Que: Answer the following question
1) What is Angina pectoris? Write down the causes and risk factors of developing coronary artery disease
2) Write down the nursing management of patient with angina pectoris
Que:2 Write short notes on: (Any four)
1) Causes and Management of Acute Renal Failure.
2) Appendicitis
3) Medical management of patient with diabetes mellitus
4) Dermatitis
5) Transmission and prevention of HIV infections.
Que:3 Answer the following questions
1) Explain the infection control measures to prevent transmission of communicable diseases.
2) Post operative care of patient undergone coronary angiography.
Que:4 Answer the following question (Any five)
1) Cystoscopy
2) Flank pain
3) Atelectasis
4) Hyperkalemia
5) Opportunistic infection
6) Neurogenic shock
Que:5 Write short notes on: (Any four)
1) Role of Circulatory nurse
2) Emergency management for acute asthmatic attack
3) Nursing care of patient with colostomy
4) Methods of physical examinations
5) Sinusitis
Que:6 Answer the following questions
1) Explain the features of Ideal O.T
2) Write difference between Gastric ulcer and Duodenal ulcer