🔸1.Explain the programme activities of National AIDS Control Programme.
2.Write the short notes (Any Four):
🔸(1) Job responsibilities of District Public Health Nurse Officer
🔸(2) Central Council for Health and Family Welfare
🔸(3) Theory of Florence Nightingale
🔸(4) Functions Health and Wellness Center
🔸(5) Balam Sukham Mission
3.Define the following terms (Any Four):
🔸(1) Food adulteration
🔸(2) School Health Nursing
🔸(3) Health education
🔸(4) Vital statistics
🔸(5) Community participation
4.🔸(1) Discuss home for destitute
🔸(2) Describe National Diabetic Control Programme
5.Write the short notes (Any Four):
🔸(1) Nurse in health care planning at peripheral level
🔸(2) Role and responsibilities of Occupational Health Nurse
🔸(3) Ayushman Bharat yojana
🔸(4) Indian Council for Child Welfare
🔸(5) Women empowerment
6.Answer the following:
(1) What is your responsibilities in environmental sanitation?
(2) What are the key preventive measures for COVID-197