Que 1 Answer the following question (Any one)
1) Define Nursing List Qualities of a good Nurse & Explain the Model of Maslow’s outhierarchy of need.
2) Define biomedical waste management. Write the hazards of improper waste management Write the colour coding for biomedical waste management.
Que:2 Write short notes on: (Any three)
1) Care of Rubber articles
2) Pranary effects of hot and coid applications.
3) Comfort Measures/devices
4) Physical examination & its methods
Que:3 Answer the following questions (Any four)
1) List out the purposes of Sponge bath.
2) Define Cyanosis
3) Define TachyCardia.
4) List out Sites of Taking Puise.
5) Define Retention of urine.
Que:4 Answer the following question (Any one)
1) Write down in Detail about Preoperative Nursing Care.
2) Define Nursing Process & Explain Steps of Nursing Process in detail.
Que:5 Write short notes on: (Any three)
1) Importance of records and reports in nursing.
2) Code of Ethics in Nursing as per INC
3) Process of Admission and Discharge.
4) Level of disease Prevention
Que:6 Answer the following questions (Compulsory)
1) Define Maiena.
2) Define MLC.
3)Define insomnia.
4) List out Functions of Hospital
5) List out types of bed
6) Define Health