Structure of mind
Elements of personality
Psychoanalytic theory was given by Sigmund Freud.
According to this theory the main three elements of personality are:
Id, ego and super ego.
The id, ego, and superego work together to form a complex behavior.
Every person’s personality consists of id, ego and super ego. But its level is different in everyone.
Like, if id is more in some person then super ego is more in some person.
If there is a balance between Id, ego and super ego then a person has a good personality.
If there is no balance between Id, ego and super ego then a person has bad personality.
Id :
The Id is the primitive and instructive component of personality.
Id is the impulsive and unconscious part of the mind.
Id is a part of personality due to which need, demand is seen in a person.
Id is present at birth.
Hence, when a child is born, he does not have to be taught to insist or make demands.
Id works on the ‘Pleasure Principle’. That is, every work in which a person gets pleasure should be done.
Id is totally unreasonable and unrealistic.
In which his wants, needs and demands should be fulfilled immediately and he should experience immediate pleasure.
If their wants and needs are not met immediately, they experience anxiety and tension.
However, it is not always possible to meet their needs and demands because their demands are not always realistic and possible.
For example, there is a child who likes a particular toy and wants that toy immediately. If the toy is not given to him, he will start crying and get angry.
The sexual need in us,
Sexual desire (libido), and aggression are seen due to the Id.
People in whom Id is more dominant tend to use tobacco, alcohol, and drugs more often.
If the Id is not fulfilled in people who have a strong Id, they turn to crime and have an anti-social personality.
Ego is the decision making component of personality.
The ego is the partially conscious part of the mind.
Ego develops at the age of three.
The ego works on the ‘reality principle’.
Ego works to maintain balance between Id and super ego.
If the demand made by the Id is reasonable and socially acceptable, it is met by the Ego.
The ego will fulfill the demand made by the Id at the right time and place if it is reasonable. If it is not reasonable, it will try to find another similar item that matches the identified demand.
-For example, if a child insists on an Android phone, give him a toy phone and fulfill his demand. Because Android phone is harmful for the child and the child cannot focus on his studies due to the arrival of Android phone. Therefore, instead of giving him Android phone, he is given a toy phone.
If the ego is strong in a person, he becomes very rigid in holding reality and is not ready to let go of rules and norms.
The superego is the part of the personality that provides guidance.
The super ego is the fully conscious part of the mind.
The super ego develops at the age of five.
The super ego works on ‘moral principals’. It works on rules and ethics taught by parents and society.
The super ego is what we learn from others such as the environment and society around us.
Due to super ego, more understanding is seen in a person.
For example, a student wants to get an Android phone but he avoids the idea of getting a phone because it will spoil his studies.
Super ego gives more importance to social values and ethics. He cares more about what society will think and what people will think.
It works to suppress unreasonable demands made by the Id and struggles to operate the Ego on idealistic standards rather than realistic principles.
A sense of guilt and shame is seen in such a person.
Super ego is more common in adults.
A person in whom the super ego will be dominant is more sensitive and has depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder.
Mind is the element of a person that enables him to think and feel, to be aware of the world and his experiences.
Sigmund Freud has said that our mind is made up of three levels of awareness and conscious.
Sigmund Freud divided the structure of the mind into three levels:
Conscious mind
The conscious mind is the part of the mind that remembers the current state of the mind. That is, everything we do in the present is acted upon by the conscious mind.
For example what we are thinking or feeling right now or doing any action acts as the conscious mind.
We are currently studying psychology subject and think about it
Conscious mind is.
The conscious mind acts as a scanner.
The subconscious mind is the part of the mind that stores recent memories for quick recall.
It also remembers current information that we use in daily life like behavior, pattern, habit and fillings etc.
These are facts that are stored in the mind but are not conscious. But when that thing needs to be remembered, that thing is remembered.
For example, what did you eat last night? We remember this thing but we have to think a little about what we had for dinner yesterday.
The subconscious mind behaves as random access memory (RAM).
The unconscious mind is the part of the mind that stores our memories and experiences.
These are our memories that have been repressed due to trauma or consciously forgotten memories that are not important to us.
The unconscious mind acts as a store of the mind that stores all the old memories from birth to the present.
For example, we like something but because its price is high, we cannot buy that thing and we remove the thought of it from our mind but it remains in the unconscious mind.