⏩ Q.1 Answer the following question (Any one) 15
🔸1) What is Motivation? Explain the Maslow theory of motivation in Detail.
🔸2) What is Psychological testing? Explain the Characteristics of good psychological test.
⏩ Q. 2 Write short notes on: (Any three) 15
🔸1) Importance of psychology in nursing
🔸2) Factors influencing learning
🔸3) Alteration in thinking
🔸4) Spearman’s theory of intelligence
⏩ Q.3 Answer the following questions (Any four) 08
🔸1) Psychology
🔸2) Learning
🔸3) Memory
🔸4) Emotion
🔸5) Perception
⏩ Q.4 Answer the following question (Any 0NE) 10
🔸1.)What do you mean by mental health? Explain the characteristice of mentaliy heathy person in brief
🔸2) Define types of needs
⏩ Q.5Write short notes on: (Any three) 15
🔸1) Women as a vulnerable group
🔸2) Relationship between guidance and counselling
🔸3) Psychoanalytic theory of personality
🔸4) Types of conflict
⏩ Q:6 Answer the following questions (Compulsory)12
🔸1) Characteristics of Attitude
🔸2) Types of Memory
🔸3) Glands
4) Effect of bodily conditions on Mental health
5) Definition of Guidance
6) Warning signs of poor mental health in adults