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Que.1 Answer the following question (Any one)

1) Explain the phases of nursing process,

2) What is vital sign? Enlist the sites of taking pulse. Describe the factors affecting body temperature

Qus:2 Write short notes on: (Any three)

1) Level of disease prevention

2) Elements of Communication

3) Ethical principles

4) Routes of drug administration

5) Care of Unconscious patient

Que:3 Answer the following questions (Any four)

1) What is glycosuria?

2) Why Antacid gel should be shaken well before use?

3) How fowlers position give comfort to patient with dyspnea ?

4) Proper disposal of biomedical waste is essential. Give reason.

5) Define hospital.

6) Write complication of urinary catheterization.


Que:4 Answer the following question (Any one)

1) Describe techniques of physical examinations

2) Describe factor affecting on health and illness

Que:5 Write short notes on: (Any three)

1) Changing concept of health

2) General pre operative care of patient undergoing surgery

3) Preparation of patient for physical examinations

4) Alteration in urinary elimination

5) Orem’s Self care deficit theory

Que:6 Answer the following questions (Compulsory)

1) List out the purposes of Mouth cleaning.

2) Define Euthanasia

3) List out Comfort Devices.

4) List out Functions of Hospital.

5) Define Comprehensive care

6) Define Haematuria

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