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Its meaning also changed with the development of psychology.

Psychology originally meant spirit or soul, but later the word mind was used instead of spirit.

Mind means mind, mind means the study of consciousness.

The word psychology is made up of two Greek words psyche and logos

Until 1590 the word psyche meant soul and the word logos meant study. That is, psychology used to mean the study of soul / spirit.

Here the meaning of the word soul is very wide. Later William James used the word mind instead of the word soul.

So the definition of psychology is the study of mind. Here the word mind is a word of philosophy so more problems arise.

In the late 19th century Wilhelm Woodant used the term behavior instead of mind.

That is why the new definition of psychology was made as the study of behavior.

  • Definition of Psychology :

The word psychology is derived from two Greek words psyche and logos.

In which the word psyche means spirit/soul and the word logos means study.

The scientific study of mental processes and behavior is called psychology. It also deals with the scientific study of the mind and how it works.

Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind, which studies the functions of the mind and its effect on behavior.

  • Importance of psychology in nursing:

Nursing and psychology are two different fields but they are interconnected.

Nursing field focuses on health problems and their recovery while psychology studies mental processes and behavior.

Nursing and psychology are interrelated because the nurse needs to know the patient’s behavior and emotional status while recovering from his problem.

A nurse has to deal with different people and different problems so she should have the necessary knowledge about human psychology.

Hence it is necessary to have knowledge about psychology in nursing.

  • Psychology will help the nurse to understand herself.

Psychology helps the nurse to understand herself.

Psychology is useful in helping nurses understand their own motives, desires, feelings, and aspirations.

A nurse can know about his ability, strength, weakness and limitation with the help of psychology.

A nurse learns about how to relate to others, how to treat others and how to react in any situation.

Psychology will help the nurse to understand other people.

Psychology will help the nurse to understand other people.

Psychology helps the nurse to understand the behavior of other people.

With the help of which the nurse will be able to know the behavior of other members of the health team like doctor, patient and his family member and will be able to work well together with them.

As a nurse has scientific knowledge of human behavior, she can understand other people well and easily and can build good interpersonal relationships.

Psychology helps the nurse understand the different defense mechanisms people use.

He will understand how customs and culture influence people’s behavior and provide effective care to people.

  • Psychology will help the nurse to improve situation by solving problem and change in the environment.

Psychology will help the nurse to improve the situation by solving the problem and change in the environment.

Nurses learn problem solving skills from psychology and can solve any problem.

The study of psychology helps in making adjustments as a result of mental illness and handicap and in solving the resulting problems.

Some types of diseases like heart diseases, cancer etc. can be kept under control with the help of treatment, but these types of diseases cannot be completely eradicated, but one has to live with them by making special adjustments. This requires special coping skills that nurses can learn with the help of psychology lessons.

You will understand the relationship of body, mind and spirit.

  • She will understand the relationship of body, mind and spirit.

Psychology helps to understand the relationship between body, mind and spirit and how they affect each other.

The nurse will be aware of how her emotions affect her body, and likewise she will be aware of the effect the patient’s emotions have on the patient’s body.

Nature of psychology:

Psychology is a positive science.

  • Psychology deals with facts and naturally

Psychology uses the scientific method.

  • For any research or research in psychology
    uses the scientific method for

Psychology is a developing and growing science.

  • Psychology is always doing new research
    And continues to advance in his field.

Psychology is an applied science.

  • Psychology, its principals and techniques
    Used in other fields.

Psychology studies the facts of behavior.

  • Psychology in animals and humans
    Studies about behavior.

Psychology has different branches.

  • Like Social Psychology, Forensic Psychology.
  • Branches of Psychology

The following branches are found in the study of psychology.

  1. Pure Psychology
  2. Applied Psycholo g

The branches of pure psychology are as follows.

  1. General Psychology

In which the general psychological principles of the individual and its theory are studied. In which the fundamental rules of psychology, the normal study of a person’s behavior is done.

  1. Abnormal Psychology

In which the study of psychology is also known as psycho pathology. Which includes the study of mentally ill person’s diseases and related psycho pathology.

  1. Social Psychology

A scientific study of social perception, social influence and interaction of the people living in the society is done in it.

  1. Experimental Psychology.

In which psychological experiments are done in different ways in the laboratory. In which mental process, behavior and related studies are stored.

  1. Biological Psychology

In which biological processes affect mind and behavior related studies are done.

  1. Para psychology..

This branch of psychology includes some sensory perception and applied problems.

  1. Developmental Psychology

In this branch, studies related to the growth and development of a person are done. It is studied in relation to cognition, social function and other areas of growth and development.

  • The branches of applied psychology are as follows.
  1. Educational Psychology

Which includes the subject matter of principles related to psychology and educational theory etc.

  1. Clinical Psychology.

This branch of psychology focuses on the clinical diagnosis, assessment and treatment of disease.

  1. Industrial Psychology

In this branch, employees working in any company are studied the principles, industrial environment and problems related to it.

  1. Legal Psychology

In which psychological principles and psychological techniques are studied with any legal client or criminals. In which legal issues like crime detection, false witness are studied.

  1. Military Psychology

Psychological principles and study of military services. In which the behavior and psychological principles of soldiers and their related behavior are studied at the time of war.

  1. School Psychology

In this branch of psychology, the emotional, social and academic issues of school-going children are studied.

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