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ENG.GNM-SY-Psychiatric Nursing – Sample Paper

ENG.GNM-SY-Psychiatric Nursing – Sample Paper
Important Points to Keep in Mind Before Appearing for the Nursing Council Examination:
  • Read the Paper Thoroughly: After receiving the paper, first, read it once to familiarize yourself with all the questions.
  • Use of Pen: Use a blue pen as much as possible. If necessary, you may use a black ballpoint pen. Do not use any other type of pen.
  • Avoid Patterns Indicating Identity: Do not use any patterns such as lines, boxes, circles, etc., that might indicate your identity or leave any marks on the paper.
  • Illustrations: Draw accurate diagrams where required as per the instructions in the paper.
  • Seat Number: Do not write anything other than the seat number on the question paper.
  • Answering Questions: Before answering, read the questions carefully twice. Answer as per the requirements of the question. Pay special attention to the weightage of marks while answering.

Psychiatric Nursing – Sample Paper

Sample Answer (Full paper inside)


a. What is Schizophrenia? 03

In 1908, psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler coined the term “schizophrenia,” derived from the Greek words “schizo” (split) and “phren” (mind). Schizophrenia is a psychotic condition characterized by disturbances in thinking, emotions, mood, and volition (willpower), often leading to social withdrawal. It persists for more than a month.

Schizophrenia is a very serious condition where an individual experiences disruptions in thinking, detachment from reality, difficulties in functioning, and inability to express emotions.

b. Enlist signs & symptoms of Schizophrenia. 04

The personality and behavior of patients with schizophrenia can vary greatly over time, with symptoms sometimes being rapid and severe. Schizophrenia symptoms can be categorized as follows:

Positive Symptoms

  • Delusions: Patients may experience false beliefs that someone is persecuting them, conspiring against them, or talking about them.
  • Hallucinations: False sensory experiences.
  • Aggression: Lack of emotional control.
  • Agitation: Nervousness.
  • Suspiciousness: Paranoia.
  • Hostility: Oppositional behavior.
  • Excitement: Unnecessary enthusiasm.
  • Grandiosity: Feelings of being extremely important, like thinking one is the Prime Minister.
  • Conceptual Disorganization: Inability to organize thoughts logically.

Negative Symptoms

  • Inappropriate emotions, thoughts, and mood.
  • Withdrawal from family, friends, and social activities.
  • Lack of motivation, interest in life, hygiene, and grooming.
  • Difficulty performing everyday tasks.
  • Moodiness.
  • Catatonia.

Bleuler’s “4 A’s” of Schizophrenia:

  1. Associative Disturbance: Thought disorders leading to illogical thinking.
  2. Affect Disturbance: Mood disturbances, resulting in flat or blunted mood.
  3. Ambivalence: Conflicting feelings, attitudes, and desires towards the same person or situation.
  4. Autistic Thinking: Immersion in daydreams and detachment from the surrounding environment.

First-Rank Symptoms

  • Audible thoughts.
  • Belief that another person controls their body.
  • Thought withdrawal.
  • Thought insertion.
  • Thought diffusion.
  • Delusional perception.

Second-Rank Symptoms

  • Perplexity.
  • Delusional perception.
  • Depressive or euphoric mood.
  • Emotional dryness.
  • Attention disturbances.
  • Long-term attention deficit.
  • Affected insight.
  • Disorders of activity: negativism and automatism.
  • Stereotyped speech and activity.

Q-5 Define the following (Any Six) 6X2=12

Delirium –

A progressive or constant decline in intellectual function due to an organic brain disease, accompanied by decreases in memory, personality, and thinking, is known as dementia.

Deja vu –

In this condition, a person feels they have seen the person, place, or scene before, but cannot recall where or when. In reality, it is the first time they are experiencing the situation, which is called deja vu.

Q-6(A) Fill in the blanks. 05

  • Loss of memory is known as __.
  • Amnesia (એમ્નેશિયા)
  • Id works on _ principles.
  • Pleasure (પ્લીઝર)
  • Fear of height or high places is known as __.
  • Acrophobia (એક્રોફોબિયા)

(C) Cross Match 05

  1. Morbid anxiety related to one’s health.
  • e. Hypochondria
  1. Fear of closed places.
  • c. Claustrophobia
  1. Learning disability.
  • d. Dyslexia
  1. Tendency to repeat other person’s words.
  • a. Echolalia
  1. Fear of open places.
  • b. Agoraphobia

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