Magnesium (5) Copper These five minerals are included for health. Which should be taken as needed in the body
(1) Iodine :-
Iodine is very low in the body. Which is in the hormone called tyrosine in the thyroid gland.
Iodine $11 from seafood, liver oil, and small amounts of everyday food
is found.
Daily Requirement:-
Perday 0.?n.g· of iodine is required.
Deficiency disease:-
Iodine deficiency causes swelling in the thyroid gland. The disease is called goiter. Apart from this, mentally retarded and deaf children are born.
Prevention :-
(1) Government-supplied iodine containing $all should be used. Due to which iodine is available in sufficient quantity. Along with this, food should be taken which is sufficient in iodine.
(2) Florins:-
Like other salts, fluorine is an important mineral for the body.
It is available from drinking water, sea water.
Dally Requirement:-
Its minimum level is 0.5mg per liter of drinking water, fluorine is found in water. And the water needs to be that much
Deficiency disense;
A disease called fluorosis occurs if a large amount of flutin is taken. As well as tooth decay
happens And above the ear is Ńshachalprakopo S[/ 1.
(6) Water:-
Water is the second most basic human need after air. Humans cannot live more than a day without water. Water is essential for body cells and body functions.
55 to 70% of the total weight of the human body is water. Children aged 0 to 12 months and 1 to 5 years of age have 10% more water in their bodies than adults. In the following three ways in the body
Water has been diverted.
(a) Intracelluar water:- About 50 percent of body weight is water inside the cell
is in part.
*(b) Extra cellular water:- As much as 15 percent of the body weight is in the outer part.
of water cell
(c) Water in Blood :- 5 percent of body weight is water in Blood. which circulates in the blood in the form of plasma. 4 to ( ‘/
Sources of water:-
Water is generally received as rain. We can get water from rivers, wells, springs, springs, etc. Water intake sites for the body
(1) By drinking water :- The water which can be supplied to the body by obtaining water useful for drinking. (2) With food:- The grains we cook. Then water is used in it.
(3) Through metabolism :- Water is released from food due to digestion in the body.
Functions of water:-
(3) It is necessary to regulate body temperature. (4) Useless waste from the body is removed in liquid form through the intestines and transpiration.
(5) Keeps the layers of lungs moist.
(6) Movement in the abdomen cavity is easy.
(5) The external base gives protection to Rama. (8) Water makes chewing easier.
(9) Water has an important presence in the chemical change in the cell and in all the parts of the body. (10) Water is very necessary in bathing, washing, and many other daily activities.
(11) As it dissolves many substances, it is essential in many functions of the body.
Daily Requirement:- The daily requirement of water is 8 to 15 glasses. For a person living in a hot region rather than a cold region, to maintain the balance of water in the body, it is mandatory to drink as much water as is released from the body.
Deficiency disease:-
If the water is lost, a very worrisome condition is produced. And it can lead to low blood pressure.
Dehydration occurs if water is not consumed in sufficient quantity.
Waterlosses in the body:-
Water is excreted from the body in different ways, which are as follows.
(1) By Kidney :- 1500 to 2000 ml through urine. Liters of water come out.
(2) By Skins :- Water comes out as sweat through the skin. So it helps to maintain body temperature. Similarly, those who work in the heat and do hard work tend to sweat more. Due to which water is lost more.
(3) By Lungs:- Very little amount of water is lost through exhalation.
(4) sy Intestine:- A small amount of water comes out even through bowel movements. Through the above four ways, the organism leaves our body as waste. to him
Water losses in the body are called.
Abnormal water loss:-
(1) A lot of water is lost by vomiting, vomiting, bleeding for a long time.
(2) Water loss due to excessive sweating and high temperature. When the burns patient comes, the water becomes very low.
(3) A person near fire and doing hard work loses water through excessive perspiration. (4) Dehydration occurs due to excessive water loss. So it is a serious situation.
(5) Diarrhea, vomiting, cholera, typhoid and jaundice due to contaminated water. Diseases like
Prevention & Treatment:-
(1) To maintain the balance of water in the body, one should drink as much water as the body leaves. (2) Intravenous as per doctor’s order when wale deficiency occurs in the body
fluid is given.
(3) Input, output chart should be properly maintained in 1st patients.