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Que:1 Answer the following question (Any one)

1) Define sterilization. Wilte in detail about different methods of sterilization.

2) Write in detail about different laboratory methods for identification of Bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Qua 2 Write short notes an: (Any three)

1) Morphology of bacteria.

2) Acquired immunity.

3) Difference between primary and secondary immune response.

4) Factors influencing immunogenicity.

5) Immunoglobulin M.

Que:3 Answer the following questions (Any four)

1) Define Agglutination reaction.

2) Principle of ELISA.

3) What is immunochromatographic test (Rapid test)?

4) Hypersensitivity reactions.

5) Contribution of Robert Koch to microbiology.

6) Name the antimicrobial agents that act on cell membrane.


Que 4 Answer the following question (Any one)

1) Write in detail about hospital acquired infections (HAI) and its prevention

2) Biomedical waste Management according to biomedical waste Rule 2016.

Que:5 Write short notes on: (Any three)

1) Mode of transmission of infections.

2) Tuberculosis.

3) Syphilis.


5) Central Sterile Supply Department(CSSD)

Que:6 Answer the following questions (Compulsory)

1) Cold chain.

2) Vaccine Vial Monitor.

3) Name the two live attenuated and two toxoid vaccine.

4) Steps of collection of blood for blood culture.

5) Method of collection of urine for Urinary tract Infection.

6) Write five moments of hand hygiene.

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