Que:1 Answer the following question (Any one)
1) Write the nurse diary when you are working as a nurse in children’s ward.
2) Write the nurses Note on Accident ward.
Que:2 Write short notes on: (Any three)
1) Phonetics
2) Public Speaking
3) Spoken English
4) Oral report
5) Discussion
Que 3 Answer the following questions (Any four)
1) Give synonyms:
2) Give anonyms:
3) Give verb forms:
4) Give Noun forms:
5) Give adjective forms:
6) Give adverb forms:
Que:4 Answer the following question (Any one)
1) Write your Resume/CV for the post of nurse in the Apollo Hospital.
2) Write a detailed note on Telephonic conversation with doctor regarding patient’s condition.
Que:5 Write short notes on: (Any three)
1) Women’s health-
2) Importance of audio-videos in nursing
3) Anecdotal
4) Precis writing
5) Nurses’ Diary
Que:6 Answer the following questions (Compulsory)
1) Write a letter to the medical supcrintend asking for leave of absence for a week
2) Write an essay on rural public health of women in Gujarat