Que: Answer the following question (Any one)
🔸1) Write names of Essential Amino Acids. Enlist sources of Protein. Write Functions of Protein
🔸2) Write Classification of Carbohydrate. Enlist Sources of Carbohydrate
Write Functions of Carbohydrate.
Que:2 Write short notes on: (Any four)
🔸1) Importance of Nutrition in Nursing
🔸2) Methods of cooking
🔸3) Sources of Vitamins and Minerals.
🔸4) Classification of Vitamins.
🔸5) Digestion Process of Protein in Small intestine.
🔸6) Functions of Fat.
Que:3 Answer the following questions (Any five)
🔸1) Enlist Factors affecting Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
🔸2) List major elements of Balanced Diet.
🔸3) Write name of Diseases caused by deficiency of Vitamin A
🔸4) Write sources of Iron.
🔸5) Define ‘Protein Energy Mal-nutrition”
🔸6) Write calorie values of ‘Carbohydrate’, ‘Fat’ and ‘Protein’.
🔸7) Write full forms of “ICDS’ and ‘FAO’
Que:4. Answer the following question (Any one)
🔸1) Give a detail note on glycolysis and its regulation.
🔸2) Describe catabolism of heme’ and explain various types of Jaundice in detail.
Que:5 Write short notes on: (Any two)
🔸1) Fluid mosaic model
🔸2) Enzymes of clinical importance
🔸3) Electrophoresis
🔸4) Types of lipoproteins and their functions
Que:6 Answer the following questions (Compulsory)
🔸1) Function of lysosomes.
🔸2) Why HDL is known as “good cholesterol” ?
🔸3) Write mechanism and examples of Active Transport.
🔸4) Why TCA cycle is known as amphibolic pathway?
🔸5) Explain any two class of immunoglobulins