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Q.1 Long essay type. (Any One)(15)

🔸1.Define Memory. Discuss types of memory and explain different methods of memorizing.


🔸2.Define Psychology. Enlist scope of psychology and explain psychoanalytical theory of Sigmund Freud.

Q.2 Write short notes on following. (Any Three)(15)

🔸1.Explain ego defence mechanism.

🔸2.Factors influencing memory.



Q.3 Write short answer on following. (Any Four) (08)

🔸1.Define IQ (intelligence Quotient).

🔸2.Define Conflict.

🔸3.Define Hallucination.

🔸4.Enlist stages of General Adaptation Syndrome.

🔸5.Enlist types of attention.


Q.4 Long essay type. (Any One)(10)

🔸1.Discuss Importance of guidance and Counselling in nursing education.

🔸2.Define Learning and explain Classical conditioning theory of learning.

Q.5 Write short notes on following. (Any Three)(15)

🔸1.Maslow’s theory of motivation (Need Theory)

🔸2.Write down Characteristics of Mentally healthy person and enlist warning signs of poor mental health

🔸3.Explain effects of environment on psychology.

🔸4.Role of nurse in psychological assessment.

Q.6 Write short answer on following. (12)

🔸1.Define Stress.

🔸2.Define Delusion.

🔸3.Define forgetting and list out its types.

🔸4.Enlist types of changes in behaviour due to illness.

🔸5.Define attitude and enlist its types.

🔸6.What is psychology of group?

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